841 resultados para social relationships
Aggression is a complex behavior that influences social relationships and can be seen as adaptive or maladaptive depending on the context and intensity of expression. A model organism suitable for genetic dissection of the underlying neural mechanisms of aggressive behavior is still needed. Zebrafish has already proven to be a powerful vertebrate model organism for the study of normal and pathological brain function. Despite the fact that zebrafish is a gregarious species that forms shoals, when allowed to interact in pairs, both males and females express aggressive behavior and establish dominance hierarchies. Here, we describe two protocols that can be used to quantify aggressive behavior in zebrafish, using two different paradigms: (1) staged fights between real opponents and (2) mirror-elicited fights. We also discuss the methodology for the behavior analysis, the expected results for both paradigms, and the advantages and disadvantages of each paradigm in face of the specific goals of the study.
"Os nódulos vocais, associados etiologicamente a um comportamento disfuncional de mau uso e abuso vocal, são os principais responsáveis pela disfonia crônica em crianças de ambos os gêneros. A disfonia infantil pode influenciar a sedimentação das relações sociais da criança disfônica e conduzir a processos de estigmatização e constrangimento por parte de seus pares. O presente instrumento de Educação para a Saúde tem como principal objetivo consciencializar a criança disfônica para o uso correto da sua voz, diminuindo o impacto biopsicossocial inerente à patologia vocal. Este instrumento, destinado essencialmente a crianças de ambos os sexos entre os sete e os nove anos de idade, e simultaneamente aos seus pais e professores/educadores de infância, consiste num livro de literatura infantil que aborda a problemática da voz e da patologia nodular infantil, tendo sido concretizado em dois formatos: impresso em formato A5 e em formato digital, com narração áudio incluída. O instrumento elaborado, ideal para a população-alvo pré-definida, consiste num excelente veículo de consciencialização da importância da voz e da promoção de hábitos vocais salutogênicos, podendo ser usado em diversos contextos de vida da criança (terapêutico, familiar e escolar)."
A dissertação tem como foco a pesquisa sobre a configuração urbana do estudo de caso, a Unidade Territorial de Vale do Neiva em Viana do Castelo. É um território que contem potencial locativo capaz de promover internamente a fixação industrial, as actividades terciárias e a capacidade em fixar e atrair população. Por outro lado, apresenta dinâmicas e valências económicas em contexto concelhio e regional. A análise configuracional abordada na investigação, através do recurso a técnicas e métodos da Sintaxe Espacial, apura características morfológicas do território permitindo a melhor compreensão do funcionamento e da relação entre forma urbana e relações sociais que a envolvem. Foi abordada a dimensão económica-espacial, nomeadamente, no que diz respeito aos seus componentes e interdependências, visando compreender como se processa a apropriação espacial na malha urbana. A correlação desta abordagem com a metodologia da Sintaxe Espacial possibilitou aumentar conhecimento sobre níveis de acessibilidade das actividade presentes no território. Permitem, adicionalmente, a obtenção de análises mais estruturadas que poderão apoiar decisões tecnicamente mais robustas. Por fim, foi diagnosticado o impacto de algumas acções previstas no Plano Director Municipal de Viana do Castelo, designadamente, as que recaem sobre a rede viária da Unidade Territorial do Vale do Neiva. A análise assentou na simulação e previsão dos efeitos das transformações sobre a configuração urbana. Informa, fundamentadamente, sobre estratégias de planeamento e gestão urbana previstas.
The transformations economical, social and politics in you finish them decades of the century XX brought changes that didn't just limit to the production system. The flexible accumulation took many workers lost her/it their workstations and they look for her/it new survival forms, migrating for administrative activities, of services rendered and for the tourist activity of small and medium load. The State has been investing in the implantation of plans of tourist development in order to create favorable conditions for the reproduction of the tourist activity in Brazil, mainly in the Northeast. A space when it starts to present a predominant economical activity suffers a restructuring in their social and economical relationships. The restructuring of these relationships takes to the construction of a new espacialidade. In the city of Christmas, in Rio Grande do Norte, the neighborhood of Black Tip is the most representative of the public investments for the tourist development. After intense process of tourist urbanization, Black Tip passed interfering in the global context consolidating as the tourist locus in the city. The tourist urbanization of the neighborhood took to the transformation of the space in merchandise that is sold and consumed as such. The recreation of fragments of other cultures brought by social actors, resulting from migratory processes stimulated by the tourist development, it has been presenting ruled social relationships in the informational technology, consumption of global goods and in the fragmentation of the urban space characterized by the internationalization and cosmopolitização. That process has been masking the inequalities partners and cultural as well as the territorial appropriation for an economical elite. The spaces are being appropriate for investors of the tourist section, private investors, agents and real estate producers, where the inequality is not just economical, but also cultural. The local population, mainly of the urban fraction of the Town of Black Tip, it doesn't participate of the productive process in function of the little or any professional qualification and he/she doesn't also have access to the consumption process. To the native ones it remains the fight for the preservation of his/her cultural identity and for the survival
Character education has been viewed by many educators as having significant historical, academic, and social value. Many stakeholders in education argue for character development as a curricular experience. While understanding the degree to which character education is of worth to stakeholders of institutions is important, understanding students, teachers, and administrators perspectives from their lived experiences is likewise significant. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to gain a deeper understanding of character education within a Biblical framework environment by examining the lived experiences of students, administrators, and teachers of a Seventh-day Adventist School. Phenomenology describes individuals’ daily experiences of phenomena, the manner in which these experiences are structured, and focuses analysis on the perspectives of the persons having the experience (Moustakas, 1994). ). This inquiry was undertaken to answer the question: What are the perceptions of students, teachers, and an administrator toward character education in a Seventh-day Adventist school setting? Ten participants (seven students and three adults) formed the homogeneous purposive sample, and the major data collection tool was semi-structured interviews (Patton, 1990; Seidman, 2006). Three 90-minute open-ended interviews were conducted with each of the participants. Data analysis included a three-phase process of description, reduction and interpretation. The findings from this study revealed that participants perceived that their involvement in the school’s character education program decreased the tendency to violence, improved their conduct and ethical sensibility, enhanced their ability to engage in decision-making concerning social relationships and their impact on others, brought to their attention the emerging global awareness of moral deficiency, and fostered incremental progress from practice and recognition of vices to their acquisition of virtues. The findings, therefore, provide a model for teaching character education from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective. The model is also relevant for non-Seventh day Adventists who aspire to teach character education as a means to improving social and moral conditions in schools.
Evidências na literatura apontam a importância da qualidade nos relacionamentos sociais, mas não fornecem dados suficientes que indiquem como auxiliar os idosos a se tornarem socialmente competentes. O presente estudo pretende avaliar a eficácia de um Programa de Promoção de Habilidades Sociais para Idosos (PHSI). A pesquisa contou com a participação de 40 idosos de uma Universidade da Terceira Idade. O grupo experimental reuniu 20 pessoas com idades que variavam de 62 a 83 anos (M=69,4; DP=6,05) e o grupo controle apresentou 20 idosos com idades que variavam de 60 a 74 anos (M=67,1; DP=4,61). As habilidades sociais foram avaliadas antes e depois da intervenção com follow-up por meio de uma medida de autorrelato e o desempenho através de jogos de papéis em sete situações sociais. Os resultados apontaram melhora significativa no desempenho social dos participantes do grupo experimental, em relação ao grupo controle, nos contextos envolvendo conflito de interesses. Análises intragrupos também confirmaram uma melhora na capacidade de lidar com situações interpessoais que demandam a afirmação e defesa de direitos. Esses resultados constatam que o Programa criado promoveu habilidades assertivas, previamente apontadas na literatura como deficitárias na população de idosos.
This entry presents the first population-based study conducted in Portugal, the Oporto Cente- narian Study (PT100). It starts by providing an overview of the centenarian population in Portu- gal and then describes PT100’s methodological approach (sampling, procedures, and measures) and synthesizes its main findings on three core dimensions considered to be determinants of qual- ity of life in extreme old age (Serra et al. 2011): cognitive and physical functioning, social resources (social relationships and social activi- ties), and personal attitude toward life (valuation of life). An outlook of current satellite projects of the PT100 is presented at the end.
Many rural areas, in Sweden and worldwide, experience population decline where the young leave for education and work in urban areas. Employment has declined in several rural industries, such as agriculture, forestry, and fishing, while growing in other industries are often located in urban areas. Politicians and organizations have put much hope in tourism as a tool of rural development, but can tourism help reverse the rural out-migration trend among young adults? This paper explores how tourism affects young inhabitants’ perceptions of and affective bonds to a rural area in Sweden, the ski resort of Sälen. Students from the 1993–1995 elementary school graduating classes were interviewed about their migration history, childhood, and view of and ties to Sälen. The respondents experience that tourism contributes to a more vital community incorporating influences from elsewhere, but without eliminating the positive aspects of rural life. The regular flow of people – tourists, seasonal workers, and entrepreneurs – passing through Sälen presents opportunities to extend one’s social network that are widely appreciated by respondents. The high in and out mobility constitutes a key part of Sälen’s character. Contributions from tourism – such as employment, entertainment, leisure, and opportunities to forge new social relationships – are available during the adult transition, the life phase when rural areas are often perceived as least attractive. Even though out-migration occurs in Sälen, and some respondents still find Sälen too small, tourism has clearly increased the available opportunities and contributed significantly to making Sälen more attractive to young adults.
Breeding birds vocalize to find mates and establish and defend territories, but these same critical communications may also attract predators or brood parasites, placing birds in a cruel bind. Although vigilant birds may better maintain social relationships with mates and neighbors through frequent vocalizations, reticent birds may reduce risk to their nests by being relatively quiet and making infrequent vocalizations. Selection for vocalization patterns that minimize brood parasitism might be particularly strong for birds that are unable to fledge both their own young and the parasite. Temporal plasticity in the frequency of vocalizations near nests, however, may allow birds to balance trade-offs and optimize nest-defense strategies. The Black-capped Vireo (Vireo atricapilla) is an endangered songbird that faces intensive brood parasitism in areas where Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) are present. Vireo nests that produce cowbird fledglings always fail to fledge vireo young. We recorded vocalizations at vireo nests across three nesting stages (building, laying, and early incubation) and three periods of the day (morning, midday, and evening) and compared vocalization frequency with eventual depredation or parasitism fate as well as local cowbird density to test two hypotheses. The predator-attraction hypothesis predicts that predators will be attracted by frequent vocalizations, whereas cowbirds will parasitize nests with relatively quiet parents and less predation risk; thus, vireos will experience trade-offs between reticence and vigilance in mediating specific risks. The parasite-assessment hypothesis predicts that vireos will become more secretive as local cowbird densities increase. Vireo vocalization response to nest predation and parasitism risk interacted with nest stage, and we found little evidence of risk mediation through vocalizations except during the building stage. Vireos, however, did benefit overall by optimizing temporal patterns in vocalizations. Vireo nests were less likely to be depredated or parasitized if males vocalized most during laying and least during the middle of the day. Birds vocalized more during the midday and less during the laying period when local cowbird densities were higher, however, perhaps demonstrating limited plasticity in social communication.
Esta investigación busca analizar las distintas formas a través de las cuales las personas gais y lesbianas de Quibdó lograron una visibilización en la esfera pública de su ciudad. Este proceso será visto en diferentes escenarios. Primero, en la participación en espacios culturales como San Pacho, shows y reinados de belleza. Segundo, en el activismo realizado por la Fundación Ébano Diverso, que ha logrado abrir espacios de diálogo con instancias como la Alcaldía de Quibdó y la Gobernación del Chocó. Finalmente, se verá cómo la creación de tejidos familiares y afectivos está relacionada con su activismo y las formas distintas de visibilizarse.
The Quality of life is currently a major topic discussed in our society. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been developing a unifying and transcultural definition of QOL. They considered it as 'the individual's perception of his or her position in life, within the cultural context and value system he or she lives in, and in relation to his or her goals, expectations, parameters and social relations. It is a broad ranging concept affected in a complex way by the person's physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships and their relationship to salient features of their environment (WHOQOL, 1997, p. 1). Congenital heart disease is the most prevalent congenital disease in Portugal. Despite the advances in cardiac treatment and an early correct diagnosis that could increase the survival of children with congenital heart disease, this condition influences the quality of life of children, adolescents and their parents. Knowing the perception of quality of life could help healthcare professionals, nurses in particular, providing suited care to the needs of these families, establishing priorities in their interventions, sensing predictors of a poor quality of life, promoting adherence to treatment and boosting compliance with treatment, and fostering greater satisfaction for these children, adolescents and their parents. Purpose As part of broader research and with the awareness that the chronic conditions could impact the quality of life and considering that all advances on treating congenital cardiac diseases we have defined this main objective: To determine the quality of life in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease (CHD) and the perception of their parents, as well as factors that influence it. Methods It is a quantitative, descriptive and correlational research. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, which consisted of four parts: socio-demographic and educational characteristics, clinical characteristics, and quality of life, obtained using the Pediatric Cardiac Quality of Life Inventory - PCQLI - (Marino, Tomlinson, Wernovsky, Drotar , Newburger, Mahony et al., 2010) translated into Portuguese. Data collection took place between February and July 2014, in compliance with ethical research guidelines. The sample comprised 59 children, 59 parents of children, 80 adolescents and 80 parents of adolescents. Results The results indicated that children, adolescents, and their parents have high level of perceived health. The results are similar in all groups: children and parents and adolescents and parents. In the group of children, we observed the classification of "Good" in 66.10%, followed by the "Very Good" at 18.65% and "fair" in 15.25% of cases. The parents of the children responded in about half the cases that the health of their children was "good" (50.85%), "very good" in 30.51% "fair" in 11.86% and "Excellent "in 6.78%. In turn, the group of adolescents can be seen that 46.25% rate their health as "good", 32.50% as "very good", 16.25% as "Average" and 5% as "Excellent". Parents of teenagers classify the health of their children mostly as "good" in 42.50%, 31.25% as "very good", 20% as "fair" and 6.25% as "excellent". To point out that none of the respondents pointed out the option of a health status "Bad". About the quality of life, in general the results indicated that children, adolescents and their parents have high levels of quality of life, and that perceptions of parents and children are similar. Only in the children's group (8 to 12 years old), was no influence of socio-demographic, school or clinical variables on quality of life observed. For adolescents (13 to 18 years old), school, special education, school retention, the age of diagnosis of congenital heart disease, cardiac catheterization and surgical intervention influenced their quality of life. Perception of quality of life of parents of children and of adolescents was influenced by socio-demographic and clinical variables. The results partly agree with the literature in this field. About the influence of some variables: - The perception of quality of life expressed by children and adolescents with congenital heart disease and parents are related, with statistical significance. - There were no statistically significant relationships between the quality of life of children and adolescents and their age, gender or socioeconomic status. - Adolescents differ statistically significant between their quality of life and their education, the frequency of special education and the existence of grade retention. The severity of heart disease, the number of cardiac catheterizations or surgery and the presence of other health disorders are unrelated to the quality of life of children and adolescents. - Adolescents revealed that the level of quality of life is influenced by the age of diagnosis of CHD by cardiac catheterization and surgery. - For parents of children and adolescents gender and their education don´t influence their perception of quality of life. Only the socioeconomic status of parents of teens has statistically significant difference to quality of life. - Parents of children and adolescents do not show statistically significant relationship between the perceived level of quality of life and severity of disease, age at diagnosis, the number of surgical interventions and the existence of other health disorders. - There is a relationship of statistical significance between cardiac catheterization and the perceived quality of life by parents of adolescents; between the number of cardiac catheterizations and the perception of quality of life of parents of children; and between performing surgery and the perception of parents of children and adolescents. Conclusion To analyze the quality of life of children and adolescents with CHD must be a key focus of attention in caring for this population, allowing the identification of individual differences, interests, preferences, and prevent potential problems. The knowledge acquired along with clinical experience contributes to improve the quality of life of children and families, facilitating their growth, psycho-emotional development and social integration. Nevertheless, the reading and interpretation of these results must be prudent and cautious, there are limitations to this research, including: the use of a range of specific quality of life for the Congenital heart disease in children, adolescents, and parents but whose validation process could not be completed in this study; the low prevalence of severe conditions in our sample; the absence of national studies to enable comparison with the results obtained. We intend to continue the process of validation of instrument and enlarge the research to Lisbon and Oporto, other major centers where the cardiac conditions can be treated
Purpose: The Quality of life is currently a major topic discussed in our society. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been developing a unifying and transcultural definition of QOL. They considered it as 'the individual's perception of his or her position in life, within the cultural context and value system he or she lives in, and in relation to his or her goals, expectations, parameters and social relations. It is a broad ranging concept affected in a complex way by the person's physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships and their relationship to salient features of their environment (WHOQOL, 1997, p. 1). Congenital heart disease is the most prevalent congenital disease in Portugal. Despite the advances in cardiac treatment and an early correct diagnosis that could increase the survival of children with congenital heart disease, this condition influences the quality of life of children, adolescents and their parents. Knowing the perception of quality of life could help healthcare professionals, nurses in particular, providing suited care to the needs of these families, establishing priorities in their interventions, sensing predictors of a poor quality of life, promoting adherence to treatment and boosting compliance with treatment, and fostering greater satisfaction for these children, adolescents and their parents. 'As part of broader research and with the awareness that the chronic conditions could impact the quality of life and considering that all advances on treating congenital cardiac diseases we have defined this main objective: To determine the quality of life in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease (CHD) and the perception of their parents, as well as factors that influence it. Methods: It is a quantitative, descriptive and correlational research. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, which consisted of four parts: socio-demographic and educational characteristics, clinical characteristics, and quality of life, obtained using the Pediatric Cardiac Quality of Life Inventory ? PCQLI - (Marino, Tomlinson, Wernovsky, Drotar , Newburger, Mahony et al., 2010) translated into Portuguese. Data collection took place between February and July 2014, in compliance with ethical research guidelines. The sample comprised 59 children, 59 parents of children, 80 adolescents and 80 parents of adolescents. Results: The results indicated that children, adolescents, and their parents have high level of perceived health. The results are similar in all groups: children and parents and adolescents and parents. In the group of children, we observed the classification of "Good" in 66.10%, followed by the "Very Good" at 18.65% and "fair" in 15.25% of cases. The parents of the children responded in about half the cases that the health of their children was "good" (50.85%), "very good" in 30.51% "fair" in 11.86% and "Excellent "in 6.78%. In turn, the group of adolescents can be seen that 46.25% rate their health as "good", 32.50% as "very good", 16.25% as "Average" and 5% as "Excellent". Parents of teenagers classify the health of their children mostly as "good" in 42.50%, 31.25% as "very good", 20% as "fair" and 6.25% as "excellent". To point out that none of the respondents pointed out the option of a health status "Bad". About the quality of life, in general the results indicated that children, adolescents and their parents have high levels of quality of life, and that perceptions of parents and children are similar. Only in the children?s group (8 to 12 years old), was no influence of socio-demographic, school or clinical variables on quality of life observed. For adolescents (13 to 18 years old), school, special education, school retention, the age of diagnosis of congenital heart disease, cardiac catheterization and surgical intervention influenced their quality of life. Perception of quality of life of parents of children and of adolescents was influenced by socio-demographic and clinical variables. The results partly agree with the literature in this field. About the influence of some variables: The perception of quality of life expressed by children and adolescents with congenital heart disease and parents are related, with statistical significance. There were no statistically significant relationships between the quality of life of children and adolescents and their age, gender or socioeconomic status. Adolescents differ statistically significant between their quality of life and their education, the frequency of special education and the existence of grade retention. The severity of heart disease, the number of cardiac catheterizations or surgery and the presence of other health disorders are unrelated to the quality of life of children and adolescents. Adolescents revealed that the level of quality of life is influenced by the age of diagnosis of CHD by cardiac catheterization and surgery. For parents of children and adolescents gender and their education don?t influence their perception of quality of life. Only the socioeconomic status of parents of teens has statistically significant difference to quality of life. Parents of children and adolescents do not show statistically significant relationship between the perceived level of quality of life and severity of disease, age at diagnosis, the number of surgical interventions and the existence of other health disorders. There is a relationship of statistical significance between cardiac catheterization and the perceived quality of life by parents of adolescents; between the number of cardiac catheterizations and the perception of quality of life of parents of children; and between performing surgery and the perception of parents of children and adolescents. Conclusion: To analyze the quality of life of children and adolescents with CHD must be a key focus of attention in caring for this population, allowing the identification of individual differences, interests, preferences, and prevent potential problems. The knowledge acquired along with clinical experience contributes to improve the quality of life of children and families, facilitating their growth, psycho-emotional development and social integration. Nevertheless, the reading and interpretation of these results must be prudent and cautious, there are limitations to this research, including: the use of a range of specific quality of life for the Congenital heart disease in children, adolescents, and parents but whose validation process could not be completed in this study; the low prevalence of severe conditions in our sample; the absence of national studies to enable comparison with the results obtained. We intend to continue the process of validation of instrument and enlarge the research to Lisbon and Oporto, other major centers where the cardiac conditions can be treated.
This research aims to determine the dimensions of motivation and satisfaction, acquired, through the perception in context of job training, by future technicians (students) in the hospitality and tourism industry, particularly by technical courses in the hotel and restaurant sector. The methodology comprises three distinct stages. First were recovered instruments (questionnaires), already validated by other authors of motivation and satisfaction, which had the intention to replicate studies conducted in other scientific knowledge fields, such as tourism. Those instruments were recovered from the reviewed literature conducted about other themes. On second place the measuring instruments were submitted to a pre-test, or rather, were subject of a pioneer study, in order to verify other assumptions such as semantic errors or see if there was the possibility of some prepared questions to be consider invalidated by poor formulation or interpretation. Finally, were applied in three educational institutions who agreed to cooperate on the research, with the reservation that the interviewed needed a mandatory pre-requirement that consisted in conducting a minimum training in work context (TWC). Then, proceed the statistical analysis to support all the empirical part. The results show that, in general, motivation and satisfaction were present during the period of training in work context. To some people it meant a very important period of personal and professional life, concerning the interactions, emotions and involvement with touristic organizations but also the personal and social relationships.
Recibido 22 de mayo de 2011 • Acepta 29 de agosto de 2011 • Corregido 4 de setiembre de 2011 En este artículo argumento, en primer lugar, que la identidad de quien investiga incide no solo en su forma de investigar, sino también en los procesos de formación de sus estudiantes y, por ende, en la formación de las futuras investigadoras y los futuros investigadores educativos. En segundo lugar, señalo que las instituciones educativas, así como sus docentes, juegan un rol central en la construcción de identidades. En tercer lugar, enfatizo que de esta responsabilidad no se eximen quienes se dedican a la investigación educativa, por lo que les invito a reflexionar sobre: ¿Cuáles son nuestras responsabilidades en el proceso de construcción de identidades? ¿Quién es el sujeto de la educación? ¿Quién es el sujeto de la investigación educativa y en ella?¿Cuán inclusivas son nuestras nociones de sujeto educativo y del sujeto empírico? Mediante el desarrollo y análisis de interrogantes sobre temas como: la relación sujeto-objeto; el sujeto en la investigación educativa; el aporte de la subjetividad; la contribución de la fenomenología; entre otros, argumento que: a) la autobiografía intelectual es un instrumento de gran potencialidad para comprender el tono y la dirección de un proceso investigativo y b) centrar la atención en las personas, en su historia, sus relaciones sociales y su ambiente, como sujetos actuantes y no solo como objetos de estudio es un movimiento epistémico, político y ético, puesto que reconoce la acción del sujeto en el mundo y sobre este. Por último, apelo a que las investigadoras y los investigadores cualitativos no solo deben comprender quiénes son, sino que también deben hacerlo explícito puesto que hay un condicionamiento ético que lo demanda.