946 resultados para sinus node recovery time
The aim of this study was to develop a fast capillary electrophoresis method for the determination of propranolol in pharmaceutical preparations. In the method development the pH and constituents of the background electrolyte were selected using the effective mobility versus pH curves. Benzylamine was used as the internal standard. The background electrolyte was composed of 60 mmol L(-1) tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane and 30 mmol L(-1) 2-hydroxyisobutyric acid,at pH 8.1. Separation was conducted in a fused-silica capillary (32 cm total length and 8.5 cm effective length, 50 mu m I.D.) with a short-end injection configuration and direct UV detection at 214 nm. The run time was only 14 s. Three different strategies were studied in order to develop a fast CE method with low total analysis time for propranolol analysis: low flush time (Lflush) 35 runs/h, without flush (Wflush) 52 runs/h, and Invert (switched polarity) 45 runs/h. Since the three strategies developed are statistically equivalent, Mush was selected due to the higher analytical frequency in comparison with the other methods. A few figures of merit of the proposed method include: good linearity (R(2) > 0.9999); limit of detection of 0.5 mg L(-1): inter-day precision better than 1.03% (n = 9) and recovery in the range of 95.1-104.5%. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Results obtained in a pilot-scale unit designed for COD removal and p-TBC (p-tert-butylcatechol) recovery from a butadiene washing stream (pH 14, 200,000 mg COD L(-1), highly toxic) at a petrochemical industry are presented. By adding H(3)PO(4), phase separation is achieved and p-TBC is successfully recovered (88 g L(-1) of washing stream). Information (time for phase separation and organic phase characterization) was gathered for designing a future industrial unit. The estimated heat generation rate was 990 kJ min(-1) and 15 min were enough to promote phase separation for a liquid column of approximately 1.15 m.
Hot rolling process is heat input process. The heat energy in hot rolled steel coils can be utilized. At SSAB Strip Product Borlänge when the hot rolled steel coils came out of the hot rolling mill they are at the temperature range of 500°C to 800°C. Heat energy contained by the one hot rolled steel coil is about 1981Kwh whereas the total heat energy for the year 2008 is 230 GWh/year.The potential of heat is too much but the heat dissipation rate is too slow. Different factors on which heat dissipation rate depends are discussed.Three suggestions are proposed to collect the waste heat from hot rolled steel coils.The 2nd proposal in which water basin is suggested would help not only to collect the waste heat but to decrease in the cooling time.
Regression analysis has shown that recovery rates are determined by a variety of conditions at the time of default. These conditions can be broken into five major categories: (1) a security's seniority within the capital structure of the defaulting firm, (2) the type of default event, (3) firm-specific factors, (4) industry-specific factors, and (5) macroeconomic factors. Expectations of these inputs determine the expected recovery rate if default were to occur, thereby determining credit ratings and security prices. Although it is widely understood how recovery rate estimates influence credit rating assignments (the higher the expected recovery rate, the higher the assigned credit rating), no research, to the best of my knowledge, has investigated the reasons why higher rated securities recover more than lower rated securities in the event of default. Specifically, this paper will empirically investigate why securities originally rated investment grade, fallen angels, recover more than securities originally rated high yield in the event of default.
We discuss the development and performance of a low-power sensor node (hardware, software and algorithms) that autonomously controls the sampling interval of a suite of sensors based on local state estimates and future predictions of water flow. The problem is motivated by the need to accurately reconstruct abrupt state changes in urban watersheds and stormwater systems. Presently, the detection of these events is limited by the temporal resolution of sensor data. It is often infeasible, however, to increase measurement frequency due to energy and sampling constraints. This is particularly true for real-time water quality measurements, where sampling frequency is limited by reagent availability, sensor power consumption, and, in the case of automated samplers, the number of available sample containers. These constraints pose a significant barrier to the ubiquitous and cost effective instrumentation of large hydraulic and hydrologic systems. Each of our sensor nodes is equipped with a low-power microcontroller and a wireless module to take advantage of urban cellular coverage. The node persistently updates a local, embedded model of flow conditions while IP-connectivity permits each node to continually query public weather servers for hourly precipitation forecasts. The sampling frequency is then adjusted to increase the likelihood of capturing abrupt changes in a sensor signal, such as the rise in the hydrograph – an event that is often difficult to capture through traditional sampling techniques. Our architecture forms an embedded processing chain, leveraging local computational resources to assess uncertainty by analyzing data as it is collected. A network is presently being deployed in an urban watershed in Michigan and initial results indicate that the system accurately reconstructs signals of interest while significantly reducing energy consumption and the use of sampling resources. We also expand our analysis by discussing the role of this approach for the efficient real-time measurement of stormwater systems.
An analytical methodology based on headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) combined with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography—time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC × GC–ToFMS) was developed for the identification and quantification of the toxic contaminant ethyl carbamate (EC) directly in fortified wines. The method performance was assessed for dry/medium dry and sweet/medium sweet model wines, and for quantification purposes, calibration plots were performed for both matrices using the ion extraction chromatography (IEC) mode (m/z 62). Good linearity was obtained with a regression coefficient (r2) higher than 0.981. A good precision was attained (R.S.D. <20%) and low detection limits (LOD) were achieved for dry (4.31 μg/L) and sweet (2.75 μg/L) model wines. The quantification limits (LOQ) and recovery for dry wines were 14.38 μg/L and 88.6%, whereas for sweet wines were 9.16 μg/L and 99.4%, respectively. The higher performance was attainted with sweet model wine, as increasing of glucose content improves the volatile compound in headspace, and a better linearity, recovery and precision were achieved. The analytical methodology was applied to analyse 20 fortified Madeira wines including different types of wine (dry, medium dry, sweet, and medium sweet) obtained from several harvests in Madeira Island (Portugal). The EC levels ranged from 54.1 μg/L (medium dry) to 162.5 μg/L (medium sweet).
The aim of this study was to investigate the potential relationship between excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), heart rate recovery (HRR) and their respective time constants (tvo(2) and t(HR)) and body composition and aerobic fitness (VO(2)max) variables after an anaerobic effort. 14 professional cyclists (age = 28.4 +/- 4.8 years, height = 176.0 +/- 6.7 cm, body mass = 74.4 +/- 8.1 kg, VO(2)max = 66.8 +/- 7.6 mL. kg(-1) . min(-1)) were recruited. Each athlete made 3 visits to the laboratory with 24h between each visit. During the first visit, a total and segmental body composition assessment was carried out. During the second, the athletes undertook an incremental test to determine VO(2)max. In the final visit, EPOC (15-min) and HRR were measured after an all-out 30s Wingate test. The results showed that EPOC is positively associated with % body fat (r = 0.64), total body fat (r = 0.73), fat-free mass (r = 0.61) and lower limb fat-free mass (r = 0.55) and negatively associated with HRR (r = - 0.53, p < 0.05 for all). HRR had a significant negative correlation with total body fat and % body fat (r = - 0.62, r = - 0.56 respectively, p < 0.05 for all). These findings indicate that VO(2)max does not influence HRR or EPOC after high-intensity exercise. Even in short-term exercise, the major metabolic disturbance due to higher muscle mass and total muscle mass may increase EPOC. However, body fat impedes HRR and delays recovery of oxygen consumption after effort in highly trained athletes.
Service provisioning is a challenging research area for the design and implementation of autonomic service-oriented software systems. It includes automated QoS management for such systems and their applications. Monitoring, Diagnosis and Repair are three key features of QoS management. This work presents a self-healing Web service-based framework that manages QoS degradation at runtime. Our approach is based on proxies. Proxies act on meta-level communications and extend the HTTP envelope of the exchanged messages with QoS-related parameter values. QoS Data are filtered over time and analysed using statistical functions and the Hidden Markov Model. Detected QoS degradations are handled with proxies. We experienced our framework using an orchestrated electronic shop application (FoodShop).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
background. The prevalence of resistance to imipenem and ceftazidime among Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates is increasing worldwide.objective. Risk factors for nosocomial recovery ( defined as the finding of culture- positive isolates after hospital admission) of imipenemresistant P. aeruginosa ( IRPA) and ceftazidime- resistant P. aeruginosa ( CRPA) were determined.design. Two separate case- control studies were conducted. Control subjects were matched to case patients ( ratio, 2: 1) on the basis of admission to the same ward at the same time as the case patient. Variables investigated included demographic characteristics, comorbid conditions, and the classes of antimicrobials used.setting. The study was conducted in a 400- bed general teaching hospital in Campinas, Brazil that has 14,500 admissions per year. Case patients and control subjects were selected from persons who were admitted to the hospital during 1992 - 2002.results. IRPA and CRPA isolates were obtained from 108 and 55 patients, respectively. Statistically significant risk factors for acquisition of IRPA were previous admission to another hospital ( odds ratio [ OR], 4.21 [ 95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.40- 12.66];), hemodialysis Pp. 01 ( OR, 7.79 [ 95% CI, 1.59- 38.16];), and therapy with imipenem ( OR, 18.51 [ 95% CI, 6.30- 54.43];), amikacin ( OR, 3.22 Pp. 01 P !.001 [ 95% CI, 1.40- 7.41];), and/ or vancomycin ( OR, 2.48 [ 95% CI, 1.08- 5.64];). Risk factors for recovery of CRPA were Pp. 005 Pp. 03 previous admission to another hospital ( OR, 18.69 [ 95% CI, 2.00- 174.28];) and amikacin use ( OR, 3.69 [ 95% CI, 1.32- 10.35]; Pp. 01). Pp. 01conclusion. Our study suggests a definite role for several classes of antimicrobials as risk factors for recovery of IRPA but not for recovery of CRPA. Limiting the use of only imipenem and ceftazidime may not be a wise strategy to contain the spread of resistant P. aeruginosa strains.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the outcomes of autogenous bone graft (AB) and bioglass (BG) associated or not with leukocyte-poor platelet-rich plasma (LP-PRP) in the rabbit maxillary sinus (MS) by histomorphometric and radiographic analysis. Twenty rabbits divided into 2 groups (G1, G2) were submitted to sinus lift surgery. In G1, 10 MS were grafted with AB and 10 MS were grafted with BG. In G2, 10 MS were grafted with AB + LP-PRP and 10 MS were grafted with BG + LP-PRP. After 90 days, the animals were killed and specimens were obtained, x-rayed, and submitted to histomorphometric, radiographic bone density (RD) and fractal dimension analysis. Radiographic bone density mean values (SD), expressed as aluminum equivalent in mm, of AB, BG, AB + LP-PRP, and BG + LP-PRP groups were 1.79 (0.31), 2.04 (0.39), 1.61 (0.28), and 1.53 (0.30), respectively. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed between BG and AB, and BG + PRP and BG. Fractal dimension mean values were 1.48 (0.04), 1.35 (0.08), 1.44 (0.04), and 1.44 (0.06), respectively. Significant differences were observed between BG and AB, and AB + LP-PRP and BG. Mean values for the percentage of bone inside MS were 63.30 (8.60), 52.65 (10.41), 55.25 (7.01), and 51.07 (10.25), respectively. No differences were found. No correlations were observed among percentage of bone, RD and FD. Histological analysis showed that MS treated with AB presented mature and new bone formation. The other groups showed minor bone formation. Within the limitations of this study, the results indicated that at a 90-day time end point, AB yielded better results than AB + LP-PRP, BG, and BG + LP-PRP and should be considered the primary material for MS augmentation.
The 5-year survival rate for oral cavity cancer is poorer than for breast, colon or prostate cancer, and has improved only slightly in the last three decades. Hence, new therapeutic strategies are urgently needed. Here we demonstrate by tissue micro array analysis for the first time that RNA-binding protein La is significantly overexpressed in oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Within this study we therefore addressed the question whether siRNA-mediated depletion of the La protein may interfere with known tumor-promoting characteristics of head and neck SCC cells. Our studies demonstrate that the La protein promotes cell proliferation, migration and invasion of lymph node-metastasized hypopharyngeal SCC cells. We also reveal that La is required for the expression of beta-catenin as well as matrix metalloproteinase type 2 (MMP-2) within these cells. Taken together these data suggest a so far unknown function of the RNA-binding protein La in promoting tumor progression of head and neck SCC.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)