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Se presentan algunos de los proyectos promovidos por la Fundación Orange que pretenden mejorar la calidad de vida de personas discapacitadas a través de sistemas de comunicación alternativos basados en las nuevas tecnologías. Los trabajos se dividen en dos apartados: tecnologías visuales para personas con autismo y el proyecto In-TIC, aplicación que permite la accesibilidad y usabilidad de las TIC por parte de distintos colectivos de discapacitados..
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Conjugate addition of lithium dibenzylamide to tert-butyl (+/-)-3-methylcyclopentene-1-carboxylate occurs with high levels of stereocontrol, with preferential addition of lithium dibenzylamide to the face of the cyclic alpha,beta-unsaturated acceptor anti- to the 3-methyl substituent. High levels of enantiorecognition are observed between tert-butyl (+/-)-3-methylcyclopentene-1-carboxylate and an excess of lithium (+/-)-N-benzyl-N-alpha-methylbenzylamide (10 eq.) (E > 140) in their mutual kinetic resolution, while the kinetic resolution of tert-butyl (+/-)-3-methylcyclopentene-1-carboxylate with lithium (S)-N-benzyl-N-alpha-methylbenzylamide proceeds to give, at 51% conversion, tert-butyl (1R, 2S, 3R,alphaS)-3-methyl-2-N-benzyl-N-alpha-methylbenzylaminocyclopentane-1-c arboxylate consistent with E > 130, and in 39% yield and 99 +/- 0.5% de after purification. Subsequent deprotection by hydrogenolysis and ester hydrolysis gives (1R, 2S, 3R)-3-methylcispentacin in > 98% de and 98 +/- 1% ee. Selective epimerisation of tert-butyl (1R, 2S, 3R, alphaS)-3-methyl-2-N- benzyl-N-alpha-methylbenzylaminocyclopentane-1-carboxylate by treatment with (KOBu)-Bu-t in (BuOH)-Bu-t gives tert-butyl (1S, 2S, 3R, alphaS)-3-methyl-2-N-benzyl-N-alpha-methylbenzylaminocyclopentane-1-carb oxylate in quantitative yield and in > 98% de, with subsequent deprotection by hydrogenolysis and ester hydrolysis giving (1S, 2S, 3R)-3-methyltranspentacin hydrochloride in > 98% de and 97 +/- 1% ee.
Fermentation properties of oligosaccharides derived from orange peel pectin were assessed in mixed fecal bacterial culture. The orange peel oligosaccharide fraction contained glucose in addition to rhamnogalacturonan and xylogalacturonan pectic oligosaccharides. Twenty-four-hour, temperature- and pH-controlled, stirred anaerobic fecal batch cultures were used to determine the effects that oligosaccharides derived from orange products had on the composition of the fecal microbiota. The effects were measured through fluorescent in situ hybridization to determine changes in bacterial populations, fermentation end products were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography to assess short-chain fatty acid concentrations, and subsequently, a prebiotic index (PI) was determined. Pectic oligosaccharides (POS) were able to increase the bifidobacterial and Eubacterium rectale numbers, albeit resulting in a lower prebiotic index than that from fructo-oligosaccharide metabolism. Orange albedo maintained the growth of most bacterial populations and gave a PI similar to that of soluble starch. Fermentation of POS resulted in an increase in the Eubacterium rectale numbers and concomitantly increased butyrate production. In conclusion, this study has shown that POS can have a beneficial effect on the fecal microflora; however, a classical prebiotic effect was not found. An increase in the Eubacterium rectale population was found, and butyrate levels increased, which is of potential benefit to the host.
Full-waveform laser scanning data acquired with a Riegl LMS-Q560 instrument were used to classify an orange orchard into orange trees, grass and ground using waveform parameters alone. Gaussian decomposition was performed on this data capture from the National Airborne Field Experiment in November 2006 using a custom peak-detection procedure and a trust-region-reflective algorithm for fitting Gauss functions. Calibration was carried out using waveforms returned from a road surface, and the backscattering coefficient c was derived for every waveform peak. The processed data were then analysed according to the number of returns detected within each waveform and classified into three classes based on pulse width and c. For single-peak waveforms the scatterplot of c versus pulse width was used to distinguish between ground, grass and orange trees. In the case of multiple returns, the relationship between first (or first plus middle) and last return c values was used to separate ground from other targets. Refinement of this classification, and further sub-classification into grass and orange trees was performed using the c versus pulse width scatterplots of last returns. In all cases the separation was carried out using a decision tree with empirical relationships between the waveform parameters. Ground points were successfully separated from orange tree points. The most difficult class to separate and verify was grass, but those points in general corresponded well with the grass areas identified in the aerial photography. The overall accuracy reached 91%, using photography and relative elevation as ground truth. The overall accuracy for two classes, orange tree and combined class of grass and ground, yielded 95%. Finally, the backscattering coefficient c of single-peak waveforms was also used to derive reflectance values of the three classes. The reflectance of the orange tree class (0.31) and ground class (0.60) are consistent with published values at the wavelength of the Riegl scanner (1550 nm). The grass class reflectance (0.46) falls in between the other two classes as might be expected, as this class has a mixture of the contributions of both vegetation and ground reflectance properties.
The present study compares the impact of thermal and high pressure high temperature(HPHT) processing on volatile profile (via a non-targeted headspace fingerprinting) and structural and nutritional quality parameter (via targeted approaches) of orange and yellow carrot purees. The effect of oil enrichment was also considered. Since oil enrichment affects compounds volatility, the effect of oil was not studied when comparing the volatile fraction. For the targeted part, as yellow carrot purees were shown to contain a very low amount of carotenoids, focus was given to orange carrot purees. The results of the non-targeted approach demonstrated HPHT processing exerts a distinct effect on the volatile fractions compared to thermal processing. In addition, different colored carrot varieties are characterized by distinct headspace fingerprints. From a structural point of view, limited or no difference could be observed between orange carrot purees treated with HPHT or HT processes, both for samples without and with oil. From nutritional point of view, only in samples with oil, significant isomerisation of all-trans-β-carotene occurred due to both processing. Overall, for this type of product and for the selected conditions, HPHT processing seems to have a different impact on the volatile profile but rather similar impact on the structural and nutritional attributes compared to thermal processing.
Background: Research indicates that chronic consumption of flavonoids is associated with cognitive benefits in adults with mild cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative disease, although, there has been no such studies in healthy older adults. Furthermore, the effects of commonly consumed orange juice flavanones on cognitive function remain unexplored. Objective: To investigate whether eight weeks of daily flavanone-rich orange juice consumption was beneficial for cognitive function in healthy older adults. Design: High flavanone (HF: 305mg) 100% orange juice and equicaloric low flavanone (LF: 37mg) orange flavored cordial (500ml) were consumed daily for eight weeks by thirty seven healthy older adults (mean age 67 years) according to a crossover, double blind, randomized design separated by a four week washout. Cognitive function, mood and blood pressure were assessed at baseline and follow up with standardized validated tests. Results: Global cognitive function was significantly better following eight week consumption of flavanone-rich juice relative to eight week consumption of the low flavanone control. No significant effects on mood or blood pressure were observed. Conclusions: Chronic daily consumption of flavanone-rich 100% orange juice over eight weeks is beneficial for cognitive function in healthy older adults. The potential for flavanone-rich foods and drinks to attenuate cognitive decline in ageing and the mechanisms which underlie these effects should be investigated.
Background: Epidemiological data suggest inverse associations between citrus flavanone intake and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. However, insufficient randomized controlled trial (RCT) data limit our understanding of mechanisms by which flavanones and their metabolites potentially reduce cardiovascular (CV) risk factors. Objective: We examined the effects of orange juice or a dose-matched hesperidin supplement on plasma concentrations of established and novel flavanone metabolites and their effects on CV risk biomarkers in men at moderate CVD risk. Methods: In an acute, randomized, placebo-controlled crossover trial, 16 fasted participants (aged 51-69 y) received orange juice or a hesperidin supplement (both providing 320 mg hesperidin) or control (all matched for sugar and vitamin C content). At baseline and 5 h post-intake, endothelial function (primary outcome), further CV risk biomarkers (i.e. blood pressure, arterial stiffness, cardiac autonomic function, platelet activation and NADPH oxidase gene expression) and plasma flavanone metabolites were assessed. Prior to each intervention, a diet low in flavonoids, nitrate/nitrite, alcohol and caffeine was followed and a standardized low-flavonoid evening meal was consumed. Results: Orange juice intake significantly elevated mean (± SEM) plasma concentrations of 8 flavanone (1.75 ± 0.35 µmol/L, P < 0.0001) and 15 phenolic metabolites (13.27 ± 2.22 µmol/L, P < 0.0001) compared with control at 5 h post-consumption. Despite increased plasma flavanone and phenolic metabolite concentrations, CV risk biomarkers were unaltered. Following hesperidin supplement intake, flavanone metabolites were not different to control, suggesting altered absorption/metabolism compared with the orange juice matrix. Conclusions: Following single-dose flavanone intake within orange juice, we detected circulating flavanone and phenolic metabolites collectively reaching a concentration of 15.20 ± 2.15 µmol/L but observed no effect on CV risk biomarkers. Longer-duration RCTs are required to further examine the previous associations between higher flavanone intakes and improved cardiovascular health and to ascertain the relative importance of food matrix and flavanone-derived phenolic metabolites.
Effects of orange juice formulation on prebiotic functionality using an in vitro colonic model sytem
A three-stage continuous fermentative colonic model system was used to monitor in vitro the effect of different orange juice formulations on prebiotic activity. Three different juices with and without Bimuno, a GOS mixture containing galactooligosaccharides (B-GOS) were assessed in terms of their ability to induce a bifidogenic microbiota. The recipe development was based on incorporating 2.75g B-GOS into a 250 ml serving of juice (65°Brix of concentrate juice). Alongside the production of B-GOS juice, a control juice - orange juice without any additional Bimuno and a positive control juice, containing all the components of Bimuno (glucose, galactose and lactose) in the same relative proportions with the exception of B-GOS were developed. Ion Exchange Chromotography analysis was used to test the maintenance of bimuno components after the production process. Data showed that sterilisation had no significant effect on concentration of B-GOS and simple sugars. The three juice formulations were digested under conditions resembling the gastric and small intestinal environments. Main bacterial groups of the faecal microbiota were evaluated throughout the colonic model study using 16S rRNA-based fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Potential effects of supplementation of the juices on microbial metabolism were studied measuring short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) using gas chromatography. Furthermore, B-GOS juices showed positive modulations of the microbiota composition and metabolic activity. In particular, numbers of faecal bifidobacteria and lactobacilli were significantly higher when B-GOS juice was fermented compared to controls. Furthermore, fermentation of B-GOS juice resulted in an increase in Roseburia subcluster and concomitantly increased butyrate production, which is of potential benefit to the host. In conclusion, this study has shown B-GOS within orange juice can have a beneficial effect on the fecal microbiota.
Purpose: Epidemiological evidence suggests that chronic consumption of fruit based flavonoids is associated with cognitive benefits, however, the acute effects of flavonoid rich drinks on cognitive function in the immediate postprandial period requires examination. The objective was to investigate whether consumption of flavonoid rich orange juice is associated with acute cognitive benefits over six hours in healthy middle-aged adults. Methods: Males aged 30-65 consumed a 240ml flavonoid rich (FR) orange juice (272mg) and a calorie matched placebo in a randomized, double-blind, counterbalanced order on two days separated by a two week washout. Cognitive function and subjective mood were assessed at baseline (prior to drink consumption) and 2hrs and 6hrs post consumption. The cognitive battery included eight individual cognitive tests. A standardized breakfast was consumed prior to the baseline measures, and a standardized lunch was consumed 3hrs post drink consumption. Results: Change from baseline analysis revealed that performance on tests of executive function and psychomotor speed was significantly better following the FR drink compared to the placebo. The effects for objective cognitive function were supported by significant benefits for subjective alertness following the FR drink relative to the placebo. Conclusions: These data demonstrate that consumption of flavonoid rich orange juice can acutely enhance objective and subjective cognition over the course of six hours in healthy middle-aged adults.