485 resultados para realistinen utopia
O objetivo deste estudo é compreender a natureza da inovação pedagógica no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de alunos e professores do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Esta pesquisa justifica-se por oferecer uma contribuição original ao campo da inovação pedagógica através da investigação de uma experiência pioneira e inédita no período de 2006 e 2007. O trabalho de campo se deu sob a ótica da abordagem etnográfica orientada por Mattos (2009), Lüdke (2007), André (2004), Erickson (1992), Lapassade (1982) e Spradley (1979). Os instrumentos incluíram: observação participante, estudo de caso etnográfico (Turma de GEPE), entrevistas semi-estruturadas, documentos, dentre outros. As análises dos dados foram de natureza indutiva com o auxílio do quadro analítico de Spradley (1979) das hipóteses progressivas de Hammersley (1992) e do software Atlas.ti. As categorias derivadas das análises foram: conhecimento, currículo, tecnologia e inovação. No âmbito descritivo (GEERTZ, 1989), este estudo registra a experiência de alunos e professores do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade de Brasília (UnB), autodenominado inovador, subsidiando a análise da inovação pedagógica na perspectiva dos sujeitos do processo de ensino e aprendizagem no ensino superior. Quanto aos resultados do estudo empírico, os dados coletados permitiram identificar: a polissemia de sentidos atribuídos ao termo inovação, a porosidade epistemológica do conhecimento no campo educacional, que sustenta a inovação através da construção dialético reflexiva do conhecimento pelos sujeitos do processo de ensino e aprendizagem; a argumentação de que a ação docente é a principal ―tecnologia cultural‖ e de que as linguagens midiáticas dependem da ação dos docentes para promover inovação; a necessidade de estudar a noção de currículo como viés de inovação pedagógica, investigada no contexto de propostas curriculares inovadoras; e, especialmente, a constatação de que inovação pedagógica como mudança paradigmática (FINO, 2001; 2003) pressupõe transformação ontológica da educação. Esses resultados subsidiam a proposição teórica da inovação pedagógica como ‗utopia realizável‘, isto é, como ―inédito-viável‖ (FREIRE, 1992) no contexto de uma ―Pedagogia da Possibilidade‖ (FREIRE, 2001; McLAREN 1998; SIMON, 1995). Finalmente, baseando-se nos resultados e nessa proposição teórica, a tese oferece recomendações para a prática, pesquisa e políticas públicas em educação.
A Emigração é um marco fundamental na História e na Cultura de Portugal, tendo-se tornado um novo mito, segundo Eduardo Lourenço, no seu ensaio intitulado “A Emigração como Mito e os Mitos da Emigração”, incluído na obra O Labirinto da Saudade. Na Madeira, as graves crises económica, financeira, agrícola e vinícola também despoletaram e acentuaram este fenómeno. O presente estudo incide na leitura e análise da problemática da Emigração, não tanto através da História e da Sociologia mas, sobretudo, nos reflexos que este acontecimento tem na Literatura. O nosso breve périplo pelas diversas áreas do saber das ciências sociais, históricas e literárias tem como objectivo perceber como a Literatura pode ser entendida como cosmovisão de uma época. A Literatura apresenta-se como uma forma de expressão da Cultura de um povo. Com efeito, ao partirmos do príncipio que a Emigração é um dado cultural, então os textos e as obras literárias podem espelhar essas mobilidades como expressão de um povo, de uma sociedade e de um país. O estudo de textos de autores oriundos da Madeira ou ligados à Região levou-nos a entender as múltiplas representações do Emigrante, as causas que o levaram a deixar as raízes em busca de um futuro risonho. Os diversos textos não deixarão de referir o regresso almejado do Emigrante, por ter alcançado uma nova conformação social e identitária, ou por ter verificado que esses lugares longínquos nem sempre são uma utopia. Tratando-se de um estudo desenvolvido no âmbito da Gestão Cultural, foi nossa intenção organizar uma exposição e uma jornada em torno destes assuntos, de modo a levar ao público um tema relevante e sempre actual.
This thesis deals with the intellectual itinerary of the humanist, lawyer and educator RN Helio Vasconcelos in building a more cohesive society, just and egalitarian, less marked by inequality, by poverty, ignorance and lack of freedom of his people suffered and loved. It also shows, as after suffering the hardships caused by the political persecution and imprisonment, exile faced with dignity, developing an exemplary job of defending the rights of children and adolescents. For this, redo the way that intellectual humanist, simple man who never gave up their way of thinking, of viewing the world, to love and respect all that surrounds him, thinking globally and acting locally, always holding the defense Rights human. Helium shows how solidarity exercised intensely and as bothered with the real interests of the community to hold public office. It seeks to demonstrate the need for reformulation of Legal Education in order to stimulate the formation of a lawyer gifted humanist profile
This work aims give evidence of that The hope principle, the philosophical system devised by the German philosopher Ernst Bloch, in which hope assumes an ontological character, offers cognitive support that allows overcoming the void imposed by nihilism today, especially in the field of education. But while it offers cognitive support, it also presents a need that is fulfilled by an educational proposal based on a not-yet-conscious being. An education based on hope has four essential pillars: learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to live together and, most of all, immerging into in the seas of uncertainty. In times when school is a promoter of certainties at the expense of uncertainties, education must not forsake the notion of the unpredictable and immeasurable, nor the need to find ways to enable better understanding of aspect related to the not-yet-be. The employed theoretical and methodological elements in this work paint a corpus through an interactive process in which layers of additional texts are subjected to analysis
The thesis investigated how social networks online that allows anonymous postings can be used by teachers and students to promote the meeting between the sexual education and the needs and expectations of young people face a crosscutting theme, remarkably a taboo. It needs teaching strategies more efficient than those traditionally defended. With this experience, found in a short course about sexuality and health, we sought to go beyond the use of social networks for social entertainment, showing they can be an field that favors the process of teaching and learning. The research was based on the convergence of the communication concepts from Paulo Frere and another from Jürgen Habermas, as well as the philosophical concepts of utopia, ideology and dialectic are interrelated not only among themselves, but also inside an education field. Methodologically in this thesis, we adopted the category of qualitative research; the method is a combination of case study with action research. The technique was the use of questionnaires, data collection was in attendance and the types of data were primary. Finally, we present, then, the idea the communication is not in the middle, but in the trusty relationship established between the interlocutors. In this way, we can think when a student has met their need to be able answer his questions about sex with their teacher through an online social network that allows anonymity and through which the student knows who responds is their teacher, but the teacher can not distinguish the identity of his students, this dialogic relationship serves to get claims of the validity that are characterized as potential communicative action
A presente dissertação de mestrado, intitulada O ARBUSTO DOS ANJOS, apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos da Linguagem, do CCHLA/UFRN, para obtenção do título de Mestra em Estudos da Linguagem, objetiva realizar uma leitura da obra anjosiana Eu (1912), de modo a identificar, no teor dialético de seus versos, uma atitude crítica do poeta frente à realidade instituída, assumindo, para tanto, dimensões utópicas que o fazem vislumbrar outras possibilidades de existência. Como fundamentação teórica, apóia-se em Nietzsche, em cujos textos de A Vontade de Poder (1884-1888) toma de empréstimo uma concepção de niilismo díspar do fatalismo e da resignação, porque voltada para uma negação das verdades instituídas; também baseia-se no pensamento de Benjamin, em suas Teses sobre o conceito de história (1940), de onde é possível enxergar, no desvio revolucionário pelo passado, uma oportunidade de construir um futuro diferente do agora. O estudo analisa alguns poemas de Augusto dos Anjos, tomando-os como realidade criadora que mantém pontos de contato com a realidade imediata do poeta. Apoiando-se no método de análise de Antonio Candido (2004), esta dissertação privilegia o estudo de cinco sonetos constituintes do Eu, a saber: O Lázaro da Pátria , Ricordanza della mia Gioventú , A Árvore da Serra , Debaixo do Tamarindo e Vozes da Morte . Identifica na sua abordagem lírica rasgadora de normas e aglutinadora de sonhos, o fundamento paradoxal que sustenta o niilismo utópico de Augusto dos Anjos, no qual protagoniza a voz dos oprimidos, digna de ser recordada no espaço sempre emblemático do texto literário
This treatise analyzes the identitary setting called Veneza Brasileira (Brazilian Venice) which is subscribed to the discoursive materialization related to the imagetic setting (literary and mediatic) produced about the city of Recife. The main investigation of this research is to examine the way how the identitary setting called Veneza Brasileira has been constructed in the imagetic setting practices about the city of Recife in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This study is subscribed to the Applied Linguistics and considers the theoretical perspectives that come from the Cultural Studies which investigation basis is focused on authors such as: Hall (2006); Bauman (1999; 2001;2005); Silva (2000); and Castells (2000) related to the discussion over identity, as well as the discussion over Urban Studies presented in Santos (1997; 1999); Ferrara (1998); and Pesavento (2001). Moreover it is also based on the theoretical basis found in Foucault (2004; 2006; 2007). Furthermore theoretical-methodological approaches rely on the French Discourse Analysis (DA) found in Orlandi (2001); Gregolin (2007); and Courtine (2006). On being so, this treatise aims to: analyze the meaning effects over the production of the identitary setting, especially the so-called Veneza Brasileira, in the imagetic setting discoursive practices (Poems, Post Cards and Touristic Guides) which are produced over the urban setting of the city of Recife. This research is characterized by being qualitative and interpretative and the theoretical analytical approaches contributed to the reading of both poetic and iconic images presented in the excerpts of poems from the nineteenth century and early twentieth century in: Manuel Bandeira s poems, Carlos Pena Filho s poems, and João Cabral de Melo Neto s poems which were produced in the early and late twentieth century. Moreover, this study observed some photographic images in Post Cards and Touristic Guides related to the visiting of historical sites in Recife. One could conclude that the imagetic setting discourse about Recife produced different identitary effects over the so-called Veneza Brasileira along these three centuries: in the nineteenth century, the poetry constructed the utopia city along with the meaning effect of identitary unit; as for the twentieth century, one observed an oscillation between a utopia/heteroutopia city meaning effect of both united and fragmented identity, the latter one is prevalent. As for the twenty-first century, the media reconstructed over again the utopia city, and consequently, produced meaning effect of identitary unit. These same meaning effects of identity either corroborate or contradict to/with the concepts of the postmodernism over identity along these three centuries. In other words, considering the imagetic setting, this oscillation occurs in the proportion of one finds an (ex) inclusion of social agents that construct these same identities.
We seek consistency empirical and analytical rigor to the concept of touristification in the course of the contemporary arrangements of subjectivity and urbanity stations through a landscape of social (dis)encounters between residents and foreigners living in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal. In the last three decades the city has become a major destination country for national and international tourism, making tourism an important monitor of choreography in search of synchrony between cities and subjectivities, orchestrated by the cyclical crises and the relentless battle for systemic capitalistic expansion and survival. We proceed with an ethnographic and cartographic inspiration in Ponta Negra, where the waterfront redevelopment in 2000 conducted by the government, influenced the implementation of various establishments, services and practices related to the construction of Natal s major industry hub of tourism and entertainment. We proposed an arch-genealogy of touristification inspared on Michel Foucault analytical perspective, increased by authors in confluence or in different theoretical and methodological approaches, among which stand out Karl Marx, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. The reflections that initially turned to the advancement of the sphere of consumerism as the issue capable of articulating the developmental trajectory of the capitalist system and the practice of tourism, promoting some effects (un)desirable in the conflictual dynamics of the condition of the district of Ponta Negra, territory each again (re) produces the designs to meet the consumption by affluent portion of the population and foreign, encountering social exclusion and inclusion differentiated a growing trend. We go forward with an analysis of the "liberation of desire" phenomenal features of the process of producing subjective, providing a breakdown of the recent world s financial crisis initially, but proved social and political crisis also, through a plot derived from the operation of real estate speculation, which Natal is mainly caught through touristification, showing the outlines of a generalized crisis in establishing a new order buoyed by the emergence of a context "biopolitical" since it is a major route that uses the capital to survive and expand, while guiding the process of "strategic beautification" held in Ponta Negra, problematized by us. We conclude by assessing the appropriateness of proposing on further analysis to explore the establishment of a "new social ontology in terms of interference touristification ongoing and the constitution of a "new order" local/global, away from that characterize a system's capitalist overcoming, try to give emphasis in the current stage of the radicalization of a capitalistic utopia
The epic and science seem to have been the most important concerns of the Brazilian author Haroldo de Campos (1929-2003) in his last twenty years of life. The books Finismundo: a última viagem and A máquina do mundo repensada are two significant works in his aesthetical journey. This paper presents some strategies for reading both books, in which the relationship between those themes is emphasized. As a starting point, it is believed that the analogy between science and the epic does not represent a paradigm of reading on which the poetry of Harold de Campos intends to base itself, but a way of thinking about the political and literary concerns that constitute its own situation. The creation of a poetics of adventure as an alternative to the end of utopia and the affirmation of a principle of indeterminacy as a way to oppose the interpretations immediately available in the present constitute two of the main interests found in this mode of reading.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Development then and now: Idea and utopia / Rolando Cordera Campos .-- Latin America’s competitive position in knowledge-intensive services trade / Andrés López, Andrés Niembro and Daniela Ramos .-- Wage share and economic growth in Latin America, 1950-2011 / Germán Alarco Tosoni .-- Patterns of technical progress in the Brazilian economy, 1952-2008 / Adalmir Marquetti and Melody de Campos Soares Porsse .-- Mexico: Combining monthly inflation predictions from surveys / Pilar Poncela, Víctor M. Guerrero, Alejandro Islas, Julio Rodríguez and Rocío Sánchez-Mangas .-- Expectations and industrial output in Uruguay: Sectoral interdependence and common trends / Bibiana Lanzilotta .-- Argentina: Impacts of the child allowance programme on the labour-market behaviour of adults / Roxana Maurizio and Gustavo Vázquez .-- Occupational mobility and income differentials: The experience of Brazil between 2002 and 2010 / Sandro Eduardo Monsueto, Julimar da Silva Bichara and André Moreira Cunha .-- What does the National High School Exam (enem) tell Brazilian society? / Rodrigo Travitzki, Jorge Calero and Carlota Boto .-- Brazil’s Northeast Financing Constitutional Fund: Differentiated effects on municipal economic growth / Fabrício Carneiro Linhares, Ricardo Brito Soares, Marcos Falcão Gonçalves and Luiz Fernando Gonçalves Viana.
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS