1000 resultados para professional cycling


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Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) solders are susceptible to appreciable microstructural coarsening during storage or service. This results in evolution of joint properties over time, and thereby influences the long-term reliability of microelectronic packages. Accurate prediction of this aging behavior is therefore critical for joint reliability predictions. Here, we study the precipitate coarsening behavior in two Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) alloys, namely Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu and Sn-1.0Cu-0.5Cu, under different thermo-mechanical excursions, including isothermal aging at 150 degrees C for various lengths of time and thermo-mechanical cycling between -25 degrees C and 125 degrees C, with an imposed shear strain of similar to 19.6% per cycle, for different number of cycles. During isothermal aging and the thermo-mechanical cycling up to 200 cycles, Ag3Sn precipitates undergo rapid, monotonous coarsening. However, high number of thermo-mechanical cycling, usually between 200 and 600 cycles, causes dissolution and re-precipitation of precipitates, resulting in a fine and even distribution. Also, recrystallization of Sn-grains near precipitate clusters was observed during severe isothermal aging. Such responses are quite unusual for SAC solder alloys. In the regime of usual precipitate coarsening in these SAC alloys, an explicit parameter, which captures the thermo-mechanical history dependence of Ag3Sn particle size, was defined. Brief mechanistic description for the recrystallization of Sn grains during isothermal aging and reprecipitation of the Ag3Sn due to high number of thermo-mechanical cycles are also presented.


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Our work is motivated by geographical forwarding of sporadic alarm packets to a base station in a wireless sensor network (WSN), where the nodes are sleep-wake cycling periodically and asynchronously. We seek to develop local forwarding algorithms that can be tuned so as to tradeoff the end-to-end delay against a total cost, such as the hop count or total energy. Our approach is to solve, at each forwarding node enroute to the sink, the local forwarding problem of minimizing one-hop waiting delay subject to a lower bound constraint on a suitable reward offered by the next-hop relay; the constraint serves to tune the tradeoff. The reward metric used for the local problem is based on the end-to-end total cost objective (for instance, when the total cost is hop count, we choose to use the progress toward sink made by a relay as the reward). The forwarding node, to begin with, is uncertain about the number of relays, their wake-up times, and the reward values, but knows the probability distributions of these quantities. At each relay wake-up instant, when a relay reveals its reward value, the forwarding node's problem is to forward the packet or to wait for further relays to wake-up. In terms of the operations research literature, our work can be considered as a variant of the asset selling problem. We formulate our local forwarding problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) and obtain inner and outer bounds for the optimal policy. Motivated by the computational complexity involved in the policies derived out of these bounds, we formulate an alternate simplified model, the optimal policy for which is a simple threshold rule. We provide simulation results to compare the performance of the inner and outer bound policies against the simple policy, and also against the optimal policy when the source knows the exact number of relays. Observing the good performance and the ease of implementation of the simple policy, we apply it to our motivating problem, i.e., local geographical routing of sporadic alarm packets in a large WSN. We compare the end-to-end performance (i.e., average total delay and average total cost) obtained by the simple policy, when used for local geographical forwarding, against that obtained by the globally optimal forwarding algorithm proposed by Kim et al. 1].


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CdTe thin films of 500 thickness prepared by thermal evaporation technique were analyzed for leakage current and conduction mechanisms. Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors were fabricated using these films as a dielectric. These films have many possible applications, such as passivation for infrared diodes that operate at low temperatures (80 K). Direct-current (DC) current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements were performed on these films. Furthermore, the films were subjected to thermal cycling from 300 K to 80 K and back to 300 K. Typical minimum leakage currents near zero bias at room temperature varied between 0.9 nA and 0.1 mu A, while low-temperature leakage currents were in the range of 9.5 pA to 0.5 nA, corresponding to resistivity values on the order of 10(8) a''broken vertical bar-cm and 10(10) a''broken vertical bar-cm, respectively. Well-known conduction mechanisms from the literature were utilized for fitting of measured I-V data. Our analysis indicates that the conduction mechanism in general is Ohmic for low fields < 5 x 10(4) V cm(-1), while the conduction mechanism for fields > 6 x 10(4) V cm(-1) is modified Poole-Frenkel (MPF) and Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling at room temperature. At 80 K, Schottky-type conduction dominates. A significant observation is that the film did not show any appreciable degradation in leakage current characteristics due to the thermal cycling.


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In this paper, we study duty cycling and power management in a network of energy harvesting sensor (EHS) nodes. We consider a one-hop network, where K EHS nodes send data to a destination over a wireless fading channel. The goal is to find the optimum duty cycling and power scheduling across the nodes that maximizes the average sum data rate, subject to energy neutrality at each node. We adopt a two-stage approach to simplify the problem. In the inner stage, we solve the problem of optimal duty cycling of the nodes, subject to the short-term power constraint set by the outer stage. The outer stage sets the short-term power constraints on the inner stage to maximize the long-term expected sum data rate, subject to long-term energy neutrality at each node. Albeit suboptimal, our solutions turn out to have a surprisingly simple form: the duty cycle allotted to each node by the inner stage is simply the fractional allotted power of that node relative to the total allotted power. The sum power allotted is a clipped version of the sum harvested power across all the nodes. The average sum throughput thus ultimately depends only on the sum harvested power and its statistics. We illustrate the performance improvement offered by the proposed solution compared to other naive schemes via Monte-Carlo simulations.


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This research was aimed at determining optimum Cu content for the alloy design of SUS 30411 austenitic steels having enhanced heat and corrosion resistance. Samples of the steel containing 1, 3, and 5 wt.% Cu were subjected to repeated heating and cooling to a temperature of 760 degrees C and to a maximum of 15 cycles. Hardness measurement and the corrosion behaviour in 1M NaCl solution were evaluated. The hardness increases with an increase in the number of heating cycles for the three compositions. The hardening response to the thermal cycles is however higher for the 1 wt.% Cu composition and decreases with an increase in the Cu wt.%. The SUS 30411 steel containing 3 wt.% Cu exhibited the least susceptibility to corrosion in the 1M NaCl solution irrespective of the number of heating cycles. The SUS 30411 steel containing 1 wt.% Cu was found to exhibit the highest susceptibility to corrosion for all heating cycles compared.


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Microstructural changes of Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloy during thermal and thermo-mechanical cycling have been investigated using Electron Back Scattered Diffraction. A strong dependence of the orientation of the prior austenite grain on the misorientation development has been observed during thermal cycling and thermo-mechanical cycling. This effect is more pronounced at the grain boundaries compared to grain interior. At a larger applied strain, the volume fraction of stabilized martensite phase increases with increase in the number of cycling. Deformation within the martensite leads to stabilization of martensitic phase even at temperatures slightly above the austenite finish temperature. Modulus variation with respect to temperature has been explained on the basis of martensitic transformation.


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In geographical forwarding of packets in a large wireless sensor network (WSN) with sleep-wake cycling nodes, we are interested in the local decision problem faced by a node that has ``custody'' of a packet and has to choose one among a set of next-hop relay nodes to forward the packet toward the sink. Each relay is associated with a ``reward'' that summarizes the benefit of forwarding the packet through that relay. We seek a solution to this local problem, the idea being that such a solution, if adopted by every node, could provide a reasonable heuristic for the end-to-end forwarding problem. Toward this end, we propose a local relay selection problem consisting of a forwarding node and a collection of relay nodes, with the relays waking up sequentially at random times. At each relay wake-up instant, the forwarder can choose to probe a relay to learn its reward value, based on which the forwarder can then decide whether to stop (and forward its packet to the chosen relay) or to continue to wait for further relays to wake up. The forwarder's objective is to select a relay so as to minimize a combination of waiting delay, reward, and probing cost. The local decision problem can be considered as a variant of the asset selling problem studied in the operations research literature. We formulate the local problem as a Markov decision process (MDP) and characterize the solution in terms of stopping sets and probing sets. We provide results illustrating the structure of the stopping sets, namely, the (lower bound) threshold and the stage independence properties. Regarding the probing sets, we make an interesting conjecture that these sets are characterized by upper bounds. Through simulation experiments, we provide valuable insights into the performance of the optimal local forwarding and its use as an end-to-end forwarding heuristic.


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An in situ study of stress evolution and mechanical behavior of germanium as a lithium-ion battery electrode material is presented. Thin films of germanium are cycled in a half-cell configuration with lithium metal foil as counter/reference electrode, with 1M LiPF6 in ethylene carbonate, diethyl carbonate, dimethyl carbonate solution (1:1:1, wt%) as electrolyte. Real-time stress evolution in the germanium thin-film electrodes during electrochemical lithiation/delithiation is measured by monitoring the substrate curvature using the multi-beam optical sensing method. Upon lithiation a-Ge undergoes extensive plastic deformation, with a peak compressive stress reaching as high as -0.76 +/- 0.05 GPa (mean +/- standard deviation). The compressive stress decreases with lithium concentration reaching a value of approximately -0.3 GPa at the end of lithiation. Upon delithiation the stress quickly became tensile and follows a trend that mirrors the behavior on compressive side; the average peak tensile stress of the lithiated Ge samples was approximately 0.83 GPa. The peak tensile stress data along with the SEM analysis was used to estimate a lower bound fracture resistance of lithiated Ge, which is approximately 5.3 J/m(2). It was also observed that the lithiated Ge is rate sensitive, i.e., stress depends on how fast or slow the charging is carried out. (C) The Author(s) 2015. Published by ECS. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse of the work in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. All rights reserved.


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LiFePO4 attracts a lot of attention as cathode materials for the next generation of lithium ion batteries. However, LiFePO4 has a poor rate capability attributed to low electronic conductivity and low density. There is seldom data reported on lithium ion batteries with LiFePO4 as cathode and graphite as anode. According to our experimental results, the capacity fading on cycling is surprisingly negligible at 1664 cycles for the cell type 042040. It delivers a capacity of 1170 mAh for 18650 cell type at 4.5C discharge rate. It is confirmed that lithium ion batteries with LiFePO4 as cathode are suitable for electric vehicle application. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microbial sulfur cycling communities were investigated in two methane-rich ecosystems, terrestrial mud volcanoes (TMVs) and marine methane seeps, in order to investigate niches and processes that would likely be central to the functioning of these crucial ecosystems. Terrestrial mud volcanoes represent geochemically diverse habitats with varying sulfur sources and yet sulfur-cycling in these environments remains largely unexplored. Here we characterized the sulfur-metabolizing microorganisms and activity in 4 TMVs in Azerbaijan, supporting the presence of active sulfur-oxidizing and sulfate-reducing guilds in all 4 TMVs across a range of physiochemical conditions, with diversity of these guilds being unique to each TMV. We also found evidence for the anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to sulfate reduction, a process which we explored further in the more tractable marine methane seeps. Diverse associations between methanotrophic archaea (ANME) and sulfate-reducing bacterial groups (SRB) often co-occur in marine methane seeps, however the ecophysiology of these different symbiotic associations has not been examined. Using a combination of molecular, geochemical and fluorescence in situ hybridization coupled to nano-scale secondary ion mass spectrometry (FISH-NanoSIMS) analyses of in situ seep sediments and methane-amended sediment incubations from diverse locations, we show that the unexplained diversity in SRB associated with ANME cells can be at least partially explained by preferential nitrate utilization by one particular partner, the seepDBB. This discovery reveals that nitrate is likely an important factor in community structuring and diversity in marine methane seep ecosystems. The thesis concludes with a study of the dynamics between ANME and their associated SRB partners. We inhibited sulfate reduction and followed the metabolic processes of the community as well as the effect of ANME/SRB aggregate composition and growth on a cellular level by tracking 15N substrate incorporation into biomass using FISH-NanoSIMS. We revealed that while sulfate-reducing bacteria gradually disappeared over time in incubations with an SRB inhibitor, the ANME archaea persisted in the form of ANME-only aggregates, which are capable of little to no growth when sulfate reduction is inhibited. These data suggest ANME are not able to synthesize new proteins when sulfate reduction is inhibited.


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A study of the geochemical cycling of iron and manganese in a seasonally stratified lake, Esthwaite water is described. This work is based on speculative ideas on environmental redox chemistry of iron which were proposed by C.H. Mortimer in the 1940's. These observations have been verified and some speculations confirmed, along with a new understanding of the manganese cycle, and detailed information on the particulate forms of both iron and manganese. Details on the mechanisms and transformations of iron have also emerged.