984 resultados para possible hydrothermal vents


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The bacteria from a variety of fresh-water fish, Cyprinus carpio. var. communis, showed the presence of micrococci, Gram positive and Gram negative rods. These have been characterized as far as was possible. Of thirty-eight strains of bacteria used, only six strains were considered as causing spoilage of fish flesh in experiments where flesh was incubated with individual cultures of the bacteria. These six strains had been found on the surface and/or intestine of the fish and support the suggestions that, after death, invasion of flesh by bacteria from the surface and intestine could be the cause of bacterial spoilage of fish.


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Pedro Bank is about 1,300 square miles in extent and lies at the mouth of the Palk Strait close to the mainland, enabling smaller boats to exploit it. Trawl surveys indicated the presence of substantial demersal varieties on the Pedro Bank, but the results of the early commercial operations indicate that a 135-foot trawler may not be operated continuously on the bank without diminishing returns. Subsequent to the commercial operations extensive surveys with smaller boats and various types of gear were carried out. Of the various types of gear tried out, results from bottom long lining and hand lining operations were promising. Trials were carried out to compare these two types of gear. Though not extensive, these trials indicated that at the initial stages of exploitation of the Bank, hand lining, which is extensively practiced in Ceylon, may be better but as exploitation progresses; with more experience, it should be possible to overcome some of the present disadvantages of bottom long lining and eventually bottom long lining should produce better results. The recently introduced mechanised craft are exploiting only the fringe of the bank and it should be possible to exploit its stocks fully with slightly bigger boats with a 35-40 mile range.


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Diatoms were collected from Buyuan Bay, and from the hatchery tanks at Tigbauan, to determine the commonly occurring species, the feasibility of culturing these species, and the potential of these selected species as food for larval P. monodon. The commonly occurring diatoms were identified as Chaetoceros calcitrans, Navicula grimmei, Nitzchia seriata, Nitzchia closterium and Amphiprora sp. These diatoms were isolated and unialgal cultures prepared. Protein content analysis using the micro-Kjildahl method gave the following result: C. calcitrans, 11 . 78%; Nitzchia seriata, 25%; Nitzchia closterium, 30 . 5%; Navicula grimmei, 9 . 06% and Amphiprora sp. 8 . 96%. Feeding experiments were conducted to determine acceptability of the different diatom species and percentage survival of larval stages Z SUB-1 -M SUB-2 . Larvae were placed in 4-l capacity plastic containers with a stocking density of 10/l. The results of several feeding trials using the different mass-produced diatoms are summarized. From the data gathered, C. calcitrans appears to be the most promising candidate as feed for zoea and mysis stages of P. monodon. The average percentage survival of C. calcitrans was 63 . 76% for the 3 trials, and as high as 82 . 22% in the third trial. Comparatively high percentage survival of larvae was also recorded when Nitzchia seriata (48 . 17%) and Nitzchia closterium (67 . 6%) were given as feed, while both Amphiprora sp. and Navicula grimmei gave 0% survival. The poor results with Amphiprora sp. and Navicula grimmei may be due to their low protein content (8 . 96% and 9 . 06%, respectively) and the inability of the larvae to ingest them. Navicula and Amphiprora were observed to cling to the appendages of the larvae and to settle down in the medium making them unavailable to the larvae. Low survival was also noted when frozen C. calcitrans was used (14 . 25%). This may be due partly to the effect of the floculating agent (ALSO SUB-4 . 25 g/l) used in concentrating the diatoms. When protein contents of C. calcitrans, N. seriata and N. closterium are compared, the 2 Nitzchia species have relatively higher protein contents than C. calcitrans and, therefore, could be the more desirable feed candidates. However, few feeding trials were made using Nitzchia so that additional investigations will have to be done on this aspect.


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Breather stability and longevity in thermally relaxing nonlinear arrays is investigated under the scrutiny of the analysis and tools employed for time series and state reconstruction of a dynamical system. We briefly review the methods used in the analysis and characterize a breather in terms of the results obtained with such methods. Our present work focuses on spontaneously appearing breathers in thermal Fermi-Pasta-Ulam arrays but we believe that the conclusions are general enough to describe many other related situations; the particular case described in detail is presented as another example of systems where three incommensurable frequencies dominate their chaotic dynamics (reminiscent of the Ruelle-Takens scenario for the appearance of chaotic behavior in nonlinear systems). This characterization may also be of great help for the discovery of breathers in experimental situations where the temporal evolution of a local variable (like the site energy) is the only available/measured data. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Changes of plasminogen activators (PA) during different stages of development of the corpus luteum, and their possible physiological role in luteolysis were studied in rhesus monkeys. It was demonstrated for the first time that monkey corpus luteal cells not only produce PA, but that the function of the corpus luteum is also closely related to the activity of this enzyme system. Generally, the life span for a corpus luteum in monkey is approximately 14-16 days, its demise beginning thereafter. In the present study, we found that urokinase in the corpus luteum is higher on day 5 and day 10 after human chorionic gonadotrophin injection, while the tissue type (t) PA is mainly produced on day 13 when luteolysis may take place. Progesterone production remained high on day 5 and day 10 and decreased dramatically from day 13, indicating the important role of tPA but not urokinase (u) PA in suppressing luteal function. When purified tPA (but not uPA) monoclonal antibody was added to luteal cell culture to neutralize endogenously produced tPA activity, progesterone production in the cells was increased significantly. Interestingly, prolactin alone was capable of increasing PA production by luteal cells; prolactin together with luteinizing hormone, however, had a synergistic luteotrophic effect.


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The hippocampus, being sensitive to stress and glucocorticoids, plays significant roles in certain types of learning and memory. Therefore, the hippocampus is probably involved in the increasing drug use, drug seeking, and relapse caused by stress. We have studied the effect of stress with morphine on synaptic plasticity in the CA1 region of the hippocampus in vivo and on a delayed-escape paradigm of the Morris water maze. Our results reveal that acute stress enables long-term depression (LTD) induction by low-frequency stimulation (LFS) but acute morphine causes synaptic potentiation. Remarkably, exposure to an acute stressor reverses the effect of morphine from synaptic potentiation ( similar to 20%) to synaptic depression ( similar to 40%), precluding further LTD induction by LFS. The synaptic depression caused by stress with morphine is blocked either by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU38486 or by the NMDA-receptor antagonist D-APV. Chronic morphine attenuates the ability of acute morphine to cause synaptic potentiation, and stress to enable LTD induction, but not the ability of stress in tandem with morphine to cause synaptic depression. Furthermore, corticosterone with morphine during the initial phase of drug use promotes later delayed-escape behavior, as indicated by the morphine-reinforced longer latencies to escape, leading to persistent morphine-seeking after withdrawal. These results suggest that hippocampal synaptic plasticity may play a significant role in the effects of stress or glucocorticoids on opiate addiction.


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Labeo victorianus Boulenger, the "ningu", is commercially the most important migratory fish of Lake Victoria, as well as being one of the most abundant of all species landed. Annual catch records of the Fisheries Departments of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania show that a high yielding seasonal, floating gill net fishery is based on the concentration of sexually mature fish at the river mouths at the time of migration during the bi-annual floods. Migrating fish used also to be caught in high numbers at "kek" barrier traps across the river, as at Hainga on the Nzoia river. Since the heavy exploitation at the river mouth which occurred with the introduction of nylon gill nets in 1956.


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The Tanzania part of Lake Victoria is the most important single fishery resource for the country. Past fishing practice caused disparity between the relative abundance in the catches and in the available stocks by overfishing some species while under-fishing others. Preliminary studies of distribution pattern, biomass estimates, etc, as derived from bollom trawl exploratory data, and the trend of the commercial catch statistics from 1958 to 1970, suggest that many of the commercially preferred species may not have the biotic potential 10 sustain higher yields under present ecological and fishing regimes. Haplochromis and a few other fish might be the only hope. Geographic extension of fishing to deeper waters may not be very promising as species diversificarion and fish density decline with depth. To develop and manage the fisheries, make full use of the resource and ensure economic and biological perpetuation of thc fishery, the appropriate fishing strategy cannot be properly developcd overnight.


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EAFFRO and UNPP/LVFRP bottom trawl exploratory data have been used to describe the depth distributional pattern. relative abundance and magnitude of the demersai fishes in Lake Victoria. The results have been compared with the commercial catch estimates, and various interpretations of the trends in the annual catches and experimental biomass estimates in relation to possible future developments of the fishery have been suggested. Though it is highly desirable to develop the fishery such as by supplementary trawling, certain social and biological consequences and considerations needs to proceed in graded steps guided by several research disciplines. The past trends of the fisheries of Lake Victoria are briefly considered. Recent exploratory bottom trawl data, by EAFFRO and UNDP/LVFRP, have been used to define demersal fish stocks of Lake Victoria in terms of their magnitude, relative abundance and distribution pattern by depth. Enstence of disparity between the relative abundance of the various species in their commercial catches and in their present biomass estimates is pointed out and the various aspects associated with the necessary modification of the fishing practices are discussed. Further and continuing research of the bio-socio-economic vectors of the fishery will be necessary in order to generate the rationale of an efficient fishing regime for a rational management strategy and realistic utilization of the fishery resource.