981 resultados para polarized absorption spectra
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The vibrational spectra of palladium phthalocyanine (PdPc) evaporated thin solid films are reported, including the resonance Raman scattering, surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) and SERRS mapping of the film surface using micro-Raman spectroscopy with 633 nm laser radiation. SERRS of PdPc was obtained by evaporating an overlayer of Ag nanoparticles on to the PdPc film on glass. The SERRS enhancement factor is estimated as similar to10(4) with reference to PdPc evaporated films on glass. The molecular organization of the PdPc evaporated films was probed using transmission and reflection-absorption infrared spectra. It was established that a random molecular distribution found in PdPc evaporated films is independent of temperature. No evidence of thermal degradation due to thermal annealing was found in the films. Electronic absorption and emission spectra are also discussed. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
A more direct and efficient route to the syntheses of [Ru(NH3)(4)(X-Y)](BF4)(2), where X-Y can be 2-acetylpyridine (2-acpy) or 2-benzoylpyridine (2-bzpy), based on the reactions of [RuCl(NH3)(5)]Cl-2 with these ortho-substituted azines is described. The [Ru(2-acpy)(NH3)(4)](BF4)(2) and [Ru(NH3)(5)(2-bzpy)](BF4)(2) complexes have a molar conductance of 328 and 292 Ohm(-1) cm(2) mol(-1), respectively, corresponding to a 1:2 species in solution. These complexes showed two intense absorption bands around 620-650 and 380 nm, the energies of which are solvent dependent, decreasing with the increase of the Gutman's donor number of the solvent, and were assigned as metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT). The complexes have oxidation potentials (Ru-II/III) of +0.380 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-acpy) and +0.400 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-bzpy), and reduction potentials (X-Y0/-) of -1.10 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-acpy) and -0.950 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-bzpy) on CF3COOH/NaCF3COO at pH=3.0, scan rate 100 mV s(-1), [Ru]=1.0x10(-3) mol l(-1). Both processes show a coupled chemical reaction. Upon oxidation of the metal center, the MLCT absorption bands are bleached and restored upon subsequent reduction. In order to confirm the structure of the complexes a detailed LH NMR investigation was performed in d(6)-acetone. Further confirmation of the structure was obtained by recording the N-15 NMR spectrum of [Ru(NH3)(4)(2-bzpy)](2+) in d(6)-DMSO using the INEPT pulse sequence improving the sensitivity of N-15 by polarization transfer from the protons to the N-15. The Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) experiments were made qualitatively for [Ru(NH3)(4)(2-acpy)](2+), and showed that H-6 of the pyridine is close to a NH3 proton, which should then be in a cis position, and, hence, confirming that acpy is acting as a bidentate ligand. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
The electronic structure of Pb1-xLaxTiO3 (PLT) compounds for x ranging from 0 to 30 at. % of La is investigated by means of soft x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) at the Ti L-3,L-2 and O K edges. The greatest modification in the structure of the Ti 2p XANES spectra of the PLT compounds is observed in the region of the high energy peak of the L-3 edge (e(g) states), which exhibits a splitting in the undoped sample. As the amount of lanthanum increases, this splitting becomes less pronounced. This modification is interpreted as a decrease in the degree of disorder of titanium atoms, which is correlated to the substitution of Pb by La atoms. The structural changes observed at the low energy peaks of the O K-edge XANES spectra of the PLT compounds may be interpreted in terms of hybridization between O 2p, Ti 3d, and Pb 6p orbitals. A decrease in the degree of hybridization observed as Pb atoms are replaced by La atoms may be related to the differences in the ferroelectric properties observed between x=0.0 and x=0.30 compounds. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
Syntheses of the following complexes are reported: LnX3·6L, LnX′3·4L, LnX″3·3L and Eu(NCS)3·3L, where Ln = Nd3+, Eu3+; L = hexamethylphosphoramide (hmpa); X = ClO4 -, PF6 -; X′ = NCS-, NO3 -, Br-, ClO4 -; X″=Cl-. Spectra of the complexes of Nd3+ (absorption) and Eu3+ (emission) in dichloromethane solutions were measured. The oscillator strengths of the Nd3+ f-f absorption bands within the 11 000-30 000 cm-1 region were determined and the τλ intensity parameters were obtained according to the Judd-Ofelt formalism. Covalency parameters were also determined for the Nd3+ complexes. The intensities relationship η21 of the 5D0→7F2 and 5D0→7F1 transitions of the Eu3+ was calculated. A good correlation between τ2 and the oscillator strength of the hypersensitive band of Nd3+ was found, as well as a correlation between τ2 and η21. There are only qualitative relations between τ2 and the covalency parameter. © 1991.
This paper reports on the structural characterization of Pb 1-xLaxZr0.40Ti0.60O3 (PLZT) ferroelectric ceramic compositions prepared by the conventional solid state reaction method. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and Raman spectroscopy were used to probe the local structure of PLZT samples that exhibits a normal and relaxor ferroelectric behavior. From the Zr K-edge and Pb LIII-edge EXAFS spectra, a considerable dissymmetry of Zr and Pb sites was observed in all samples, including those showing a long-range order cubic symmetry and a relaxor behavior. The Raman spectroscopy results confirmed the existence of a local disorder in all PLZT samples through the observation of Raman active vibrational modes. The variation in the intensity of the E(TO 3) mode in the PLZT relaxor samples indicates that the process of correlation between nanodomains stabilizes at temperatures lower than T m. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Amostras de óleo obtido do fruto do Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) foram caracterizadas por espectroscopia de absorção e emissão. O espectro de absorção foi obtido no intervalo de 300 a 2000 nm, enquanto o espectro de emissão foi analisado entre 400 e 800 nm, onde observamos várias bandas. Para melhor entender a complexidade destes espectros, também obtivemos os espectros de absorção e emissão dos componentes majoritários do óleo de Buriti. Correlacionando estes dados, apresentamos uma discussão sobre a origem das bandas observadas.
Results of photoluminescence measurements for natural and synthetic alexandrite (BeAl2O4:Cr3+) are presented, where the samples are excited by the 488 nm line of an Ar+ laser, at different temperatures. The main issue is the analysis of the Cr3+ transition in the chrysoberyl matrix (BeAl2O4), with major technological application as active media for laser action. Results indicate anomalous behavior of Cr3+ transition depending on the measurement temperature. A simple model to explain the phenomena is suggested.
This work investigates pure ionic liquids (ILs) derived from an imidazolium ring with different carbonic chains and halides or bis(trifluoromethanesulfonilimide) (TFSI-) as anions, using X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) at different energies (N, S, O, F, and Cl edges) to probe the interionic interactions. XANES data show that the interaction with the anion is weaker when the cation is an imidazolium than when the salt is formed by smaller cations, as lithium, independently of the length of the carbonic chain attached to the imidazolium cation. The results also show that, for all studied as, it is not observed any influence of the anion on the XANES spectra of the cation, nor the opposite. 1-Methylimidazolium with Cl-, a small and strongly coordinating anion, presents in the N K XANES spectrum a splitting of the band corresponding to nitrogen in the imidazolic ring, indicating two different chemical environments. For this cation with TFSI-, on the contrary, this splitting was not observed, showing that the anion has a weaker interaction with the imidazolic ring, even without a lateral carbonic chain.
The infrared absorption of polysiloxanes involves a strong band at around 1050 cm(-1), attributed to the antisymmetric vibration of siloxane bridges. The splitting of this band into two components is generally attributed to coupling between next-neighbor siloxane groups along the polysiloxane chain. From a quantitative analysis of the spectra of these materials, we find that this splitting is larger when the material is in thin-film form, and that the relative intensity of the two components is polarization dependent. We show that these effects are fully understandable in the theoretical framework of infrared absorption by thin films, and are related to long-range dipolar interactions responsible for the longitudinal-transverse splitting effect in crystalline materials. As a consequence, the polarization dependence of the infrared absorption observed for thin films does not appear to be associated with an orientational ordering in the film. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work reports on the spectral dependence of both nonlinear refraction and absorption in lead-germanium oxide glasses (PbO-GeO2) containing silver nanoparticles. We have found that this material is suitable for all-optical switching at telecom wavelengths but at the visible range it behaves either as a saturable absorber or as an optical limiter. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
Titan's optical and near-IR spectra result primarily from the scattering of sunlight by haze and its absorption by methane. With a column abundance of 92 km amagat (11 times that of Earth), Titan's atmosphere is optically thick and only similar to 10% of the incident solar radiation reaches the surface, compared to 57% on Earth. Such a formidable atmosphere obstructs investigations of the moon's lower troposphere and surface, which are highly sensitive to the radiative transfer treatment of methane absorption and haze scattering. The absorption and scattering characteristics of Titan's atmosphere have been constrained by the Huygens Probe Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) experiment for conditions at the probe landing site (Tomasko, M.G., Bezard, B., Doose, L., Engel, S., Karkoschka, E. 120084 Planet. Space Sci. 56, 624-247: Tomasko, M.G. et al. [2008b] Planet. Space Sci. 56, 669-707). Cassini's Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) data indicate that the rest of the atmosphere (except for the polar regions) can be understood with small perturbations in the high haze structure determined at the landing site (Penteado, P.F., Griffith, CA., Tomasko, M.G., Engel, S., See, C., Doose, L, Baines, K.H., Brown, R.H., Buratti, B.J., Clark, R., Nicholson, P., Sotin, C. [2010]. Icarus 206, 352-365). However the in situ measurements were analyzed with a doubling and adding radiative transfer calculation that differs considerably from the discrete ordinates codes used to interpret remote data from Cassini and ground-based measurements. In addition, the calibration of the VIMS data with respect to the DISR data has not yet been tested. Here, VIMS data of the probe landing site are analyzed with the DISR radiative transfer method and the faster discrete ordinates radiative transfer calculation; both models are consistent (to within 0.3%) and reproduce the scattering and absorption characteristics derived from in situ measurements. Constraints on the atmospheric opacity at wavelengths outside those measured by DISR, that is from 1.6 to 5.0 mu m, are derived using clouds as diffuse reflectors in order to derive Titan's surface albedo to within a few percent error and cloud altitudes to within 5 km error. VIMS spectra of Titan at 2.6-3.2 mu m indicate not only spectral features due to CH4 and CH3D (Rannou, P., Cours, T., Le Mouelic, S., Rodriguez, S., Sotin, C., Drossart, P., Brown, R. [2010]. Icarus 208, 850-867), but also a fairly uniform absorption of unknown source, equivalent to the effects of a darkening of the haze to a single scattering albedo of 0.63 +/- 0.05. Titan's 4.8 mu m spectrum point to a haze optical depth of 0.2 at that wavelength. Cloud spectra at 2 mu m indicate that the far wings of the Voigt profile extend 460 cm(-1) from methane line centers. This paper releases the doubling and adding radiative transfer code developed by the DISR team, so that future studies of Titan's atmosphere and surface are consistent with the findings by the Huygens Probe. We derive the surface albedo at eight spectral regions of the 8 x 12 km(2) area surrounding the Huygens landing site. Within the 0.4-1.6 mu m spectral region our surface albedos match DISR measurements, indicating that DISR and VIMS measurements are consistently calibrated. These values together with albedos at longer 1.9-5.0 mu m wavelengths, not sampled by DISR, resemble a dark version of the spectrum of Ganymede's icy leading hemisphere. The eight surface albedos of the landing site are consistent with, but not deterministic of, exposed water ice with dark impurities. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This Article reports a combined experimental and theoretical analysis on the one and two-photon absorption properties of a novel class of organic molecules with a pi-conjugated backbone based on phenylacetylene (JCM874, FD43, and FD48) and azoaromatic (YB3p2S) moieties. Linear optical properties show that the phenylacetylene-based compounds exhibit strong molar absorptivity in the UV and high fluorescence quantum yield with lifetimes of approximately 2.0 ns, while the azoaromatic-compound has a strong absorption in the visible region with very low fluorescence quantum yield. The two-photon absorption was investigated employing nonlinear optical techniques and quantum chemical calculations based on the response functions formalism within the density functional theory framework. The experimental data revealed well-defined 2PA spectra with reasonable cross-section values in the visible and IR. Along the nonlinear spectra we observed two 2PA allowed bands, as well as the resonance enhancement effect due to the presence of one intermediate one-photon allowed state. Quantum chemical calculations revealed that the 2PA allowed bands correspond to transitions to states that are also one-photon allowed, indicating the relaxation of the electric-dipole selection rules. Moreover, using the theoretical results, we were able to interpret the experimental trends of the 2PA spectra. Finally, using a few-energy-level diagram, within the sum-over-essential states approach, we observed strong qualitative and quantitative correlation between experimental and theoretical results.