915 resultados para polarization holographic optical recording


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We describe and analyse the operation and stabilization of a Mach--Zehnder interferometer, which separates the carrier and the first-order sidebands of a phase-modulated laser field, and which is locked using the H\"ansch--Couillaud method. In addition to the necessary attenuation, our interferometer introduces, via total internal reflection, a significant polarization-dependent phase delay. We employ a general treatment to describe an interferometer with an object which affects the field along one path, and we examine how this phase delay affects the error signal. We discuss the requirements necessary to ensure the lock point remains unchanged when phase modulation is introduced, and we demonstrate and characterize this locking experimentally. Finally, we suggest an extension to this locking strategy using heterodyne detection.


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Arrays of gold nanotubes with polypyrrole cores were grown on glass substrates by electrodeposition into thin film porous alumina templates. Measurements of optical transmission revealed strong extinction peaks related to plasmonic resonances, which were sensitive to the polarization state and angle of incidence. On prolonging the electrodeposition of gold, the polypyrrole core became fully encapsulated and this had a dramatic effect on the optical properties of the arrays, which was rationalized by finite element simulation of the local field intensities resulting from plasmon excitation.


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We address the propagation of a single photon pulse with two polarization components, i.e., a polarization qubit, in an inhomogeneously broadened "phaseonium" \Lambda-type three-level medium. We combine some of the non-trivial propagation effects characteristic for this kind of coherently prepared systems and the controlled reversible inhomogeneous broadening technique to propose several quantum information processing applications, such as a protocol for polarization qubit filtering and sieving as well as a tunable polarization beam splitter. Moreover, we show that, by imposing a spatial variation of the atomic coherence phase, an effcient quantum memory for the incident polarization qubit can be also implemented in \Lambda-type three-level systems.


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We numerically study nonreciprocal regimes of surface plasmon-polariton at the interface between two gyrotropic media. We predict existence of isolated unidirectional TE and TM surface modes guided by the interface between gyroelectric and gyromagnetic media.


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We break down photoelectron diffraction intensities into four terms in analogy to optical holography and discuss the effect of each term on reconstructed images. The second term involving products of scattered waves SIGMA-SIGMA-O(i)O(j)*, is in this case not structure-less. Theoretical analysis and simulations demonstrate that this term may lead to spurious features in real space images in holographic transforms of medium energy electron diffraction patterns. If it is small enough the problem may be overcome by an iterative correction process.


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A new class of polarizing surface is proposed that in a given frequency band can reflect incident linearly polarized waves with circular polarization (CP) while at other frequencies is transparent allowing incident waves to transmit unaffected. The proposed structure consists of two parallel anisotropic frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) that independently interact with TE or TM waves, respectively. The FSSs are designed to, respectively, transmit TE and TM waves within the same transmission frequency range, so that the combined structure is transparent to all polarizations in this band. Likewise, the two arrays are designed to, respectively, reflect TE and TM incident waves in a common reflection band, so that all polarizations are fully reflected in this range; if the separation of the two arrays is such that the TE and TM components of an incident wave polarized at slant 45° experience a 90° phase shift, reflection will occur in CP. The concept and performance limitations are theoretically investigated using transmission line theory as well as full wave results. The predicted performance is validated by means of experimental results on a fabricated prototype. The proposed structure is pertinent for employment as a quasi-optical diplexer in CP dual-band systems such as reflector antennas.


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In the presence of a (time-dependent) macroscopic electric field the electron dynamics of dielectrics cannot be described by the time-dependent density only. We present a real-time formalism that has the density and the macroscopic polarization P as key quantities. We show that a simple local function of P already captures long-range correlation in linear and nonlinear optical response functions. Specifically, after detailing the numerical implementation, we examine the optical absorption, the second- and third-harmonic generation of bulk Si, GaAs, AlAs and CdTe at different level of approximation. We highlight links with ultranonlocal exchange-correlation functional approximations proposed within linear response time-dependent density functional theory framework.


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In this thesis we perform a detailed analysis of the state of polarization (SOP) of light scattering process using a concatenation of ber-coil based polarization controllers (PCs). We propose a polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) emulator, built through the concatenation of bercoil based PCs and polarization-maintaining bers (PMFs), capable of generate accurate rst- and second-order PMD statistics. We analyze the co-propagation of two optical waves inside a highbirefringence ber. The evolution along the ber of the relative SOP between the two signals is modeled by the de nition of the degree of co-polarization parameter. We validate the model for the degree of co-polarization experimentally, exploring the polarization dependence of the four-wave mixing e ect into a ber with high birefringence. We also study the interaction between signal and noise mediated by Kerr e ect in optical bers. A model accurately describing ampli ed spontaneous emission noise in systems with distributed Raman gain is derived. We show that the noise statistics depends on the propagation distance and on the signal power, and that for distances longer than 120 km and signal powers higher than 6 mW it deviates signi catively from the Gaussian distribution. We explore the all-optical polarization control process based on the stimulated Raman scattering e ect. Mapping parameters like the degree of polarization (DOP), we show that the preferred ampli cation of one particular polarization component of the signal allows a polarization pulling over a wavelength range of 60 nm. The e ciency of the process is higher close to the maximum Raman gain wavelength, where the DOP is roughly constant for a wavelength range of 15 nm. Finally, we study the polarization control in quantum key distribution (QKD) systems with polarization encoding. A model for the quantum bit error rate estimation in QKD systems with time-division multiplexing and wavelength-division multiplexing based polarization control schemes is derived.


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As comunicações quânticas aplicam as leis fundamentais da física quântica para codificar, transmitir, guardar e processar informação. A mais importante e bem-sucedida aplicação é a distribuição de chaves quânticas (QKD). Os sistemas de QKD são suportados por tecnologias capazes de processar fotões únicos. Nesta tese analisamos a geração, transmissão e deteção de fotões únicos e entrelaçados em fibras óticas. É proposta uma fonte de fotões única baseada no processo clássico de mistura de quatro ondas (FWM) em fibras óticas num regime de baixas potências. Implementamos essa fonte no laboratório, e desenvolvemos um modelo teórico capaz de descrever corretamente o processo de geração de fotões únicos. O modelo teórico considera o papel das nãolinearidades da fibra e os efeitos da polarização na geração de fotões através do processo de FWM. Analisamos a estatística da fonte de fotões baseada no processo clássico de FWM em fibras óticas. Derivamos um modelo teórico capaz de descrever a estatística dessa fonte de fotões. Mostramos que a estatística da fonte de fotões evolui de térmica num regime de baixas potências óticas, para Poissoniana num regime de potências óticas moderadas. Validamos experimentalmente o modelo teórico, através do uso de fotodetetores de avalanche, do método estimativo da máxima verossimilhança e do algoritmo de maximização de expectativa. Estudamos o processo espontâneo de FWM como uma fonte condicional de fotões únicos. Analisamos a estatística dessa fonte em termos da função condicional de coerência de segunda ordem, considerando o espalhamento de Raman na geração de pares de fotões, e a perda durante a propagação de fotões numa fibra ótica padrão. Identificamos regimes apropriados onde a fonte é quase ideal. Fontes de pares de fotões implementadas em fibras óticas fornecem uma solução prática ao problema de acoplamento que surge quando os pares de fotões são gerados fora da fibra. Exploramos a geração de pares de fotões através do processo espontâneo de FWM no interior de guias de onda com suceptibilidade elétrica de terceira ordem. Descrevemos a geração de pares de fotões em meios com elevado coeficiente de absorção, e identificamos regimes ótimos para o rácio contagens coincidentes/acidentais (CAR) e para a desigualdade de Clauser, Horne, Shimony, and Holt (CHSH), para o qual o compromisso entre perda do guia de onda e não-linearidades maximiza esses parâmetros.


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Optical networks are under constant evolution. The growing demand for dynamism require devices that can accommodate different types of traffic. Thus the study of transparent optical networks arises. This approach makes optical networks more "elegant" , due to a more efficient use of network resources. In this thesis, the author proposes devices that intend to form alternative approaches both in the state of art of these same technologies both in the fitting of this technologies in transparent optical networks. Given that full transparency is difficult to achieve with current technology (perhaps with more developed optical computing this is possible), the author proposes techniques with different levels of transparency. On the topic of performance of optical networks, the author proposes two techniques for monitoring chromatic dispersion with different levels of transparency. In Chapter 3 the proposed technique seems to make more sense for long-haul optical transmission links and high transmission rates, not only due to its moderate complexity but also to its potential moderate/high cost. However it is proposed to several modulation formats, particularly those that have a protruding clock component. In Chapter 4 the transparency level was not tested for various modulation formats, however some transparency is achieved by not adding any electrical device after the receiver (other than an analog-digital converter). This allows that this technique can operate at high transmission rates in excess of 100 Gbit / s, if electro-optical asynchronous sampling is used before the optical receiver. Thus a low cost and low bandwidth photo-detector can be used. In chapter 5 is demonstrated a technique for simultaneously monitoring multiple impairments of the optical network by generating novel performance analysis diagrams and by use of artificial neural networks. In chapter 6 the author demonstrates an all-optical technique for controlling the optical state of polarization and an example of how all-optical signal processing can fully cooperate with optical performance monitoring.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações


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Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) allows optical-path-difference (OPD) measurements with nanometric accuracy. OPD induced by transparent cells depends on both the refractive index (RI) of cells and their morphology. This Letter presents a dual-wavelength DHM that allows us to separately measure both the RI and the cellular thickness by exploiting an enhanced dispersion of the perfusion medium achieved by the utilization of an extracellular dye. The two wavelengths are chosen in the vicinity of the absorption peak of the dye, where the absorption is accompanied by a significant variation of the RI as a function of the wavelength.


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The thesis deals with the preparation of chemical, optical, thermal and electrical characterization of five compounds, namely metal free naphthalocyanine, vanadyl napthalocyanine, zinc naphlocyanine, europium dinaphthalocyanine, and europium diphthalocyanine in the pristine and iodine-doped forms. Two important technological properties of these compounds have been investigated. The electrical properties are important in applications sensors and semiconductor lasers. Opto-thermal properties assume significance for optical imaging and data recording. The electrical properties were investigated by dc and ac techniques. This work has revealed some novel information on the conduction mechanism in five macrocyclic compounds and their iodine-doped forms. Also useful data on the thermal diffusivity of the target compounds have been obtained by optical techniques.


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Development of a new compact circular-sided microstrip antenna is presented. This antenna offers considerable area re- TABLE 2. Variation of Resonant Frequencies duction compared to standard rectangular microstrip antenna designed for the same frequency. Typical antenna design and experimental results for circular polarization are also demonstrated. 77je antenna has a 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth of 1.5%


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Studies on pulse propagation in single mode optical fibers have attracted interest from a wide area of science and technology as they have laid down the foundation for an in-depth understanding of the underlying physical principles, especially in the field of optical telecommunications. The foremost among them is discovery of the optical soliton which is considered to be one of the most significant events of the twentieth century owing to its fantastic ability to propagate undistorted over long distances and to remain unaflected after collision with each other. To exploit the important propertia of optical solitons, innovative mathematical models which take into account proper physical properties of the single mode optical fibers demand special attention. This thesis contains a theoretical analysis of the studies on soliton pulse propagation in single mode optical fibers.