968 resultados para pk-yrittäjyys


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Introduction et objectif: Lors d'essais cliniques, le pharmacien est responsable de la préparation et de la dispensation des médicaments à évaluer. Un article récent a toutefois montré que les aspects pharmaceutiques liés au contrôle de la dose administrée in fine étaient souvent mal contrôlés. Il peut exister une différence entre la dose nominale fournie par le certificat d'analyse du fabricant et la dose réellement administrée au sujet, biais qui se reporte en cascade sur l'estimation des paramètres pharmaco¬cinétiques (PK), comme la clairance ou le volume de distribution. Ce travail visait à évaluer les biais entachant la quantité de médicament réellement injectée (iv/sc) aux volontaires d'un essai clinique étudiant la PK et la relation dose-réponse d'un nouveau produit biotechnologique. Méthode: La dose de médicament administrée lors de l'essai clinique (D) a été calculée de la manière suivante: D = C ? V - pertes. La concentration du produit (C; titre nominal du fabricant) a été vérifiée par immuno-essai. Le volume de médicament injecté (V) a été déterminé pour chaque injection par pesée (n=72), en utilisant la masse de la seringue avant et après injection et la densité du produit. Enfin, une analyse in vitro a permis d'évaluer les pertes liées à l'adsorption du produit dans les lignes de perfusion et de choisir le dispositif adéquat in vivo. Résultats: La concentration du médicament s'est révélée proche du titre nominal (96 ± 7%), et a été utilisée comme référence. Le volume injecté était quant à lui entaché d'un biais systématique par rapport à la valeur théorique correspondant à 0.03 mL pour la dose minimale (i.e. 75% du volume à injecter à cette dose). Une analyse complémentaire a montré que cela s'expliquait par une réaspiration partielle de la solution médica-menteuse avant le retrait de la seringue après injection sc, due à l'élasticité du piston. En iv, le biais était par contre provoqué par une réaspiration du soluté de perfusion co-administré. Enfin, la mesure des quantités de médicament récupérées après injection dans le dispositif de perfusion a démontré des pertes minimales par adsorption. Discussion-conclusion: Cette étude confirme l'existence de biais inversement corrélés au volume et à la concentration du médicament administré, pouvant provoquer des erreurs importantes sur les paramètres PK. Ce problème est négligé ou insuffisamment considéré dans les protocoles de Phase I et nécessiterait une planification rigoureuse. Les procédures opératoires devraient attirer l'attention sur ce point crucial.


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Teicoplanin is frequently administered to treat Gram-positive infections in pediatric patients. However, not enough is known about the pharmacokinetics (PK) of teicoplanin in children to justify the optimal dosing regimen. The aim of this study was to determine the population PK of teicoplanin in children and evaluate the current dosage regimens. A PK hospital-based study was conducted. Current dosage recommendations were used for children up to 16 years of age. Thirty-nine children were recruited. Serum samples were collected at the first dose interval (1, 3, 6, and 24 h) and at steady state. A standard 2-compartment PK model was developed, followed by structural models that incorporated weight. Weight was allowed to affect clearance (CL) using linear and allometric scaling terms. The linear model best accounted for the observed data and was subsequently chosen for Monte Carlo simulations. The PK parameter medians/means (standard deviation [SD]) were as follows: CL, [0.019/0.023 (0.01)] × weight liters/h/kg of body weight; volume, 2.282/4.138 liters (4.14 liters); first-order rate constant from the central to peripheral compartment (Kcp), 0.474/3.876 h(-1) (8.16 h(-1)); and first-order rate constant from peripheral to central compartment (Kpc), 0.292/3.994 h(-1) (8.93 h(-1)). The percentage of patients with a minimum concentration of drug in serum (Cmin) of <10 mg/liter was 53.85%. The median/mean (SD) total population area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) was 619/527.05 mg · h/liter (166.03 mg · h/liter). Based on Monte Carlo simulations, only 30.04% (median AUC, 507.04 mg · h/liter), 44.88% (494.1 mg · h/liter), and 60.54% (452.03 mg · h/liter) of patients weighing 50, 25, and 10 kg, respectively, attained trough concentrations of >10 mg/liter by day 4 of treatment. The teicoplanin population PK is highly variable in children, with a wider AUC distribution spread than for adults. Therapeutic drug monitoring should be a routine requirement to minimize suboptimal concentrations. (This trial has been registered in the European Clinical Trials Database Registry [EudraCT] under registration number 2012-005738-12.).


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Most of oral targeted therapies are tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). Oral administration generates a complex step in the pharmacokinetics (PK) of these drugs. Inter-individual PK variability is often large and variability observed in response is influenced not only by the genetic heterogeneity of drug targets, but also by the pharmacogenetic background of the patient (e.g. cytochome P450 and ABC transporter polymorphisms), patient characteristics such as adherence to treatment and environmental factors (drug-drug interactions). Retrospective studies have shown that targeted drug exposure, reflected in the area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) correlates with treatment response (efficacy/toxicity) in various cancers. Nevertheless levels of evidence for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) are however heterogeneous among these agents and TDM is still uncommon for the majority of them. Evidence for imatinib currently exists, others are emerging for compounds including nilotinib, dasatinib, erlotinib, sunitinib, sorafenib and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors. Applications for TDM during oral targeted therapies may best be reserved for particular situations including lack of therapeutic response, severe or unexpected toxicities, anticipated drug-drug interactions and/or concerns over adherence treatment. Interpatient PK variability observed with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) is comparable or slightly lower to that observed with TKIs. There are still few data with these agents in favour of TDM approaches, even if data showed encouraging results with rituximab, cetuximab and bevacizumab. At this time, TDM of mAbs is not yet supported by scientific evidence. Considerable effort should be made for targeted therapies to better define concentration-effect relationships and to perform comparative randomised trials of classic dosing versus pharmacokinetically-guided adaptive dosing.


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Imatinib is the standard of care for patients with advanced metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), and is also approved for adjuvant treatment in patients at substantial risk of relapse. Studies have shown that maximizing benefit from imatinib depends on long-term administration at recommended doses. Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic factors, adherence, and drug-drug interactions can affect exposure to imatinib and impact clinical outcomes. This article reviews the relevance of these factors to imatinib's clinical activity and response in the context of what has been demonstrated in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), and in light of new data correlating imatinib exposure to response in patients with GIST. Because of the wide inter-patient variability in drug exposure with imatinib in both CML and GIST, blood level testing (BLT) may play a role in investigating instances of suboptimal response, unusually severe toxicities, drug-drug interactions, and suspected non-adherence. Published clinical data in CML and in GIST were considered, including data from a PK substudy of the B2222 trial correlating imatinib blood levels with clinical responses in patients with GIST. Imatinib trough plasma levels <1100ng/mL were associated with lower rates of objective response and faster development of progressive disease in patients with GIST. These findings have been supported by other analyses correlating free imatinib (unbound) levels with response. These results suggest a future application for imatinib BLT in predicting and optimizing therapeutic response. Nevertheless, early estimates of threshold imatinib blood levels must be confirmed prospectively in future studies and elaborated for different patient subgroups.


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Most of the novel targeted anticancer agents share classical characteristics that define drugs as candidates for blood concentration monitoring: long-term therapy; high interindividual but restricted intraindividual variability; significant drug-drug and drug- food interactions; correlations between concentration and efficacy/ toxicity with rather narrow therapeutic index; reversibility of effects; and absence of early markers of response. Surprisingly though, therapeutic concentration monitoring has received little attention for these drugs despite reiterated suggestions from clinical pharmacologists. Several issues explain the lack of clinical research and development in this field: global tradition of empiricism regarding treatment monitoring, lack of formal conceptual framework, ethical difficulties in the elaboration of controlled clinical trials, disregard from both drug manufacturers and public funders, limited encouragement from regulatory authorities, and practical hurdles making dosage adjustment based on concentration monitoring a difficult task for prescribers. However, new technologies are soon to help us overcome these obstacles, with the advent of miniaturized measurement devices able to quantify circulating drug concentrations at the point-of-care, to evaluate their plausibility given actual dosage and sampling time, to determine their appropriateness with reference to therapeutic targets, and to advise on suitable dosage adjustment. Such evolutions could bring conceptual changes into the clinical development of drugs such as anticancer agents, while increasing the therapeutic impact of population PK-PD studies and systematic reviews. Research efforts in that direction from the clinical pharmacology community will be essential for patients to receive the greatest benefits and the least harm from new anticancer treatments. The example of imatinib, the first commercialized tyrosine kinase inhibitor, will be outlined to illustrate a potential research agenda for the rational development of therapeutic concentration monitoring.


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O presente trabalho foi elaborado com o objetivo de avaliar o rendimento das culturas do trigo, alface e rabanete e as alterações químicas de um Latossolo resultantes da adição de resíduos de curtume e de crômio hexavalente. Microparcelas, constituídas por recipientes com 60 L de solo e mantidas em casa de vegetação, receberam os seguintes tratamentos: testemunha; calcário + NPK; lodo do decantador primário + PK; resíduo de rebaixadeira de couro + calcário + NPK; aparas de couro + calcário + NPK; Cr6+ + calcário + NPK ; Cr6+ + calcário + esterco bovino; calcário + esterco bovino. O lodo continha 8,5 g kg-1 de Cr e foi aplicado em dose correspondente a 8,8 t ha-1. O resíduo de rebaixadeira possuía 17,1 g kg-1 Cr e as aparas de couro, 19,4 g kg-1 Cr. Esses resíduos foram aplicados nas doses correspondentes a 4,4 e 3,8 t ha-1. As doses de Cr6+ (K2Cr2O7) e esterco bovino foram de 100 mg kg-1 e 20 t ha-1, respectivamente. A aplicação de lodo elevou o pH do solo de 5,1 para 5,8; os teores de N, de 1,26 para 1,51 g kg-1, e os teores de Ca, de 4,1 para 5,9 cmol c dm-3, proporcionando rendimentos das três culturas equivalentes aos obtidos com a aplicação de calcário + NPK. Os teores de crômio no solo e nas partes vegetativas das culturas nos tratamentos com aplicação dos resíduos de curtume variaram, respectivamente, de 40,7 a 71,2 e de 0,08 a 2,71 mg kg-1, sendo considerados normais. A adição de resíduo de rebaixadeira de couro ou das aparas de couro não reduziu os rendimentos das culturas e não alterou os teores de Cr do solo e das plantas. A adição de Cr6+ provocou um efeito tóxico nas plantas, sendo responsável pela diminuição do rendimento da cultura do trigo em 91 % e da cultura da alface em 86 %, quando comparadas ao tratamento Calcário + NPK. Este efeito foi diminuído com a adição de agentes redutores como o esterco bovino.


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Os métodos para quantificar o silício (Si) disponível em fertilizantes e escórias não têm sido confiáveis até o momento. Neste estudo, determinou-se o Si extraído de diversas fontes, utilizando como extratores: Na2CO3 + NH4NO3, variando concentração, tempo de agitação e de reação; água; HCl 0,5 mol dm-3; Na2CO3 a 50 g dm-3; ácido cítrico a 50 g dm-3; ácido acético 0,5 mol dm-3; resina trocadora de cátions (Amberlite IRC-50, pK 6,1), além do método da coluna de lixiviação. Paralelamente, desenvolveu-se um experimento em casa de vegetação, com arroz irrigado, com aplicação de 125 kg ha-1 de Si total, proveniente de 12 fontes. O tempo de agitação mostrou não ser fundamental na determinação do Si, embora o resultado de três horas tenha sido superior estatisticamente aos demais. As concentrações de 10 + 16 g dm-3 e 30 + 48 g dm-3 de Na2CO3 + NH4NO3 mostraram-se as mais promissoras na extração de Si; por isso a menor concentração (10 + 16 g dm-3) foi escolhida para avaliar as fontes quanto ao tempo de repouso. Durante o período de repouso, verificou-se que todas as fontes apresentaram aumento na liberação de Si ao longo do tempo, tendo o período de 5 a 9 dias apresentado melhor correlação entre o Si extraído pelo arroz e o Si recuperado na análise das várias fontes. A extração com Na2CO3 + NH4NO3 dos fertilizantes com Si pode representar, com um bom grau de confiabilidade, o potencial de liberação deste elemento no solo e aproveitamento pelas plantas. As fontes mais eficientes na liberação de Si para o arroz foram a Rhodia, seguida da Wollastonita, enquanto as fontes MB-4 e escórias de alto-forno foram as que menos liberaram Si. Os extratores ácidos demonstraram ser mais eficientes na extração de Si das escórias de alto-forno e pouco eficientes com a Wollastonita. A água foi o extrator com a menor taxa de recuperação de Si das fontes testadas. Os extratores que apresentaram melhores correlações entre o Si recuperado e o Si extraído pela cultura do arroz foram a resina Amberlite e o Na2CO3 10 g dm-3 + NH4NO3 16 g dm-3, seguidos pela coluna de lixiviação.


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Rapport de synthèse :Le céfépime a été associé à un taux de mortalité supérieur à celui des autres bêta-lactamines chez les patients traités pour un sepsis sévère. Une des hypothèses avancées pour expliquer ces échecs thérapeutiques sont de possibles effets secondaires cachés (par ex. neurologiques) ou des paramètres pharmacocinétiques/pharmacodynamiques (PK/PD) inadaptés. Le présent travail a étudié cette problématique en mesurant prospectivement la pharmacocinétique du céfépime chez 21 patients consécutifs hospitalisés aux soins intensifs adultes (SIAD) pour une pneumonie nosocomiale. La population étudiée avec un âge médian 55,1 ans, a reçu par voie intraveineuse du céfépime à raison de 2 g toutes les 12 heures pour une clairance de la créatinine (Clcr)>50 mI/ min, et 2 g toutes les 24 heures ou 36 heures pour une Clcr<50 ml /min. Les taux plasmatiques de céfépime ont été mesurés à plusieurs reprises avant et après administration du médicament après la lèoe dose et à l'état d'équilibre par chromatographie en phase liquide à haute pression. Les taux plasmatiques ont considérablement varié entre les patients. Cent pour cent (21/21) des patients ont eu une durée appropriée d'antibiothérapie avec des taux plasmatiques supérieures à la CMI du céfépime (T>CMI>50%) pour les agents pathogènes retrouvés dans cette étude (CMI<4 mg/I), mais seulement 45-65% d'entre eux ont eu une couverture appropriée pour les agents pathogènes potentiels présentant une CMI> 8 mg/I pour le céfépime. Deux patients avec une insuffisance rénale (Clcr<30 ml/min) ont présenté des symptômes compatibles avec une épilepsie non-convulsive (état confusionnel et myoclonies) attribuée dans un 2ème temps à une toxicité du céfépime après que les taux plasmatiques aient été communiqués aux soignants qui ont suspendu l'antibiothérapie avec disparition des symptômes. Les résultats de cette étude empirique confirment l'existence d'effets secondaires cachés et de paramètres PK/PD inappropriés (pour les agents pathogènes ayant des CMI de limite supérieure) dans notre population de SIAD. En outre, ils mettent en évidence une fenêtre thérapeutique efficace pour une posologie de céfépime de 2 g toutes les 12 heures chez les patients ayant une Clcr>50 ml/min infectés par des pathogènes avec des CMI pour le céfépime <4 mg/I. Les échecs thérapeutiques constatés dans cette étude sont probablement liés à des taux sériques inadaptés, résultant de la difficulté de prescription dans les situations cliniques complexes. Dans ce contexte, un prompt dosage plasmatique du céfépime doit être considéré en cas de diminution de la Clcr ou en présence de CMI élevées.