918 resultados para photoelastic imaging


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Les maladies cardiovasculaires restent la cause de mortalité la plus élevée dans le monde occidental. Il s'agit d'un processus long et complexe, dont l'infarctus du myocarde et la mort cardiaque ne sont que la fin d'un spectrum. La perfusion myocardique joue un rôle central dans l'évolution de la maladie et survient chronologiquement en amont de la dysfonction diastolique et systolique, ainsi que de l'infarctus du myocarde. Une meilleure compréhension de la Physiopathologie sous-jacente est cruciale dans le diagnostique et la prise en charge du patient. Dans ce sens, ce travail tente d'évaluer l'apport de l'évaluation de la perfusion myocardique évaluée par la tomographic à émission de positron (PET/CT) quant à la prédiction d'événements cardiovasculaires. De plus, l'apport de l'évaluation quantitative par rapport à l'évaluation qualitative a été démontré dans ce travail. Nous avons utilisé un radiotraceur unique au regard de ses caractéristiques. En effet, Le Rubidium-82 est un traceur qui ne nécessite pas d'un cyclotron pour sa fabrication, dès lors qu'il est produit par un générateur, rendant ainsi sa disponibilité un atout et un avantage potentiel lors de futurs implémentations à plus grande échelle. Ce travail démontre la supériorité de l'analyse de perfusion myocardique quantitative par rapport à l'analyse traditionnelle qualitative, ce qui n'était pas encore confirmé avec le Rubidium-82. Les résultats montrent une démarcation significative entre les différentes valeurs de perfusion quantitative/absolue, permettant de distinguer différentes populations plus ou moins à risque en terme de prédiction d'événements cardiaques futurs. Il est intéressant de noter que dans un modèle combinant l'analyse qualitative et quantitative proposé dans ce travail, l'inclusion des résultats les plus ischémiques obtenus par l'analyse qualitative avec les résultats de perfusion les plus bas en terme de flux myocardique absolu (analyse quantitative) démarque une population à très bas risque d'événements cardiovasculaires majeurs, une prédiction pouvant être observée surplus de 1'000 jours. Ces résultats forment un ajout significatif quant à l'évaluation de la perfusion myocardique par la médecine nucléaire, notamment par ce model intégratif proposé, lequel permet une prédiction précise et contributive dans le cadre de futurs événements cardiovasculaires majeurs.


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The PERFORM MRI Project was an ancillary study of the PERFORM trial. Its aim was to investigate the potential effects of terutroban in patients with atherothrombotic disorders, in comparison to aspirin, on the evolution of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) lesions after a recent ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). The change in both hypointense and hyperintense lesions on the fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence, in the total brain volume and in the hippocampal volume from baseline (M1) to the final visit (M24) was assessed as well as the number of emergent microbleeds. A total of 748 patients had their MRI examination validated both at M1 and M24 during the study. At baseline, the volume of hypointense and hyperintense lesions on FLAIR images, the total brain volume, the hippocampal volume and the number of patients with microbleeds did not differ between the two groups. During follow-up, the mean volumetric increase of lesions hypointense or hyperintense on FLAIR images (from 5 to 8 %), the mean reduction of total brain volume (−0.4 %) and of hippocampal volume (−4 %), did not differ between the two treatment arms. The same parameters analysed ipsilateral to the ischaemic lesion did not differ either between the two groups. In the terutroban group, 16.3 % of patients presented with emergent microbleeds, 10.7 % in the aspirin group; this difference was not significant. In the PERFORM study, the progression of FLAIR lesions, of cerebral or hippocampal atrophy and of microbleeds did not differ between patients treated by terutroban and those treated by aspirin.


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In this study we investigated the effect of medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) on the global characteristics of brain connectivity estimated by topological measures. We used DSI (Diffusion Spectrum Imaging) to construct a connectivity matrix where the nodes represents the anatomical ROIs and the edges are the connections between any pair of ROIs weighted by the mean GFA/FA values. A significant difference was found between the patient group vs control group in characteristic path length, clustering coefficient and small-worldness. This suggests that the MTLE network is less efficient compared to the network of the control group.


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The Minutarium Majus, a register dating from the 13th and 14th centuries, was transferred by the paleographers responsible for its transcription to the Institute of Forensic Science of the University of Lausanne with the aim of enhancing portions of text that had become worn away and illegible. The manuscript had suffered from deterioration and damage for different unknown reasons, but most likely because of the colour instability of the ink, contaminations, storage conditions and repeated human manipulation. A total of 69 areas of text, ranging in size from just a few words to full pages, were photographically recorded under both white and ultraviolet (UV) light illumination. UV illumination observed in the visible range proved to be efficient in detecting the writings. Most of the texts could thus be successfully transcribed by the paleographers. The technique proved to be extremely useful for the exposure of damaged medieval writings.


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There has been confusion about the subunit stoichiometry of the degenerin family of ion channels. Recently, a crystal structure of acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC) 1a revealed that it assembles as a trimer. Here, we used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to image unprocessed ASIC1a bound to mica. We detected a mixture of subunit monomers, dimers and trimers. In some cases, triple-subunit clusters were clearly visible, confirming the trimeric structure of the channel, and indicating that the trimer sometimes disaggregated after adhesion to the mica surface. This AFM-based technique will now enable us to determine the subunit arrangement within heteromeric ASICs.


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We diagnosed a non-small cell lung carcinoma in a 49-year-old female patient with the histopathological diagnosis of stage IIIB mixed bronchioloalveolar and papillary adenocarcinoma with extensive micropapillary feature, which was not visualized on the preoperative multimodality imaging with positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT). The micropapillary component characterized by a unique growth pattern with particular morphological features can be observed in all subtypes of lung adenocarcinoma. Micropapillary component is increasingly recognized as a distinct entity associated with higher aggressiveness. Even the most modern multimodality PET/CT imaging technology may fail to adequately visualize this important component with highly relevant prognostic implications. Thus, the pathologist needs to consciously look for a micropapillary component in the surgical specimen or in preoperative biopsies or cytology. This may have potential future treatment implications, as adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy may be of relevance, even in the early stages of the disease.


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PURPOSE: F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) and MRI are used for detecting liver metastases from uveal melanoma. The introduction of new treatment options in clinical trials might benefit from early response assessment. Here, we determine the value of FDG-PET/CT with respect to MRI at diagnosis and its potential for monitoring therapy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ten patients with biopsy-proven liver metastases of uveal melanoma enrolled in a randomized phase III trial (NCT00110123) underwent both FDG-PET coupled with unenhanced CT and gadolinium-diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid-enhanced liver MRI within 4 weeks. FDG-PET and MRI were evaluated blindly and then compared using the ratio of lesion to normal liver parenchyma PET-derived standardized uptake value (SUV). The influence of lesion size and response to chemotherapy were studied. RESULTS: Overall, 108 liver lesions were seen: 34 (31%) on both modalities (1-18 lesions/patient), four (4%) by PET/CT only, and 70 (65%) by MRI only. SUV correlated with MRI lesion size (r=0.81, P<0.0001). PET/CT detected 26 of 33 (79%) MRI lesions of more than or equal to 1.2 cm, whereas it detected only eight of 71 (11%) lesions of less than 1.2 cm (P<0.0001). MRI lesions without PET correspondence were small (0.6±0.2 vs. 2.1±1.1 cm, P<0.0001). During follow-up (six patients, 30 lesions), the ratio lesion-to-normal-liver SUV diminished in size-stable lesions (1.90±0.64-1.46±0.50, P<0.0001), whereas it increased in enlarging lesions (1.56±0.40-1.99±0.56, P=0.032). CONCLUSION: MRI outweighs PET/CT for detecting small liver metastases. However, PET/CT detected at least one liver metastasis per patient and changes in FDG uptake not related to size change, suggesting a role in assessing early therapy response.


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In this project, we have investigated new ways of modelling and analysis of human vasculature from Medical images. The research was divided in two main areas: cerebral vasculature analysis and coronary arteries modeling. Regarding cerebral vasculature analysis, we have studed cerebral aneurysms, internal carotid and the Circle of Willis (CoW). Aneurysms are abnormal vessel enlargements that can rupture causing important cerebral damages or death. The understanding of this pathology, together with its virtual treatment, and image diagnosis and prognosis, includes identification and detailed measurement of the aneurysms. In this context, we have proposed two automatic aneurysm isolation method, to separate the abnormal part of the vessel from the healthy part, to homogenize and speed-up the processing pipeline usually employed to study this pathology, [Cardenes2011TMI, arrabide2011MedPhys]. The results obtained from both methods have been also compared and validatied in [Cardenes2012MBEC]. A second important task here the analysis of the internal carotid [Bogunovic2011Media] and the automatic labelling of the CoW, Bogunovic2011MICCAI, Bogunovic2012TMI]. The second area of research covers the study of coronary arteries, specially coronary bifurcations because there is where the formation of atherosclerotic plaque is more common, and where the intervention is more challenging. Therefore, we proposed a novel modelling method from Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) images, combined with Conventional Coronary Angiography (CCA), to obtain realistic vascular models of coronary bifurcations, presented in [Cardenes2011MICCAI], and fully validated including phantom experiments in [Cardene2013MedPhys]. The realistic models obtained from this method are being used to simulate stenting procedures, and to investigate the hemodynamic variables in coronary bifurcations in the works submitted in [Morlachi2012, Chiastra2012]. Additionally, another preliminary work has been done to reconstruct the coronary tree from rotational angiography, and published in [Cardenes2012ISBI].


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The written report (or its electronic counterpart) is the primary mode of communication between the physician interpreting an imaging study and the referring physician. The content of this report not only influences patient management and clinical outcomes but also serves as legal documentation of services provided and can be used to justify medical necessity, billing accuracy, and regulatory compliance. Generating a high-quality PET/CT report is perhaps more challenging than generating a report for other imaging studies because of the complexity of this hybrid imaging modality. This article discusses the essential elements of a concise and complete oncologic (18)F-FDG PET/CT report and illustrates these elements through examples taken from routine clinical practice.


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Introducción y objetivos. Se ha señalado que, en la miocardiopatía hipertrófica (MCH), la desorganización de las fibras regionales da lugar a segmentos en los que la deformación es nula o está gravemente reducida, y que estos segmentos tienen una distribución no uniforme en el ventrículo izquierdo (VI). Esto contrasta con lo observado en otros tipos de hipertrofia como en el corazón de atleta o la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda hipertensiva (HVI-HT), en los que puede haber una deformación cardiaca anormal, pero nunca tan reducida como para que se observe ausencia de deformación. Así pues, proponemos el empleo de la distribución de los valores de strain para estudiar la deformación en la MCH. Métodos. Con el empleo de resonancia magnética marcada (tagged), reconstruimos la deformación sistólica del VI de 12 sujetos de control, 10 atletas, 12 pacientes con MCH y 10 pacientes con HVI-HT. La deformación se cuantificó con un algoritmo de registro no rígido y determinando los valores de strain sistólico máximo radial y circunferencial en 16 segmentos del VI. Resultados. Los pacientes con MCH presentaron unos valores medios de strain significativamente inferiores a los de los demás grupos. Sin embargo, aunque la deformación observada en los individuos sanos y en los pacientes con HVI-HT se concentraba alrededor del valor medio, en la MCH coexistían segmentos con contracción normal y segmentos con una deformación nula o significativamente reducida, con lo que se producía una mayor heterogeneidad de los valores de strain. Se observaron también algunos segmentos sin deformación incluso en ausencia de fibrosis o hipertrofia. Conclusiones. La distribución de strain caracteriza los patrones específicos de deformación miocárdica en pacientes con diferentes etiologías de la HVI. Los pacientes con MCH presentaron un valor medio de strain significativamente inferior, así como una mayor heterogeneidad de strain (en comparación con los controles, los atletas y los pacientes con HVI-HT), y tenían regiones sin deformación.


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PURPOSE: To determine and compare the diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) for the diagnosis of tumor extent in advanced retinoblastoma, using histopathologic analysis as the reference standard. DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-analysis. PARTICIPANTS: Patients with advanced retinoblastoma who underwent MRI, CT, or both for the detection of tumor extent from published diagnostic accuracy studies. METHODS: Medline and Embase were searched for literature published through April 2013 assessing the diagnostic performance of MRI, CT, or both in detecting intraorbital and extraorbital tumor extension of retinoblastoma. Diagnostic accuracy data were extracted from included studies. Summary estimates were based on a random effects model. Intrastudy and interstudy heterogeneity were analyzed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Sensitivity and specificity of MRI and CT in detecting tumor extent. RESULTS: Data of the following tumor-extent parameters were extracted: anterior eye segment involvement and ciliary body, optic nerve, choroidal, and (extra)scleral invasion. Articles on MRI reported results of 591 eyes from 14 studies, and articles on CT yielded 257 eyes from 4 studies. The summary estimates with their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of the diagnostic accuracy of conventional MRI at detecting postlaminar optic nerve, choroidal, and scleral invasion showed sensitivities of 59% (95% CI, 37%-78%), 74% (95% CI, 52%-88%), and 88% (95% CI, 20%-100%), respectively, and specificities of 94% (95% CI, 84%-98%), 72% (95% CI, 31%-94%), and 99% (95% CI, 86%-100%), respectively. Magnetic resonance imaging with a high (versus a low) image quality showed higher diagnostic accuracies for detection of prelaminar optic nerve and choroidal invasion, but these differences were not statistically significant. Studies reporting the diagnostic accuracy of CT did not provide enough data to perform any meta-analyses. CONCLUSIONS: Magnetic resonance imaging is an important diagnostic tool for the detection of local tumor extent in advanced retinoblastoma, although its diagnostic accuracy shows room for improvement, especially with regard to sensitivity. With only a few-mostly old-studies, there is very little evidence on the diagnostic accuracy of CT, and generally these studies show low diagnostic accuracy. Future studies assessing the role of MRI in clinical decision making in terms of prognostic value for advanced retinoblastoma are needed.