434 resultados para pentecene semiconduttori organici transistor fotocorrente impiantazione ionica
We study the effect of magnetic anisotropy in a single electron transistor with ferromagnetic electrodes and a non-magnetic island. We identify the variation δμ of the chemical potential of the electrodes as a function of the magnetization orientation as a key quantity that permits to tune the electrical properties of the device. Different effects occur depending on the relative size of δμ and the charging energy. We provide preliminary quantitative estimates of δμ using a very simple toy model for the electrodes.
Sono stati introdotti i principali fluidi isolanti utilizzati in elettrotecnica, differenziandoli per strutture molecolari e proprietà dielettriche e spettroscopiche caratteristiche. Sono stati analizzati i diversi meccanismi di polarizzazione elettrica, polarizzabilità delle molecole e modelli di campo in un dipolo molecolare proposti da alcuni ricercatori ed analizzate le perdite dielettriche che compaiono negli oli isolanti elettrici principali, suddividendole per perdite dipolari, da cui il confronto fra diversi modelli teorici, e perdite dovute alla conduzione ionica di portatori di carica mobili.
Introductory.--Camden's "Britannia."--A mirror for magistrates.--A poet in prison.--Death's duel.--Gerard's Herbal.--Pharamond.--A volume of old plays.--A censor of poets.--Lady Winchilsea's poems.--Amasia.--Love and business.--What Ann Lang read.--Cats.--Smart's poems.--Pompey the Little.--The life of John Buncle.--Beau Nash.--The diary of a lover of literature.--Peter Bell and his tormentors.--The fancy.--Ultra-crepidarius.--The Duke of Rutland's poems.--Ionica.--The shaving of Shagpat.--Index.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
We show that an Anderson Hamiltonian describing a quantum dot connected to multiple leads is integrable. A general expression for the nonlinear conductance is obtained by combining the Bethe ansatz exact solution with Landauer-Buttiker theory. In the Kondo regime, a closed form expression is given for the matrix conductance at zero temperature and when all the leads are close to the symmetric point. A bias-induced splitting of the Kondo resonance is possible for three or more leads. Specifically, for N leads, with each at a different chemical potential, there can be N-1 Kondo peaks in the conductance.
We review progress at the Australian Centre for Quantum Computer Technology towards the fabrication and demonstration of spin qubits and charge qubits based on phosphorus donor atoms embedded in intrinsic silicon. Fabrication is being pursued via two complementary pathways: a 'top-down' approach for near-term production of few-qubit demonstration devices and a 'bottom-up' approach for large-scale qubit arrays with sub-nanometre precision. The 'top-down' approach employs a low-energy (keV) ion beam to implant the phosphorus atoms. Single-atom control during implantation is achieved by monitoring on-chip detector electrodes, integrated within the device structure. In contrast, the 'bottom-up' approach uses scanning tunnelling microscope lithography and epitaxial silicon overgrowth to construct devices at an atomic scale. In both cases, surface electrodes control the qubit using voltage pulses, and dual single-electron transistors operating near the quantum limit provide fast read-out with spurious-signal rejection.
Solid-state quantum computer architectures with qubits encoded using single atoms are now feasible given recent advances in the atomic doping of semiconductors. Here we present a charge qubit consisting of two dopant atoms in a semiconductor crystal, one of which is singly ionized. Surface electrodes control the qubit and a radio-frequency single-electron transistor provides fast readout. The calculated single gate times, of order 50 ps or less, are much shorter than the expected decoherence time. We propose universal one- and two-qubit gate operations for this system and discuss prospects for fabrication and scale up.
Spin precession due to Rashba spin-orbit coupling in a two-dimension electron gas is the basis for the spin field effect transistor, in which the overall perfect spin-polarized current modulation could be acquired. There is a prerequisite, however, that a strong transverse confinement potential should be imposed on the electron gas or the width of the confined quantum well must be narrow. We propose relieving this rather strict limitation by applying an external magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the electron gas because the effect of the magnetic field on the conductance of the system is equivalent to the enhancement of the lateral confining potential. Our results show that the applied magnetic field has little effect on the spin precession length or period although in this case Rashba spin-orbit coupling could lead to a Zeeman-type spin splitting of the energy band.
We present a new model for the continuous measurement of a coupled quantum dot charge qubit. We model the effects of a realistic measurement, namely adding noise to, and filtering, the current through the detector. This is achieved by embedding the detector in an equivalent circuit for measurement. Our aim is to describe the evolution of the qubit state conditioned on the macroscopic output of the external circuit. We achieve this by generalizing a recently developed quantum trajectory theory for realistic photodetectors [P. Warszawski, H. M. Wiseman, and H. Mabuchi, Phys. Rev. A 65, 023802 (2002)] to treat solid-state detectors. This yields stochastic equations whose (numerical) solutions are the realistic quantum trajectories of the conditioned qubit state. We derive our general theory in the context of a low transparency quantum point contact. Areas of application for our theory and its relation to previous work are discussed.
Recent progress in fabrication and control of single quantum systems presage a nascent technology based on quantum principles. We review these principles in the context of specific examples including: quantum dots, quantum electromechanical systems, quantum communication and quantum computation.
Circuit QED is a promising solid-state quantum computing architecture. It also has excellent potential as a platform for quantum control-especially quantum feedback control-experiments. However, the current scheme for measurement in circuit QED is low efficiency and has low signal-to-noise ratio for single-shot measurements. The low quality of this measurement makes the implementation of feedback difficult, and here we propose two schemes for measurement in circuit QED architectures that can significantly improve signal-to-noise ratio and potentially achieve quantum-limited measurement. Such measurements would enable the implementation of quantum feedback protocols and we illustrate this with a simple entanglement-stabilization scheme.
We consider a type of quantum electromechanical system, known as the shuttle system, first proposed by Gorelik [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 4526 (1998)]. We use a quantum master equation treatment and compare the semiclassical solution to a full quantum simulation to reveal the dynamics, followed by a discussion of the current noise of the system. The transition between tunneling and shuttling regime can be measured directly in the spectrum of the noise. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
We study the electrical transport of a harmonically bound, single-molecule C-60 shuttle operating in the Coulomb blockade regime, i.e. single electron shuttling. In particular, we examine the dependance of the tunnel current on an ultra-small stationary force exerted on the shuttle. As an example, we consider the force exerted on an endohedral N@C-60 by the magnetic field gradient generated by a nearby nanomagnet. We derive a Hamiltonian for the full shuttle system which includes the metallic contacts, the spatially dependent tunnel couplings to the shuttle, the electronic and motional degrees of freedom of the shuttle itself and a coupling of the shuttle's motion to a phonon bath. We analyse the resulting quantum master equation and find that, due to the exponential dependence of the tunnel probability on the shuttle-contact separation, the current is highly sensitive to very small forces. In particular, we predict that the spin state of the endohedral electrons of N@C-60 in a large magnetic gradient field can be distinguished from the resulting current signals within a few tens of nanoseconds. This effect could prove useful for the detection of the endohedral spin-state of individual paramagnetic molecules such as N@C-60 and P@C-60, or the detection of very small static forces acting on a C-60 shuttle.
The design, development, and testing of an X-band 137-element passive reflect away capable of incorporating active devices such as transistor amplifiers is presented. In order to avoid grating lobes in the radiation pattern, the interelement spacing is minimized using dual-feed aperture-coupled patch antenna elements. Far-field radiation pattern results are presented and compared with the predicted radiation patterns. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Oggi, i dispositivi portatili sono diventati la forza trainante del mercato consumer e nuove sfide stanno emergendo per aumentarne le prestazioni, pur mantenendo un ragionevole tempo di vita della batteria. Il dominio digitale è la miglior soluzione per realizzare funzioni di elaborazione del segnale, grazie alla scalabilità della tecnologia CMOS, che spinge verso l'integrazione a livello sub-micrometrico. Infatti, la riduzione della tensione di alimentazione introduce limitazioni severe per raggiungere un range dinamico accettabile nel dominio analogico. Minori costi, minore consumo di potenza, maggiore resa e una maggiore riconfigurabilità sono i principali vantaggi dell'elaborazione dei segnali nel dominio digitale. Da più di un decennio, diverse funzioni puramente analogiche sono state spostate nel dominio digitale. Ciò significa che i convertitori analogico-digitali (ADC) stanno diventando i componenti chiave in molti sistemi elettronici. Essi sono, infatti, il ponte tra il mondo digitale e analogico e, di conseguenza, la loro efficienza e la precisione spesso determinano le prestazioni globali del sistema. I convertitori Sigma-Delta sono il blocco chiave come interfaccia in circuiti a segnale-misto ad elevata risoluzione e basso consumo di potenza. I tools di modellazione e simulazione sono strumenti efficaci ed essenziali nel flusso di progettazione. Sebbene le simulazioni a livello transistor danno risultati più precisi ed accurati, questo metodo è estremamente lungo a causa della natura a sovracampionamento di questo tipo di convertitore. Per questo motivo i modelli comportamentali di alto livello del modulatore sono essenziali per il progettista per realizzare simulazioni veloci che consentono di identificare le specifiche necessarie al convertitore per ottenere le prestazioni richieste. Obiettivo di questa tesi è la modellazione del comportamento del modulatore Sigma-Delta, tenendo conto di diverse non idealità come le dinamiche dell'integratore e il suo rumore termico. Risultati di simulazioni a livello transistor e dati sperimentali dimostrano che il modello proposto è preciso ed accurato rispetto alle simulazioni comportamentali.