949 resultados para penaeid shrimp
We investigated modulation by ATP, Mg2+, Na+, K+ and NH4 (+) and inhibition by ouabain of (Na+,K+)-ATPase activity in microsomal homogenates of whole zoeae I and decapodid III (formerly zoea IX) and whole-body and gill homogenates of juvenile and adult Amazon River shrimps, . (Na+,K+)-ATPase-specific activity was increased twofold in decapodid III compared to zoea I, juveniles and adults, suggesting an important role in this ontogenetic stage. The apparent affinity for ATP ( (M) = 0.09 +/- A 0.01 mmol L-1) of the decapodid III (Na+,K+)-ATPase, about twofold greater than the other stages, further highlights this relevance. Modulation of (Na+,K+)-ATPase activity by K+ also revealed a threefold greater affinity for K+ ( (0.5) = 0.91 +/- A 0.04 mmol L-1) in decapodid III than in other stages; NH4 (+) had no modulatory effect. The affinity for Na+ ( (0.5) = 13.2 +/- A 0.6 mmol L-1) of zoea I (Na+,K+)-ATPase was fourfold less than other stages. Modulation by Na+, Mg2+ and NH4 (+) obeyed cooperative kinetics, while K+ modulation exhibited Michaelis-Menten behavior. Rates of maximal Mg2+ stimulation of ouabain-insensitive ATPase activity differed in each ontogenetic stage, suggesting that Mg2+-stimulated ATPases other than (Na+,K+)-ATPase are present. Ouabain inhibition suggests that, among the various ATPase activities present in the different stages, Na+-ATPase may be involved in the ontogeny of osmoregulation in larval The NH4 (+)-stimulated, ouabain-insensitive ATPase activity seen in zoea I and decapodid III may reflect a stage-specific means of ammonia excretion since functional gills are absent in the early larval stages.
Dry matter, energy, crude protein and amino acid apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) were determined in white shrimp juveniles for six wheat products: hard red winter whole grain meal (HWG), Rayon whole grain meal (RWG), Durum whole grain meal (DWG), hard red winter clear flour (HCF), mixed wheat 2nd clear flour (MCF) and semolina (S). The test diets included 30% of the test ingredients and 70% of a ground commercial diet supplemented with 1% chromic oxide and 1% sodium alginate. Amino acid contents in the ingredients, diets and feces were analyzed, and digestibility was determined by difference in order to minimize the impact of endogenous amino acid losses; crude protein and amino acids ADCswere adjusted for dietary preprandial losses in seawater. In general, nutrients digestibility was far higher in the wheat products than in the fish meal-based reference diet. Drymatter and crude proteinADCswere not statistically different amongwheat products (from84 to 96% and from88 to 107% respectively). Energy ADCs were significantly higher for clear flours (96% for HCF and MCF) than forwhole grainmeals and S (from83 to 86%). Total amino acids (TAA) and essentialamino acids (EAA) ADCs, once adjusted for preprandial leaching fromthe experimental diets, ranged from81 to 89% and from 58 to 81% respectively, and were statistically comparable among wheat products. Low Thr ADCs appear as a common feature of the amino acids digestibility profiles for whole grain meals, clear flours, or semolina.
Two feeding trials were carried out to evaluate the effect of diets containing corn or peanut grains naturally contaminated with aflatoxins on the growth, feed intake, survival, and histological response of the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. In trial 1, four experimental diets were formulated to contain 0, 500, 1000, and 2000 g kg–1 of total aflatoxins (TA) and fed to L. vannamei juveniles for 28 days. In trial 2, six experimental diets were formulated to contain 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, and 120 g kg–1 TA and fed to L. vannamei juveniles for 64 days. Feed intake and weight gain were significantly affected by the presence of aflatoxins from naturally contaminated grains. Feed conversion rate increased significantly from a level of inclusion of 60 g kg–1. Survival was significantly reduced only for shrimp fed diets supplemented with 1000 and 2000 g kg–1 TA. Shrimp exposed to higher aflatoxin inclusion levels presented significantly lower lipid vacuole levels in R-cells (12–28%), lower B-cell activity, and lower mitotic E-cell activity. Tubular epithelial atrophy increased from the inclusion level of 20 g kg–1. Hepatopancreatocyte sloughing was significantly higher in shrimp fed diets supplemented with 1000 and 2000 g kg–1 TA. It is worth noting that shrimp fed 40 g kg–1 TA presented a high hepatopancreatocyte sloughing coefficient. Based on these results we conclude that the presence of aflatoxins, even at low levels, reduces feed intake and weight gain, and alters the cells of the hepatopancreas. RESUMEN. Se llevaron a cabo dos bioensayos para evaluar el efecto de granos de maíz y maní contaminados naturalmente con aflatoxinas sobre el crecimiento, consumo de alimento, supervivencia y daños histológicos de juveniles del camarón blanco Litopenaeus vannamei. Para el bioensayo 1, se formularon cuatro dietas con 0, 500, 1000 y 2000 g kg–1 de aflatoxinas totales (AT) y se proporcionaron a juveniles de L. vannamei durante 28 días. Para el bioensayo 2, se formularon seis dietas con 0, 10, 20, 40, 60 y 120 g kg–1 AT y se proporcionaron a juveniles de L. vannamei durante 64 días. El consumo de alimento fue significativamente afectado por la presencia de aflatoxinas. La tasa de conversión alimenticia incrementó significativamente a partir de un nivel de inclusión de 60 g kg–1. La supervivencia fue significativamente reducida solamente en los camarones que fueron alimentados con las dietas suplementadas con 1000 y 2000 g kg–1 AT. Los camarones expuestos a los niveles de inclusión altos presentaron un menor nivel de vacuolas lipídicas en las células R (12–28%), y una menor actividad de las células B y de la actividad mitótica de las células E. La atrofia de los túbulos del epitelio se incrementó a partir de un nivel de inclusión de 20 g kg–1. La descamación de las células del hepatopáncreas fue significativamente mayor en camarones alimentados con las dietas suplementadas con 1000 y 2000 g kg–1 AT, mientras que para las dosis bajas no se observaron diferencias significativas, aunque en camarones alimentados a partir de 40 g kg–1 AT se observa un coeficiente de descamación alto. Con base en los resultados, se concluye que la presencia de aflatoxinas, incluso a niveles bajos, reduce el consumo de alimento y el aumento de peso y altera las células del hepatopáncreas.
Stable isotope analyses were applied to explore the relative dietary nitrogen contributions from fish meal and pea meal (Pisum sativum) to muscle tissue of Pacific white shrimp postlarvae (141 ± 31 mg) fed low protein diets having different proportions of both ingredients as the sole dietary protein sources. A negative control diet was formulated to contain 100% pea meal and six more isoproteic diets to have decreasing levels of pea meal-derived nitrogen: 95%, 85%, 70%, 55%, 40% and 0% of the initial level. Growth rates were negatively correlated to dietary pea protein inclusion due to progressive essential amino acid deficiencies (sulphur amino acids, threonine, lysine, histidine). The nitrogen turnover rate significantly increased in muscle tissue of shrimps fed diets having high levels of pea meal; however, contrary to observations from a previous study using soy protein, the relative contributions of dietary nitrogen from pea meal to shrimp muscle tissue were equal or higher than expected contributions established by the dietary formulations. Results highlight the effectiveness of stable isotope analysis in assessing the nutritional contributions of alternative ingredients for aquaculture feeds and the potential suitability of pea as a source of protein (provided the diets are nutritionally balanced)
The nutritional contribution of the dietary nitrogen, carbon and total dry matter supplied by fish meal (FM), soy protein isolate (SP) and corn gluten (CG) to the growth of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei was assessed by means of isotopic analyses. As SP and CG are ingredients derived from plants having different photosynthetic pathways which imprint specific carbon isotope values to plant tissues, their isotopic values were contrasting. FM is isotopically different to these plant meals with regards to both, carbon and nitrogen. Such natural isotopic differences were used to design experimental diets having contrasting isotopic signatures. Seven isoproteic (36% crude protein), isoenergetic (4.7 kcal g−1) diets were formulated; three diets consisted in isotopic controls manufactured with only one main ingredient supplying dietary nitrogen and carbon: 100% FM (diet 100F), 100% SP (diet 100S) and 100% CG (diet 100G). Four more diets were formulated with varying mixtures of these three ingredients, one included 33% of each ingredient on a dietary nitrogen basis (diet 33FSG) and the other three included a proportion 50:25:25 for each of the three ingredients (diets 50FSG, 50SGF and 50GFS). At the end of the bioassay there were no significant differences in growth rate in shrimps fed on the four mixed diets and diet 100F (k=0.215–0.224). Growth rates were significantly lower (k=0.163–0.201) in shrimps grown on diets containing only plant meals. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values (δ13C and δ15N) were measured in experimental diets and shrimp muscle tissue and results were incorporated into a three-source, two-isotope mixing model. The relative contributions of dietary nitrogen, carbon and total dry matter from FM, SP and CG to growth were statistically similar to the proportions established in most of the diets after correcting for the apparent digestibility coefficients of the ingredients. Dietary nitrogen available in diet 33FSG was incorporated in muscle tissue at proportions representing 24, 35 and 41% of the respective ingredients. Diet 50GSF contributed significantly higher amounts of dietary nitrogen from CG than from FM. When the level of dietary nitrogen derived from FM was increased in diet 50FSG, nutrient contributions were more comparable to the available dietary proportions as there was an incorporation of 44, 29 and 27% from FM, SP and CG, respectively. Nutritional contributions from SP were very consistent to the dietary proportions established in the experimental diets.
Vibrio pathogens are causative agents of mid-culture outbreaks, and early mortality syndrome and secondary aetiology of most dreadful viral outbreaks in shrimp aquaculture. Among the pathogenic vibrios group, Vibrio alginolyticus and V. harveyi are considered as the most significant ones in the grow-out ponds of giant black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon in India. Use of antibiotics was banned in many countries due to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains and accumulation of residual antibiotics in harvested shrimp. There is an urgent need to consider the use of alternative antibiotics for the control of vibriosis in shrimp aquaculture. Biofilm formation is a pathogenic and/or establishment mechanism of Vibrio spp. This study aims to develop novel safe antibiofilm and/ or antiadhesive process using PHB to contain vibrios outbreaks in shrimp aquaculture.
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values were determined in Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) with the objective of discriminating animals produced through aquaculture practices from those extracted from the wild. Farmed animals were collected at semi-intensive shrimp farms in Mexico and Ecuador. Fisheries-derived shrimps were caught in different fishing areas representing two estuarine systems and four open sea locations in Mexico and Ecuador. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values (13CVPDB and 15NAIR) allowed clear differentiation of wild from farmed animals. 13CVPDB and 15NAIR values in shrimps collected in the open sea were isotopically enriched (−16.99‰ and 11.57‰), indicating that these organisms belong to higher trophic levels than farmed animals. 13CVPDB and 15NAIR values of farmed animals (−19.72‰ and 7.85‰, respectively) partially overlapped with values measured in animals collected in estuaries (−18.46‰ and 5.38‰, respectively). Canonical discriminant analysis showed that when used separately and in conjunction, 13CVPDB and I5NAIR values were powerful discriminatory variables and demonstrate the viability of isotopic evaluations to distinguish wild-caught shrimps from aquaculture shrimps. Methodological improvements will define a verification tool to support shrimp traceability protocols.
The transition from marine/brackish waters to freshwater habitats constitutes a severe osmotic and ionic challenge, and successful invasion has demanded the selection of morphological, physiological, biochemical and behavioral adaptations. We evaluated short-term (1 to 12 h exposure) and long-term (5 d acclimation), anisosmotic extracellular (osmolality, [Na(+), Cl(-)]) and long-term isosmotic intracellular osmoregulatory capability in Palaemon northropi, a neotropical intertidal shrimp. F northropi survives well and osmo- and ionoregulates strongly during short- and long-term exposure to 5-45 parts per thousand salinity, consistent with its rocky tide pool habitat subject to cyclic salinity fluctuations, Muscle total free amino acid (FAA) concentrations decreased by 63% in shrimp acclimated to 5%. salinity, revealing a role in hypoosmotic cell volume regulation; this decrease is mainly a consequence of diminished glycine, arginine and proline. Total FAA contributed 31% to muscle intracellular osmolality at 20 parts per thousand, an isosmotic salinity, and decreased to 13% after acclimation to 5 parts per thousand. Gill and nerve tissue FAA concentrations remained unaltered. These tissue-specific responses reflect efficient anisosmotic and anisoionic extracellular regulatory mechanisms, and reveal the dependence of muscle tissue on intracellular osmotic effectors. FAA concentration is higher in P. northropi than in diadromous and hololimnetic palaemonids, confirming muscle FAA concentration as a good parameter to evaluate the degree of adaptation to dilute media. The osmoregulatory capability of P. northropi may reflect the potential physiological capacity of ancestral marine palaemonids to penetrate into dilute media, and reveals the importance of evaluating osmoregulatory processes in endeavors to comprehend the invasion of dilute media by ancestral marine crustaceans.
The effects of an increase in cod end mesh size from 55 to 60 and 70 mm and a change of mesh configuration from diamond to square mesh on the size selectivity for rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris and Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus captured off the Portuguese south coast were evaluated. The results were analysed taking into account between-haul variation in selectivity, and indicate a significant increase in L-50 for rose shrimp with an increase in mesh size or with the use of a square mesh cod end, while for Norway lobster only mesh configuration was found to affect this parameter. Two other important external variables were identified; the trawling depth and the cod end catch, which influence between-haul variation, by increasing the selection range for rose shrimp and Norway lobster, respectively. The results obtained suggest that an increase in the current minimum mesh size of 55 mm would be advisable for rose shrimp in order to respect the minimum landing size of 24 mm carapace length presently established for this species. Moreover, trawling for rose shrimp should be avoided at depths above 200 m, in order to avoid catches consisting almost exclusively of juveniles. Such an increase in mesh size would have a minor impact in terms of losses of individuals above the minimum landing size for Norway lobster and would contribute to reducing the amount of discards in this fishery. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In light of deep-sea mining industry development, particularly interested in massive-sulphide deposits enriched in metals with high commercial value, efforts are increasing to better understand potential environmental impacts to local fauna. The aim of this study was to assess the natural background levels of biomarkers in the hydrothermal vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata and their responses to copper exposure at in situ pressure (30MPa) as well as the effects of depressurization and pressurization of the high-pressure aquarium IPOCAMP. R. exoculata were collected from the chimney walls of the hydrothermal vent site TAG (Mid Atlantic Ridge) at 3630m depth during the BICOSE cruise in 2014. Tissue metal accumulation was quantified in different tissues (gills, hepatopancreas and muscle) and a battery of biomarkers was measured: metal exposure (metallothioneins), oxidative stress (catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione-S-transferase and glutathione peroxidase) and oxidative damage (lipid peroxidation). Data show a higher concentration of Cu in the hepatopancreas and a slight increase in the gills after incubations (for both exposed groups). Significant induction of metallothioneins was observed in the gills of shrimps exposed to 4μM of Cu compared to the control group. Moreover, activities of enzymes were detected for the in situ group, showing a background protection against metal toxicity. Results suggest that the proposed method, including a physiologically critical step of pressurizing and depressurizing the test chamber to enable the seawater exchange during exposure to contaminants, is not affecting metal accumulation and biomarkers response and may prove a useful method to assess toxicity of contaminants in deep-sea species.
This research studied the effect of thermoplastic extrusion on the expansion index (EI), water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), and sensory acceptance (SA) of a snack from rice grits, polished rice grains, and shrimp. A 23 factorial design was used with independent variables, temperature in the third extruder zone (63.2?96.8°C), initial moisture (106.4?173.6 g/kg), and shrimp content (16?184 g/kg), whereas EI, WAI, WSI, and SA were the responses. Through the surface-response methodology, the formulation with 80 g/kg shrimp and 130 g/kg initial moisture processed at 85°C in the third extruder zone was considered optimal. The product had good EI, WAI, and SA, 65.6 g/kg moisture, 24.0 g/kg lipids, 89.5 g/kg proteins, 34.2 kg/kg ashes, 72.4 g/kg fibers, and 714.3 g/kg carbohydrates. The product is an alternative for using rice grit, which has low commercial value, while also fully using the regional shrimp.