881 resultados para palliative vård
La consultance ou les coulisses d'une pratique de soins.. [The consultation or behind the scenes...]
Sur la base d'une analyse de leur pratique, les membres d'une équipe mobile intra-hospitalière de soins palliatifs proposent de définir le concept de la consultance. En décrivant trois modèles d'interaction entre un praticien et un consultant, ils invitent à prendre conscience de la complexité des enjeux relationnels existant entre les intervenants et espèrent ainsi favoriser leur collaboration au bénéfice du patient.
Il ressort que de l'avis largement majoritaire de tous les acteurs, institutions comme médecins privés, les soins palliatifs se sont améliorés dans le canton au cours des dix dernières années. Ce bilan positif est également confirmé par la comparaison des données qui avaient été recueillies en 2000 lors de la phase d'organisation des soins palliatifs dans le canton de Vaud. Trois éléments-clé sont évoqués comme cause de cette amélioration: les équipes mobiles en soins palliatifs (EMSP), les personnes-ressource et les formations en soins palliatifs . Cependant, des lacunes demeurent dans les institutions concernant, par exemple, l'inscription d'une définition des soins palliatifs dans les chartes institutionnelles ainsi que les différences observées entre les divers secteurs de soins et l'augmentation des déclarations de ressources inadéquates ou insuffisantes pour les soins palliatifs en comparaison à 2000. Les médecins quant à eux sont nombreux à faire part de leur difficulté à trouver le temps nécessaire à une formation spécifique mais aussi à faire reconnaître celui que requiert la coordination dans une prise en charge comprenant des soins palliatifs.
Objectiu: Avaluar prevalença i factors associats a l’insomni en pacients ingressats a una unitat de cures pal•liatives. Mètode: Entrevista estructurada a pacients consecutivament ingressats avaluant l’insomni a través de l’escala Sleep Disturbance Scale, i els factors físics, psicològics i ambientals potencialment associats. Resultats principals: El 47% presentà insomni moderat a sever. Els factors potencialment associats més prevalents foren dolor, distrés psicològic, rumiacions nocturnes i factors ambientals. En l’anàlisi multivariada, rumiacions nocturnes i somnolència diürna (relació inversa) es relacionaren amb insomni moderat a sever. Conclusions: L’insomni és un símptoma prevalent relacionat amb rumiacions nocturnes i absència de somnolència diürna.
0 Abstract L'incidence du mélanome est en nette augmentation en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. La Chirurgie peut être curative au stade précoce de la maladie,la radiothérapie se pratique À visée palliative, les chimiothérapies n'ont montré que peu d'effet. Les progress actuels se font via l'immunothérapie. Des traitements par l'interleukine-2 et l'interféron-α se sont montrés efficaces chez certains patients, mais leur utilisation est limitée par leur forte toxicité. Depuis 2011, en Suisse, une nouvelle molécule a été mise sur le marché, l'ipilimumab (Yervoy®). Il s'agit d'un anticorps! monoclonal humain dirigé contre le CTLA4. Il en résulte une activation non spécifique du système immunitaire. Une étude randomisée de phase IIIa été conduite au Etats-Unis. Elle démontre une augmentation de la survie chez les patients atteints de melanoma métastatique traits par ipilimumab, sans traitement préalable des métastases. Le but de cette etude est de determiner s'il est possible, par le biais de l'imagerie PET-CTau 18F-FDG, de prédire la réponse individuelle au traitement par ipilimumab, afin d'optimiser la prise en charge de ces patients. 0.1 Méthode Les patients atteints de mélanome métastatique sont exposés au traitement d'ipilimumab selon les recommandations de Bristol-Myers Squibb. Puis ils effectuent des PET-CT au F-18-FDG selon! le! protocole (CER 400/11, annexé) de l'étude. Les images sont!analysées selon les critères PERCIST (PETResponse Criterias In Solid Tumors) et le TLG (Total Lesion Glycolysis) est calculé. Parallèlement, des prises de sang sont effectuées et les échantillons sont analysés à l'institut Ludwig (LICR, Unil) selon les critères imRC qui determinant la réponse immunologique au traitement. 0.2 Résultats Nous notons une discrépance dans les résultats. Lorsque nous observons une maladie stable avec les critères immunologiques imRC, nous observons une maladie progressive avec lescritères PERCIST. 0.3 Discussion - Conclusion Nous n'avons pu faire entrer que cinq patients dans l'étude, dont trois étaient vivants à trois mois, ce qui a restreint le nombre de données analysables. Les discrépances que nous observons dans nos résultats pourraient être dues au fait que le PET-CT au 18FDG ne nous permet pas de différencier l'activité tumorale de l'activité inflammatoire péri-tumorale. Ce biais pourrait être à l'avenir prévenu en utilisant du 18FLT, un marqueur plus sélectif des cellules tumorales.L'analyse desimages avec les critères de total-lesion glycolysis a été impossible au vu du nombre de lésions que présentaient certains patients. Les critères PERCIST exigent un protocole d'acquisition très strict. La corrélation entre les images, les données immunologiques et la clinique mérite d'être suivie sur le long terme, car il pourrait y avoir une réponse positive plus tardive du traitement par ipilimumab.
A Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy for Adults in Northern Ireland
Health and Social Services are undergoing significant change and challenge as we move into a new millennium. The review of Regional Palliative Care Services, ‘Partnerships in Caring’ builds on the significant work already undertaken. The review highlights in particular the need for partnership with patients and their families – between the variety of care providers and with service planners and commissioners, as it is only in working together, in a co-ordinated way that we can hope to provide consistently high quality services. åÊ
The Service Framework for Respiratory Health and Wellbeing was originally launched in June 2009. It has recently been subject to a fundamental review and also to an independent review by the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA). The revised Framework includes 56 standards, which relate to a number of specific conditions, as well as communication and patient and public involvement, health improvement and protection, social emotional support, information, training, medicines management, and palliative and end of life care. åÊ
To address the rapidly rising burden of cancer, this second National Cancer Strategy A Strategy for Cancer Control in Ireland 2006 advocates a comprehensive cancer control policy programme. Cancer control is a whole population, integrated and cohesive approach to cancer that involves prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and supportive and palliative care. It places a major emphasis on measurement of need and on addressing inequalities and implies that we must focus on ensuring that all elements of cancer policy and service are delivered to the maximum possible extent. This Strategy also focuses substantially on reform and reorganisation of the way we deliver cancer services, in order to ensure that future services are consistent and are associated with a high-quality experience for patients and their carers. There is evidence of considerable variation in cancer survival between regions and also significant fragmentation of services for cancer patients. These interrelated factors are of major concern to the National Cancer Forum.
The aim of this Cancer Strategy has been to review the existing range of preventive, treatment and palliative services relating to cancer in Ireland, and to set out the Ministerâ?Ts plans for their further development and improvement. This has been done in the context of the Health Strategy Shaping a Healthier Future and in particular the targets established for cancer in that document Download the Report here
The National Council on Ageing and Older People (NCAOP) and the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) are pleased to present this report, End-of-Life Care for Older People in Acute and Long-Stay Care Settings in Ireland. The report details the results of research that focuses, for the first time in Ireland, on the quality oflife and quality of care at the end-of-life for older people in various care settings including acute hospitals, public extended care units, private nursing homes, voluntary nursing homes and welfare homes. The report provides a new model for care at the end-of-life which goes beyond specialist palliative care provision to embrace a compassionate approach that supports older people who are living with, or dying from, progressive, chronic and life-threatening conditions, and attends to all their needs: physical, psychological,social and spiritual. Download document here
The PHA, supported by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) and other agencies and individuals, has completed a health impact assessment (HIA) on the Cardiovascular Service Framework (CVSFW) for Northern Ireland.The CVSFW is the first in a series of service frameworks developed in Northern Ireland to guide HSC provision from prevention and health improvement over early intervention in communities and general practice into hospital and other institutional settings towards rehabilitation, palliative care and end of life.The CVSFW is relevant to everyone who has a part in HSC services for health improvement, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease (stroke), peripheral vascular disease and renal disease. This includes patients, carers, families, communities, voluntary and statutory service providers, policy makers and researchers.
The PHA, supported by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) and other agencies and individuals, has completed a health impact assessment (HIA) on the Cardiovascular Service Framework (CVSFW) for Northern Ireland.The CVSFW is the first in a series of service frameworks developed in Northern Ireland to guide HSC provision from prevention and health improvement over early intervention in communities and general practice into hospital and other institutional settings towards rehabilitation, palliative care and end of life.The CVSFW is relevant to everyone who has a part in HSC services for health improvement, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease (stroke), peripheral vascular disease and renal disease. This includes patients, carers, families, communities, voluntary and statutory service providers, policy makers and researchers. There are many determinants which impact on cardiovascular disease. Individual lifestyles are major contributors and smoking remains one of the biggest risk factors for the disease alongside sedentary lifestyles and alcohol consumption. Circumstances experienced during the early years influence health and wellbeing into adulthood. Breastfeeding can help protect against obesity, while physical activity and eating habits developed from a young age often form lifelong patterns of behaviour. Living and working conditions also impact on health. Type of job, level of control and employment conditions are major factors. Educational achievement and income are also powerful influences on health. The environment where we live can provide access to open and green space, which plays an important part in physical activity patterns alongside available transport infrastructure. As well as physical health impacts, all of these factors also influence mental health and emotional wellbeing.
The PHA, supported by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) and other agencies and individuals, has completed a health impact assessment (HIA) on the Cardiovascular Service Framework (CVSFW) for Northern Ireland.The CVSFW is the first in a series of service frameworks developed in Northern Ireland to guide HSC provision from prevention and health improvement over early intervention in communities and general practice into hospital and other institutional settings towards rehabilitation, palliative care and end of life.The CVSFW is relevant to everyone who has a part in HSC services for health improvement, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease (stroke), peripheral vascular disease and renal disease. This includes patients, carers, families, communities, voluntary and statutory service providers, policy makers and researchers.
The PHA, supported by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) and other agencies and individuals, has completed a health impact assessment (HIA) on the Cardiovascular Service Framework (CVSFW) for Northern Ireland.The CVSFW is the first in a series of service frameworks developed in Northern Ireland to guide HSC provision from prevention and health improvement over early intervention in communities and general practice into hospital and other institutional settings towards rehabilitation, palliative care and end of life.The CVSFW is relevant to everyone who has a part in HSC services for health improvement, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease (stroke), peripheral vascular disease and renal disease. This includes patients, carers, families, communities, voluntary and statutory service providers, policy makers and researchers.
��Palliative care and medication use are important issues in dealing with end-of-life stage dementia. As research into palliative care for patients with advanced dementia has been limited to date, CARDI funded a project, led by Dr. Carole Parsons of Queen’s University Belfast, as part of its grants programme. This project aimed to evaluate the extent to which patient-related factors influenced clinical decision-making with regard to medication use in patients with endstagedementia. This research brief presents a summary of the findings from the full report, Assessment of factors which influence physician decisionmaking regarding medication use in patients with dementia at the end of life (Parsons, et al., 2012).Read the research brief here: Medication use in patients with dementia at the end of lifeRead the press release here