972 resultados para obstrução intestinal
Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente de 20 anos de idade, sem antecedentes patológicos, que apresentou quadro de abdome agudo obstrutivo. Realizou exames radiológicos, ultra-som e tomografia computadorizada, seguidos de laparotomia exploradora, sendo constatadas: a) rotação hepática completa para o hipocôndrio esquerdo; b) hipotensão severa por compressão da veia cava inferior; c) malformação congênita dos ligamentos falciforme e coronários; d) obstrução do cólon transverso por bridas constritivas congênitas; e) importante distensão gasosa de alças cólicas no hipocôndrio direito. Foram ressecadas as bandas pericólicas, com redução imediata da dilatação no hemiabdome direito, havendo retorno espontâneo do fígado à posição anatômica. Esta condição ímpar, e os outros três casos similares já descritos na literatura mundial, são comentados neste trabalho.
Um amplo espectro de anomalias congênitas pode afetar qualquer nível do trato gastrintestinal, do esôfago ao ânus. A atresia é uma importante causa de obstrução gastrintestinal, com alta taxa de morbidade em recém-natos. Há diversos mecanismos patológicos possíveis para explicar esta malformação e duas explicações clássicas de sua gênese são um defeito de recanalização do tubo intestinal ou uma interrupção no suprimento sanguíneo durante a vida intra-uterina. Os autores fazem uma revisão da literatura com ensaio iconográfico dos achados de imagem em crianças com atresia do trato gastrintestinal.
The small intestine is a dynamic and complex organ that is characterized by constant epithelium turnover and crosstalk among various cell types and the microbiota. Lymphatic capillaries of the small intestine, called lacteals, play key roles in dietary fat absorption and the gut immune response; however, little is known about the molecular regulation of lacteal function. Here, we performed a high-resolution analysis of the small intestinal stroma and determined that lacteals reside in a permanent regenerative, proliferative state that is distinct from embryonic lymphangiogenesis or quiescent lymphatic vessels observed in other tissues. We further demonstrated that this continuous regeneration process is mediated by Notch signaling and that the expression of the Notch ligand delta-like 4 (DLL4) in lacteals requires activation of VEGFR3 and VEGFR2. Moreover, genetic inactivation of Dll4 in lymphatic endothelial cells led to lacteal regression and impaired dietary fat uptake. We propose that such a slow lymphatic regeneration mode is necessary to match a unique need of intestinal lymphatic vessels for both continuous maintenance, due to the constant exposure to dietary fat and mechanical strain, and efficient uptake of fat and immune cells. Our work reveals how lymphatic vessel responses are shaped by tissue specialization and uncover a role for continuous DLL4 signaling in the function of adult lymphatic vasculature.
Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) functions as a homodimer. In cell extracts, iNOS molecules partition both in cytosolic and particulate fractions, indicating that iNOS exists as soluble and membrane associated forms. In this study, iNOS features were investigated in human intestinal epithelial cells stimulated with cytokines and in duodenum from mice exposed to flagellin. Our experiments indicate that iNOS is mainly associated with the particulate fraction of cell extracts. Confocal microscopy showed a preferential localization of iNOS at the apical pole of intestinal epithelial cells. In particulate fractions, iNOS dimers were more abundant than in the cytosolic fraction. Similar observations were seen in mouse duodenum samples. These results suggest that, in epithelial cells, iNOS activity is regulated by localization-dependent processes.
The Intestinal Microbiota Contributes to the Ability of Helminths to Modulate Allergic Inflammation.
Intestinal helminths are potent regulators of their host's immune system and can ameliorate inflammatory diseases such as allergic asthma. In the present study we have assessed whether this anti-inflammatory activity was purely intrinsic to helminths, or whether it also involved crosstalk with the local microbiota. We report that chronic infection with the murine helminth Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri (Hpb) altered the intestinal habitat, allowing increased short chain fatty acid (SCFA) production. Transfer of the Hpb-modified microbiota alone was sufficient to mediate protection against allergic asthma. The helminth-induced anti-inflammatory cytokine secretion and regulatory T cell suppressor activity that mediated the protection required the G protein-coupled receptor (GPR)-41. A similar alteration in the metabolic potential of intestinal bacterial communities was observed with diverse parasitic and host species, suggesting that this represents an evolutionary conserved mechanism of host-microbe-helminth interactions.
Le système digestif est colonisé dès la naissance par une population bactérienne, le microbiote, qui influence le développement du système immunitaire. Des modifications dans sa composition sont associées à des pathologies comme l'obésité et les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l'intestin. Outre les antibiotiques, des facteurs environnementaux comme le tabagisme semblent aussi avoir une influence sur la composition de la flore intestinale, pouvant en partie expliquer la prise de poids à l'arrêt du tabac avec une modification de la composition du microbiote proche de celle observée chez des personnes obèses (profil microbiotique montrant des capacités accrues d'extraction calorique des aliments ingérés). Ces découvertes permettent d'imaginer de nouvelles approches diagnostiques et thérapeutiques via la régulation de ce microbiome. The digestive tract is colonized from birth by a bacterial population called the microbiota which influences the development of the immune system. Modifications in its composition are associated with problems such as obesity or inflammatory bowel diseases. Antibiotics are known to influence the intestinal microbiota but other environmental factors such as cigarette smoking also seem to have an impact on its composition. This influence might partly explain weight gain which is observed after smoking cessation. Indeed there is a modification of the gut microbiota which becomes similar to that of obese people with a microbiotical profile which is more efficient to extract calories from ingested food. These new findings open new fields of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches through the regulation of the microbiota.
OBJETIVO: Comparar achados ultrassonográficos e de ressonância magnética na endometriose profunda, com ênfase para o comprometimento intestinal. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Dezoito pacientes entre 23 e 49 anos de idade, com suspeita clínica e exame ginecológico sugestivo de endometriose profunda, foram submetidas a ultrassonografia e ressonância magnética para correlação dos achados. RESULTADOS: A ultrassonografia detectou 40 lesões e a ressonância magnética detectou 53 lesões na pelve. O estudo comparativo entre ultrassonografia e ressonância magnética na detecção das lesões não mostrou diferença estatística significativa (p > 0,19 e p > 0,14, respectivamente). Considerando-se a junção retossigmoide, a ressonância magnética detectou uma lesão (5,6%) e a ultrassonografia apontou quatro lesões (22,2%). Nas lesões retais, a ultrassonografia apontou oito lesões (44,4%) e a ressonância magnética, sete lesões (38,9%). CONCLUSÃO: A concordância entre a ressonância magnética e a ultrassonografia não foi boa na junção retossigmoide e no reto, sendo que a ultrassonografia detectou um número maior de lesões nessas localizações, mas identificou número menor de lesões na pelve. Na análise comparativa global entre os dois métodos na detecção das lesões não houve diferença estatística significativa. O baixo custo, a boa tolerabilidade e o fácil acesso tornam a ultrassonografia instrumento diagnóstico valioso na endometriose profunda.
Previous studies have shown that rat intestinal immunoglobulin A (IgA) concentration and lymphocyte composition of the intestinal immune system were influenced by a highly enriched cocoa diet. The aim of this study was to dissect the mechanisms by which a long-term high cocoa intake was capable of modifying gut secretory IgA in Wistar rats. After 7 weeks of nutritional intervention, Peyer's patches, mesenteric lymph nodes and the small intestine were excised for gene expression assessment of IgA, transforming growth factor ß, C-C chemokine receptor-9 (CCR9), interleukin (IL)-6, CD40, retinoic acid receptors (RAR¿ and RARß), C-C chemokine ligand (CCL)-25 and CCL28 chemokines, polymeric immunoglobulin receptor and toll-like receptors (TLR) expression by real-time polymerase chain reaction. As in previous studies, secretory IgA concentration decreased in intestinal wash and fecal samples after cocoa intake. Results from the gene expression showed that cocoa intake reduced IgA and IL¿6 in Peyer's patches and mesenteric lymph nodes, whereas in small intestine, cocoa decreased IgA, CCR9, CCL28, RAR¿ and RARß. Moreover, cocoa-fed animals presented an altered TLR expression pattern in the three compartments studied. In conclusion, a high-cocoa diet down-regulated cytokines such as IL-6, which is required for the activation of B cells to become IgA-secreting cells, chemokines and chemokine receptors, such as CCL28 and CCR9 together with RAR¿ and RARß, which are involved in the gut homing of IgA-secreting cells. Moreover, cocoa modified the cross-talk between microbiota and intestinal cells as was detected by an altered TLR pattern. These overall effects in the intestine may explain the intestinal IgA down-regulatory effect after the consumption of a long-term cocoa-enriched diet.
Spermiogenesis in Molluscotaenia crassiscolex begins with the formation of a differentiation zone containing two centrioles. One of the centrioles develops a flagellum directly into the cytoplasmic extension. The nucleus elongates and later migrates along the spermatid body. During advanced stages of spermiogenesis, a periaxonemal sheath appears in the spermatid. Spermiogenesis finishes with the appearance of a single helicoidal crested body at the base of the spermatid and, finally, the narrowing of the ring of arched membranes causes the detachment of the fully formed spermatozoon. The mature spermatozoon of M. crassiscolex exhibits a partially detached crested body in the anterior region of the spermatozoon, one axoneme, twisted cortical microtubules, a periaxonemal sheath, and a spiralled nucleus. The anterior spermatozoon extremity is characterized by the presence of an electron-dense apical cone and a single spiralled crested body, which is attached to the sperm cell in the anterior and posterior areas of region I, whereas in the middle area it is partially detached from the cell. This crested body is described for the first time in cestodes. The posterior extremity of the male gamete exhibits only the disorganizing axoneme. Results are discussed and compared particularly with the available ultrastructural data on dilepidids sensu lato.
Definición: Introducción de un volumen determinado de líquido a través de un estoma situado en el colon descendente o sigmoideo. Objetivo: Distender el intestino para estimular el peristaltismo y conseguir la eliminación de heces, gases o moco, ya sea para realizar pruebas exploratorias o para ayudar a establecer un patrón de evacuación regular. Material: Irrigador con la solución...
A síndrome do intestino curto é definida pela incapacidade da superfície do intestino delgado em manter as condições adequadas de absorção de nutrientes, ocasionando deficiências nutricionais. Em adultos, as principais causas de síndrome do intestino curto são as ressecções cirúrgicas amplas ou múltiplas, secundárias a infarto mesentérico, doença de Crohn e enterite actínica. Além de avaliar o tempo de trânsito até o intestino grosso, o exame contrastado de trânsito intestinal pode ser utilizado na medição da extensão do intestino remanescente e no acompanhamento dos fenômenos de adaptação estrutural das alças delgadas e colônicas. Em pacientes com síndrome do intestino curto, a adaptação estrutural do intestino delgado consiste na hiperplasia das vilosidades e das pregas mucosas, que se tornam mais numerosas, profundas e de maior diâmetro, assim como a dilatação do segmento remanescente. Esses achados morfológicos são mais pronunciados e bem estabelecidos nas alças ileais, evidenciando sua maior capacidade adaptativa. O conhecimento dos achados por imagem das características morfológicas e adaptativas do intestino delgado é de grande importância na abordagem multidisciplinar da síndrome do intestino curto.
OBJETIVO: Comparar as alterações anatômicas decorrentes de um quadro de icterícia obstrutiva experimental induzida em suínos nos períodos pré e pós-operatório por meio de exame ultrassonográfico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Seis suínos da raça Landrace, com 36 dias de idade, foram submetidos a obstrução biliar completa mediante ligadura do ducto colédoco por cirurgia videolaparoscópica. RESULTADOS: Não ocorreram dificuldades na execução dos procedimentos obstrutivos e a recuperação cirúrgica foi eficiente. Decorridos sete dias, os animais apresentaram icterícia, bilirrubinúria e acolia fecal. O exame ultrassonográfico comparativo permitiu visualizar hepatomegalia, colecistomegalia e aumento no calibre do ducto colédoco em todos os animais, assim como alterações decorrentes da colestase. A avaliação morfométrica revelou aumento significativo nos diâmetros da vesícula biliar e do lobo hepático lateral esquerdo. CONCLUSÃO: Os suínos representam um modelo experimental adequado de icterícia obstrutiva, e o exame ultrassonográfico demonstrou-se sensível e relevante no diagnóstico das alterações decorrentes de obstrução biliar extra-hepática nesses animais.
Objective The present study was aimed at describing a case series where a preoperative diagnosis of intestinal complications secondary to accidentally ingested dietary foreign bodies was made by multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT), with emphasis on complementary findings yielded by volume rendering techniques (VRT) and curved multiplanar reconstructions (MPR). Materials and Methods The authors retrospectively assessed five patients with surgically confirmed intestinal complications (perforation and /or obstruction) secondary to unsuspected ingested dietary foreign bodies, consecutively assisted in their institution between 2010 and 2012. Demographic, clinical, laboratory and radiological data were analyzed. VRT and curved MPR were subsequently performed. Results Preoperative diagnosis of intestinal complications was originally performed in all cases. In one case the presence of a foreign body was not initially identified as the causal factor, and the use of complementary techniques facilitated its retrospective identification. In all cases these tools allowed a better depiction of the entire foreign bodies on a single image section, contributing to the assessment of their morphology. Conclusion Although the use of complementary techniques has not had a direct impact on diagnostic performance in most cases of this series, they may provide a better depiction of foreign bodies' morphology on a single image section.