887 resultados para nonlinear optimization problems
„Risikomaße in der Finanzmathematik“ Der Value-at -Risk (VaR) ist ein Risikomaß, dessen Verwendung von der Bankenaufsicht gefordert wird. Der Vorteil des VaR liegt – als Quantil der Ertrags- oder Verlustverteilung - vor allem in seiner einfachen Interpretierbarkeit. Nachteilig ist, dass der linke Rand der Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung nicht beachtet wird. Darüber hinaus ist die Berechnung des VaR schwierig, da Quantile nicht additiv sind. Der größte Nachteil des VaR ist in der fehlenden Subadditivität zu sehen. Deswegen werden Alternativen wie Expected Shortfall untersucht. In dieser Arbeit werden zunächst finanzielle Risikomaße eingeführt und einige ihre grundlegenden Eigenschaften festgehalten. Wir beschäftigen uns mit verschiedenen parametrischen und nichtparametrischen Methoden zur Ermittlung des VaR, unter anderen mit ihren Vorteilen und Nachteilen. Des Weiteren beschäftigen wir uns mit parametrischen und nichtparametrischen Schätzern vom VaR in diskreter Zeit. Wir stellen Portfoliooptimierungsprobleme im Black Scholes Modell mit beschränktem VaR und mit beschränkter Varianz vor. Der Vorteil des erstens Ansatzes gegenüber dem zweiten wird hier erläutert. Wir lösen Nutzenoptimierungsprobleme in Bezug auf das Endvermögen mit beschränktem VaR und mit beschränkter Varianz. VaR sagt nichts über den darüber hinausgehenden Verlust aus, während dieser von Expected Shortfall berücksichtigt wird. Deswegen verwenden wir hier den Expected Shortfall anstelle des von Emmer, Korn und Klüppelberg (2001) betrachteten Risikomaßes VaR für die Optimierung des Portfolios im Black Scholes Modell.
In this thesis we address a collection of Network Design problems which are strongly motivated by applications from Telecommunications, Logistics and Bioinformatics. In most cases we justify the need of taking into account uncertainty in some of the problem parameters, and different Robust optimization models are used to hedge against it. Mixed integer linear programming formulations along with sophisticated algorithmic frameworks are designed, implemented and rigorously assessed for the majority of the studied problems. The obtained results yield the following observations: (i) relevant real problems can be effectively represented as (discrete) optimization problems within the framework of network design; (ii) uncertainty can be appropriately incorporated into the decision process if a suitable robust optimization model is considered; (iii) optimal, or nearly optimal, solutions can be obtained for large instances if a tailored algorithm, that exploits the structure of the problem, is designed; (iv) a systematic and rigorous experimental analysis allows to understand both, the characteristics of the obtained (robust) solutions and the behavior of the proposed algorithm.
Recent research has shown that the performance of a single, arbitrarily efficient algorithm can be significantly outperformed by using a portfolio of —possibly on-average slower— algorithms. Within the Constraint Programming (CP) context, a portfolio solver can be seen as a particular constraint solver that exploits the synergy between the constituent solvers of its portfolio for predicting which is (or which are) the best solver(s) to run for solving a new, unseen instance. In this thesis we examine the benefits of portfolio solvers in CP. Despite portfolio approaches have been extensively studied for Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) problems, in the more general CP field these techniques have been only marginally studied and used. We conducted this work through the investigation, the analysis and the construction of several portfolio approaches for solving both satisfaction and optimization problems. We focused in particular on sequential approaches, i.e., single-threaded portfolio solvers always running on the same core. We started from a first empirical evaluation on portfolio approaches for solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs), and then we improved on it by introducing new data, solvers, features, algorithms, and tools. Afterwards, we addressed the more general Constraint Optimization Problems (COPs) by implementing and testing a number of models for dealing with COP portfolio solvers. Finally, we have come full circle by developing sunny-cp: a sequential CP portfolio solver that turned out to be competitive also in the MiniZinc Challenge, the reference competition for CP solvers.
Geometric packing problems may be formulated mathematically as constrained optimization problems. But finding a good solution is a challenging task. The more complicated the geometry of the container or the objects to be packed, the more complex the non-penetration constraints become. In this work we propose the use of a physics engine that simulates a system of colliding rigid bodies. It is a tool to resolve interpenetration conflicts and to optimize configurations locally. We develop an efficient and easy-to-implement physics engine that is specialized for collision detection and contact handling. In succession of the development of this engine a number of novel algorithms for distance calculation and intersection volume were designed and imple- mented, which are presented in this work. They are highly specialized to pro- vide fast responses for cuboids and triangles as input geometry whereas the concepts they are based on can easily be extended to other convex shapes. Especially noteworthy in this context is our ε-distance algorithm - a novel application that is not only very robust and fast but also compact in its im- plementation. Several state-of-the-art third party implementations are being presented and we show that our implementations beat them in runtime and robustness. The packing algorithm that lies on top of the physics engine is a Monte Carlo based approach implemented for packing cuboids into a container described by a triangle soup. We give an implementation for the SAE J1100 variant of the trunk packing problem. We compare this implementation to several established approaches and we show that it gives better results in faster time than these existing implementations.
Linear programs, or LPs, are often used in optimization problems, such as improving manufacturing efficiency of maximizing the yield from limited resources. The most common method for solving LPs is the Simplex Method, which will yield a solution, if one exists, but over the real numbers. From a purely numerical standpoint, it will be an optimal solution, but quite often we desire an optimal integer solution. A linear program in which the variables are also constrained to be integers is called an integer linear program or ILP. It is the focus of this report to present a parallel algorithm for solving ILPs. We discuss a serial algorithm using a breadth-first branch-and-bound search to check the feasible solution space, and then extend it into a parallel algorithm using a client-server model. In the parallel mode, the search may not be truly breadth-first, depending on the solution time for each node in the solution tree. Our search takes advantage of pruning, often resulting in super-linear improvements in solution time. Finally, we present results from sample ILPs, describe a few modifications to enhance the algorithm and improve solution time, and offer suggestions for future work.
Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) aims at utilizing spectral opportunities both in time and frequency domains at any given location, which arise due to variations in spectrum usage. Recently, Cognitive radios (CRs) have been proposed as a means of implementing DSA. In this work we focus on the aspect of resource management in overlaid CRNs. We formulate resource allocation strategies for cognitive radio networks (CRNs) as mathematical optimization problems. Specifically, we focus on two key problems in resource management: Sum Rate Maximization and Maximization of Number of Admitted Users. Since both the above mentioned problems are NP hard due to presence of binary assignment variables, we propose novel graph based algorithms to optimally solve these problems. Further, we analyze the impact of location awareness on network performance of CRNs by considering three cases: Full location Aware, Partial location Aware and Non location Aware. Our results clearly show that location awareness has significant impact on performance of overlaid CRNs and leads to increase in spectrum utilization effciency.
The intent of the work presented in this thesis is to show that relativistic perturbations should be considered in the same manner as well known perturbations currently taken into account in planet-satellite systems. It is also the aim of this research to show that relativistic perturbations are comparable to standard perturbations in speciffc force magnitude and effects. This work would have been regarded as little more then a curiosity to most engineers until recent advancements in space propulsion methods { e.g. the creation of a artiffcial neutron stars, light sails, and continuous propulsion techniques. These cutting-edge technologies have the potential to thrust the human race into interstellar, and hopefully intergalactic, travel in the not so distant future. The relativistic perturbations were simulated on two orbit cases: (1) a general orbit and (2) a Molniya type orbit. The simulations were completed using Matlab's ODE45 integration scheme. The methods used to organize, execute, and analyze these simulations are explained in detail. The results of the simulations are presented in graphical and statistical form. The simulation data reveals that the speciffc forces that arise from the relativistic perturbations do manifest as variations in the classical orbital elements. It is also apparent from the simulated data that the speciffc forces do exhibit similar magnitudes and effects that materialize from commonly considered perturbations that are used in trajectory design, optimization, and maintenance. Due to the similarities in behavior of relativistic versus non-relativistic perturbations, a case is made for the development of a fully relativistic formulation for the trajectory design and trajectory optimization problems. This new framework would afford the possibility of illuminating new more optimal solutions to the aforementioned problems that do not arise in current formulations. This type of reformulation has already showed promise when the previously unknown Space Superhighways arose as a optimal solution when classical astrodynamics was reformulated using geometric mechanics.
In process industries, make-and-pack production is used to produce food and beverages, chemicals, and metal products, among others. This type of production process allows the fabrication of a wide range of products in relatively small amounts using the same equipment. In this article, we consider a real-world production process (cf. Honkomp et al. 2000. The curse of reality – why process scheduling optimization problems are diffcult in practice. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 24, 323–328.) comprising sequence-dependent changeover times, multipurpose storage units with limited capacities, quarantine times, batch splitting, partial equipment connectivity, and transfer times. The planning problem consists of computing a production schedule such that a given demand of packed products is fulfilled, all technological constraints are satisfied, and the production makespan is minimised. None of the models in the literature covers all of the technological constraints that occur in such make-and-pack production processes. To close this gap, we develop an efficient mixed-integer linear programming model that is based on a continuous time domain and general-precedence variables. We propose novel types of symmetry-breaking constraints and a preprocessing procedure to improve the model performance. In an experimental analysis, we show that small- and moderate-sized instances can be solved to optimality within short CPU times.
Evolutionary search algorithms have become an essential asset in the algorithmic toolbox for solving high-dimensional optimization problems in across a broad range of bioinformatics problems. Genetic algorithms, the most well-known and representative evolutionary search technique, have been the subject of the major part of such applications. Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) offer a novel evolutionary paradigm that constitutes a natural and attractive alternative to genetic algorithms. They make use of a probabilistic model, learnt from the promising solutions, to guide the search process. In this paper, we set out a basic taxonomy of EDA techniques, underlining the nature and complexity of the probabilistic model of each EDA variant. We review a set of innovative works that make use of EDA techniques to solve challenging bioinformatics problems, emphasizing the EDA paradigm's potential for further research in this domain.
Abstract Transport is the foundation of any economy: it boosts economic growth, creates wealth, enhances trade, geographical accessibility and the mobility of people. Transport is also a key ingredient for a high quality of life, making places accessible and bringing people together. The future prosperity of our world will depend on the ability of all of its regions to remain fully and competitively integrated in the world economy. Efficient transport is vital in making this happen. Operations research can help in efficiently planning the design and operating transport systems. Planning and operational processes are fields that are rich in combinatorial optimization problems. These problems can be analyzed and solved through the application of mathematical models and optimization techniques, which may lead to an improvement in the performance of the transport system, as well as to a reduction in the time required for solving these problems. The latter aspect is important, because it increases the flexibility of the system: the system can adapt in a faster way to changes in the environment (i.e.: weather conditions, crew illness, failures, etc.). These disturbing changes (called disruptions) often enforce the schedule to be adapted. The direct consequences are delays and cancellations, implying many schedule adjustments and huge costs. Consequently, robust schedules and recovery plans must be developed in order to fight against disruptions. This dissertation makes contributions to two different fields: rail and air applications. Robust planning and recovery methods are presented. In the field of railway transport we develop several mathematical models which answer to RENFE’s (the major railway operator in Spain) needs: 1. We study the rolling stock assignment problem: here, we introduce some robust aspects in order to ameliorate some operations which are likely to fail. Once the rolling stock assignment is known, we propose a robust routing model which aims at identifying the train units’ sequences while minimizing the expected delays and human resources needed to perform the sequences. 2. It is widely accepted that the sequential solving approach produces solutions that are not global optima. Therefore, we develop an integrated and robust model to determine the train schedule and rolling stock assignment. We also propose an integrated model to study the rolling stock circulations. Circulations are determined by the rolling stock assignment and routing of the train units. 3. Although our aim is to develop robust plans, disruptions will be likely to occur and recovery methods will be needed. Therefore, we propose a recovery method which aims to recover the train schedule and rolling stock assignment in an integrated fashion all while considering the passenger demand. In the field of air transport we develop several mathematical models which answer to IBERIA’s (the major airline in Spain) needs: 1. We look at the airline-scheduling problem and develop an integrated approach that optimizes schedule design, fleet assignment and passenger use so as to reduce costs and create fewer incompatibilities between decisions. Robust itineraries are created to ameliorate misconnected passengers. 2. Air transport operators are continuously facing competition from other air operators and different modes of transport (e.g., High Speed Rail). Consequently, airline profitability is critically influenced by the airline’s ability to estimate passenger demands and construct profitable flight schedules. We consider multi-modal competition including airline and rail, and develop a new approach that estimates the demand associated with a given schedule; and generates airline schedules and fleet assignments using an integrated schedule design and fleet assignment optimization model that captures the impacts of schedule decisions on passenger demand.
La seguridad verificada es una metodología para demostrar propiedades de seguridad de los sistemas informáticos que se destaca por las altas garantías de corrección que provee. Los sistemas informáticos se modelan como programas probabilísticos y para probar que verifican una determinada propiedad de seguridad se utilizan técnicas rigurosas basadas en modelos matemáticos de los programas. En particular, la seguridad verificada promueve el uso de demostradores de teoremas interactivos o automáticos para construir demostraciones completamente formales cuya corrección es certificada mecánicamente (por ordenador). La seguridad verificada demostró ser una técnica muy efectiva para razonar sobre diversas nociones de seguridad en el área de criptografía. Sin embargo, no ha podido cubrir un importante conjunto de nociones de seguridad “aproximada”. La característica distintiva de estas nociones de seguridad es que se expresan como una condición de “similitud” entre las distribuciones de salida de dos programas probabilísticos y esta similitud se cuantifica usando alguna noción de distancia entre distribuciones de probabilidad. Este conjunto incluye destacadas nociones de seguridad de diversas áreas como la minería de datos privados, el análisis de flujo de información y la criptografía. Ejemplos representativos de estas nociones de seguridad son la indiferenciabilidad, que permite reemplazar un componente idealizado de un sistema por una implementación concreta (sin alterar significativamente sus propiedades de seguridad), o la privacidad diferencial, una noción de privacidad que ha recibido mucha atención en los últimos años y tiene como objetivo evitar la publicación datos confidenciales en la minería de datos. La falta de técnicas rigurosas que permitan verificar formalmente este tipo de propiedades constituye un notable problema abierto que tiene que ser abordado. En esta tesis introducimos varias lógicas de programa quantitativas para razonar sobre esta clase de propiedades de seguridad. Nuestra principal contribución teórica es una versión quantitativa de una lógica de Hoare relacional para programas probabilísticos. Las pruebas de correción de estas lógicas son completamente formalizadas en el asistente de pruebas Coq. Desarrollamos, además, una herramienta para razonar sobre propiedades de programas a través de estas lógicas extendiendo CertiCrypt, un framework para verificar pruebas de criptografía en Coq. Confirmamos la efectividad y aplicabilidad de nuestra metodología construyendo pruebas certificadas por ordendor de varios sistemas cuyo análisis estaba fuera del alcance de la seguridad verificada. Esto incluye, entre otros, una meta-construcción para diseñar funciones de hash “seguras” sobre curvas elípticas y algoritmos diferencialmente privados para varios problemas de optimización combinatoria de la literatura reciente. ABSTRACT The verified security methodology is an emerging approach to build high assurance proofs about security properties of computer systems. Computer systems are modeled as probabilistic programs and one relies on rigorous program semantics techniques to prove that they comply with a given security goal. In particular, it advocates the use of interactive theorem provers or automated provers to build fully formal machine-checked versions of these security proofs. The verified security methodology has proved successful in modeling and reasoning about several standard security notions in the area of cryptography. However, it has fallen short of covering an important class of approximate, quantitative security notions. The distinguishing characteristic of this class of security notions is that they are stated as a “similarity” condition between the output distributions of two probabilistic programs, and this similarity is quantified using some notion of distance between probability distributions. This class comprises prominent security notions from multiple areas such as private data analysis, information flow analysis and cryptography. These include, for instance, indifferentiability, which enables securely replacing an idealized component of system with a concrete implementation, and differential privacy, a notion of privacy-preserving data mining that has received a great deal of attention in the last few years. The lack of rigorous techniques for verifying these properties is thus an important problem that needs to be addressed. In this dissertation we introduce several quantitative program logics to reason about this class of security notions. Our main theoretical contribution is, in particular, a quantitative variant of a full-fledged relational Hoare logic for probabilistic programs. The soundness of these logics is fully formalized in the Coq proof-assistant and tool support is also available through an extension of CertiCrypt, a framework to verify cryptographic proofs in Coq. We validate the applicability of our approach by building fully machine-checked proofs for several systems that were out of the reach of the verified security methodology. These comprise, among others, a construction to build “safe” hash functions into elliptic curves and differentially private algorithms for several combinatorial optimization problems from the recent literature.
Electricity price forecasting is an interesting problem for all the agents involved in electricity market operation. For instance, every profit maximisation strategy is based on the computation of accurate one-day-ahead forecasts, which is why electricity price forecasting has been a growing field of research in recent years. In addition, the increasing concern about environmental issues has led to a high penetration of renewable energies, particularly wind. In some European countries such as Spain, Germany and Denmark, renewable energy is having a deep impact on the local power markets. In this paper, we propose an optimal model from the perspective of forecasting accuracy, and it consists of a combination of several univariate and multivariate time series methods that account for the amount of energy produced with clean energies, particularly wind and hydro, which are the most relevant renewable energy sources in the Iberian Market. This market is used to illustrate the proposed methodology, as it is one of those markets in which wind power production is more relevant in terms of its percentage of the total demand, but of course our method can be applied to any other liberalised power market. As far as our contribution is concerned, first, the methodology proposed by García-Martos et al(2007 and 2012) is generalised twofold: we allow the incorporation of wind power production and hydro reservoirs, and we do not impose the restriction of using the same model for 24h. A computational experiment and a Design of Experiments (DOE) are performed for this purpose. Then, for those hours in which there are two or more models without statistically significant differences in terms of their forecasting accuracy, a combination of forecasts is proposed by weighting the best models(according to the DOE) and minimising the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The MAPE is the most popular accuracy metric for comparing electricity price forecasting models. We construct the combi nation of forecasts by solving several nonlinear optimisation problems that allow computation of the optimal weights for building the combination of forecasts. The results are obtained by a large computational experiment that entails calculating out-of-sample forecasts for every hour in every day in the period from January 2007 to Decem ber 2009. In addition, to reinforce the value of our methodology, we compare our results with those that appear in recent published works in the field. This comparison shows the superiority of our methodology in terms of forecasting accuracy.
La creciente demanda de energía eléctrica y la necesidad de implementar energías no contaminantes hace que las llamadas tecnologías verdes sean cada día más solicitadas. Entre estas tecnologías encontramos la energía solar y la energía eólica; ambas tienen una trayectoria de uso e investigación bastante amplia, sin embargo aún presentan problemas de fondo que impiden dar mayor impulso a su uso. El objetivo de la presente tesis es presentar soluciones a problemas de optimización en campos conversores de energía. Para ello se analizan y resuelven dos problemas por medio de técnicas de aerodinámica experimental: el primero sobre campos de colectores solares y el segundo sobre campos eólicos. Las técnicas de medición utilizadas en aerodinámica, y en el presente trabajo, son: medición de cargas, anemometría de hilo caliente, velocimetría por imagen de partículas y escaneo de presiones; además de un análisis estadístico de los datos. En el primer caso se ensayan experimentalmente colectores solares parabólicos en donde, por cuestiones de seguridad o por protección contra el viento, se utilizan cercas. Éstas modifican el comportamiento del flujo corriente abajo y se ha encontrado que la distancia a la cual se colocan, así como el tipo de cercas (sólida o permeable), modifican las cargas estructurales a las que los colectores están expuestos. Los resultados demuestran que existe una distancia crítica en la cual la presencia de la cerca aumenta la carga en lugar de disminuirla, por lo cual la selección adecuada del parapeto y la distancia a la cual se coloca son de suma importancia para la optimización de la estructura. En el segundo caso se ensaya experimentalmente y simula numéricamente la estela de turbinas eólicas por medio de discos porosos. En donde un disco permeable simula el rotor de una turbina. El disco es capaz de semejar la estela y los efectos que ésta puede causar corriente abajo. Los resultados muestran que seleccionando adecuadamente la porosidad, es posible simular coeficientes de empuje similares a los desarrollados por los aerogeneradores, además la estela y sus efectos son semejantes a los medidos en campo. ABSTRACT The called green energy technologies are increasingly required because of the growing demand for electricity and the need to implement nonpolluting energy. Among the green energy technologies it is found the solar and the wind energy, both have a history of use and fairly extensive research; however they still have problems which limit to give them further impetus to its use. The aim of this thesis is to present solutions to optimization problems in energy harvesting. To this end it is analysed, and solved, two problems by means of techniques in experimental aerodynamics: the first issue with regard to parabolic troughs and the second about wind farms. The measurement techniques commonly used in aerodynamics, and used in this research work, are: measurement of loads, hot wire anemometry, particle image velocimetry and scanning of pressures; where data are collected and then an statistical analysis is done. In the first case it is tested parabolic troughs where, either for security reasons or protection against the wind actions, fences are used. These fences modify the behaviour of flow downstream and it was found that the distance at which they are placed, and the type of fences (solid or permeable) modify the structural loads to which the parabolic troughs are exposed. The results show that there is a critical distance at which the presence of the fence increases the load instead of protecting the parabolic trough, hence making the proper selection of the parapet and the distance at which it stands are paramount for the optimization of the structure. In the second case it is tested, experimentally and numerically, the wake of wind turbines by means of porous disks; where the permeable disc simulates a turbine rotor. The disc is able to mimic the wake and the effects that it can cause downstream. The results show that by properly selecting the porosity, it is possible to simulate drag coefficients similar to those developed by wind turbines; moreover the porous disk wake and its effects are similar to those measured on field.
La tesis está focalizada en la resolución de problemas de optimización combinatoria, haciendo uso de las opciones tecnológicas actuales que ofrecen las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, y la investigación operativa. Los problemas de optimización combinatoria se resuelven en general mediante programación lineal y metaheurísticas. La aplicación de las técnicas de resolución de los problemas de optimización combinatoria requiere de una elevada carga computacional, y los algoritmos deben diseñarse, por un lado pensando en la efectividad para encontrar buenas soluciones del problema, y por otro lado, pensando en un uso adecuado de los recursos informáticos disponibles. La programación lineal y las metaheurísticas son técnicas de resolución genéricas, que se pueden aplicar a diferentes problemas, partiendo de una base común que se particulariza para cada problema concreto. En el campo del desarrollo de software, los frameworks cumplen esa función de comenzar un proyecto con el trabajo general ya disponible, con la opción de cambiar o extender ese comportamiento base o genérico, para construir el sistema concreto, lo que permite reducir el tiempo de desarrollo, y amplía las posibilidades de éxito del proyecto. En esta tesis se han desarrollado dos frameworks de desarrollo. El framework ILP permite modelar y resolver problemas de programación lineal, de forma independiente al software de resolución de programación lineal que se utilice. El framework LME permite resolver problemas de optimización combinatoria mediante metaheurísticas. Tradicionalmente, las aplicaciones de resolución de problemas de optimización combinatoria son aplicaciones de escritorio que permiten gestionar toda la información de entrada del problema y resuelven el problema en local, con los recursos hardware disponibles. Recientemente ha aparecido un nuevo paradigma de despliegue y uso de aplicaciones que permite compartir recursos informáticos especializados por Internet. Esta nueva forma de uso de recursos informáticos es la computación en la nube, que presenta el modelo de software como servicio (SaaS). En esta tesis se ha construido una plataforma SaaS, para la resolución de problemas de optimización combinatoria, que se despliega sobre arquitecturas compuestas por procesadores multi-núcleo y tarjetas gráficas, y dispone de algoritmos de resolución basados en frameworks de programación lineal y metaheurísticas. Toda la infraestructura es independiente del problema de optimización combinatoria a resolver, y se han desarrollado tres problemas que están totalmente integrados en la plataforma SaaS. Estos problemas se han seleccionado por su importancia práctica. Uno de los problemas tratados en la tesis, es el problema de rutas de vehículos (VRP), que consiste en calcular las rutas de menor coste de una flota de vehículos, que reparte mercancías a todos los clientes. Se ha partido de la versión más clásica del problema y se han hecho estudios en dos direcciones. Por un lado se ha cuantificado el aumento en la velocidad de ejecución de la resolución del problema en tarjetas gráficas. Por otro lado, se ha estudiado el impacto en la velocidad de ejecución y en la calidad de soluciones, en la resolución por la metaheurística de colonias de hormigas (ACO), cuando se introduce la programación lineal para optimizar las rutas individuales de cada vehículo. Este problema se ha desarrollado con los frameworks ILP y LME, y está disponible en la plataforma SaaS. Otro de los problemas tratados en la tesis, es el problema de asignación de flotas (FAP), que consiste en crear las rutas de menor coste para la flota de vehículos de una empresa de transporte de viajeros. Se ha definido un nuevo modelo de problema, que engloba características de problemas presentados en la literatura, y añade nuevas características, lo que permite modelar los requerimientos de las empresas de transporte de viajeros actuales. Este nuevo modelo resuelve de forma integrada el problema de definir los horarios de los trayectos, el problema de asignación del tipo de vehículo, y el problema de crear las rotaciones de los vehículos. Se ha creado un modelo de programación lineal para el problema, y se ha resuelto por programación lineal y por colonias de hormigas (ACO). Este problema se ha desarrollado con los frameworks ILP y LME, y está disponible en la plataforma SaaS. El último problema tratado en la tesis es el problema de planificación táctica de personal (TWFP), que consiste en definir la configuración de una plantilla de trabajadores de menor coste, para cubrir una demanda de carga de trabajo variable. Se ha definido un modelo de problema muy flexible en la definición de contratos, que permite el uso del modelo en diversos sectores productivos. Se ha definido un modelo matemático de programación lineal para representar el problema. Se han definido una serie de casos de uso, que muestran la versatilidad del modelo de problema, y permiten simular el proceso de toma de decisiones de la configuración de una plantilla de trabajadores, cuantificando económicamente cada decisión que se toma. Este problema se ha desarrollado con el framework ILP, y está disponible en la plataforma SaaS. ABSTRACT The thesis is focused on solving combinatorial optimization problems, using current technology options offered by information technology and communications, and operations research. Combinatorial optimization problems are solved in general by linear programming and metaheuristics. The application of these techniques for solving combinatorial optimization problems requires a high computational load, and algorithms are designed, on the one hand thinking to find good solutions to the problem, and on the other hand, thinking about proper use of the available computing resources. Linear programming and metaheuristic are generic resolution techniques, which can be applied to different problems, beginning with a common base that is particularized for each specific problem. In the field of software development, frameworks fulfill this function that allows you to start a project with the overall work already available, with the option to change or extend the behavior or generic basis, to build the concrete system, thus reducing the time development, and expanding the possibilities of success of the project. In this thesis, two development frameworks have been designed and developed. The ILP framework allows to modeling and solving linear programming problems, regardless of the linear programming solver used. The LME framework is designed for solving combinatorial optimization problems using metaheuristics. Traditionally, applications for solving combinatorial optimization problems are desktop applications that allow the user to manage all the information input of the problem and solve the problem locally, using the available hardware resources. Recently, a new deployment paradigm has appeared, that lets to share hardware and software resources by the Internet. This new use of computer resources is cloud computing, which presents the model of software as a service (SaaS). In this thesis, a SaaS platform has been built for solving combinatorial optimization problems, which is deployed on architectures, composed of multi-core processors and graphics cards, and has algorithms based on metaheuristics and linear programming frameworks. The SaaS infrastructure is independent of the combinatorial optimization problem to solve, and three problems are fully integrated into the SaaS platform. These problems have been selected for their practical importance. One of the problems discussed in the thesis, is the vehicle routing problem (VRP), which goal is to calculate the least cost of a fleet of vehicles, which distributes goods to all customers. The VRP has been studied in two directions. On one hand, it has been quantified the increase in execution speed when the problem is solved on graphics cards. On the other hand, it has been studied the impact on execution speed and quality of solutions, when the problem is solved by ant colony optimization (ACO) metaheuristic, and linear programming is introduced to optimize the individual routes of each vehicle. This problem has been developed with the ILP and LME frameworks, and is available in the SaaS platform. Another problem addressed in the thesis, is the fleet assignment problem (FAP), which goal is to create lower cost routes for a fleet of a passenger transport company. It has been defined a new model of problem, which includes features of problems presented in the literature, and adds new features, allowing modeling the business requirements of today's transport companies. This new integrated model solves the problem of defining the flights timetable, the problem of assigning the type of vehicle, and the problem of creating aircraft rotations. The problem has been solved by linear programming and ACO. This problem has been developed with the ILP and LME frameworks, and is available in the SaaS platform. The last problem discussed in the thesis is the tactical planning staff problem (TWFP), which is to define the staff of lower cost, to cover a given work load. It has been defined a very rich problem model in the definition of contracts, allowing the use of the model in various productive sectors. It has been defined a linear programming mathematical model to represent the problem. Some use cases has been defined, to show the versatility of the model problem, and to simulate the decision making process of setting up a staff, economically quantifying every decision that is made. This problem has been developed with the ILP framework, and is available in the SaaS platform.