925 resultados para noncovariant gauge theories
The problem of constructing consistent parity-violating interactions for spin-3 gauge fields is considered in Minkowski space. Under the assumptions of locality, Poincaré invariance, and parity noninvariance, we classify all the nontrivial perturbative deformations of the Abelian gauge algebra. In space-time dimensions n=3 and n=5, deformations of the free theory are obtained which make the gauge algebra non-Abelian and give rise to nontrivial cubic vertices in the Lagrangian, at first order in the deformation parameter g. At second order in g, consistency conditions are obtained which the five-dimensional vertex obeys, but which rule out the n=3 candidate. Moreover, in the five-dimensional first-order deformation case, the gauge transformations are modified by a new term which involves the second de Wit-Freedman connection in a simple and suggestive way. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
The antibracket in the antifield-BRST formalism is known to define a map Hp × Hq → Hp + q + 1 associating with two equivalence classes of BRST invariant observables of respective ghost number p and q an equivalence class of BRST invariant observables of ghost number p + q + 1. It is shown that this map is trivial in the space of all functionals, i.e. that its image contains only the zeroth class. However, it is generically non-trivial in the space of local functionals. Implications of this result for the problem of consistent interactions among fields with a gauge freedom are then drawn. It is shown that the obstructions to constructing non-trivial such interactions lie precisely in the image of the antibracket map and are accordingly non-existent if one does not insist on locality. However consistent local interactions are severely constrained. The example of the Chern-Simons theory is considered. It is proved that the only consistent, local, Lorentz covariant interactions for the abelian models are exhausted by the non-abelian Chern-Simons extensions. © 1993.
Review of: Philip E. Agre and Stanley J. Rosenschein (eds), Computational Theories of Interaction and Agency, MIT Press (1996), ISBN: 978-0262510905
Generally speaking, the term temporal logic refers to any system of rules and symbolism for representing and reasoning about propositions qualified in terms of time. In computer science, particularly in the domain of Artificial Intelligence, there are mainly two known approaches to the representation of temporal information: modal logic approaches including tense logic and hybrid temporal logic, and predicate logic approaches including temporal arguement method and reified temporal logic. On one hand, while tense logic, hybrid temporal logic and temporal argument method enjoy formal theoretical foundations, their expressiveness has been criticised as not power enough for representing general temporal knowledge; on the other hand, although reified temporal logic provides greater expressive power, most of the current systems following the temporal reification lack of complete and sound axiomatic theories. With there observations in mind, a new reified temporal logic with clear syntax and semantics in terms of a sound and complete axiomatic formalism is introduced in this paper, which retains all the expressive power of temporal reification.
[Introduction] The recent, unparalleled ascendancy of the liberal democratic state may seem to render alternative theories of the state redundant. But while the prevailing view might be that “I have seen the future, and it works”, it was not so long ago that this was said about a very different type of state. And while the liberal democratic state is an abundant form of government, in practice this often reflects an uneasy compromise of conflicting conceptions of politics. It thus remains important to unpick the theoretical underpinnings of conceptions of the state.
This study empirically assesses the extent to which intrinsic value theories of nature are accepted and acknowledged outside the realm of academic environmental ethics. It focuses on twenty of the largest landowning organisations in England, including both conservation and non-conservation organisations and investigates the environmental philosophical beliefs and values held by representative individuals of these groups. An in-depth interview was held with a representative from each organisation. The interviews were analysed using qualitative data analysis software and the results compared against a backdrop of academic philosophical positions. The study found that an ecocentric position which acknowledges nature's intrinsic value was adopted by the majority of respondents, both from conservation and non-conservation organisations. However, it was also found that individuals felt the idea of nature's intrinsic value was generally not reflected in organisational policy.
Internationally literature emphasises concern regarding the phenomenon of violence and aggression within the emergency field. This paper emphasises the important role education and training may play in reducing the risk of staff being exposed to violent or aggressive experiences. Furthermore, the paper emphasises, explores and discusses well recognised theories relating to aggression development. These theories can be used to explain both organisational strategies designed to minimise aggression in the emergency department and situational factors contributing to the development of aggressive interactions.
Cycles of Accumulation, Crisis, Materials and Space: Can Different Theories of Change be Reconciled?