966 resultados para nested-PCR


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DNA breaks occur during many processes in mammalian cells, including recombination, repair, mutagenesis and apoptosis. Here we report a simple and rapid method for assaying DNA breaks and identifying DNA breaksites. Breaksites are first tagged and amplified by ligation-mediated PCR (LM-PCR), using nested PCR primers to increase the specificity and sensitivity of amplification. Breaksites are then mapped by batch sequencing LM-PCR products. This allows easy identification of multiple breaksites per reaction without tedious fractionation of PCR products by gel electrophoresis or cloning. Breaksite batch mapping requires little starting material and can be used to identify either single- or double-strand breaks.


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Os astrovírus são agentes virais associados com enteropatias e infecções extra-intestinais em aves, ocasionando prejuízos no desenvolvimento produtivo e saúde animal. Porém, são escassos os estudos no Brasil que visem a detecção e caracterização deste vírus com maior amplitude. Nesse contexto, detectaram-se e caracterizaram-se cepas de astrovírus a partir de 60 amostras fecais de aves procedentes de diferentes criações comerciais brasileiras (postura, corte e matrizes), mediante o emprego de uma reação PanAstrovírus como triagem inicial, que consistiu numa reação de RT-hemi-nested-PCR, visando a amplificação e posterior sequenciamento de um segmento parcial do gene RdRp (RNA polimerase dependente de RNA) do gene ORF1b, uma região gênica conservada entre todos os astrovírus. Subsequentemente, nas amostras positivas na triagem, realizou-se a amplificação, clonagem e sequenciamento do gene ORF2 codificante do capsídeo viral, analisado mediante análise filogenética. Os dados obtidos demonstraram uma frequência de infecção por astrovírus em 48,3% (29/60) das amostras analisadas. As espécies virais detectadas foram as seguintes: Avastrovírus 2 (Avian Nephritis Virus, ANV) em 72,4% (21/29), Chicken Astrovírus (CAstV) em 6,8% (2/29) e Avastrovírus 1 (Turkey Astrovírus tipo 1, TAstV-1) em 20,8% (6/29) das amostras positivas. O sequenciamento total do gene ORF2 foi possível em oito amostras (8/21) positivas a ANV, em uma amostra (1/6) positiva a TAstV-1 e uma amostra (1/2) positiva para CAstV. A análise deste gene revelou, nas sequências ANV, a presença de três genótipos bem diferenciados, segundo critérios do Astroviridae Study Group, sendo que um deles, agrupou-se dentro do genótipo 5. Além disso, quando analisado com sequências procedentes de outras regiões, as sequências deste estudo formaram seis clusters, dois deles, relacionados com sequências procedentes de Austrália e Reino Unido. O análise do ORF2 em CAstV, revelou também um agrupamento com cepas procedentes do Reino Unido. Já o análise da ORF2 de TAstV-1, revelou divergência genética com cepas isoladas em Estados Unidos, que foram as únicas sequências disponíveis no GenBank. O presente estudo traz a luz vários dados epidemiológicos concernentes aos astrovírus aviário de origem brasileira o que permitirá a realização de outros estudos relacionados a epidemiologia deste vírus, seus possíveis riscos potenciais em saúde pública e a adoção de medidas de controle direcionadas a este agente


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O objetivo principal deste estudo foi avaliar fatores virais associados com a evolução para o carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) em pacientes com hepatite B crônica. Para tanto caracterizamos os subgenótipos do HBV, investigamos a ocorrência de mutações nos genes pré-core/core do HBV associadas à presença de CHC avaliamos por análise filogenética a associação de linhagens virais com a ocorrência de CHC e por fim a associação de outros fatores de risco com o desenvolvimento de CHC. Foram incluídos 119 amostras de soro de pacientes com infecção crônica pelo HBV, destas amostras 60 pertencem ao grupo 1 (CHC), que são pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado de carcinoma hepatocelular e 59 amostras pertencem ao grupo 2 (sem CHC) que são pacientes com hepatite crônica sem detecção prévia de nódulos hepáticos. Foram obtidas informações acerca da idade, sexo e naturalidade. Além disso, os pacientes responderam a um questionário sobre fatores de riscos associados ao desenvolvimento de CHC. Foram realizados exames bioquímicos, sorológicos, determinação da carga viral, e amplificação por nested PCR e sequenciamento das regiões S/polimerase e pré-core/core do genoma viral para posterior caracterização dos genótipos/subgenótipos do HBV e pesquisa de mutações associadas com evolução da doença hepática. Em relação à idade e sexo não houve grande variação entre os grupos. Quanto à naturalidade a maioria era procedente da região sudeste, seguido pela região nordeste; e por fim seis pacientes eram procedentes de outros países. Com base no sobrenome dos pacientes avaliou-se também a frequência de etnia oriental na casuística estudada, que foi similar nos 2 grupos. O perfil sorológico HBeAg negativo foi o mais frequente nos dois grupos de pacientes, assim como níveis de carga viral abaixo de 2.000 UI/mL. Em relação aos exames bioquímicos foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes nos níveis séricos de AFP (p= 0,0013), FA (p= 0,0003) e GGT (p= 0,005). Dentre os fatores de risco analisados neste estudo, o consumo de amendoim foi o único que apresentou significância estatística (p= 0,003). A região S/pol foi amplificada e sequenciada com sucesso em 58 amostras (28 do grupo 1 e 30 do grupo 2). Entre as 58 amostras analisadas 4 genótipos e 8 subgenótipos do HBV foram identificados, sendo o subgenótipo A1 o mais frequente nos dois grupos. Não se observou diferença estatisticamente significante na distribuição dos subgenótipos entre os dois grupos de pacientes. Na topologia da árvore filogenética construída com sequências do HBV isoladas dos pacientes incluídos neste estudo e sequências disponíveis no GenBank não se observou padrões de agrupamento associados com o perfil clinico do paciente (com e sem CHC). Foram obtidas sequências de boa qualidade da região précore/ core em 44 amostras, sendo 20 amostras do grupo 1 e 24 do grupo 2. Diversas das mutações investigadas foram identificadas na região précore/ core, as quais foram avaliadas estatisticamente para verificar a existência de diferença na frequência das mesmas entre os grupos de pacientes estudados. Entre as mutações identificadas se destacaram com significância estatística as seguintes mutações: T1768A (p= 0,006), a combinação das mutações C1766T + T1768A (p= 0,043) e G1888H (p= 0,05). Na análise de regressão logística simples foi possível identificar que a chance de um paciente do grupo 2 desenvolver CHC aumenta 14,7 vezes na presença de infecção por cepas do HBV com a mutação T1768A, enquanto que a infecção com cepas do HBV que albergam a mutação G1888H reduz tal chance 2,5 vezes


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La infección por el virus Hepatitis E (HEV) es un importante problema de salud pública en regiones endémicas, causando grandes brotes epidémicos. Sin embargo, en los últimos años se ha reportado la ocurrencia de casos de hepatitis E esporádicos autóctonos en países industrializados y/o zonas no endémicas. Las cepas humanas de HEV se clasifican en 4 genotipos, 1-4, los cuales a su vez se subclasifican en subtipos. Estos genotipos poseen incidencia sobre la clínica y han sido asociados con áreas geográficas y modos específicos de transmisión. Si bien el virus se transmite fundamentalmente por vía fecal-oral, la trasmisión zoonótica desde reservorios animales (principalmente porcinos) también se ha reportado, así como también su transmisión a través de consumo de alimentos derivados de carne porcina (salchichas, salames, entre otros). Durante los últimos años la actividad humana ha provocado la contaminación de los recursos hídricos en una magnitud históricamente sin precedentes, relacionado, entre otras causas, con un manejo inadecuado de las aguas residuales. En este marco se ve favorecida la diseminación de virus entéricos (entre los que se encuentra HEV) en matrices acuosas superficiales provocando contaminación de espacios acuáticos destinados a recreación, constituyendo un riesgo de infección para la población expuesta. Si bien en Argentina se han reportado casos de HEV en humanos, poco se conoce acerca de este virus en Córdoba. Actualmente, la detección del virus no está incorporada al algoritmo diagnóstico de las hepatitis virales. Hasta hace 2 meses los equipos diagnósticos para detección de IgM/IgG anti-HEV no habían sido aprobados por ANMAT en nuestro país, por lo que no había posibilidad de acceso al diagnóstico ni a estudios seroepidemiológicos específicos que evidencien su circulación. Además, el monitoreo de HEV ambiental y en alimentos es desconocido en nuestro país. El presente proyecto propone investigar el estado de situación de la circulación de HEV en Córdoba, Argentina, mediante estudios moleculares (por RT-Nested PCR), serológicos (Elisa e inmunofluorescencia) y aislamiento viral en cultivo celular, a partir de diferentes fuentes de transmisión (humanos, cerdos, alimentos y matrices acuosas) a fin de identificar su potencial de diseminación en nuestra población, su impacto en salud pública y para evaluar su posible incorporación en el algoritmo diagnóstico de hepatitis virales. El acceso a los diagnósticos serológicos permitirá concretar estudios epidemiológicos en población inmunocompetente e inmunosuprimida aportando datos inéditos en nuestra región. Además, las técnicas moleculares implementadas y optimizadas en el presente estudio podrán ser transferidas a los centros de salud que así lo requieran. El monitoreo ambiental y en alimentos, sumado al aislamiento viral permitirá detectar las fuentes de transmisión de HEV y profundizar en el perfil molecular de las cepas circulantes locales. Este trabajo aportará datos originales sobre la presencia viral en escenarios de procesamiento de carne porcina para consumo humano. Datos generados en este estudio podrán ser utilizados para evaluar la calidad sanitaria de la carne para consumo humano. Asimismo, este proyecto intenta aportar información a los programas sanitarios de la región sobre la circulación de contaminación viral de aguas recreacionales a fin de reforzar el sistema de saneamiento ambiental, mejorar el diagnóstico de calidad microbiológica de aguas superficiales e impulsar a programas de control para atenuar la diseminación de virus entéricos en nuestro medio. Estudios preliminares recientes de vigilancia viral ambiental en aguas residuales mostraron la presencia de HEV, mediante detección molecular, lo que muestra los primeros indicios de la circulación de este virus en la población de Córdoba enfatizando la necesidad de profundizar su estudio y caracterización.


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Gold nanoparticles functionalized with thiolated oligonucleotides (Au-nanoprobes) have been used in a range of applications for the detection of bioanalytes of interest, from ions to proteins and DNA targets. These detection strategies are based on the unique optical properties of gold nanoparticles, in particular, the intense color that is subject to modulation by modification of the medium dieletric. Au-nanoprobes have been applied for the detection and characterization of specific DNA sequences of interest, namely pathogens and disease biomarkers. Nevertheless, despite its relevance, only a few reports exist on the detection of RNA targets. Among these strategies, the colorimetric detection of DNA has been proven to work for several different targets in controlled samples but demonstration in real clinical bioanalysis has been elusive. Here, we used a colorimetric method based on Au-nanoprobes for the direct detection of the e14a2 BCR-ABL fusion transcript in myeloid leukemia patient samples without the need for retro-transcription. Au-nanoprobes directly assessed total RNA from 38 clinical samples, and results were validated against reverse transcription-nested polymerase chain reaction (RT-nested PCR) and reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). The colorimetric Au-nanoprobe assay is a simple yet reliable strategy to scrutinize myeloid leukemia patients at diagnosis and evaluate progression, with obvious advantages in terms of time and cost, particularly in low- to medium-income countries where molecular screening is not routinely feasible. Graphical abstract Gold nanoprobe for colorimetric detection of BCR-ABL1 fusion transcripts originating from the Philadelphia chromosome.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is emerging as one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in individuals infected with HIV and has overtaken AIDS-defining illnesses as a cause of death in HIV patient populations who have access to highly active antiretroviral therapy. For many years, the clonal analysis was the reference method for investigating viral diversity. In this thesis, a next generation sequencing (NGS) approach was developed using 454 pyrosequencing and Illumina-based technology. A sequencing pipeline was developed using two different NGS approaches, nested PCR, and metagenomics. The pipeline was used to study the viral populations in the sera of HCV-infected patients from a unique cohort of 160 HIV-positive patients with early HCV infection. These pipelines resulted in an improved understanding of HCV quasispecies dynamics, especially regarding studying response to treatment. Low viral diversity at baseline correlated with sustained virological response (SVR) while high viral diversity at baseline was associated with treatment failure. The emergence of new viral strains following treatment failure was most commonly associated with emerging dominance of pre-existing minority variants rather than re-infection. In the new era of direct-acting antivirals, next generation sequencing technologies are the most promising tool for identifying minority variants present in the HCV quasispecies populations at baseline. In this cohort, several mutations conferring resistance were detected in genotype 1a treatment-naïve patients. Further research into the impact of baseline HCV variants on SVR rates should be carried out in this population. A clearer understanding of the properties of viral quasispecies would enable clinicians to make improved treatment choices for their patients.


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Anemone fishes are a group of 28 species of coral reef fishes belonging to the family Pomacentridae, subfamily Amphiprioninae and all have an obligate symbiotic relationship with sea anemones. Two species of these small ornamental fishes have been identified in the Persian Gulf including Amphiprion clarkii and A. sebae. The phylogenetic relationship between Amphiprion species of the Persian Gulf was studied by collecting 15 samples from three Iranian islands, Larak, Farur and Kish. DNA was extracted from each sample and a part of mtDNA was amplified. Two pairs of primers were designed to amplify a final target of 400 by nested-PCR. Each amplicon was sequenced, aligned and genetic diversity among samples was investigated by phylogenetic analysis. Results show that there is no significant genetic variation among A. clarkii individuals; however, A. sebae individuals from Larak were different from other fishes of the same species. Most probably this is due to the ability of A. clarkii to be symbiotant with all 10 species of host sea anemones which enables it to spread its own population in the 3 islands. However, A. sebae is observed to be symbiotant only with one host in the sea, therefore, has one option that reduces its distribution.


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Background: Occult hepatitis B infections are becoming a major global threat, but the available data on its prevalence in various parts of the world are often divergent. Objective: This study aimed to detect occult hepatitis B virus in hepatitis B surface antigen-negative serum using anti-HBc as a marker of previous infection. Patient and Methods: A total of 1000 randomly selected hepatitis B surface antigen-negative sera from blood donors were tested for hepatitis B core antibody and hepatitis B surface antibody using an ELISA and nested polymerase chain reaction was done using primers specific to the surface gene (S-gene). Results: Of the 1000 samples 55 (5.5%) were found to be reactive, of which 87.3% (48/55) were positive for hepatitis B surface antibody, indicating immunity as a result of previous infection however, that does not exclude active infection with escaped mutant HBV. Nested PCR results showed the presence of hepatitis B viral DNA in all the 55 samples that were positive for core protein, which is in agreement with the hepatitis B surface antibody result. Conclusion: This study reveals the 5.5% prevalence of occult hepatitis B among Malaysian blood donors as well as the reliability of using hepatitis B core antibody in screening for occult hepatitis B infection in low endemic, low socioeconomic settings.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia, 2016.


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The identification and characterisation of Cryptosporidium genotypes and subtypes are fundamental to the study of cryptosporidiosis epidemiology, aiding in prevention and control strategies. The objective was to determine the genetic diversity of Cryptosporidium in samples obtained from hospitals of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Buenos Aires, Argentina. Samples were analysed by microscopy and TaqMan polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for Cryptosporidium detection, genotyped by nested-PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the 18S rRNA gene and subtyped by DNA sequencing of the gp60 gene. Among the 89 samples from Rio de Janeiro, Cryptosporidium spp were detected in 26 by microscopy/TaqMan PCR. In samples from Buenos Aires, Cryptosporidium was diagnosed in 15 patients of the 132 studied. The TaqMan PCR and the nested-PCR-RFLP detected Cryptosporidium parvum , Cryptosporidium hominis , and co-infections of both species. In Brazilian samples, the subtypes IbA10G2 and IIcA5G3 were observed. The subtypes found in Argentinean samples were IbA10G2, IaA10G1R4, IaA11G1R4, and IeA11G3T3, and mixed subtypes of Ia and IIa families were detected in the co-infections. C. hominis was the species more frequently detected, and subtype family Ib was reported in both countries. Subtype diversity was higher in Buenos Aires than in Rio de Janeiro and two new subtypes were described for the first time.


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Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is one of the most successful parasites in the world because of its capability of infecting all warm-blooded animals. It has been reported that up to one third of the world population is infected with this parasite. Chickens are recognized as good indicators of the environmental T. gondii oocysts contamination because they obtain food from the ground. Thus, the prevalence of T. gondii in chicken provides more insight related to public health concern from T. gondii. Previous studies have shown a high isolation rate from free-range chickens raised in the United States. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the microbial safety and infection of T. gondii in free-range chickens available at the grocery stores and farms for the consumers to purchase and genotype T. gondii isolates. Chicken hearts were obtained from the local markets and also from the farms raising free- range chickens. Heart juice was obtained from cavities of each heart. Modified agglutination test (MAT) for detection of IgG antibodies was conducted with those heart juice samples with titer of 1:5, 1:25, and 1: 100. Each seropositive heart was pepsin digested and bioassayed into a group of two mice. Six weeks post inoculation (p.i.) mice were bled and euthanized to examine the infection of T. gondii. In addition, multiplex multilocus nested PCR-RFLP was performed to genetically characterize T. gondii isolates with eleven PCR-RFLP markers including SAG1, SAG2, altSAT2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-a, L358, PK1, and Apico. One hundred fifty from a total of 997 samples (15.0%) were found seropositive for T. gondii. No viable T. gondii was isolated from chicken hearts that were sampled. A total of four genotypes were identified, including one new genotype and three previously identified genotypes. The results suggest that T. gondii oocysts could present in the environment and infect the food animals. T. gondii prevalence in chicken hearts could reflect the environmental contamination of T. gondii and prevalence information can be used to manage T. gondii infection risk.


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Las enfermedades parasitarias o parasitosis son un conjunto de enfermedades infecciosas producidas por protozoos, helmintos, e incluso artrópodos. La enfermedad parasitaria más importante es la malaria que está incluida en la lista de enfermedades de la pobreza. Otras enfermedades parasitarias han sido incluidas en las denominadas enfermedades olvidadas o desatendidas (NTD: Neglected Tropical Diseases) entre las que se encuentran las filariosis linfática y onchocercosis. La malaria está causada por el género Plasmodium (protozoos apicomplexo) Las especies que pueden causar la infección en humanos son: P. falciparum. P. vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale y P. knowlesi. Las filarias son nematodos finos y largos, parásitos de la sangre, la linfa y los tejidos subcutáneos y conectivos que producen en el humano la filariosis. Su transmisión se produce por insectos hematófagos (mosquitos y moscas) que actúan como vectores. Las especies de filarias de interés clínico para los humanos son Wuchereria. bancrofti, Brugia. malayi y B. timori (filariosis linfática), Onchocerca volvulus, Loa. loa y Mansonella streptocerca (filarias dérmicas), y Mansonella perstans y M. ozzardi (mansonelosis). Todas ellas presentan estadios larvales, conocidos como microfilarias (L1), que circulan en sangre o en tejido subcutáneo que son las formas infectivas para los vectores. En el Laboratorio de Malaria & otras Parasitosis Emergentes se ha desarrollado una PCR en tiempo real para malaria (Malaria RT-PCR), una Nested-PCR para filarias (Nested-Filaria PCR) y una PCR en tiempo real para filarias (RT-Filaria-PCR) como Sistemas de Análisis Múltiple para la detección de varias especies de plasmodios y varias especies de filarias en muestras de cualquier índole como indicador que los Sistemas de Análisis Múltiple son comparativamente superiores a los métodos de detección individual y a la microscopía sin perder sensibilidad y especificidad. Todos los métodos desarrollados han dado muy buenos resultados en cuanto a sensibilidad y especificidad frente a los métodos tradicionales, de tal manera que hoy en día se usan en el Laboratorio de Malaria & otras Parasitosis Emergentes como métodos de referencia, planteando la posibilidad de usar el método de las filarias para un estudio actualizado de la distribución y prevalencia de las filarias en las zonas endémicas.


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The diagnosis of mixed genotype hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is rare and information on incidence in the UK, where genotypes 1a and 3 are the most prevalent, is sparse. Considerable variations in the efficacies of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for the HCV genotypes have been documented and the ability of DAAs to treat mixed genotype HCV infections remains unclear, with the possibility that genotype switching may occur. In order to estimate the prevalence of mixed genotype 1a/3 infections in Scotland, a cohort of 512 samples was compiled and then screened using a genotype-specific nested PCR assay. Mixed genotype 1a/3 infections were found in 3.8% of samples tested, with a significantly higher prevalence rate of 6.7% (p<0.05) observed in individuals diagnosed with genotype 3 infections than genotype 1a (0.8%). An analysis of the samples using genotypic-specific qPCR assays found that in two-thirds of samples tested, the minor strain contributed <1% of the total viral load. The potential of deep sequencing methods for the diagnosis of mixed genotype infections was assessed using two pan-genotypic PCR assays compatible with the Illumina MiSeq platform that were developed targeting the E1-E2 and NS5B regions of the virus. The E1-E2 assay detected 75% of the mixed genotype infections, proving to be more sensitive than the NS5B assay which identified only 25% of the mixed infections. Studies of sequence data and linked patient records also identified significantly more neurological disorders in genotype 3 patients. Evidence of distinctive dinucleotide expression within the genotypes was also uncovered. Taken together these findings raise interesting questions about the evolutionary history of the virus and indicate that there is still more to understand about the different genotypes. In an era where clinical medicine is frequently more personalised, the development of diagnostic methods for HCV providing increased patient stratification is increasingly important. This project has shown that sequence-based genotyping methods can be highly discriminatory and informative, and their use should be encouraged in diagnostic laboratories. Mixed genotype infections were challenging to identify and current deep sequencing methods were not as sensitive or cost-effective as Sanger-based approaches in this study. More research is needed to evaluate the clinical prognosis of patients with mixed genotype infection and to develop clinical guidelines on their treatment.


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Nel periodo compreso tra il 2019 e il 2022 sono state testate differenti matrici biologiche di carnivori domestici e selvatici provenienti dall’Italia e da altri Paesi europei (Norvegia, Romania). Diversi saggi molecolari, tra cui real-time PCR, end-point PCR, semi-nested PCR, retrotrascrizione e rolling circle amplification, sono stati utilizzati per ricercare il DNA o l’RNA genomico di virus e batteri. Il sequenziamento dell’intero genoma o di geni informativi dei patogeni identificati ne ha inoltre consentito la caratterizzazione genetica e l’analisi filogenetica. Gli studi, svolti presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie dell’Università di Bologna, erano focalizzati nei confronti di alcuni virus a DNA, come Carnivore protoparvovirus 1 in lupi dall’appennino italiano e cani dalla Romania, adenovirus canino di tipo 1 e 2 in cani e lupi provenienti dal territorio nazionale, circovirus canino in cani e lupi italiani e volpi rosse e artiche della Norvegia; virus a RNA, come il canine distemper virus in faine recuperate nel territorio italiano e il calicivirus felino in gatti con diagnosi di poliartrite; e batteri appartenenti alla specie Anaplasma phagocytophilum in gatti deceduti e sottoposti a necroscopia in Italia. Dai risultati ottenuti è emerso che gli agenti infettivi indagati circolano nelle popolazioni di carnivori domestici e selvatici in forma asintomatica o determinando talvolta sintomatologia clinica. In alcuni animali testati è stata rilevata la coinfezione con diversi agenti patogeni, condizione che può predisporre ad un aggravamento della sintomatologia clinica. Dall’analisi filogenetica sono emerse relazioni tra gli agenti infettivi rilevati nelle differenti specie animali suggerendone la trasmissione tra ospiti domestici e selvatici e confermando il ruolo epidemiologico svolto dei carnivori selvatici nel mantenimento dei patogeni nel territorio. Alla luce dei dati ottenuti, è importante sottolineare l’importanza delle misure di profilassi, in particolare la vaccinazione degli animali da compagnia, per ridurre la trasmissione e la diffusione degli agenti infettivi.


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Leishmaniasis is a complex parasitic disease caused by intracellular protozoans of the genus Leishmania mainly transmitted by the bite of sand flies. In Italy, leishmaniasis is caused by Leishmania infantum, responsible for the human visceral and canine leishmaniases (HVL and CanL, respectively). Within Emilia-Romagna region, Italy, recent molecular studies indicated that L. infantum strains circulating in dogs and humans are different. This suggests that an animal reservoir other than dog should be evaluated in the epidemiology of HVL in Emilia-Romagna. Therefore, the main aim of this PhD project was to investigate the role of wild and peridomestic mammals as potential animal reservoirs of L. infantum in the regional zones where HVL foci are still active, also evaluating the possible role of arthropod vectors other than phlebotomine sandflies as vectors of Leishmania spp. in the sylvatic cycle of the protozoa. Overall, 206 specimens of different animal species (roe deer, rats, mice, badgers, hares, polecats, foxes, beech martens, bank voles, hedgehogs, and shrews), collected in Emilia-Romagna were screened for Leishmania with a real-time PCR, revealing a prevalence of 33% for roe deer (first report in this species). Positivity was also found in brown rats (10.6%), black rats (13.1%), mice (10%), badgers (25%), hedgehogs (80%) and bank voles (11%). To distinguish the two strains of L. infantum circulating in Emilia-Romagna, a nested PCR protocol optimized for animal tissues was developed, demonstrating that over 90% of L. infantum infections in roe deer were due to the strain isolated from humans and suggesting their possible role as reservoirs in the study area. Furthermore, the presence of Leishmania kDNA was detected in unfed larvae, nymphs and males of questing Ixodes ricinus ticks collected in regional parks of Emilia-Romagna suggesting their possible role in the transmission of L. infantum in a sylvatic or rural cycle.