802 resultados para multiple linear regression
Durch die ansteigende Inzidenz und niedrige Mortalität steigt die Anzahl der überlebenden Männer nach Prostatakarzinom. Mit einer 5-Jahresprävalenz von 279.000 Männern stellte das Prostatakarzinom im Jahr 2010 den größten Anteil der Krebspatienten. Die absolute 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate liegt bei 78 %. Studien zur Lebensqualität dieser Langzeitüberlebenden (> 5 Jahre nach Diagnosestellung) beschränken sich meist auf bestimmte Therapien, schließen höhere Tumorstadien aus oder untersuchen nur die Wirkung von klinischen Einflussfaktoren. In Schleswig-Holstein wurde im Rahmen der populationsbezogenen OVIS- und CAESAR-Studie die Lebensqualität bei Männern mit bzw. nach Prostatakrebs zu drei Zeitpunkten erhoben (15 Monate, 3 ½ und 7 Jahre nach initialer Diagnose). Für die allgemeine krebsspezifische Lebensqualität (EORTC QLQ-C30) erfolgt eine Beschreibung des Verlaufs sowie ein Vergleich mit Referenzdaten aus der deutschen Allgemeinbevölkerung. Aus der dritten Befragung liegen auch Daten zur prostataspezifischen Lebensqualität (EORTC QLQ-PR25) vor. Mittels multipler linearer Regressionen werden für elf ausgewählte Lebensqualitätsskalen (mögliche Werte 0 bis 100) potenzielle Einflussfaktoren (klinisch, soziodemographisch, Lifestyle) untersucht. Die Lebensqualität der 911 Männer (medianes Alter bei Drittbefragung: 72 Jahre) nimmt im zeitlichen Verlauf nur gering, aber nicht klinisch relevant ab. Es zeigen sich nur geringe Unterschiede zur Lebensqualität der Referenzbevölkerung. Im absoluten Vergleich aller Skalen werden zum Zeitpunkt der Drittbefragung auf den prostataspezifischen Skalen die größten Einschränkungen berichtet. In den berechneten multiplen Regressionen war sieben Jahre nach Diagnose eine Krankheitsprogression auf allen untersuchten Skalen signifikant mit einer geringeren Lebensqualität assoziiert (niedrigster Regressionskoeffizient βadj -13,8, 95 %-CI -18,8; -8,8). Eine Strahlentherapie zeigte auf zehn, eine Hormontherapie auf fünf Skalen einen negativen Einfluss. Ebenfalls auf fünf Skalen war ein höherer Body-Mass-Index ein Prädiktor für eine geringere Lebensqualität. Auf allen Funktionsskalen war ein höherer Sozialstatus mit einer besseren Lebensqualität assoziiert und zeigte tendenziell einen größeren Einfluss als die initiale Therapie. Alleinstehende Männer berichteten eine geringere sexuelle Aktivität (βadj -7,5, 95 %-CI -13,8; -1,2) als Männer in einer Partnerschaft. Neben klinischen Faktoren beeinflussen auch soziodemographische Variablen die Lebensqualität von langzeitüberlebenden Männern nach bzw. mit Prostatakarzinom signifikant. Daher sollten in nicht-randomisierten Studien zum Adjustieren die entsprechenden Variablen (wie z. B. Body-Mass-Index, Sozialstatus, Partnerschaft) mit erhoben werden. Klinisch relevante Veränderungen der allgemeinen krebsspezifischen Lebensqualität finden – wenn überhaupt – innerhalb der ersten 15 Monate nach Diagnosestellung statt. Referenzdaten für die prostataspezifische Lebensqualität der Allgemeinbevölkerung liegen nicht vor. Eine Erhebung dieser scheint sinnvoll, da hier größere Unterschiede im Vergleich beider Gruppen erwartet werden.
Klimamontoring benötigt eine operative, raum-zeitliche Analyse der Klimavariabilität. Mit dieser Zielsetzung, funktionsbereite Karten regelmäßig zu erstellen, ist es hilfreich auf einen Blick, die räumliche Variabilität der Klimaelemente in der zeitlichen Veränderungen darzustellen. Für aktuelle und kürzlich vergangene Jahre entwickelte der Deutsche Wetterdienst ein Standardverfahren zur Erstellung solcher Karten. Die Methode zur Erstellung solcher Karten variiert für die verschiedenen Klimaelemente bedingt durch die Datengrundlage, die natürliche Variabilität und der Verfügbarkeit der in-situ Daten.rnIm Rahmen der Analyse der raum-zeitlichen Variabilität innerhalb dieser Dissertation werden verschiedene Interpolationsverfahren auf die Mitteltemperatur der fünf Dekaden der Jahre 1951-2000 für ein relativ großes Gebiet, der Region VI der Weltorganisation für Meteorologie (Europa und Naher Osten) angewendet. Die Region deckt ein relativ heterogenes Arbeitsgebiet von Grönland im Nordwesten bis Syrien im Südosten hinsichtlich der Klimatologie ab.rnDas zentrale Ziel der Dissertation ist eine Methode zur räumlichen Interpolation der mittleren Dekadentemperaturwerte für die Region VI zu entwickeln. Diese Methode soll in Zukunft für die operative monatliche Klimakartenerstellung geeignet sein. Diese einheitliche Methode soll auf andere Klimaelemente übertragbar und mit der entsprechenden Software überall anwendbar sein. Zwei zentrale Datenbanken werden im Rahmen dieser Dissertation verwendet: So genannte CLIMAT-Daten über dem Land und Schiffsdaten über dem Meer.rnIm Grunde wird die Übertragung der Punktwerte der Temperatur per räumlicher Interpolation auf die Fläche in drei Schritten vollzogen. Der erste Schritt beinhaltet eine multiple Regression zur Reduktion der Stationswerte mit den vier Einflussgrößen der Geographischen Breite, der Höhe über Normalnull, der Jahrestemperaturamplitude und der thermischen Kontinentalität auf ein einheitliches Niveau. Im zweiten Schritt werden die reduzierten Temperaturwerte, so genannte Residuen, mit der Interpolationsmethode der Radialen Basis Funktionen aus der Gruppe der Neuronalen Netzwerk Modelle (NNM) interpoliert. Im letzten Schritt werden die interpolierten Temperaturraster mit der Umkehrung der multiplen Regression aus Schritt eins mit Hilfe der vier Einflussgrößen auf ihr ursprüngliches Niveau hochgerechnet.rnFür alle Stationswerte wird die Differenz zwischen geschätzten Wert aus der Interpolation und dem wahren gemessenen Wert berechnet und durch die geostatistische Kenngröße des Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE) wiedergegeben. Der zentrale Vorteil ist die wertegetreue Wiedergabe, die fehlende Generalisierung und die Vermeidung von Interpolationsinseln. Das entwickelte Verfahren ist auf andere Klimaelemente wie Niederschlag, Schneedeckenhöhe oder Sonnenscheindauer übertragbar.
OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of the present study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between central hypersensitivity (assessed by pressure pain thresholds of uninjured tissues) and intradiscal pain threshold during discography. The secondary aim was to test the hypothesis that peripheral noxious stimulation dynamically modulates central hypersensitivity. PATIENTS: Twenty-four patients with positive provocation discography were tested for central hypersensitivity by pressure algometry before and after the intervention with assessments of pressure pain detection and tolerance thresholds. Intradiscal pain threshold was assessed by measuring intradiscal pressure at the moment of pain provocation during discography. Correlation analyses between intradiscal pain threshold and pressure algometry were made. For the secondary aim, pressure algometry data before and after discography were compared. RESULTS: Significant correlation with intradiscal pain threshold was found for pressure pain detection threshold at the toe (regression coefficient: 0.03, P = 0.05) and pressure pain tolerance thresholds at the nonpainful point at the back (0.02, P = 0.024). Tolerance threshold at the toe was a significant predictor for intradiscal pain threshold only in multiple linear regression (0.036, P = 0.027). Detection as well as tolerance thresholds significantly decreased after discography at the painful and the nonpainful point at the back, but not at the toe. CONCLUSIONS: Central hypersensitivity may influence intradiscal pain threshold, but with a modest quantitative impact. The diagnostic value of provocation discography is therefore not substantially impaired. Regional, but not generalized central hypersensitivity is dynamically modulated by ongoing peripheral nociceptive input.
Excessive consumption of acidic drinks and foods contributes to tooth erosion. The aims of the present in vitro study were twofold: (1) to assess the erosive potential of different dietary substances and medications; (2) to determine the chemical properties with an impact on the erosive potential. We selected sixty agents: soft drinks, an energy drink, sports drinks, alcoholic drinks, juice, fruit, mineral water, yogurt, tea, coffee, salad dressing and medications. The erosive potential of the tested agents was quantified as the changes in surface hardness (ΔSH) of enamel specimens within the first 2 min (ΔSH2-0 = SH2 min - SHbaseline) and the second 2 min exposure (ΔSH4-2 = SH4 min - SH2 min). To characterise these agents, various chemical properties, e.g. pH, concentrations of Ca, Pi and F, titratable acidity to pH 7·0 and buffering capacity at the original pH value (β), as well as degree of saturation (pK - pI) with respect to hydroxyapatite (HAP) and fluorapatite (FAP), were determined. Erosive challenge caused a statistically significant reduction in SH for all agents except for coffee, some medications and alcoholic drinks, and non-flavoured mineral waters, teas and yogurts (P < 0·01). By multiple linear regression analysis, 52 % of the variation in ΔSH after 2 min and 61 % after 4 min immersion were explained by pH, β and concentrations of F and Ca (P < 0·05). pH was the variable with the highest impact in multiple regression and bivariate correlation analyses. Furthermore, a high bivariate correlation was also obtained between (pK - pI)HAP, (pK - pI)FAP and ΔSH.
A growing body of literature addresses possible health effects of mobile phone use in children and adolescents by relying on the study participants' retrospective reconstruction of mobile phone use. In this study, we used data from the international case-control study CEFALO to compare self-reported with objectively operator-recorded mobile phone use. The aim of the study was to assess predictors of level of mobile phone use as well as factors that are associated with overestimating own mobile phone use. For cumulative number and duration of calls as well as for time since first subscription we calculated the ratio of self-reported to operator-recorded mobile phone use. We used multiple linear regression models to assess possible predictors of the average number and duration of calls per day and logistic regression models to assess possible predictors of overestimation. The cumulative number and duration of calls as well as the time since first subscription of mobile phones were overestimated on average by the study participants. Likelihood to overestimate number and duration of calls was not significantly different for controls compared to cases (OR=1.1, 95%-CI: 0.5 to 2.5 and OR=1.9, 95%-CI: 0.85 to 4.3, respectively). However, likelihood to overestimate was associated with other health related factors such as age and sex. As a consequence, such factors act as confounders in studies relying solely on self-reported mobile phone use and have to be considered in the analysis.
Long-term endurance sports are associated with atrial remodeling and an increased risk for atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial flutter. Pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (pro-ANP) is a marker of atrial wall tension and elevated in patients with AF. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that atrial remodeling would be perpetuated by repetitive episodes of atrial stretching during strenuous competitions, reflected by elevated levels of pro-ANP. A cross-sectional study was performed on nonelite runners scheduled to participate in the 2010 Grand Prix of Bern, a 10-mile race. Four hundred ninety-two marathon and nonmarathon runners applied for participation, 70 were randomly selected, and 56 entered the final analysis. Subjects were stratified according to former marathon participations: a control group (nonmarathon runners, n = 22), group 1 (1 to 4 marathons, n = 16), and group 2 (≥5 marathons, n = 18). Results were adjusted for age, training years, and average weekly endurance training hours. The mean age was 42 ± 7 years. Compared to the control group, marathon runners in groups 1 and 2 had larger left atria (25 ± 6 vs 30 ± 6 vs 34 ± 7 ml/m(2), p = 0.002) and larger right atria (27 ± 7 vs 31 ± 8 vs 35 ± 5 ml/m(2), p = 0.024). Pro-ANP levels at baseline were higher in marathon runners (1.04 ± 0.38 vs 1.42 ± 0.74 vs 1.67 ± 0.69 nmol/L, p = 0.006). Pro-ANP increased significantly in all groups after the race. In multiple linear regression analysis, marathon participation was an independent predictor of left atrial (β = 0.427, p <0.001) and right atrial (β = 0.395, p = 0.006) remodeling. In conclusion, marathon running was associated with progressive left and right atrial remodeling, possibly induced by repetitive episodes of atrial stretching. The altered left and right atrial substrate may facilitate atrial arrhythmias.
Abstract Objectives: To assess the reporting quality of Cochrane and non-Cochrane systematic reviews (SR) in orthodontics and to compare the reporting quality (PRISMA score) with methodological quality (AMSTAR criteria). Materials and Methods: Systematic reviews (n = 109) published between January 2000 and July 2011 in five leading orthodontic journals were identified and included. The quality of reporting of the included reviews was assessed by two authors in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. Each article was assigned a cumulative grade based on fulfillment of the applicable criteria, and an overall percentage score was assigned. Descriptive statistics and simple and multiple linear regression analyses were undertaken. Results: The mean overall PRISMA score was 64.1% (95% confidence interval [CI], 62%-65%). The quality of reporting was considerably better in reviews published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (P < .001) than in non-Cochrane reviews. Both multivariable and univariable analysis indicated that journal of publication and number of authors was significantly associated with the PRISMA score. The association between AMSTAR score and modified PRISMA score was also found to be highly statistically significant. Conclusion: Compliance of orthodontic SRs published in orthodontic journals with PRISMA guidelines was deficient in several areas. The quality of reporting assessed using PRISMA guidelines was significantly better in orthodontic SRs published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
Long-term endurance sports are associated with atrial remodeling and atrial arrhythmias. More importantly, high-level endurance training may promote right ventricular (RV) dysfunction and complex ventricular arrhythmias. We investigated the long-term consequences of marathon running on cardiac remodeling as a potential substrate for arrhythmias with a focus on the right heart. We invited runners of the 2010 Grand Prix of Bern, a 10-mile race. Of 873 marathon and nonmarathon runners who applied, 122 (61 women) entered the final analysis. Subjects were stratified according to former marathon participations: control group (nonmarathon runners, n = 34), group 1 (1 marathon to 5 marathons, mean 2.7, n = 46), and group 2 (≥6 marathons, mean 12.8, n = 42). Mean age was 42 ± 7 years. Results were adjusted for gender, age, and lifetime training hours. Right and left atrial sizes increased with marathon participations. In group 2, right and left atrial enlargements were present in 60% and 74% of athletes, respectively. RV and left ventricular (LV) dimensions showed no differences among groups, and RV or LV dilatation was present in only 2.4% or 4.3% of marathon runners, respectively. In multiple linear regression analysis, marathon participation was an independent predictor of right and left atrial sizes but had no effect on RV and LV dimensions and function. Atrial and ventricular ectopic complexes during 24-hour Holter monitoring were low and equally distributed among groups. In conclusion, in nonelite athletes, marathon running was not associated with RV enlargement, dysfunction, or ventricular ectopy. Marathon running promoted biatrial remodeling.
We report the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting carcass composition, carcass length, fat deposition and lean meat content using a genome scan across 462 animals from a combined intercross and backcross between Hampshire and Landrace pigs. Data were analysed using multiple linear regression fitting additive and dominance effects. This model was compared with a model including a parent-of-origin effect to spot evidence of imprinting. Several precisely defined muscle phenotypes were measured in order to dissect body composition in more detail. Three significant QTL were detected in the study at the 1% genome-wide level, and twelve significant QTL were detected at the 5% genome-wide level. These QTL comprise loci affecting fat deposition and lean meat content on SSC1, 4, 9, 10, 13 and 16, a locus on SSC2 affecting the ratio between weight of meat and bone in back and weight of meat and bone in ham and two loci affecting carcass length on SSC12 and 17. The well-defined phenotypes in this study enabled us to detect QTL for sizes of individual muscles and to obtain information of relevance for the description of the complexity underlying other carcass traits.
Class II cavities were prepared in extracted lower molars filled and cured in three 2-mm increments using a metal matrix. Three composites (Spectrum TPH A4, Ceram X mono M7 and Tetric Ceram A4) were cured with both the SmartLite PS LED LCU and the Spectrum 800 continuous cure halogen LCU using curing cycles of 10, 20 and 40 seconds. Each increment was cured before adding the next. After a seven-day incubation period, the composite specimens were removed from the teeth, embedded in self-curing resin and ground to half the orofacial width. Knoop microhardness was determined 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2500, 3500, 4500 and 5500 microm from the occlusal surface at a distance of 150 microm and 1000 microm from the metal matrix. The total degree of polymerization of a composite specimen for any given curing time and curing light was determined by calculating the area under the hardness curve. Hardness values 150 microm from the metal matrix never reached maximum values and were generally lower than those 1000 microm from the matrix. The hardest composite was usually encountered between 200 microm and 1000 microm from the occlusal surface. For every composite-curing time combination, there was an increase in microhardness at the top of each increment (measurements at 500, 2500 and 4500 microm) and a decrease towards the bottom of each increment (measurements at 1500, 3500 and 5500 microm). Longer curing times were usually combined with harder composite samples. Spectrum TPH composite was the only composite showing a satisfactory degree of polymerization for all three curing times and both LCUs. Multiple linear regression showed that only the curing time (p < 0.001) and composite material (p < 0.001) had a significant association with the degree of polymerization. The degree of polymerization achieved by the LED LCU was not significantly different from that achieved by the halogen LCU (p = 0.54).
Popular belief holds that the lunar cycle affects human physiology, behaviour and health. We examined the influence of moon phase on sleep duration in a secondary analysis of a feasibility study of mobile telephone base stations and sleep quality. We studied 31 volunteers (18 women and 13 men, mean age 50 years) from a suburban area of Switzerland longitudinally over 6 weeks, including two full moons. Subjective sleep duration was calculated from sleep diary data. Data were analysed using multiple linear regression models with random effects. Mean sleep duration was 6 h 49 min. Subjective sleep duration varied with the lunar cycle, from 6 h 41 min at full moon to 7 h 00 min at new moon (P < 0.001). Average sleep duration was shortened by 68 min during the week compared with weekends (P < 0.001). Men slept 17 min longer than women (P < 0.001) and sleep duration decreased with age (P < 0.001). There was also evidence that rating of fatigue in the morning was associated with moon phase, with more tiredness (P = 0.027) at full moon. The study was designed for other purposes and the association between lunar cycle and sleep duration will need to be confirmed in further studies.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of pre-warmed composite on the microhardness and marginal adaptation. Methods: Ninety six identical class II cavities were prepared in extracted human molars and filled/cured in three 2 mm increments using a metal matrix. Two composites (Tetric Evo Ceram (IvoclarVivadent) and ELS(Saremco)) were cured with a LED curing unit (Bluephase (IvoclarVivadent)) using curing cycles of 20 and 40 seconds. The composite was used at room temperature or pre-warmed at 54.5ºC (Calset(AdDent)). Twelve teeth were filled for every composite-curing time-composite temperature combination. The teeth were thermocycled (1000 cycles at 5º and 55ºC) and then stored at 37° C for seven days . Dye penetration (basic fuchsine 5% for 8 hours) was measured using a score scale. Knoop microhardness was determined 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2500, 3500, 4500 and 5500µm from the occlusal surface at a distance of 150 and 1000µm from the metal matrix. The total degree of polymerization of a composite specimen was determined by calculating the area under the hardness curve. Results: Statistical analyses showed no difference in marginal adaptation (p>0.05). Hardness values at 150µm from the matrix were lower than those at 1000µm. There was an increase of the microhardness at the top of each increment and decrease towards the bottom of each increment. Longer curing times resulted in harder composite samples. Multiple linear regression showed that only the curing time (p<0.001) and composite material (p<0.001) had a significant association with the degree of polymerization. The degree of polymerization was not influenced by pre-warming the composite at a temperature of 54.5ºC (p=4.86). Conclusion: Polymerization time can not be reduced by pre-warming the composite on a temperature of 54.5ºC. The marginal adaptation is not compromised by pre-warming the composite.
OBJECTIVE: Maintenance of good walking speed is essential to independent living. People with musculoskeletal disease often have reduced walking speed. We investigated determinants of slower walking, other than musculoskeletal disease, that might provide valuable additional targets for therapy. METHODS: We analyzed data from the Somerset and Avon Survey of Health, a community based survey of people aged over 35 years. A total of 2703 participants who reported hip or knee pain at baseline (1994/1995) were studied, and reassessed in 2002-2003; 1696 were available for followup, and walking speed was tested in 1074. Walking speed (m/s) was used as outcome measure. Baseline characteristics, including comorbidities and socioeconomic factors, were tested for their ability to predict reduced walking speed using multiple linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Age, female sex, and immobility at baseline were predictive of slower walking speed. Other independent risk factors included the presence of cataract, low socioeconomic status, intermittent claudication, and other cardiovascular conditions. Having a cataract was associated with a decrease of 0.10 m/s (95% CI 0.03, 0.16). Those in social class V had a walking speed 0.22 m/s (95% CI 0.126, 0.31) slower than those in social class I. CONCLUSION: Comorbidities, age, female sex, and lower socioeconomic position determine walking speed in people with joint pain. Issues such as poor vision and social-economic disadvantage may add to the effect of musculoskeletal disease, suggesting the need for a holistic approach to management of these patients.
OBJECTIVE: Anemia is a common comorbid condition in various inflammatory states and an established predictor of mortality in patients with chronic heart failure, ischemic heart disease, and end-stage renal disease. The present study of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) undergoing endovascular repair (EVAR) assessed the relationships between baseline hemoglobin concentration and AAA size, as well as anemia and long-term survival. METHODS: Between March 1994 and November 2006, 711 patients (65 women, mean age 75.8 +/- 7.8 years) underwent elective EVAR. Anemia was defined as a hemoglobin level <13 g/dL in men and <12 g/dL in women. Post-EVAR mean follow-up was 48.3 +/- 32.0 months. Association of hemoglobin level with AAA size was assessed with multiple linear regression. Mortality was determined with use of the internet-based Social Security Death Index and the electronic hospital record. Kaplan-Meier survival curves of anemic and nonanemic patient groups were compared by the log-rank method. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to determine the influence of anemia on vital status after EVAR. RESULTS: A total of 218/711 (30.7%) of AAA patients undergoing EVAR had anemia at baseline. After adjustment for various risk factors, hemoglobin level was inversely related to maximum AAA diameter (beta: - .144, 95%-CI: -1.482 - .322, P = .002). Post-EVAR survival was 65.5% at 5 years and 44.4% at 10 years. In long-term follow-up, survival was significantly lower in patients with anemia as compared to patients without anemia (P < .0001 by log-rank). Baseline hemoglobin levels were independently related to long-term mortality in multivariable Cox regression analysis adjusted for various risk factors (adjusted HR: 0.866, 95% CI: .783 to .958, P = .005). Within this model, statin use (adjusted HR: .517, 95% CI: .308 to .868, P = .013) was independently related to long-term survival, whereas baseline AAA diameter (adjusted HR: 1.022, 95% CI: 1.009 to 1.036, P = .001) was an independently associated with increased mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Baseline hemoglobin concentration is independently associated with AAA size and reduced long-term survival following EVAR. Thus, the presence or absence of anemia offers a potential refinement of existing risk stratification instruments.
Soil degradation is a major problem in the agriculturally dominated country of Tajikistan, which makes it necessary to determine and monitor the state of soils. For this purpose a soil spectral library was established as it enables the determination of soil properties with relatively low costs and effort. A total of 1465 soil samples were collected from three 10x10 km test sites in western Tajikistan. The diffuse reflectance of the samples was measured with a FieldSpec PRO FR from ASD in the spectral range from 380 to 2500 nm in laboratory. 166 samples were finally selected based on their spectral information and analysed on total C and N, organic C, pH, CaCO₃, extractable P, exchangeable Ca, Mg and K, and the fractions clay, silt and sand. Multiple linear regression was used to set up the models. Two third of the chemically analysed samples were used to calibrate the models, one third was used for hold-out validation. Very good prediction accuracy was obtained for total C (R² = 0.76, RMSEP = 4.36 g kg⁻¹), total N (R² = 0.83, RMSEP = 0.30 g kg⁻¹) and organic C (R² = 0.81, RMSEP = 3.30 g kg⁻¹), good accuracy for pH (R² = 0.61, RMSEP = 0.157) and CaCO3(R² = 0.72, RMSEP = 4.63 %). No models could be developed for extractable P, exchangeable Ca, Mg and K, and the fractions clay, silt and sand. It can be concluded that the spectral library approach has a high potential to substitute standard laboratory methods where rapid and inexpensive analysis is required.