970 resultados para modular languages
The mechanisms responsible for containing activity in systems represented by networks are crucial in various phenomena, for example, in diseases such as epilepsy that affect the neuronal networks and for information dissemination in social networks. The first models to account for contained activity included triggering and inhibition processes, but they cannot be applied to social networks where inhibition is clearly absent. A recent model showed that contained activity can be achieved with no need of inhibition processes provided that the network is subdivided into modules (communities). In this paper, we introduce a new concept inspired in the Hebbian theory, through which containment of activity is achieved by incorporating a dynamics based on a decaying activity in a random walk mechanism preferential to the node activity. Upon selecting the decay coefficient within a proper range, we observed sustained activity in all the networks tested, namely, random, Barabasi-Albert and geographical networks. The generality of this finding was confirmed by showing that modularity is no longer needed if the dynamics based on the integrate-and-fire dynamics incorporated the decay factor. Taken together, these results provide a proof of principle that persistent, restrained network activation might occur in the absence of any particular topological structure. This may be the reason why neuronal activity does not spread out to the entire neuronal network, even when no special topological organization exists.
MoritaBaylisHillman derivatives have been extensively investigated as intermediates in the preparation of important classes of compounds. However, there are intrinsic limitations regarding the structure of the Michael electrophile acceptors, the aldehydes, and the catalysts. Therefore, this transformation has several drawbacks, including, for example, its long reaction times. Herein we present a simple, general, fast, and high-yielding protocol for the one-pot synthesis of MoritaBaylisHillman derivatives. Our approach is driven by a lithium selenolate Michael/aldol operation with concomitant O-functionalization/selenoxide elimination cascade sequences.
Wood is a material of great applicability in construction, with advantageous properties to form various structural systems, such as walls and roof. Most of the roof structural systems follow models that have remained unchanged for a long time. A roof modular system in distinguished materials is proposed: reforested wood (Pine), oriented strand board (OSB) and roof tiles made of recycled long-life packaging material in order to be applied in rural construction. In this alternative, besides the benefit of giving destination packages with long-life thermal comfort, it also highlights the use of reforestated wood being the cultivation of such species that provides incentive for agribusiness. The structural performance of this alternative was evaluated through computer modeling and test results of two modular panels. The analysis is based on the results of vertical displacements, deformations and stresses. A positive correlation between theoretical and experimental values was observed, indicating the model's feasibility for use in roof structures. Therefore, the modular system represents a solution to new architecture conceptions to rural construction, for example, storage construction, cattle handling and poultry, with benefits provided by prefabricated building systems.
[ES] La organización de congresos internacionales incluye un conjunto amplio de tareas diversas, de variadas naturalezas. Algunas de ellas requieren una supervisión cuidadosa al ser factor determinante del éxito del congreso. Es posible que la tarea y delicada más compleja sea la organización del programa científico del evento, porque requiere satisfacer las necesidades, a veces contrapuestas, de muchas personas diferentes, con diferentes roles de participación en el mismo. Las necesidades de un asistente son totalmente diferentes a las de un ponente, las de un revisor, o a las del Program Chair del evento. El asistente requiere recibir una información en el formato publicitado por el congreso, tal vez poder participar en discusiones o debates, y recibir una documentación en forma de actas, libro de abstracts, etc. Un autor requiere poder enviar para consideración un abstract o un artículo, recibir el resultado de la evaluación del mismo y poder, si es aceptado, subir el artículo definitivo, conocer cuándo tendrá lugar su comunicación, etc. Para complicar más las cosas, puede darse el caso, y se da con frecuencia, que las mismas personas actúan en el congreso con más de un rol diferente. El propósito de este TFG no puede ser abarcar toda esta problemática, dada la fuerte restricción temporal de los Trabajos fin de Grado. Este TFG trata de esbozar un prototipo que pueda ser extendido con posterioridad este trabajo, donde se presente un prototipo con el esqueleto y estructura fundamental de una aplicación futura que englobe el máximo de elementos de la organización del congreso. También se pretende que se desarrollen dos módulos fundamentales: un módulo para la gestión de usuarios y roles, asumiendo que podemos definir ya los roles, vistas y privilegios.
Service Oriented Computing is a new programming paradigm for addressing distributed system design issues. Services are autonomous computational entities which can be dynamically discovered and composed in order to form more complex systems able to achieve different kinds of task. E-government, e-business and e-science are some examples of the IT areas where Service Oriented Computing will be exploited in the next years. At present, the most credited Service Oriented Computing technology is that of Web Services, whose specifications are enriched day by day by industrial consortia without following a precise and rigorous approach. This PhD thesis aims, on the one hand, at modelling Service Oriented Computing in a formal way in order to precisely define the main concepts it is based upon and, on the other hand, at defining a new approach, called bipolar approach, for addressing system design issues by synergically exploiting choreography and orchestration languages related by means of a mathematical relation called conformance. Choreography allows us to describe systems of services from a global view point whereas orchestration supplies a means for addressing such an issue from a local perspective. In this work we present SOCK, a process algebra based language inspired by the Web Service orchestration language WS-BPEL which catches the essentials of Service Oriented Computing. From the definition of SOCK we will able to define a general model for dealing with Service Oriented Computing where services and systems of services are related to the design of finite state automata and process algebra concurrent systems, respectively. Furthermore, we introduce a formal language for dealing with choreography. Such a language is equipped with a formal semantics and it forms, together with a subset of the SOCK calculus, the bipolar framework. Finally, we present JOLIE which is a Java implentation of a subset of the SOCK calculus and it is part of the bipolar framework we intend to promote.
The aim of this thesis is to go through different approaches for proving expressiveness properties in several concurrent languages. We analyse four different calculi exploiting for each one a different technique.
We begin with the analysis of a synchronous language, we explore the expressiveness of a fragment of CCS! (a variant of Milner's CCS where replication is considered instead of recursion) w.r.t. the existence of faithful encodings (i.e. encodings that respect the behaviour of the encoded model without introducing unnecessary computations) of models of computability strictly less expressive than Turing Machines. Namely, grammars of types 1,2 and 3 in the Chomsky Hierarchy.
We then move to asynchronous languages and we study full abstraction for two Linda-like languages. Linda can be considered as the asynchronous version of CCS plus a shared memory (a multiset of elements) that is used for storing messages. After having defined a denotational semantics based on traces, we obtain fully abstract semantics for both languages by using suitable abstractions in order to identify different traces which do not correspond to different behaviours.
Since the ability of one of the two variants considered of recognising multiple occurrences of messages in the store (which accounts for an increase of expressiveness) reflects in a less complex abstraction, we then study other languages where multiplicity plays a fundamental role. We consider the language CHR (Constraint Handling Rules) a language which uses multi-headed (guarded) rules. We prove that multiple heads augment the expressive power of the language. Indeed we show that if we restrict to rules where the head contains at most n atoms we could generate a hierarchy of languages with increasing expressiveness (i.e. the CHR language allowing at most n atoms in the heads is more expressive than the language allowing at most m atoms, with m
The application of Concurrency Theory to Systems Biology is in its earliest stage of progress. The metaphor of cells as computing systems by Regev and Shapiro opened the employment of concurrent languages for the modelling of biological systems. Their peculiar characteristics led to the design of many bio-inspired formalisms which achieve higher faithfulness and specificity. In this thesis we present pi@, an extremely simple and conservative extension of the pi-calculus representing a keystone in this respect, thanks to its expressiveness capabilities. The pi@ calculus is obtained by the addition of polyadic synchronisation and priority to the pi-calculus, in order to achieve compartment semantics and atomicity of complex operations respectively. In its direct application to biological modelling, the stochastic variant of the calculus, Spi@, is shown able to model consistently several phenomena such as formation of molecular complexes, hierarchical subdivision of the system into compartments, inter-compartment reactions, dynamic reorganisation of compartment structure consistent with volume variation. The pivotal role of pi@ is evidenced by its capability of encoding in a compositional way several bio-inspired formalisms, so that it represents the optimal core of a framework for the analysis and implementation of bio-inspired languages. In this respect, the encodings of BioAmbients, Brane Calculi and a variant of P Systems in pi@ are formalised. The conciseness of their translation in pi@ allows their indirect comparison by means of their encodings. Furthermore it provides a ready-to-run implementation of minimal effort whose correctness is granted by the correctness of the respective encoding functions. Further important results of general validity are stated on the expressive power of priority. Several impossibility results are described, which clearly state the superior expressiveness of prioritised languages and the problems arising in the attempt of providing their parallel implementation. To this aim, a new setting in distributed computing (the last man standing problem) is singled out and exploited to prove the impossibility of providing a purely parallel implementation of priority by means of point-to-point or broadcast communication.