995 resultados para median eminence
INTRODUCTION: The Shwachman-Kulczycki score was the first scoring system used in cystic fibrosis to assess disease severity. Despite its subjectivity, it is still widely used. OBJECTIVE: To study correlations among forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), chest radiography, chest computed tomography, 6-minute walk test, and Shwachman-Kulczycki score in patients with cystic fibrosis and to test whether the Shwachman-Kulczycki score is still useful in monitoring the severity of the disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional prospective study was performed to analyze the correlations (Spearman). Patients with clinically stable cystic fibrosis, aged 3-21 years, were included. RESULTS: 43 patients, 19F/24M, mean age 10.5 + 4.7 years, with a median Shwachman-Kulczycki score of 70 were studied. The median Brasfield and Bhalla scores were 17 and 10, respectively. The mean Z score for the 6-minute walk test was -1.1 + 1.106 and the mean FEV1 was 59 + 26 (as percentage of predicted values). The following significant correlations versus the Shwachman-Kulczycki score were found: FEV1 (r = 0.76), 6-minute walk test (r = 0.71), chest radiography (r = 0.71) and chest computed tomography (r = -0.78). When patients were divided according to FEV1, a statistically significantly correlation with the Shwachman-Kulczycki score was found only in patients with FEV1 <70% (r = 0.67). CONCLUSIONS: The Shwachman-Kulczycki score remains an useful tool for monitoring the severity of cystic fibrosis, adequately reflecting the functional impairment and chest radiography and tomography changes, especially in patients with greater impairment of lung function. When assessing patients with mild lung disease its limitations should be considered and its usefulness in such patients should be evaluated in larger populations.
OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados anatômicos pós-operatórios de pacientes portadoras de prolapso uterino tratadas utilizando tela de polipropileno para correção dos defeitos do assoalho pélvico, comparando histerectomia vaginal com a preservação do útero. MÉTODO: Estudo randomizado com 31 mulheres portadoras de prolapso uterino estádio III ou IV (POP-Q) divididas em dois grupos: Grupo HV- 15 mulheres submetidas à histerectomia vaginal e reconstrução da anatomia do assoalho pélvico com tela de polipropileno tipo I (Nazca R-Promedon) e Grupo HP- 16 mulheres mulheres submetidas à reconstrução da anatomia do assoalho pélvico com tela de polipropileno tipo I (Nazca R-Promedon) preservando o útero. Raça, urgência miccional, constipação intestinal, dor sacral, sangramento e tempo de operação foram os parâmetros analisados. RESULTADOS: O tempo de seguimento médio foi de nove meses. Não se observou diferença entre os grupos nas complicações funcionais. O tempo cirúrgico foi 120 minutos para grupo HV versus 58.9 minutos para grupo HP ( p < 0.001 ) e o volume de perda sanguínea intraoperatória foi 120 mL no grupo HV versus 20 mL para grupo HP ( p < 0.001*). A taxa de sucesso objetivo foi 86.67% para grupo HV e 75% para grupo HP (p = 0,667). A taxa de erosão de tela foi 20% (3/15) de extrusão no grupo HV versus 18,75% (3/16) no grupo HP (p = 1,000). CONCLUSÃO: A correção cirúrgica do assoalho pélvico com telas nas portadoras de prolapso uterino apresentaram similaridade quer sendo ela feita com histeropexia quer com histerectomia. Contudo, o tempo cirúrgico e o volume da perda sanguínea foram significantemente maiores no grupo com histerectromia (HV). Operações vaginais com telas são procedimentos efetivos para a correção do prolapso.
A distribuição intraparenquimal das veias porta-hepáticas foi estudada em 30 gansos domésticos. Latex Neoprene corado foi injetado pela veia isquiática e os animais forma fixados por imersão e injeção intramuscular com formol a 10% e dissecados. O fígado esteve composto por um grande lobo hepático direito e por um lobo hepático esquerdo menor, os quais estiveram conectados por uma ponte de parênquima. O lobo direito do fígado teve exclusivamente vasos do sistema porta-hepático formados pela distribuição intraparenquimal da veia porta-hepática direita, enquanto que no lobo esquerdo estes originaram-se da veia porta-hepática direita e de pequenas veias porta-hepáticas esquerdas. A veia porta-hepática direita emitiu o ramo caudal direito, que emitiu um pequeno ramo caudolateral direito e um grande ramo caudomedial direito. Cranialmente esta veia emitiu os ramos craniais direito e ramos lateral direito. A porção transversa da veia porta-hepática direita cruzou para o lobo hepático esquerdo, emitindo de 1 a 6 pequenos ramos craniais e caudais para a região média do fígado. No lobo esquerdo, o ramo esquerdo da veia porta-hepática direita emitiu o ramo cranial esquerdo, o ramo lateral esquerdo e o ramo medial. De 1 a 6 veias porta-hepáticas esquerdas foram identificadas desembocando ou no ramo esquerdo da veia porta-hepática direita ou em sua porção transversa, oriundos do ventrículo gástrico e do pró-ventrículo. Em 40% dos gansos uma veia porta-hepática própria oriunda da confluência de vasos venosos da face esquerda do ventrículo distribuiu-se na extremidade caudal do lobo esquerdo isoladamente.
Em seis animais adultos Myrmecophaga tridactyla estudou-se o modelo de suprimento sanguíneo do intestino grosso, que é dependente das artérias mesentérica cranial (AMCr) e caudal (AMC). Os espécimes coletados conforme as normas do IBAMA (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis) foram perfundidos com água (40 C), injetados com látex corado, fixados em formol e conservados em solução alcoólica (50%). O mesocólon está disposto na linha sagital mediana e fixa o intestino grosso à parede dorsal do abdome. Derivaram da AMC: a artéria retal cranial, sete a 14 artérias cólicas e uma ou duas artérias ileocólicas, que apresentaram anastomoses de irrigação com a AMCr. A AMC finaliza-se na borda mesocólica das alças intestinais, emitindo ramos cólicos retos a partir das arcadas justacólicas, que penetram na intimidade da musculatura longitudinal. Ao longo do trajeto da AMC foram observadas ilhas arteriais, e a região ileocólica apresentou maior densidade vascular.
Most descriptions of the ostrich oropharynx and oesophagus are superficial and supply little meaningful morphological data. The aim of this investigation is describe the ostrich oropharingeal cavity, in order to supply the deficiency of macroscopic data about this important animal. Five heads of 12 to 14-month-old ostriches of either sex were anatomically dissected to expose the oropharynx. The ostrich oropharynx was "bell-shaped" composed by the maxillary and mandibular ramphoteca. The roof and floor presented two distinct regions different in colour of the mucosa. The rostral region was pale pink contrasting to creamy-pink coloured caudal region. The median longitudinal ridge extended rostrally from the apex of the choana to the tip of the beak in the roof and it is clearly more prominent and rigid than the homolog in the floor that appeared thin and stretched rostrally, continuing caudally surrounding the tongue and the laryngeal mound eventually merging with the oesophageal mucosa. The floor was formed by the interramal region, tongue and laryngeal mound containing shield-shaped glottis. It can be concluded that the present study, in addition to confirming the basic features of the oropharynx previously described for the ostrich, clarified the contradictory information presented in the literature and also provided new, unreported morphological data, some of which may be important when studying nutrition and health in these birds.
Objetivo: Analisar a tendência da mortalidade por diarreia entre menores de 5 anos, no município de Osasco (SP), entre 1980 e 2000. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo observacional com dois delineamentos. Um descritivo, que toma o indivíduo como unidade do estudo, e outro ecológico, analisando agregado populacional que incluiu análise de séries temporais. A fonte de dados foi o sistema de informação de mortalidade do Estado de São Paulo e censos de 1980, 1991 e 2000. Descreveu-se a variação sazonal e para a análise de tendência aplicaram-se modelos log lineares de regressão polinomiais, utilizando-se variáveis sociodemográficas da criança e da mãe. Foram analisadas a evolução de indicadores sociodemográficos do município de 1980 a 2000, as taxas médias de mortalidade por diarreia nos menores de 5 anos e seus diferenciais por distrito nos anos 90. Resultados: Dos 1.360 óbitos, 94,3 e 75,3% atingiram, respectivamente, menores de 1 ano e de 6 meses. O declínio da mortalidade foi de 98,3%, com deslocamento da sazonalidade do verão para o outono. A mediana da idade elevou-se de 2 meses nos primeiros períodos para 3 meses no último. O resíduo de óbitos manteve-se entre filhos de mães de 20 a 29 anos e escolaridade < 8 anos. O risco relativo entre o distrito mais atingido e a taxa média do município diminuiu de 3,4 para 1,3 do primeiro para o segundo quinquênio dos anos 90. Conclusão: Nossos resultados apontam uma elevação da idade mais vulnerável e a provável mudança do agente mais frequentemente associado ao óbito por diarreia
OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil de pacientes adultos residentes no município de São Paulo que evoluíram para óbito associado à tuberculose, segundo fatores biológicos, ambientais e institucionais. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo, abrangendo todos os óbitos por tuberculose (N=416) ocorridos em 2002, entre maiores de 15 anos. Os dados analisados foram obtidos do Sistema Municipal de Informações de Mortalidade, prontuários hospitalares, Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos e Sistema de Vigilância de Tuberculose. Os cálculos dos riscos relativos e intervalos de confiança de 95 por cento (IC 95 por cento) tiveram como referência o sexo feminino, grupo de 15 a 29 anos, e os naturais do Estado de São Paulo. A análise comparativa usou o teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson e o exato de Fisher para variáveis categóricas e o teste Kruskal-Wallis para variáveis contínuas. RESULTADOS: Do total de óbitos, 78 por cento apresentavam a forma pulmonar; o diagnóstico foi efetuado após a morte em 30 por cento e em unidades de atendimento primário em 14 por cento dos casos; 44 por cento não iniciaram tratamento; 49 por cento não foram notificados; 76 por cento eram homens e a mediana da idade foi de 51 anos; 52 por cento tinham até quatro anos de estudo, 4 por cento eram prováveis moradores de rua. As taxas de mortalidade aumentavam com a idade, sendo de 5,0/100.000 no município, variando de zero a 35, conforme o distrito. Para 82 de 232 pacientes com registro de tratamento, havia referência de tratamento anterior, e desses, 41 o haviam abandonado. Constatou-se presença de diabetes (16 por cento), doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (19 por cento), HIV (11 por cento), tabagismo (71 por cento) e alcoolismo (64 por cento) nos pacientes. CONCLUSÕES: Homens acima de 50 anos, migrantes e residentes em distritos com baixo Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano apresentam maiores riscos de óbito. )A pouca escolaridade e apresentar co-morbidades são características importante Observou-se baixa participação das unidades básicas de saúde no diagnóstico e a elevada sub-notificação
Background: The criteria and timing for nerve surgery in infants with obstetric brachial plexopathy remain controversial. Our aim was to develop a new method for early prognostic assessment to assist this decision process. Methods: Fifty-four patients with unilateral obstetric brachial plexopathy who were ten to sixty days old underwent bilateral motor-nerve-conduction studies of the axillary, musculocutaneous, proximal radial, distal radial, median, and ulnar nerves. The ratio between the amplitude of the compound muscle action potential of the affected limb and that of the healthy side was called the axonal viability index. The patients were followed and classified in three groups according to the clinical outcome. We analyzed the receiver operating characteristic curve of each index to define the best cutoff point to detect patients with a poor recovery. Results: The best cutoff points on the axonal viability index for each nerve (and its sensitivity and specificity) were <10% (88% and 89%, respectively) for the axillary nerve, 0% (88% and 73%) for the musculocutaneous nerve, <20% (82% and 97%) for the proximal radial nerve, <50% (82% and 97%) for the distal radial nerve, and <50% (59% and 97%) for the ulnar nerve. The indices from the proximal radial, distal radial, and ulnar nerves had better specificities compared with the most frequently used clinical criterion: absence of biceps function at three months of age. Conclusions: The axonal viability index yields an earlier and more specific prognostic estimation of obstetric brachial plexopathy than does the clinical criterion of biceps function, and we believe it may be useful in determining surgical indications in these patients.
Methods currently employed to establish the etiology of congenital hypothyroidism include thyroid ultrasound and scintigraphic exams. Thyroglobulin is a protein almost exclusively secreted by thyroid tissue and indirectly reflects the amount of follicular cells. Even though thyroglobulin is easy to measure, it has been not frequently used because of discordant results to distinguish mainly athyreosis and ectopy (dysgenesis). Knowing the differences in inheritance and prognosis of thyroid dysgenesis and dyshormonogenesis, it is important to define the etiology of CH, combining tools that are easy, fast and available in most medical centers. Our objective was to evaluate and compare color Doppler ultrasound and serum thyroglobulin with radionuclide scan to define the etiology of congenital hypothyroidism. We evaluated 38 children above 3 years-old off-treatment that performed serum thyroglobulin by immunofluorometric assay, color Doppler ultrasound and radionuclide study. On color Doppler ultrasound, 11 patients had athyreosis, 5 ectopic glands, being I associated to hemiagenesis. Twenty one had topic thyroid (3 goiters, 10 normal, 8 hypoplastic). Hemiagenesis and cystic lesion were not revealed by radionuclide scan. We observed substantial agreement between color Doppler ultrasound and radionuclide scan (kappa=0.745, p<0.0001). Serum thyroglobulin in athyreosis ranged from <1.0 to 18.7 mu g/L. Patients with ectopic glands showed wider thyroglobulin range (4.5 to 123 mu g/L, median 28.4 mu g/L). Only one patient showed thyroglobulin deficiency. By using color Doppler ultrasound and serum thyroglobulin levels as valuable combined tools, we established the etiology of congenital hypothyroidism limiting excessive and harmful exams in children, like radionuclide scan.
Background and Purpose: The right kidney has been less frequently used in live donor nephrectomy, because of the shorter length of the right renal vein (RRV) that is associated with technical difficulties and higher rates of venous thrombosis. In live open donor or deceased donor transplant nephrectomy, an additional cuff of the inferior vena cava is usually removed, but this is a more difficult and risky maneuver in laparoscopic nephrectomy. For this reason, laparoscopic right nephrectomy (LRN) for renal transplantation (RT) is not frequently performed in most medical institutions. We evaluate the difference between RRV and left renal vein (LRV) lengths in cadavers, as harvested for RT by three clamping methods. Our objective was to obtain information that could clarify when LRN for RT should be encouraged or avoided with regard to conventional surgery. Materials and Methods: Ninety adult fresh unfrozen cadavers were randomly divided into three groups of 30, according to the clamping device used: Satinsky, stapler, and Hem-o-lok clip. The abdominal viscera were removed through a median xyphopubic incision, and the veins were measured on the bench. Two lateral limits were used: The renal hilum and the tangential line of the renal poles. As for medial limits, the inferior vena cava or the laparoscopic clipping device on the RRV were used on the right side, while on the LRV, the medial border of the emergence of the adrenal vein was considered. After section of the renal vein, a slight traction of the extremity was applied for the measurement. All measurements were obtained three times using a metallic millimetric ruler, and the arithmetic mean was considered. The chi-square, one-way analysis of variance, and paired t tests were used for statistical analysis. Statistical significance was accepted at P <= 0.05. Results: The groups of cadavers were homogeneous in demographic characteristics. Regardless of the clamping method and considering the useful length of the LRV, the RRV was statistically smaller. The evaluation of the vein length did not depend on the lateral limit considered. Independent of the clamping method, on both sides, the lengths after the vein section were larger than before the section, a fact attributed to traction. Use of a stapler and a single Hem-o-lok presented the same waste of vein length on the right side. On average, the RRV was 13.7% shorter than the LRV. Conclusions: With the wide acceptance of laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy, the length difference between the veins of both kidneys is an important issue, and the right kidney is therefore used less than the left, compared with conventional surgery. This article represents the first step to quantify the anatomic length of renal veins in different situations. Certainly, more imagenologic or surgical studies should be carried out before decisions can be made for better selection of patients for LRN.
According to Brazilian National Data Survey diabetes is the fifth cause for hospitalization and is one of the ten major causes of mortality in this country. Aims to stratify the estimated cardiovascular risk (eCVR) in a population of type 2 diabetics (T2DM) according to the Framingham prediction equations as well as to determine the association between eCVR with metabolic and clinical control of the disease. Methods From 2000 to 2001 a cross-sectional multicenter study was conducted in 13 public out-patients diabetes/endocrinology clinics from 8 Brazilian cities. The 10-year risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD) was estimated by the prediction equations described by Wilson et al (Circulation 1998). LDL equations were preferably used; when patients missed LDL data we used total cholesterol equations instead. Results Data from 1382 patients (59.0% female) were analyzed. Median and inter-quartile range (IQ) of age and duration of diabetes were 57.4 (51-65) and 8.8 (3-13) years, respectively without differences according to the gender. Forty-two percent of these patients were overweight and 35.4% were obese (the prevalence of higher BMI and obesity in this T2DM group was significantly higher in women than in men; p < 0.001). The overall estimated eCVR in T2DM patients was 21.4 (13.5-31.3). The eCVR was high (> 20%) in 738 (53.4%), intermediate in 202 (14.6%) and low in 442 (32%) patients. Men [25.1(15.4-37.3)] showed a higher eCVR than women [18.8 (12.4-27.9) p < 0.001]. The most common risk factor was high LDL-cholesterol (80.8%), most frequently found in women than in men (p = 0.01). The median of risk factors present was three (2-4) without gender differences. Overall we observed that 60 (4.3%) of our patients had none, 154(11.1%) one, 310 (22.4%) two, 385 (27.9%) three, 300 (21.7%) four, 149 (10.5%) five and six, (2%) six risk factors. A higher eCVR was noted in overweight or obese patients (p = 0.01 for both groups). No association was found between eCVR with age or a specific type of diabetes treatment. A correlation was found between eCVR and duration of diabetes (p < 0.001), BMI (p < 0.001), creatinine (p < 0.001) and triglycerides levels (p < 0.001) but it was not found with HbA1c, fasting blood glucose and postprandial glucose. A higher eCVR was observed in patients with retinopathy (p < 0.001) and a tendency in patients with microalbuminuria (p = 0.06). Conclusion: our study showed that in this group of Brazilian T2DM the eCVR was correlated with the lipid profile and it was higher in patients with microvascular chronic complications. No correlation was found with glycemic control parameters. These data could explain the failure of intensive glycemic control programs aiming to reduce cardiovascular events observed in some studies.
Despite recent advances, patients with malignant brain tumors still have a poor prognosis. Glioblastoma (WHO grade 4 astrocytoma), the most malignant brain tumor, represents 50% of all astrocytomas, with a median survival rate of <1 year. It is, therefore, extremely important to search for new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for patients with glioblastoma. This study describes the application of superparamagnetic nano-particles of iron oxide, as well as monoclonal antibodies, of immunophenotypic significance, conjoined to quantum dots for the ultrastructural assessment of glioblastoma cells. For this proposal, an immunophenotypic study by flow cytometry was carried out, followed by transmission electron microscopy analysis. The process of tumor cell labeling using nanoparticles can successfully contribute to the identification of tumorigenic cells and consequently for better understanding of glioblastoma genesis and recurrence. In addition, this method may help further studies in tumor imaging, diagnosis, and prognostic markers detection.
Background: Reactivation of chronic Chagas disease, which occurs in approximately 20% of patients coinfected with HIV/Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi), is commonly characterized by severe meningoencephalitis and myocarditis. The use of quantitative molecular tests to monitor Chagas disease reactivation was analyzed. Methodology: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of kDNA sequences, competitive (C-) PCR and real-time quantitative (q) PCR were compared with blood cultures and xenodiagnosis in samples from 91 patients (57 patients with chronic Chagas disease and 34 with HIV/T. cruzi coinfection), of whom 5 had reactivation of Chagas disease and 29 did not. Principal Findings: qRT-PCR showed significant differences between groups; the highest parasitemia was observed in patients infected with HIV/T. cruzi with Chagas disease reactivation (median 1428.90 T. cruzi/mL), followed by patients with HIV/T. cruzi infection without reactivation (median 1.57 T. cruzi/mL) and patients with Chagas disease without HIV (median 0.00 T. cruzi/mL). Spearman's correlation coefficient showed that xenodiagnosis was correlated with blood culture, C-PCR and qRT-PCR. A stronger Spearman correlation index was found between C-PCR and qRT-PCR, the number of parasites and the HIV viral load, expressed as the number of CD4(+) cells or the CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio. Conclusions: qRT-PCR distinguished the groups of HIV/T. cruzi coinfected patients with and without reactivation. Therefore, this new method of qRT-PCR is proposed as a tool for prospective studies to analyze the importance of parasitemia (persistent and/or increased) as a criterion for recommending pre-emptive therapy in patients with chronic Chagas disease with HIV infection or immunosuppression. As seen in this study, an increase in HIV viral load and decreases in the number of CD4(+) cells/mm(3) and the CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio were identified as cofactors for increased parasitemia that can be used to target the introduction of early, pre-emptive therapy.
Background: Lymph node metastasis in endometrial cancer significantly decreases survival rate. Few data on the influence of intratumoral lymphatic microvessel density (LMVD) on survival in endometrial cancer are available. Our aim was to assess the intratumoral LMVD of endometrial carcinomas and to investigate its association with classical pathological factors, lymph node metastasis and survival. Methods: Fifty-seven patients with endometrial carcinoma diagnosed between 2000 and 2008 underwent complete surgical staging and evaluation of intratumoral LMVD and other histologic variables. Lymphatic microvessels were identified by immunohistochemical staining using monoclonal antibody against human podoplanin (clone D2-40) and evaluated by counting the number of immunostained lymphatic vessels in 10 hot spot areas at 400x magnification. The LMVD was expressed by the mean number of vessels in these 10 hot spot microscopic fields. We next investigated the association of LMVD with the clinicopathologic findings and prognosis. Results: The mean number of lymphatic vessels counted in all cases ranged between 0 and 4.7. The median value of mean LMVD was 0.5, and defined the cut-off for low and high LMVD. We identified low intratumoral LMVD in 27 (47.4%) patients and high LMVD in 30 (52.6%) patients. High intratumoral LMVD was associated with lesser miometrial and adnaexal infiltration, lesser cervical and peritoneal involvement, and fewer fatal cases. Although there was lower lymph node involvement among cases with high LMVD, the difference did not reach significance. No association was seen between LMVD and FIGO staging, histological type, or vascular invasion. On the other hand, low intratumoral LMVD was associated with poor outcome. Seventy-five percent of deaths occurred in patients with low intratumoral LMVD. Conclusion: Our results show association of high intratumoral LMVD with features related to more localized disease and better outcome. We discuss the role of lymphangiogenesis as an early event in the endometrial carcinogenesis.
Background: Despite significant advances in neurosurgical techniques, the median survival time of patients with glioblastoma has improved little over the past 50 years and remains less than one year. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is presently established as a widely accepted modality for the treatment of a variety of solid tumors. Objectives: This study evaluated the effect of PDT-Photogem (R) on five glioma cell lines (U87, U138, U251, U343, and T98G). Methods: The experiments were carried out in 25-cm(3) flasks with different groups of cells seeded at a density of 1 x 10(5) cells per flask. After 3 h, the medium was removed, and the cells were incubated for 4 h with Photogem (5 mu g/mL). After the incubation time, the photosensitizer-containing medium was removed and the cells were irradiated with LED (630 nm, 25 mW/cm(2), 25 J/cm(2)) devices for 17 min. For the final steps of the PDT, the cells were returned to the incubator and kept at 37 degrees C with 5% CO(2) for 24 h, the cell viability assay was assessed using the trypan blue method, and the expression of Caspase 3 mRNA levels was assessed by real-time quantitative PCR. Results: Upon PDT-Photogem (R) treatment, viable cells, as evaluated by the trypan blue dye-exclusion method, decreased in two cell lines (U87 and U138) but not in the other three. Apoptosis, as assessed by the expression of caspase-3 mRNA levels, was at least partly involved in the death mechanism of the cell lines. Conclusions: Collectively, our results indicated that PDT-Photogem (R) can act in glioma cells, thus encouraging new experiments in this field.