918 resultados para management control system
Aquest treball de fi de carrera, com descriu el seu títol, consisteix a dissenyar i implementar un sistema de control de projectes. Com tot projecte, complirà el requisit de disposar d'un pla que permeti fer un seguiment dels terminis d'execució, de les fites establertes i un control dels lliurables identificats. Pel fet de tractar-se del desenvolupament d'un sistema informàtic, considerarà les etapes d'especificació de requisits, anàlisi, disseny, codificació, proves unitàries i proves funcionals, i es generaran els informes pertinents que serveixin de documentació i de referència en les etapes posteriors. Des d'un punt de vista tecnològic, permetrà aprofundir en el coneixement de l'estructura de funcionament del PL/SQL d'Oracle (crides a procediments i, especialment, al tractament).
Aquest treball de final de carrera té com a objectiu fer el disseny i la implementació d'un sistema de control de projectes per a una organització, de manera que la seva estructura interna i funcionament segueixin els paràmetres especificats a l'enunciat proporcionat per la consultora de l'assignatura. El sistema ha de recollir informació sobre quan de temps i en què treballa cada treballador, i quines han estat les despeses mentre ha estat assignat a cada projecte o tasca. D'aquesta manera, a més de tenir un control horari del treballador, l'organització sabrà perfectament si la realització d'un projecte ha estat rendible i disposarà, durant el desenvolupament, de dades sobre l'evolució de costos i hores per a executar les actuacions correctives pertinents.
Background: Disease management, a system of coordinated health care interventions for populations with chronic diseases in which patient self-care is a key aspect, has been shown to be effective for several conditions. Little is known on the supply of disease management programs in Switzerland. Objectives: To systematically search, record and evaluate data on existing disease management programs in Switzerland. Methods: Programs met our operational definition of disease management if their interventions targeted a chronic disease, included a multidisciplinary team and lasted at least 6 months. To find existing programs, we searched Swiss official websites, Swiss web-pages using Google, medical electronic database (Medline), and checked references from selected documents. We also contacted personally known individuals, those identified as possibly working in the field, individuals working in major Swiss health insurance companies and people recommended by previously contacted persons (snow ball strategy). We developed an extraction grid and collected information pertaining to the following 8 domains: patient population, intervention recipient, intervention content, delivery personnel, method of communication, intensity and complexity, environment and clinical outcomes (measures?). Results: We identified 8 programs fulfilling our operational definition of disease management. Programs targeted patients with diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, obesity, alcohol dependence, psychiatric disorders or breast cancer, and were mainly directed towards patients. The interventions were multifaceted and included education in almost all cases. Half of the programs included regularly scheduled follow-up, by phone in 3 instances. Healthcare professionals involved were physicians, nurses, case managers, social workers, psychologists and dietitians. None fulfilled the 6 criteria established by the Disease Management Association of America. Conclusions: Our study shows that disease management programs, in a country with universal health insurance coverage and little incentive to develop new healthcare strategies, are scarce, although we may have missed existing programs. Nonetheless, those already implemented are very interesting and rather comprehensive. Appropriate evaluation of these programs should be performed in order to build upon them and try to design a generic disease management framework suited to the Swiss healthcare system.
L'objectiu d'aquest treball és fer el disseny i la implementació d'un sistema de control de projectes per a una organització X, de manera que la seva estructura i funcionament compleixin uns requisits inicials.
En aquest projecte es fa la implamantació d'un sistema d'informació geogràfica per la xarxa de distribució d'aigües de la població Bell-lloc d'Urgell. A més a més de tenir digitalitzada tota la zarza, s'incorpora un sistema de gestió, control i seguiment d'avaries.
Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) represent a challenging control problem with complex, noisy, dynamics. Nowadays, not only the continuous scientific advances in underwater robotics but the increasing number of subsea missions and its complexity ask for an automatization of submarine processes. This paper proposes a high-level control system for solving the action selection problem of an autonomous robot. The system is characterized by the use of reinforcement learning direct policy search methods (RLDPS) for learning the internal state/action mapping of some behaviors. We demonstrate its feasibility with simulated experiments using the model of our underwater robot URIS in a target following task
This paper proposes a high-level reinforcement learning (RL) control system for solving the action selection problem of an autonomous robot. Although the dominant approach, when using RL, has been to apply value function based algorithms, the system here detailed is characterized by the use of direct policy search methods. Rather than approximating a value function, these methodologies approximate a policy using an independent function approximator with its own parameters, trying to maximize the future expected reward. The policy based algorithm presented in this paper is used for learning the internal state/action mapping of a behavior. In this preliminary work, we demonstrate its feasibility with simulated experiments using the underwater robot GARBI in a target reaching task
Diante da crescente competitividade, característica do mercado global, e da necessidade de melhorar a eficiência e a produtividade nas organizações, torne-se imperativo o aperfeiçoamento, incessante, na forma de actuação dos gestores. Consciente que, até então, as empresas suportam, essencialmente, no sistema contabilístico, este que, muitas vezes, fornece informações insuficientes e restringidos à tomada de decisões de curto prazo, mostra-se necessário investir em sistemas de medição, ligado à estratégia organizacional, que permitam melhor planeamento e controlo e, ainda, gerar e medir indicadores de longo prazo. No intuito de contribuir para a melhoria do paradigma da gestão, mais concretamente da gestão das empresas Cabo-Verdianas, e, em particular a da empresa em estudo, propomos, como objectivo desta dissertação, o estudo da utilização das ferramentas de gestão tradicional, face às novas ferramentas emergentes. Nisto, apresentamos, como estudo de caso, a avaliação do sistema de controlo de gestão da Empresa Bento - Comércio, Construtores, Imobiliária e Investimentos, Sociedade Anónima, (Bento S.A.), analisando, à luz da literatura consultada, o sistema de gestão estratégica, seguido pela empresa de modo a poder propor eventuais melhorias. Durante a revisão bibliográfica, foram estudadas várias ferramentas da gestão estratégica, das quais escolhemos o Balanced Scorecard (BSC) como um instrumento capaz de responder às lacunas detectadas na estratégia de gestão da Empresa, em que após uma breve descrição dos aspectos teóricos do conceito, suportado nos estudos empíricos publicados, apresentámos uma proposta para sua adopção, concepção e implementação. É de realçar que, durante o estudo constatou-se, por parte da administração da empresa, uma maior consciência da importância da comunicação e divulgação da sua estratégia entre os diferentes níveis hierárquicos, o que evidencia que ela está, mesmo, disposta a apostar na sua inovação estratégica. With the raising competitiveness, characteristic of the global market, and of the need of improving the efficiency and productivity in organizations, the constant improvement in the way of acting of managers it becomes peremptory. Aware that, so far, enterprises support, essentially, on the accounting system, which, many times, gives restrict and insufficient information for the taking of decisions in a short term, it is shown to be necessary to invest in measuring systems, connected to the organizational strategy, which contains signs that allow a better planning and control and, furthermore, give birth to and measure signs on a long term. With the aim of contributing for the improvement of the managing pattern, specifically, the management of Cape Verdean enterprises, and, in particular, the one of the enterprise in study, we propose, as an aim of this dissertation, the study of the use of the traditional managing tools, in view of the emerging new tools. Thus, we present, as study case, the evaluation of the system of management control of the Enterprise Bento - Comércio, Construtores, Imobiliária e Investimentos, Sociedade Anónima, (Bento, S.A.), analyzing the system of strategic management, used by the enterprise to be able to propose eventual improvements. During the bibliographic revision, we studied many strategic management tools, among which we chose the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as an instrument capable to respond to the gaps detected in the management strategy of the enterprise, in which, after a brief description of the theoretical aspects of the concept, supported on the empiric studies published, we present a proposal for its adoption, conception and implementation. We would like to accentuate that, during the study we noticed that there exists, on the behalf of the management of the enterprise, a major awareness of the importance of communication and diffusion of its strategy among the different hierarchical levels, what makes clear that the enterprise is really open to bet on its strategic innovation.
Atualmente, as situações de erros e fraudes, têm ocorrido com muita frequência a nível mundial. Por exemplo em Cabo Verde estas têm vindo a ganhar espaço nos mídias, onde a todo momento aparece casos de erros e fraudes, como por exemplo, os casos da Sociedade Cabo-verdiana de Tabacos, Banco Comercial do Atlântico, Caixa Económica, Câmara Municipal da Ribeira Brava, Associação Sport Club Moreirense, Sociedade de Segurança Industrial, Marítima e Comercial, Ministério das Finanças entre outros. Essas situações desfavoráveis para qualquer empresa, são derivadas de uma gestão menos cuidada dos recursos, e dos valores e princípios éticos cultivados pelas pessoas. O triângulo de fraude criada por Donald Cressey demonstra os motivos que leva um individuo a cometer atos fraudulentos, como sendo a motivação, a pressão e a oportunidade. Neste sentido, o controlo interno surge como uma ferramenta muito importante e fundamental para mitigar os riscos advenientes da ocorrência de erros e fraudes, suscetíveis de acontecer nas empresas. O controlo interno traduz num conjunto de medidas que protegem o património da empresa e garantem o cumprimento dos seus objetivos entretanto, como qualquer outra ferramenta de gestão está possui determinadas limitações que podem ser ultrapassadas com a utilização de alguns procedimentos básicos e, ou alternativos de controlo interno. É imprescindível que um sistema de controlo interno, para além de implementado, adequado e em funcionamento, seja mantido e acompanhado. O estudo dos casos da SILMAC, SA e da SCT, SA, mostram a importância que o controlo interno tem na prevenção e deteção de erros e fraudes, pois denota-se que as fraudes cometidas aconteceram na sequência de fraquezas de controlo interno e no excesso de confiança depositada nos colaboradores. Currently, the situations of errors and fraud have occurred very often in the world. Cape Verde in these situations have gained ground in the media, where every moment appears to errors and fraud cases, such as cases of “Sociedade cabo-verdiana de tabacos, Banco Comercial do Atlântico, Caixa Económica, Câmara Municipal da Ribeira Brava, Associação Sport Club Moreirense, Sociedade de segurança industrial, marítima e comercial, Ministério de finanças” amongst others. These situations which unfavorable for any company, are derived from a less carefully management of resources and ethical principles and values cultivated by people. The fraud triangle created by Donald Cressey, demonstrates reasons that lead an individual to commit fraudulent acts, such as motivation, opportunity and pressure. In this sense, internal control emerges as a very important tool to mitigate the risks arising from situations of errors and fraud, which are likely to happen in companies. The internal control translates into a set of measures that protect the assets of the business and ensure the fulfillment of its objectives however, like any other management tool is has limitations, however these can be overcome with the use of basic procedures, or alternative internal control. It is essential that an internal control system, in addition to implemented, adequate and functioning is maintained and monitored. The case studies of SILMAC and SCT, show the importance of internal control is the prevention and detection of errors and fraud. For note that the fraud occurred following oversights in its internal control and confidence in their employees.
During the 1990's studies of management accounting practices in Europe and in Latin America have given us data on 23 countries. In this paper we use this data to identify five distinct aspects of national management accounting culture being:1. The influence of regulations on official recommendations;2. The source of management accountants;3. Influence from one country to another;4. Variations in use of specific techniques;5. Variations in the objectives of the management accounting system.We then identify seven significant implications of the manager operating in the multinational environment.
O presente estudo é uma abordagem das empresas cabo-verdianas para a compreensão da situação da contabilidade de gestão, evidenciando os sistemas de custeio utilizados, a adequação das informações obtidas e os benefícios da sua utilização. Deste modo, para atingirmos os objectivos foi formulada uma questão de investigação e respectivas hipóteses de investigação. Verificou-se pela literatura que no mundo a contabilidade de gestão tem sofrido várias alterações de forma a responder as mudanças do meio envolvente onde as empresas estão inseridas. No entanto, as técnicas contemporâneas têm sido adoptadas de uma forma muito lenta. A metodologia utilizada foi quantitativa, onde aplicamos um questionário para a recolha de dados, enviado por correio electrónico e respondido presencialmente, à amostra constituida por 164 empresas consideradas de grande dimensão, pertencentes aos três grandes sectores de actividade, tendo recebido em tempo útil, 54 respostas (32,9%). Contudo, destas 54 empresas que responderam apenas 14 possuem contabilidade de gestão. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, concluímos que as técnicas tradicionais de contabilidade de gestão são as mais utilizadas nas empresas estudadas, como por exemplo, o orçamento e a análise de desvios. No entanto, algumas empresas já utilizam técnicas contemporâneas, mas em simultâneo com as tradicionais.The main objective of this study is to analyze the situation of management accounting in Capeverdean companies. To characterize the situation of management accounting we formulated a research question and hypothesis in order to: analyze the cost system used, the quality of the information and the benefits of adopting a management accounting system. The literature shows that management accounting has been through many modifications and has steadily evolved so that it fits the environment where companies are implanted. However, the adoption of contemporary management accounting techniques has proven to be a slow process. The methodology used to gather data was through a survey. Some questionnaires were answered at the companies and the others were sent through e-mail to the sample of 164 large companies, belonging to the three main sectors. The response rate was of 18, 94% (54 companies). However, from those 54 companies just 14 have management accounting. According to the results, we have concluded that the companies we study have a management accounting system that relies on the use of the traditional techniques, like budget and budget control. Yet, some of those already use contemporary techniques, alongside the traditional techniques.
ABSTRACT Soil tillage that maintains the productivity of sugarcane plantations, providing an area for the root development and without traffic on crop rows, has given rise to new technologies in rural areas. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the soil physical properties in two sugarcane plantations, one of which was prepared with deep tilling and the other with conventional tillage. The experiment was conducted in Lençóis Paulista, São Paulo State. Soil penetration resistance and relative density were analyzed. The cone index was lower in deep-tilled soil without traffic in all layers, than in deep-tilled soil with traffic and in conventional tillage. In both tillage treatments, the relative density values were acceptable in the 0.00-0.15 m soil layer, but considered detrimental for sugarcane development in the 0.15-0.30 and 0.30-0.45 m layers.
Este proyecto de final de carrera de la titulación de Ingeniería en Informática de Gestión consiste en el diseño y desarrollo de un sistema de control de dispositivos conectados a Raspberry Pi y gestionados desde un dispositivo Android. Se podrán llevar a cabo diferentes acciones como encender, apagar, programar la calefacción y consultar la temperatura actual remotamente desde un dispostivo conectado a la red wifi doméstica o desde de cualquier red que esté conectada a internet.
The goal of this work was to move structural health monitoring (SHM) one step closer to being ready for mainstream use by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of Bridges and Structures. To meet this goal, the objective of this project was to implement a pilot multi-sensor continuous monitoring system on the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge such that autonomous data analysis, storage, and retrieval can be demonstrated. The challenge with this work was to develop the open channels for communication, coordination, and cooperation of various Iowa DOT offices that could make use of the data. In a way, the end product was to be something akin to a control system that would allow for real-time evaluation of the operational condition of a monitored bridge. Development and finalization of general hardware and software components for a bridge SHM system were investigated and completed. This development and finalization was framed around the demonstration installation on the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge. The hardware system focused on using off-the-shelf sensors that could be read in either “fast” or “slow” modes depending on the desired monitoring metric. As hoped, the installed system operated with very few problems. In terms of communications—in part due to the anticipated installation on the I-74 bridge over the Mississippi River—a hardline digital subscriber line (DSL) internet connection and grid power were used. During operation, this system would transmit data to a central server location where the data would be processed and then archived for future retrieval and use. The pilot monitoring system was developed for general performance evaluation purposes (construction, structural, environmental, etc.) such that it could be easily adapted to the Iowa DOT’s bridges and other monitoring needs. The system was developed allowing easy access to near real-time data in a format usable to Iowa DOT engineers.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää ohutlevytuotteita valmistavan yrityksen tuotannonohjauksen nykytila ja kehitystä vaativat kohteet sekä laatia kehitysehdotuksia. Yrityksessävalmisteltiin samaan aikaan tutkimuksen aikana huomattavia tuotannonohjaukseen liittyviä kehitystoimia. Tutkimus käsitteli toiminnanohjaukseen sisältyviä aiheita, kuten tuotannonohjausta, tuotannon ohjattavuutta, varastoja ja organisaation kehittämistä. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että yrityksen on otettava käyttöön jatkuvan kehittämisen kulttuuri ja panostettava erityisesti suomalaiselle ohutlevyalalle tärkeisiin asioihin lukuisien