859 resultados para level of responsibility


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Este trabajo de investigación analiza los resultados de un estudio realizado en el Colegio Privado María Auxiliadora en la ciudad de Cuenca, en el uso de la narración como una estrategia comunicativa para mejorar la habilidad de hablar Inglés de los estudiantes de Inglés como lengua extranjera. En este trabajo se intentará demostrar que la narración es un método pedagógico adecuado para desarrollar las habilidades de hablar en estudiantes de sexto nivel que están inscritos en las clases de inglés como lengua extranjera. Los resultados significativos se reportan usando una Rúbrica dos veces: antes del proceso y después del mismo. La prueba estadística utilizada fue de Wilcoxon y el valor crítico fue 0,05. Los resultados mostraron una mejora en todos los cinco componentes diferentes de la rúbrica. La conclusión más importante es que los cuentos de hadas victorianos pueden ser incluidos dentro de la clase y que motiva a hablar el idioma Inglés.


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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To explore nurses' documentation of physiological observations in acute care; emergency department, medical and surgical units. BACKGROUND: In Australia, physiological observations include respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and level of consciousness. There is a clear relationship between abnormal physiological observations and adverse events. Nurses have highest level of responsibility for accurate measurement, interpretation and documentation of physiological observations. DESIGN: A descriptive exploratory design was used and the study data were collected using a prospective point prevalence approach between 25 July 2012-22 August 2012. METHODS: The study was conducted in the emergency department, two 30-bed medical units and one 30-bed surgical unit of a 578 bed public health service in Melbourne, Australia. All adult patients aged ≥18 years present during data collection periods were eligible for inclusion. Patients in the emergency department resuscitation area were excluded. Patient characteristics and physiological observations for the preceding 24 hours in ward patients or eight hours in emergency department patients were collected. RESULTS: One hundred and seventy-eight patients were included; 38 emergency department patients, 84 medical patients and 56 surgical patients. The median age was 72·5 years and 43·8% were males. The most frequently documented physiological observations were respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, heart rate and systolic blood pressure. The least frequently recorded physiological observations were temperature and conscious state. One or more abnormal physiological parameters was documented in 79·8% (n = 142) patients; evidence of reporting abnormalities was documented in 19·7% of patients (n = 28/142). When controlled for length of stay, physiological observations were more frequently documented in the emergency department. CONCLUSIONS: There was variability in the number of parameters documented and frequency of physiological observations documented by nurses. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Physiological abnormalities that do not necessarily fulfil rapid response team activation criteria are common in acute care patients and provide nurses with an opportunity for early recognition of deteriorating patients.


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Tests of emotional reactivity have been used in a broad range of basic and applied research and have been primarily concerned with how rearing conditions, particularly environmental enrichment, can affect reactivity. However, assessment of how emotional reactivity can be altered during testing procedures and how it affects behaviors such as exploration is relatively uncommon. The present study assessed the explorative responses of Northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) neonates under conditions of either elevated or attenuated emotional reactivity during a maze task. Measures of emotional reactivity were compared with measures of exploration to determine their relationship with one another. Chicks that were highly emotionally reactive were generally less willing to explore during the maze task than chicks that were less emotionally reactive. Results indicate that levels of emotional reactivity and approach/avoidance motivation play a role in the speed and amount of exploration that is likely to occur in novel environments.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine and compare the level of implementation of policies for healthy food environments in Thailand with reference to international best practice by state and non-state actors.
DESIGN: Data on the current level of implementation of food environment policies were assessed independently using the adapted Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) by two groups of actors. Concrete actions were proposed for Thai Government. A joint meeting between both groups was subsequently held to reach consensus on priority actions.
SETTING: Thailand.
SUBJECTS: Thirty state actors and twenty-seven non-state actors.
RESULTS: Level of policy implementation varied across different domains and actor groups. State actors rated implementation levels higher than non-state actors. Both state and non-state actors rated level of implementation of monitoring of BMI highest. Level of implementation of policies promoting in-store availability of healthy foods and policies increasing tax on unhealthy foods were rated lowest by state and non-state actors, respectively. Both groups reached consensus on eleven priority actions for implementation, focusing on food provision in public-sector settings, food composition, food promotion, leadership, monitoring and intelligence, and food trade.
CONCLUSIONS: Although the implementation gaps identified and priority actions proposed varied between state and non-state actors, both groups achieved consensus on a comprehensive food policy package to be implemented by the Thai Government to improve the healthiness of food environments. This consensus is a platform for continued policy dialogue towards cross-sectoral policy coherence and effective actions to address the growing burden of non-communicable diseases and obesity in Thailand.


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Purpose-Deploying hybrid construction project teams (HCPTs) in which the common pattern of interactions is a blend of face-to-face and virtual communications has been increasingly gaining momentum in the construction context. Evidence has demonstrated that effectiveness of HCPTs is affected by a perceived level of virtuality, i.e. the perception of distance and boundaries between members where teams shift towards working virtually as opposed to purely collocated teams. This study aims to provide an integrated model of the factors affecting perceived virtuality in HCPTs, to address the conspicuous absence of studies on virtuality in the construction context. Design/methodology/approach-An a priori list of factors extracted from existing literature on virtuality was subjected to the scrutiny of 17 experts with experiences of working in HCPTs through semi-structured interviews. Nvivo 10 was deployed for analysing the interview transcripts. Findings-The fndings outline the factors affecting virtuality in HCPTs and map the patterns of their associations as an integrated model. This leads to discovering a number of novel factors, which exert moderating impacts upon perceived virtuality in HCPTs. Practical implications-The fndings assist managers and practitioners dealing with any form of HCPTs (including building information modelling-based networks and distributed design teams) in identifying the variables manipulating the effectiveness of their teams. This enables them of designing more effective team arrangements. Originality/value-As the frst empirical study on virtuality in the construction context, this paper contributes to the sphere by conceptualising and contextualising the concept of virtuality in the construction industry. The study presents a new typology for the factors affecting perceived virtuality by categorising them into predictors and moderators.


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This paper explores different conceptions of responsibility within and beyond neoliberal frames. Such exploration draws on the experiences and accounts of ‘Ashleigh’, a head teacher at a primary school in outer London that is part of an academy chain. Ashleigh and her school were key participants in a study that explored matters of accountability, performativity and equity. Through the presentation of interview data gathered from Ashleigh and six of her staff, the paper theorises ways of being a head teacher as aligning with the responsible neoliberal subject – a self-determined and rational actor who readily takes up the modes of regulation and measurement expected of them. It also highlights how this subjectivity sits within and alongside relations of care and concern for the welfare of students and teachers. The paper critically examines the implications of these different conceptions of responsibility in their production of different versions of professionalism. It also seeks to broaden current scholarly understandings of the responsible neoliberal subject and provide a counter-story to the tendency within public and political discourse for responsibility to be constructed in largely neoliberal terms.


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This project was chosen to investigate the criteria, process, procedures and policies in place for transferring patients of the Charleston Dorchester Mental Health Center between programs due to a change in their level of care in efforts to make the process more consistent and prevent or reduce gaps in care for patients.


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O trabalho reflete acerca dos critérios referentes à avaliação psiquiátrica nas internações e tratamento involuntários. A restrição da liberdade é infração aos direitos do homem e, se ela é justificada em nome da patologia mental, qualificá-la é um imperativo legal e ético. Historicamente, a internação crônica em hospitais psiquiátricos levou à exclusão social e rompimento dos laços significativos da vida pessoal. Nos serviços de emergência ela é muitas vezes determinada em nome de um risco. Assim, é proposta uma análise crítica (à semelhança da desconstrução de Derrida e da genealogia de Foucault) do saber médico-psiquiátrico, que é ferramenta essencial do trabalho clínico. Um panorama dos arranjos dos dispositivos públicos de regulação das internações psiquiátricas involuntárias no ocidente mostra a inter-relação de um modelo médico com um modelo legalista (focado nos direitos dos pacientes), cada qual com seus ganhos e dificuldades. A medicalização da vida humana é um fenômeno do mundo moderno, e é vista como um processo dinâmico, onde a apropriação das categorias médicas por parte dos usuários e familiares também gera empoderamento e mudanças. Vemos como, historicamente, o viés moral da práxis realizada no hospital psiquiátrico é indissociável da construção do saber, e a psicopatologia oficial é de uma nosologia descritiva; mas o trabalho clínico permite outras psicopatologias, mais participativas, centradas na relação do sujeito com o mundo, que possam servir a ele como instrumentos de compreensão e ajuda na experiência vivida. Assim, a categoria da vontade em psicopatologia clássica adota a perspectiva aristotélica de uma deliberação racional, mas a leitura filosófica de Arendt destaca a centralidade da liberdade e da espontaneidade inerentes ao conceito. Esta dicotomia entre vontade livre e determinação traz repercussões para a clínica e para a justiça, como nos casos da avaliação da responsabilidade dos pacientes sobre seus atos. Neste campo, assim como na avaliação do juízo crítico, a ciência não garante a objetividade totalizante, deixando sempre a decisão sobre a internação psiquiátrica involuntária na dependência do político, da moral e da ética que constituem a clínica.


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This paper considers the findings of a small-scale survey undertaken in a university department. Against a background of massification and commodification, the the increased level of responsibility and accountability has intensified political activity in general but at the micro level in particular. The conclusions of this research demonstrate that staff perceived power in the form of workload, appointment's and promotions were all contingent on the micro politics within the department and the affiliation to senior staff.


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La conciliation, un mécanisme alternatif de résolution des conflits, cherche à la fois à maintenir une relation d'affaires ainsi qu'à raviver la communication et l’équilibre des pouvoirs entre deux parties opposées. Son véritable esprit consiste à faire en sorte que le citoyen récupère son rôle principal dans la solution de ses conflits et qu’il agisse sans l'intervention de l'État. Contrairement aux autres systèmes juridiques, le système juridique colombien donne au conciliateur un pouvoir décisionnel et/ou consultatif dans un cas concret. Aussi, les termes médiation et conciliation sont parfois utilisés comme synonymes. Cependant, ces termes se différencient selon la participation du tiers conciliateur ou médiateur au processus de résolution des conflits. In mediation, the mediator controls the process through different and specific stages: introduction, joint session, caucus, and agreement, while the parties control the outcome. Par ailleurs, même si ce sont des concepts universels grâce aux textes juridiques, ces mécanismes de résolution des conflits demeurent encore méconnus des citoyens. La pratique de la conciliation ne connaît pas de frontières; elle est répandue partout dans le monde. Dans les années 90, les pays d’Amérique latine, plus précisément la Colombie, ont commencé à envisager la possibilité de prendre part dans cette enrichissante expérience grâce aux progrès législatifs et institutionnels qui ont été réalisés en matière de mécanismes alternatifs de résolution des conflits. En matière de conciliation, en Colombie, il y a une grande richesse normative mais les lois, dispersées et difficiles à interpréter, génèrent de l’insécurité et de l’incertitude juridique. De plus, entamer le processus de conciliation se fait de diverses manières, la plus controversée étant sans doute la conciliation préalable obligatoire. Cette méthode imposée a été la cible de diverses critiques. En effet, ces critiques concernent le fait qu’une telle pratique obligatoire enfreint le volontariat, un pilier fondamental de la conciliation. Aussi, le tiers conciliateur, ayant une formation de haut niveau, représente une pièce maîtresse dans le processus de conciliation vu sa grande responsabilité dans le bon déroulement de cette méthode de résolution des conflits.


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Aims and objectives: To argue that if all nurses were to adopt the primary survey approach (assessment of airway, breathing, circulation and disability) as the first element of patient assessment, they would be more focused on active detection of clinical deterioration rather than passive collection of patient data. Background: Nurses are the professional group that carry the highest level of responsibility for patient assessment, accurate data collection and interpretation. The timely recognition of, and response to deteriorating patients, is dependent on the measurement and interpretation of pertinent physiological data by nurses. Design: Discursive paper. Methods: Traditionally taught and commonly used approaches to patient assessment such as 'vital signs' and 'body systems' are not evidence-based nor framed in patient safety. The primary survey approach as the first element in patient assessment has three major advantages: (1) data are collected according to clinical importance; (2) data are collected using the same framework as most organisation's rapid response system activation criteria; and (3) the primary survey acts as a patient safety checklist, thereby decreasing the risk of failure to recognise, and therefore respond to, deteriorating patients. Conclusion: The vital signs and body systems approaches to patient assessment have significant limitations in identifying clinical deterioration. The primary survey approach provides nurses with a consistent, evidence-based and sequenced approach to patient assessment in every clinical setting. Relevance to clinical practice: All nurses should use a primary survey approach as the first element of patient assessment in every patient encounter as a patient safety strategy. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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A notificação da violência doméstica pelos profissionais de saúde contribui para o dimensionamento epidemiológico do problema, permitindo o desenvolvimento de programas e ações específicas. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a responsabilidade desses profissionais em notificar a violência, especialmente a doméstica e as possíveis implicações legais e éticas a que estão sujeitos. Assim, foi realizada pesquisa na legislação brasileira e códigos de ética da medicina, odontologia, enfermagem e psicologia. Quanto à legislação, as sanções estão dispostas na Lei das Contravenções Penais, Estatuto da Criança e Adolescente, Estatuto do Idoso e na lei que trata da notificação compulsória de violência contra a mulher. Também existem penalidades em todos os códigos de ética analisados. Conclui-se que o profissional de saúde tem o dever de notificar os casos de violência que tiver conhecimento, podendo inclusive responder pela omissão.


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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La costruzione di un modello efficiente di corporate governance deve offrire una disciplina adeguata dei doveri contabili. Ciò nonostante, gli ordinamenti giuridici configurano i doveri di contabilità in modo incompleto, giacché l’inadempimento di questi non comporta una sanzione diretta per il soggetto inadempiente. Come informazione sulla situazione economica e finanziaria della società, esiste un interesse pubblico nella contabilità, e questa può servire come base di giudizio a soggetti interni ed esterni all’impresa, nell’adozione delle sue scelte. Disporre di un’informazione falsa o inesatta al riguardo può comportare un danno ingiustificato alla società stessa, ai soci o ai terzi, che potranno esercitare le azioni precise per il risarcimento del danno cagionato. Per evitare la produzione di questi danni, da una prospettiva preventiva, la corporate governance delle società di capitali può prevedere dei meccanismi di controllo che riducano il rischio di offrire un’informazione sbagliata. Questi controlli potranno essere esercitati da soggetti interni o esterni (revisori legali) alla struttura della società, ed avranno una configurazione diversa a seconda che le società adottino una struttura monistica o dualistica di governance. Questo ci colloca di fronte ad una eventuale situazione di concorrenza delle colpe, giacché i diversi soggetti che intervengono nel processo d’elaborazione dell’informazione contabile versano la sua attuazione sullo stesso documento: il bilancio. Risulta dunque cruciale determinare il contributo effettivo di ciascuno per analizzare il suo grado di responsabilità nella produzione del danno.


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Desde 1995, el derecho internacional se ha integrado en el ordenamiento jurídico español en lo referente a seguridad y salud. Sin embargo, la situación de la seguridad en los aprovechamientos forestales no ha mejorado notablemente, puesto que se detectan frecuentes casos de personal trabajando sin equipo de protección e incumpliendo las instrucciones de trabajo seguro, y son abundantes las referencias a una elevada accidentalidad. Para evaluar estos aspectos, primeramente se han comparado y valorado los datos de accidentalidad de los taladores de una empresa de referencia con los de los sectores agrario y de la construcción a través de las estadísticas nacionales y con los datos depurados del sector forestal a partir de la base de datos de declaración electrónica de accidentes de la C.A. de Castilla y León. En segundo lugar, se han identificado las deficiencias en materia de prevención, diseñando para ello una encuesta que se ha llevado a cabo en 35 aprovechamientos de Castilla y León. Posteriormente, se ha verificado que la reducción de la accidentalidad en la empresa de referencia se debe a la aplicación del plan de prevención. Se han caracterizado los riesgos en los que habían incurrido los taladores y se han descrito las medidas adoptadas para la reducción de los accidentes en la empresa estudiada, lo que ha conducido a una serie de recomendaciones para reducir la accidentalidad. Por otro lado se han analizado las causas de los picos de accidentalidad detectados. Como conclusión, se puede reducir sensiblemente la accidentalidad sólo si la empresa integra la política de prevención como un objetivo más de la gestión empresarial, en todos los niveles de su organización, acompañando las herramientas técnicas con formación temprana y motivación adecuada. Palabras clave: aprovechamientos forestales, riesgos laborales, prevención, trabajador forestal, accidentalidad, incidencia, gravedad. From 1995, Spanish safety legislation has been adapted to the Internationa! framework. However, operationally the situation is not so good, at least in the wood harvesting activity. Some forest workers are still found not wearing the compulsory safety equipment, working without respecting safety rules and references to high accidents rates are frequent. To assess those aspects, firstly some comparisons have been made between the accident records in a reference company and the accident indexes at national and regional level for building and farming activities. Secondly, using a purpose-designed questionnaire applied to 35 logging worksites in Castilla y Leon Region, deficiencies in prevention have been identified. The relation between the accident reduction and the prevention methods used by the reference studied company has been confirmed. Also the main causes and peaks of the accidents have been analyzed. Finally, some recommendations to reduce the risk of accidents in harvesting operations are provided. The main conclusion confirms that the possibility of reducing the accident risk is conditioned to the commitment of all the staff of the timber harvesting company, at every level of responsibility, to search for excellence in safety as one more entrepreneurial goal. This fact should be accompanied by the staff early training and the adequate motivation means. Keywords: logging, labor risk, safety and health, prevention, logging workers, accident incidence, accident severity.