975 resultados para lead (Pb)
Three distinct, spatially separated crustal terranes have been recognised in the Shackleton Range, East Antarctica: the Southern, Eastern and Northern Terranes. Mafic gneisses from the Southern Terrane provide geochemical evidence for a within-plate, probably back-arc origin of their protoliths. A plume-distal ridge origin in an incipient ocean basin is the favoured interpretation for the emplacement site of these rocks at c. 1850 Ma, which, together with a few ocean island basalts, were subsequently incorporated into an accretionary continental arc/supra-subduction zone tectonic setting. Magmatic underplating resulted in partial melting of the lower crust, which caused high-temperature granulite-facies metamorphism in the Southern Terrane at c. 1710-1680 Ma. Mafic and felsic gneisses there are characterised by isotopically depleted, positive Nd and Hf initials and model ages between 2100 and 2000 Ma. They may be explained as juvenile additions to the crust towards the end of the Palaeoproterozoic. These juvenile rocks occur in a narrow, c. 150 km long E-W trending belt, inferred to trace a suture that is associated with a large Palaeoproterozoic accretionary orogenic system. The Southern Terrane contains many features that are similar to the Australo-Antarctic Mawson Continent and may be its furthermost extension into East Antarctica. The Eastern Terrane is characterised by metagranitoids that formed in a continental volcanic arc setting during a late Mesoproterozoic orogeny at c. 1060 Ma. Subsequently, the rocks experienced high-temperature metamorphism during Pan-African collisional tectonics at 600 Ma. Isotopically depleted zircon grains yielded Hf model ages of 1600-1400 Ma, which are identical to Nd model ages obtained from juvenile metagranitoids. Most likely, these rocks trace the suture related to the amalgamation of the Indo-Antarctic and West Gondwana continental blocks at ~600 Ma. The Eastern Terrane is interpreted as the southernmost extension of the Pan-African Mozambique/Maud Belt in East Antarctica and, based on Hf isotope data, may also represent a link to the Ellsworth-Whitmore Mountains block in West Antarctica and the Namaqua-Natal Province of southern Africa. Geochemical evidence indicates that the majority of the protoliths of the mafic gneisses in the Northern Terrane formed as oceanic island basalts in a within-plate setting. Subsequently the rocks were incorporated into a subduction zone environment and, finally, accreted to a continental margin during Pan-African collisional tectonics. Felsic gneisses there provide evidence for a within-plate and volcanic arc/collisional origin. Emplacement of granitoids occurred at c. 530 Ma and high-temperature, high-pressure metamorphism took place at 510-500 Ma. Enriched Hf and Nd initials and Palaeoproterozoic model ages for most samples indicate that no juvenile material was added to the crust of the Northern Terrane during the Pan-African Orogeny but recycling of older crust or mixing of crustal components of different age must have occurred. Isotopically depleted mafic gneisses, which are spatially associated with eclogite-facies pyroxenites, yielded late Mesoproterozoic Nd model ages. These rocks occur in a narrow, at least 100 km long, E-W trending belt that separates alkaline ocean island metabasalts and within-plate metagranitoids from volcanic arc metabasalts and volcanic arc/syn-collisional metagranitoids in the Northern Terrane. This belt is interpreted to trace the late Neoproterozoic/early Cambrian Pan-African collisional suture between the Australo-Antarctic and the combined Indo-Antarctic/West Gondwana continental blocks that formed during the final amalgamation of Gondwana.
The influence of atmospheric dust on climate and biogeochemical cycles in the oceans is well understood but poorly quantified. Glacial atmospheric dust loads were generally greater than those during the Holocene, as shown, for example, by the covariation of dust fluxes in the Equatorial Pacific and Antarctic ice cores. Nevertheless, it remains unclear whether these increases in dust flux were associated with changes in sources of dust, which would in turn suggest variations in wind patterns, climate or paleo-environment. Such questions can be answered using radiogenic isotope tracers of dust provenance. Here, we present a 160-kyr high-precision lead isotope time-series of dust input to the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) from core ODP Leg 138, Site 849 (0°11.59' N, 110°31.18' W). The Pb isotope record, combined with Nd isotope data, rules out contributions from Northern Hemisphere dust sources, north of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, such as Asia or North Africa/Sahara; similarly, eolian sources in Australia, Central America, the Northern Andes and Patagonia appear insignificant based upon the radiogenic isotope data. Fluctuations in Pb isotope ratios throughout the last 160 kyr show, instead, that South America remained the prevailing source of dusts to the EEP. There are two distinct South American Pb isotope end-members, constrained to be located in the south Central Volcanic Zone (CVZ, 22° S - 27.5° S) and the South Volcanic Zone (SVZ, 33° S - 43° S), with the former most likely originating in the Atacama Desert. Dust availability in the SVZ appears to be related to the weathering of volcanic deposits and the development of ash-derived Andosols, and influenced by local factors that might include vegetation cover. Variations in the dust fluxes from the two sources are in phase with both the dust flux and temperature records from Antarctican ice cores. We show that the forcing of dust provenance over time in the EEP overall is influenced by high-southerly-latitude climate conditions, leading to changes in the latitudinal position and strength of the South Westerlies as well as the coastal winds that blow northward along the Chilean margin. The net result is a modulation of dust emission from the Atacama Desert and the SVZ via a northward migration of the South Westerlies during cold periods and southward retreat during glacial terminations.
Seventeen whole-rock samples, generally taken at 25- to 50-meter intervals from 5 to 560 meters sub-basement in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B, were analyzed for 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and rubidium and strontium concentrations. Ten of these samples also were analyzed for Pb-isotope composition. Strontium-isotope ratios for eight samples from the upper 260 meters of the hole range from 0.70287 to 0.70377, with a mean of 0.70320. In the interval 330 to 560 meters, five samples have a restricted range of 0.70259 to 0.70279, with a mean of 0.70266, almost identical to the average value of fresh mid-ocean-ridge basalts. In the interval 260 to 330 meters, approximately intermediate strontium- isotope ratios are found. The higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the upper part of the hole can be interpreted in terms of strontium-isotope alteration during basalt-sea-water interaction. Relative to average fresh mid-ocean ridge basalts, the upper 260 meters of basalts are enriched by an average of about 9% in sea-water strontium 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7091). This Sr presumably is located in the smectites, which, as the main secondary minerals throughout the hole, replace olivine and matrix glass and locally fill vesicles (analyzed samples contained no veins). The strontium-isotope data strongly suggest that the integrated flux of sea water through the upper part of the Hole 504B crust has been greater than through the lower part. This is also suggested by (1) the common occurrence of Feoxide- hydroxide minerals as alteration products above 270 meters, but their near absence below 320 meters, (2) the presence of vein calcite above 320 meters, but its near absence below this level, and (3) the occurrence of vein pyrite only below a depth of 270 meters. Sea-water circulation in the lower basalts may have been partly restricted by the greater number of relatively impermeable massive lava flows below 230 meters sub-basement. Although sufficient sea water was present within the lower part of the hole to produce smectitic alteration products, the overall water /rock ratio was low enough to prevent significant modification of strontium-isotope ratios. Lead-isotope ratios of Hole 504B basalts form approximately linear arrays in plots of 208Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb. The arrays are similar to those reported for basalts from other mid-ocean ridges. There is no trend in Hole 504B lead-isotope ratios with vertical position in the basement. The arrays indicate that the lead-isotope composition of the upper mantle from which the Hole 504B basaltic melts were derived was inhomogeneous.
The aim of DSDP Leg 82 was to decipher the temporal and spatial evolution of Azores Plume. The Pb-isotopic results of this leg are rather complex, and can be summarized as follows: 1. At a given site (561, 558), variations of Pb isotopic compositions are generally accompanied by major changes in trace-element ratios, indicating significant heterogeneity of the source region. There is a correlation between Pb isotopes and trace elements. 2. In contrast, if all the data (i.e., all studied sites) of Leg 82 are considered together, no correlation can be discerned between Pb isotopes and trace elements. Site 556, especially, shows abnormal behavior. 3. Leg 82 samples not only cover the entire range of Pb isotopic composition previously established for the Atlantic Ocean, but extend this field to more radiogenic values. 4. The data are compatible with the hot-spot model proposed by Schilling (1975), if one considers that the Azores Plume itself is isotopically heterogeneous, and that it has been progressively contaminated to various degrees by upper mantle material.
Correlation of new multichannel seismic profiles across the upper Indus Fan and Murray Ridge with a dated industrial well on the Pakistan shelf demonstrates that ~40% of the Indus Fan predates the middle Miocene, and ~35% predates uplift of the Murray Ridge (early Miocene, ~22 Ma). The Arabian Sea, in addition to the Makran accretionary complex, was therefore an important repository of sediment from the Indus River system during the Paleogene. Channel and levee complexes are most pronounced after the early Miocene, coincident with an increase in sedimentation rates. Middle Eocene sandstones from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 224 on the Owen Ridge yield K-feldspars whose Pb isotopic composition, measured by in situ ion microprobe methods, indicates an origin in, or north of, the Indus suture zone. This observation requires that India-Asia collision had occurred by this time and that an Indus River system, feeding material from the suture zone into the basin, was active soon after collision. Pleistocene provenance was similar to that during the Eocene, albeit with greater contribution from the Karakoram. A mass balance of the erosional record on land with deposition in the fan and associated basins suggests that only ~40% of the Neogene sediment in the fan is derived from the Indian plate.