442 resultados para junção
Este trabalho visa explorar o tema da sustentabilidade, procurando levantar os conceitos e ideais implicítos neste termo, que muitas vezes é disseminado de modo vago e impreciso, o que leva, consequentemente, à banalização do termo, e a perda do sentido real da palavra. É feita a análise e crítica daquilo que é rotulado, ou se auto intitula como sustentável, levando em consideração os padrões estabelecidos por órgãos regulamentadores responsáveis por conceder certificações de caráter sustentável (como por exemplo o Green Building Council e a Fundação Vanzolini) e os conceitos estabelecidos por autores que também exploram o tema. Com base nisso é feita a leitura de alguns projetos que atuam em diversas vertentes, mas que porém, têm como base o mesmo objetido. Assim são analisadas as soluções apresentadas, e os aspectos que fazem daqueles projetos relevantes para a busca da sustentabilidade. Através da junção e da reflexão de todas as informações coletadas, foi gerado o conceito e as diretrizes que servirão de base para o desenvolvimento do projeto, desde a escolha da área a ser trabalhada, ao programa de necessidades e à volumetria das edificações
A insuficiência cardíaca (IC) está associada à miopatia dos músculos esqueléticos com aumento da expressão das isoformas rápidas da cadeia pesada de miosina e alterações na matriz extracelular. Os fatores de regulação miogência(MRF),como a MyoD e MRF4, pertecem a uma família de fatores transcricionais que controlam vários genes músculo-específicos.Esses fatores forma heterodímeros com proteínas HLH e ligam-se a seqüências de DNA conhecidas como Ebox, presentes na região promotora de vários genes músculo–específicos, incluindo todos aqueles que codificam as subunidades dos receptores nicotínicos de acetilcolina (nAChR) da junção neuromuscular (JNM). Baseado no fato de que na IC há uma diminuição na expressão da MyoD e MRF4 no músculo sóleo de ratos com IC induzida por monocrotalina, o objetivo do presente trabalho é verificar possíveis alterações na expressão dos receptores de acetilcolina, bem como realizar uma análise morfológica e morfométrica das JNMs. Neste estudo foram utilizados ratos Wistar, machos, divididos em grupos controle e experimental e a Insuficiência cardíaca (IC) foi induzida pela injeção de monocrotalina intra-peritoneal.Quando os sintomas de IC foram visualizados (após 22 dias) os animais foram sacrificados pentobarbital sódico i.p. (50 mg/Kg). A seguir foram mensurados o peso corporal (PC) dos ratos, bem como outros parâmetros. O músculo sóleo de ambos os antímeros foram dissecados e preparados para: avaliação da expressão gênica das subunidades ε, γ e α dos receptores de acetilcolina por PCR em Tempo Real; para análise morfológica e morfométrica da Junção Neuromuscular através da técnica de Esterase inespecífica; para análise ultra-estrutural da JN. Os resultados indicam que não houveram alterações morfológicas e morfométricas na JN, mas houve um aumento... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This work is to analyze the behavior of context concentrated stresses generated around a nozzle connected to a pressure vessel. For this analysis we used the finite element method via a computer interface, the software ANSYS WORKBENCH. It was first necessary to study and intensive training of the software used, and also a study of the ASME Code, Section VIII, which is responsible for the standards used in pressure vessels. We analyzed three cases, which differ primarily in the variation of the diameter of the nozzle in order to analyze the variation of the stresses according to the variation of the diameters. The nozzle diameters were 35, 75 and 105 mm. After the model designed vessel, a pressure was applied on the innervessel of 0.5 MPa. For the smallest diameter, was found the lowest tensions concentrated. Varying between 1 and 223 MPa. Increasing the diameter of the nozzle resulted in increased tensions concentrated around the junction nozzle /vessel. The maximum stresses increased by 78% when the value was increased in diameter from 35 to 75 mm. Since the increase in diameter from 75 to 105 mm, the values of the tensions increased around 43%. These figures emphasize that stress concentrations increased with increasing the diameter of the nozzles, but not linearly
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this paper, I focus on one type of grammatical change consisting of creating periphrastic junctures from nominal sources used in relative clause contexts. This is a periphrase production mechanism that has been increasing the unstable paradigm of junctures and helping delineate Portuguese language grammar. One construction resulting from this mechanism is (na) hora que, in relation to which I propose to investigate form, meaning and history. The central aim is to show the emergence of (na) hora que, a grammaticalization instance in course, in which it is possible to catch stages of the its gradual constitution process, concerning both the syntagmatic reorganization of items with consequent morphological losses, and the constitution of meanings, with the origin of polysemies, pointing to a directionality grounded on the increase of the cognitive complexity
In this article we address the causality conveyed by constructions with porque in compositions written by students from a public school. Our purpose is to compare factors of cognitive and discursive order for examining possible motivations related to the variability and to the complexity involved in causal constructions. The analysis that we propose assumes that porque may have different interpretations depending on the context of use and may indicate the cause of an actual event, or the cause of a belief, or the cause of a speech act. We consider some theses of ontogenetic nature that support that the most cognitively complex meanings appear later, but we hold that there are other issues at stake. In what follows, we present evidence that the emergence of different causal relations with porque also takes place as a result of the operation of discourse genres.
Pós-graduação em Economia - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
In contemporary industrial, welding processes are widely used, this is the most important process of joining metals used industrially. The welding can be used to build simple structures, like doors and gates for instance, in the same way can be used in situations of high responsibility, such as the nuclear industry and oil industry. Dissimilar welding is a case of welded joints, is characterized by the junction between different materials, for this case, stainless steel and carbon steel that are widely used in steam lines, power plants, nuclear reactors, petrochemical plants. Because their different mechanical and corrosive properties, the join, stainless steel with carbon steel, not only meets environmental requirements and also reduces cost. By using penetrating liquid tests, macrograph, hardness and tensile test was compared the possibility of replacing the current use of 309 rods as filler metal in dissimilar welding between carbon steel and stainless steel by add-on material carbon steel essentially, in this case E7018 coated electrode was used, but without the coating. After analysis of the results and for comparison, was proposed with some certainty that it is possible to replace the addition of materials, thus leading economy in this process widely used in the modern industry
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
This study approaches the expression of causality in the clause combining in Portuguese, considering, as fundamental, the thread that exists between the performance, in the socio-interaction, and cognitive trigger, based on intersubjectivity. Given that grammar is responsible for the functional organization of those relationships, the study examines the conjunctions traditionally considered as “causal”, especially those constructs invested with effects that go beyond the strict direction cause-consequence. After evaluating the proposal of formation of “causal” conjunction blocks with similar behavior, in contrast with others, we arrive at the discussion of the functional uniqueness of the conjunction porque (because).
This paper aims to trigger a reflection on inclusive education in early childhood education, considering education as an inclusive educational model endorsed by public policies, but still far from school reality. The reflection aims to think about necessary changes since early childhood education,because this is the first stage of basic education and it is a critical period in development and learning process of children with disabilities. The construction of the inclusive school since early childhood education involves thinking about its space, time, professional, educational resources etc..,turning to the possible access, retention and development to students with disabilities, students that, because of their particular characteristics, have a special educational necessity. The text discusses, among other things, the necessity to rethink pedagogical practice as a key of school inclusion in early childhood education. The inclusive pedagogical practice should be constituted by the junction of the acquired knowledge by the teacher throughout his career and by the availability to seek new ways to do it considering students diversity and their individual characteristics.
The etiology of gingival smile is multifactorial and the correct diagnosis eill determine a successful treatment planning. Altered passive eruption occurs during the final stages of tooth eruption, when apical migration of the periodontal tissues does not occur, resulting in a distance > 2mm between the alveolar crest and the cement-enamel juncrion. This change leads to the shortening of the clinical crown and even further may lead to excessive gingival exposure. For treatment, there is a necessity for the combined removal of gingiva and bone tissue. This article discusses the literature on the issue and reports a case where periodontal plastic surgery was performed for the correcrion of a gingival smile.
The treatment of aggressive periodontitis is a challenge to the clinician, therefore the search for effective treatment protocols of this disease is important. The aim of this case report was demonstrate the effectiveness of the combination of systemic antibiotics with non-surgical periodontal therapy in the treatment of generalized aggressive periodontitis. a 27-year-old patient (RCS), smoker for 11 years (10 cigarettes/day on average), with no systemic alteration, attended the periodontal clinic with a complaint abnormal dental position. After the clinical examination, the diagnosis of generalized aggressive periodontitis was defined. The non-surgical periodontal treatment was executed associated with administration of amoxicillin plus metronidazole for ten days. Clinical parameters (Clinical Attachment level, marginal gingival level, periodontal probing depth, bleeding on probing, plaque index and gingival index) and radiographic parameters (distance between the cemento-enamel junction and the bone crest) were evaluated before and after non-surgical periodontal treatment, after antibiotic therapy and three, six and 12 months after the treatment. After one year follow-up, the results showed improvement in clinical and radiographic parameters with stabilized and decreased tooth mobility and absence of tooth loss. It was concluded that the association of non-surgical periodontal therapy with the administration of amoxicillin/metronidazole was effective in the treatment of generalized aggressive periodontitis.
Currently, periodontal aesthetics has been prized for harmony of the smile. The clinical crown lengthening, gingival excess or altered passive eruption, is effectively corrected by periodontal surgery. The purpose of this paper is to show, through a literature review, some types of surgery on clinical crown lengthening and root coverage. Clinical crown lengthening is done to Change the size of the anterior teeth and to optimize the cosmetic result of treatment with new coronal restoration and other cosmetic dental care. In general, the treatment plan and the choice of operative technique begin with careful clinical examination. Recessions tissue can be defined as a displacement of the gingival margin toward the junction mucogingival exposing the root surface. These, when present, impacting on patient comfort by providing the occurrence of cervical dentin hypersensitivity, and the esthetic, the amendment of the gum line. Successful treatment of recessions is based on knowledge of its etiology and assessment of predictability of surgical techniques that aim to root coverage. Through literature review, we can conclude that the types of surgery most often used are: 1) to increase the clinical crown, gingivectomy, flap surgery and gingivoplasty osteotomy, and 2) for root coverage, the use will depend on the amount of gum keratinized and especially the classification of Miller.