423 resultados para interferences
We present precise iron stable isotope ratios measured by multicollector-ICP mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) of human red blood cells (erythrocytes) and blood plasma from 12 healthy male adults taken during a clinical study. The accurate determination of stable isotope ratios in plasma first required substantial method development work, as minor iron amounts in plasma had to be separated from a large organic matrix prior to mass-spectrometric analysis to avoid spectroscopic interferences and shifts in the mass spectrometer's mass-bias. The 56Fe/54Fe ratio in erythrocytes, expressed as permil difference from the “IRMM-014” iron reference standard (δ56/54Fe), ranges from −3.1‰ to −2.2‰, a range typical for male Caucasian adults. The individual subject erythrocyte iron isotope composition can be regarded as uniform over the 21 days investigated, as variations (±0.059 to ±0.15‰) are mostly within the analytical precision of reference materials. In plasma, δ56/54Fe values measured in two different laboratories range from −3.0‰ to −2.0‰, and are on average 0.24‰ higher than those in erythrocytes. However, this difference is barely resolvable within one standard deviation of the differences (0.22‰). Taking into account the possible contamination due to hemolysis (iron concentrations are only 0.4 to 2 ppm in plasma compared to approx. 480 ppm in erythrocytes), we model the pure plasma δ56/54Fe to be on average 0.4‰ higher than that in erythrocytes. Hence, the plasma iron isotope signature lies between that of the liver and that of erythrocytes. This difference can be explained by redox processes involved during cycling of iron between transferrin and ferritin.
The isotope composition of selenium (Se) can provide important constraints on biological, geochemical, and cosmochemical processes taking place in different reservoirs on Earth and during planet formation. To provide precise qualitative and quantitative information on these processes, accurate and highly precise isotope data need to be obtained. The currently applied ICP-MS methods for Se isotope measurements are compromised by the necessity to perform a large number of interference corrections. Differences in these correction methods can lead to discrepancies in published Se isotope values of rock standards which are significantly higher than the acclaimed precision. An independent analytical approach applying a double spike (DS) and state-of-the-art TIMS may yield better precision due to its smaller number of interferences and could test the accuracy of data obtained by ICP-MS approaches. This study shows that the precision of Se isotope measurements performed with two different Thermo Scientific™ Triton™ Plus TIMS is distinctly deteriorated by about ±1‰ (2 s.d.) due to δ80/78Se by a memory Se signal of up to several millivolts and additional minor residual mass bias which could not be corrected for with the common isotope fractionation laws. This memory Se has a variable isotope composition with a DS fraction of up to 20% and accumulates with increasing number of measurements. Thus it represents an accumulation of Se from previous Se measurements with a potential addition from a sample or machine blank. Several cleaning techniques of the MS parts were tried to decrease the memory signal, but were not sufficient to perform precise Se isotope analysis. If these serious memory problems can be overcome in the future, the precision and accuracy of Se isotope analysis with TIMS should be significantly better than those of the current ICP-MS approaches.
Proteinaceous material in marine sediments which is available to proteolytic hydrolysis has been measured using a new method. This technique utilizes Coomassie Blue dye binding, which has the advantage of being sensitive only to larger polypeptides. Substantial interferences from other sedmentary organic substances are overcome by using a standard additions approach in conjunction with enzymatic digestion of the protein. Although tedious, the technique provides acceptable precision and accuracy. Measurements of protein in surficial nearshore sediments of the Gulf of Maine and St. Croix yield values ranging from 0.1 to 2.2 mg g-1, which account for a minor fraction of total nitrogen or acid-hydrolyzable amino acids. Protein decreases downcore at a faster rate than either of these 2 indicators of nitrogenous material, indicating the greater lability of the truly proteinaceous material. Biomass comprises a minor portion of the measured protein.
In weakly indurated, nannofossil-rich, deep-sea carbonates compressional wave velocity is up to twice as fast parallel to bedding than normal to it. It has been suggested that this anisotropy is due to alignment of calcite c-axes perpendicular to the shields of coccoliths and shield deposition parallel to bedding. This hypothesis was tested by measuring the preferred orientation (fabric) of calcite c-axes in acoustic anisotropic, calcareous DSDP sediment samples by X-ray goniometry, and it was found that the maximum c-axis concentrations are by far too low to explain the anisotropies. The X-ray method is subject to a number of uncertainties due to preparatory and technical shortcomings in weakly indurated rocks. The most serious weaknesses are: sample preparation, volume of measured sample (fraction of a mm3), beam defocusing and background intensity corrections, combination of incomplete pole figures, and necessity of recalculation of the c-axis orientations from other crystallographic directions. Goniometry using thermal neutrons overcomes most of these difficulties, but it is time consuming. We test the interferences made about velocity anisotropy by X-ray studies about the concentration of c-axes in deep-sea carbonates by employing neutron texture goniometry to eight DSDP samples comprising mostly nannofossil material. Fabric and sonic velocity were determined directly on the core specimens, thus from the same rock volume and requiring no preparation. The c-axis orientation is obtained directly from the [0006] calcite diffraction peak without corrections. The fabrics are clearly defined, but weak (1.1 to 1.86 times uniform) with the maximum about normal to bedding. They have crudely orthorhombic symmetry, but are not axisymmetric around the bedding normal. The observed c-axis intensities, although higher than determined by the X-ray method on other samples, are by far too low to explain the observed acoustic anisotropies.
Rómulo Betancourt y Juan D. Perón lideraron movimientos políticos considerados génesis de la democracia de masas en sus respectivos países, jalonada por sendos mítines populares del 17 de octubre de 1945 en Caracas y Buenos Aires, cuyo significado fue realzado como causa del proceso político ulterior. Pese a las diferencias, se destacan algunas semejanzas, tales como el contenido popular de ambos movimientos y cierta base de sustentación castrense. Se incluye un marco explicativo del proceso político venezolano precedente pero, en lo sustancial, el análisis se centra en el breve periodo transcurrido entre finales de la Segunda Guerra y el inicio de la Guerra Fría, cuando se produjeron cambios políticos en Argentina y Venezuela con un gran protagonismo de ambos dirigentes en sus respectivos países y en las recíprocas intromisiones que llevaron a cabo, enfatizando la oposición expresa de Betancourt hacia Perón desde el golpe de Estado del 4 de junio de 1943.
El objetivo de este trabajo es profundizar en las razones de los cambios que se operan en la estructura administrativa sanitaria nacional entre 1943 y 1945. Si bien la creación de la Dirección Nacional de Salud y Acción Social en 1943 responde a una larga demanda de los círculos académicos de centralización administrativa y de unificación de las funciones sanitarias y asistenciales, la corta duración del proyecto (menos de un año) expone consideraciones por afuera de la lógica administrativa. Analizamos aquellas que se vinculan con la complicada relación entre la repartición nacional con los gobiernos provinciales y las organizaciones de beneficencia, con la injerencia del gremialismo médico en el delineamiento de las políticas sanitarias y con el ascendiente de Juan Domingo Perón desde la Secretaría de Trabajo y Bienestar Social en la monopolización de la asistencia social como capital político.
Rómulo Betancourt y Juan D. Perón lideraron movimientos políticos considerados génesis de la democracia de masas en sus respectivos países, jalonada por sendos mítines populares del 17 de octubre de 1945 en Caracas y Buenos Aires, cuyo significado fue realzado como causa del proceso político ulterior. Pese a las diferencias, se destacan algunas semejanzas, tales como el contenido popular de ambos movimientos y cierta base de sustentación castrense. Se incluye un marco explicativo del proceso político venezolano precedente pero, en lo sustancial, el análisis se centra en el breve periodo transcurrido entre finales de la Segunda Guerra y el inicio de la Guerra Fría, cuando se produjeron cambios políticos en Argentina y Venezuela con un gran protagonismo de ambos dirigentes en sus respectivos países y en las recíprocas intromisiones que llevaron a cabo, enfatizando la oposición expresa de Betancourt hacia Perón desde el golpe de Estado del 4 de junio de 1943.
El objetivo de este trabajo es profundizar en las razones de los cambios que se operan en la estructura administrativa sanitaria nacional entre 1943 y 1945. Si bien la creación de la Dirección Nacional de Salud y Acción Social en 1943 responde a una larga demanda de los círculos académicos de centralización administrativa y de unificación de las funciones sanitarias y asistenciales, la corta duración del proyecto (menos de un año) expone consideraciones por afuera de la lógica administrativa. Analizamos aquellas que se vinculan con la complicada relación entre la repartición nacional con los gobiernos provinciales y las organizaciones de beneficencia, con la injerencia del gremialismo médico en el delineamiento de las políticas sanitarias y con el ascendiente de Juan Domingo Perón desde la Secretaría de Trabajo y Bienestar Social en la monopolización de la asistencia social como capital político.
Rómulo Betancourt y Juan D. Perón lideraron movimientos políticos considerados génesis de la democracia de masas en sus respectivos países, jalonada por sendos mítines populares del 17 de octubre de 1945 en Caracas y Buenos Aires, cuyo significado fue realzado como causa del proceso político ulterior. Pese a las diferencias, se destacan algunas semejanzas, tales como el contenido popular de ambos movimientos y cierta base de sustentación castrense. Se incluye un marco explicativo del proceso político venezolano precedente pero, en lo sustancial, el análisis se centra en el breve periodo transcurrido entre finales de la Segunda Guerra y el inicio de la Guerra Fría, cuando se produjeron cambios políticos en Argentina y Venezuela con un gran protagonismo de ambos dirigentes en sus respectivos países y en las recíprocas intromisiones que llevaron a cabo, enfatizando la oposición expresa de Betancourt hacia Perón desde el golpe de Estado del 4 de junio de 1943.
El objetivo de este trabajo es profundizar en las razones de los cambios que se operan en la estructura administrativa sanitaria nacional entre 1943 y 1945. Si bien la creación de la Dirección Nacional de Salud y Acción Social en 1943 responde a una larga demanda de los círculos académicos de centralización administrativa y de unificación de las funciones sanitarias y asistenciales, la corta duración del proyecto (menos de un año) expone consideraciones por afuera de la lógica administrativa. Analizamos aquellas que se vinculan con la complicada relación entre la repartición nacional con los gobiernos provinciales y las organizaciones de beneficencia, con la injerencia del gremialismo médico en el delineamiento de las políticas sanitarias y con el ascendiente de Juan Domingo Perón desde la Secretaría de Trabajo y Bienestar Social en la monopolización de la asistencia social como capital político.
A new technique for the precise and accurate determination of Ge stable isotope compositions has been developed and applied to silicate rocks and biogenic opal. The analyses were performed using a continuous flow hydride generation system coupled to a MC-ICP-MS. Samples have been purified through anion- and cation-exchange resins to separate Ge from matrix elements and eliminate potential isobaric interferences. Variations of 74Ge/70Ge ratios are expressed as d74Ge values relative to our internal standard and the long-term external reproducibility of the data is better than 0.2? for sample size as low as 15 ng of Ge. Data are presented for igneous and sedimentary rocks, and the overall variation is 2.4? in d74Ge, representing 12 times the uncertainty of the measurements and demonstrating that the terrestrial isotopic composition of Ge is not unique. Co-variations of 74Ge/70Ge, 73Ge/70Ge and 72Ge/70Ge ratios follow a mass-dependent behaviour and imply natural isotopic fractionation of Ge by physicochemical processes. The range of d74Ge in igneous rocks is only 0.25? without systematic differences among continental crust, oceanic crust or mantle material. On this basis, a Bulk Silicate Earth reservoir with a d74Ge of 1.3+/-0.2? can be defined. In contrast, modern biogenic opal such as marine sponges and authigenic glauconite displayed higher d74Ge values between 2.0? and 3.0?. This suggests that biogenic opal may be significantly enriched in light isotopes with respect to seawater and places a lower bound on the d74Ge of the seawater to +3.0?.This suggests that seawater is isotopically heavy relative to Bulk Silicate Earth and that biogenic opal may be significantly fractionated with respect to seawater. Deep-sea sediments are within the range of the Bulk Silicate Earth while Mesozoic deep-sea cherts (opal and quartz) have d74Ge values ranging from 0.7? to 2.0?. The variable values of the cherts cannot be explained by binary mixing between a biogenic component and a detrital component and are suggestive of enrichment in the light isotope of diagenetic quartz. Further work is now required to determine Ge isotope fractionation by siliceous organisms and to investigate the effect of diagenetic processes during chert lithification.
This paper proposes a method for the identification of different partial discharges (PDs) sources through the analysis of a collection of PD signals acquired with a PD measurement system. This method, robust and sensitive enough to cope with noisy data and external interferences, combines the characterization of each signal from the collection, with a clustering procedure, the CLARA algorithm. Several features are proposed for the characterization of the signals, being the wavelet variances, the frequency estimated with the Prony method, and the energy, the most relevant for the performance of the clustering procedure. The result of the unsupervised classification is a set of clusters each containing those signals which are more similar to each other than to those in other clusters. The analysis of the classification results permits both the identification of different PD sources and the discrimination between original PD signals, reflections, noise and external interferences. The methods and graphical tools detailed in this paper have been coded and published as a contributed package of the R environment under a GNU/GPL license.
One important task in the design of an antenna is to carry out an analysis to find out the characteristics of the antenna that best fulfills the specifications fixed by the application. After that, a prototype is manufactured and the next stage in design process is to check if the radiation pattern differs from the designed one. Besides the radiation pattern, other radiation parameters like directivity, gain, impedance, beamwidth, efficiency, polarization, etc. must be also evaluated. For this purpose, accurate antenna measurement techniques are needed in order to know exactly the actual electromagnetic behavior of the antenna under test. Due to this fact, most of the measurements are performed in anechoic chambers, which are closed areas, normally shielded, covered by electromagnetic absorbing material, that simulate free space propagation conditions, due to the absorption of the radiation absorbing material. Moreover, these facilities can be employed independently of the weather conditions and allow measurements free from interferences. Despite all the advantages of the anechoic chambers, the results obtained both from far-field measurements and near-field measurements are inevitably affected by errors. Thus, the main objective of this Thesis is to propose algorithms to improve the quality of the results obtained in antenna measurements by using post-processing techniques and without requiring additional measurements. First, a deep revision work of the state of the art has been made in order to give a general vision of the possibilities to characterize or to reduce the effects of errors in antenna measurements. Later, new methods to reduce the unwanted effects of four of the most commons errors in antenna measurements are described and theoretical and numerically validated. The basis of all them is the same, to perform a transformation from the measurement surface to another domain where there is enough information to easily remove the contribution of the errors. The four errors analyzed are noise, reflections, truncation errors and leakage and the tools used to suppress them are mainly source reconstruction techniques, spatial and modal filtering and iterative algorithms to extrapolate functions. Therefore, the main idea of all the methods is to modify the classical near-field-to-far-field transformations by including additional steps with which errors can be greatly suppressed. Moreover, the proposed methods are not computationally complex and, because they are applied in post-processing, additional measurements are not required. The noise is the most widely studied error in this Thesis, proposing a total of three alternatives to filter out an important noise contribution before obtaining the far-field pattern. The first one is based on a modal filtering. The second alternative uses a source reconstruction technique to obtain the extreme near-field where it is possible to apply a spatial filtering. The last one is to back-propagate the measured field to a surface with the same geometry than the measurement surface but closer to the AUT and then to apply also a spatial filtering. All the alternatives are analyzed in the three most common near-field systems, including comprehensive noise statistical analyses in order to deduce the signal-to-noise ratio improvement achieved in each case. The method to suppress reflections in antenna measurements is also based on a source reconstruction technique and the main idea is to reconstruct the field over a surface larger than the antenna aperture in order to be able to identify and later suppress the virtual sources related to the reflective waves. The truncation error presents in the results obtained from planar, cylindrical and partial spherical near-field measurements is the third error analyzed in this Thesis. The method to reduce this error is based on an iterative algorithm to extrapolate the reliable region of the far-field pattern from the knowledge of the field distribution on the AUT plane. The proper termination point of this iterative algorithm as well as other critical aspects of the method are also studied. The last part of this work is dedicated to the detection and suppression of the two most common leakage sources in antenna measurements. A first method tries to estimate the leakage bias constant added by the receiver’s quadrature detector to every near-field data and then suppress its effect on the far-field pattern. The second method can be divided into two parts; the first one to find the position of the faulty component that radiates or receives unwanted radiation, making easier its identification within the measurement environment and its later substitution; and the second part of this method is able to computationally remove the leakage effect without requiring the substitution of the faulty component. Resumen Una tarea importante en el diseño de una antena es llevar a cabo un análisis para averiguar las características de la antena que mejor cumple las especificaciones fijadas por la aplicación. Después de esto, se fabrica un prototipo de la antena y el siguiente paso en el proceso de diseño es comprobar si el patrón de radiación difiere del diseñado. Además del patrón de radiación, otros parámetros de radiación como la directividad, la ganancia, impedancia, ancho de haz, eficiencia, polarización, etc. deben ser también evaluados. Para lograr este propósito, se necesitan técnicas de medida de antenas muy precisas con el fin de saber exactamente el comportamiento electromagnético real de la antena bajo prueba. Debido a esto, la mayoría de las medidas se realizan en cámaras anecoicas, que son áreas cerradas, normalmente revestidas, cubiertas con material absorbente electromagnético. Además, estas instalaciones se pueden emplear independientemente de las condiciones climatológicas y permiten realizar medidas libres de interferencias. A pesar de todas las ventajas de las cámaras anecoicas, los resultados obtenidos tanto en medidas en campo lejano como en medidas en campo próximo están inevitablemente afectados por errores. Así, el principal objetivo de esta Tesis es proponer algoritmos para mejorar la calidad de los resultados obtenidos en medida de antenas mediante el uso de técnicas de post-procesado. Primeramente, se ha realizado un profundo trabajo de revisión del estado del arte con el fin de dar una visión general de las posibilidades para caracterizar o reducir los efectos de errores en medida de antenas. Después, se han descrito y validado tanto teórica como numéricamente nuevos métodos para reducir el efecto indeseado de cuatro de los errores más comunes en medida de antenas. La base de todos ellos es la misma, realizar una transformación de la superficie de medida a otro dominio donde hay suficiente información para eliminar fácilmente la contribución de los errores. Los cuatro errores analizados son ruido, reflexiones, errores de truncamiento y leakage y las herramientas usadas para suprimirlos son principalmente técnicas de reconstrucción de fuentes, filtrado espacial y modal y algoritmos iterativos para extrapolar funciones. Por lo tanto, la principal idea de todos los métodos es modificar las transformaciones clásicas de campo cercano a campo lejano incluyendo pasos adicionales con los que los errores pueden ser enormemente suprimidos. Además, los métodos propuestos no son computacionalmente complejos y dado que se aplican en post-procesado, no se necesitan medidas adicionales. El ruido es el error más ampliamente estudiado en esta Tesis, proponiéndose un total de tres alternativas para filtrar una importante contribución de ruido antes de obtener el patrón de campo lejano. La primera está basada en un filtrado modal. La segunda alternativa usa una técnica de reconstrucción de fuentes para obtener el campo sobre el plano de la antena donde es posible aplicar un filtrado espacial. La última es propagar el campo medido a una superficie con la misma geometría que la superficie de medida pero más próxima a la antena y luego aplicar también un filtrado espacial. Todas las alternativas han sido analizadas en los sistemas de campo próximos más comunes, incluyendo detallados análisis estadísticos del ruido con el fin de deducir la mejora de la relación señal a ruido lograda en cada caso. El método para suprimir reflexiones en medida de antenas está también basado en una técnica de reconstrucción de fuentes y la principal idea es reconstruir el campo sobre una superficie mayor que la apertura de la antena con el fin de ser capaces de identificar y después suprimir fuentes virtuales relacionadas con las ondas reflejadas. El error de truncamiento que aparece en los resultados obtenidos a partir de medidas en un plano, cilindro o en la porción de una esfera es el tercer error analizado en esta Tesis. El método para reducir este error está basado en un algoritmo iterativo para extrapolar la región fiable del patrón de campo lejano a partir de información de la distribución del campo sobre el plano de la antena. Además, se ha estudiado el punto apropiado de terminación de este algoritmo iterativo así como otros aspectos críticos del método. La última parte de este trabajo está dedicado a la detección y supresión de dos de las fuentes de leakage más comunes en medida de antenas. El primer método intenta realizar una estimación de la constante de fuga del leakage añadido por el detector en cuadratura del receptor a todos los datos en campo próximo y después suprimir su efecto en el patrón de campo lejano. El segundo método se puede dividir en dos partes; la primera de ellas para encontrar la posición de elementos defectuosos que radian o reciben radiación indeseada, haciendo más fácil su identificación dentro del entorno de medida y su posterior substitución. La segunda parte del método es capaz de eliminar computacionalmente el efector del leakage sin necesidad de la substitución del elemento defectuoso.
It is clear that in the near future much broader transmissions in the HF band will replace part of the current narrow band links. Our personal view is that a real wide band signal is infeasible in this environment because the usage is typically very intensive and may suffer interferences from all over the world. Therefore, we envision that dynamic multiband transmissions may provide better satisfactory performance. From the very beginning, we observed that real links with our broadband transceiver suffered interferences out of our multiband but within the acquisition bandwidth that degrade the expected performance. Therefore, we concluded that a mitigation structure is required that operates on severely saturated signals as the interference may be of much higher power. In this paper we address a procedure based on Higher Order Crossings (HOC) statistics that are able to extract most of the signal structure in the case where the amplitude is severely distorted and allows the estimation of the interference carrier frequency to command a variable notch filter that mitigates its effect in the analog domain.
We envision that dynamic multiband transmissions taking advantage of the receiver diversity (even for collocated antennas with different polarization or radiation pattern) will create a new paradigm for these links guaranteeing high quality and reliability. However, there are many challenges to face regarding the use of broadband reception where several out of band (with respect to multiband transmission) strong interferers, but still within the acquisition band, may limit dramatically the expected performance. In this paper we address this problem introducing a specific capability of the communication system that is able to mitigate these interferences using analog beamforming principles. Indeed, Higher Order Crossing (HOCs) joint statistics of the Single Input ? Multiple Output (SIMO) system are shown to effectively determine the angle on arrival of the wavefront even operating over highly distorted signals.