666 resultados para hypercholesterolemic hamster


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Il est maintenant admis que la composition de la plaque athérosclérotique est un déterminant majeur de sa vulnérabilité à se rompre. Vu que la composition de la plaque affecte ses propriétés mécaniques, l'évaluation locale des propriétés mécaniques de la plaque d'athérome peut nous informer sur sa vulnérabilité. L'objectif est de comparer les techniques d’élastographie ultrasonores endovasculaire (EVE) et non-invasive (NIVE) en fonction de leur potentiel à identifier les composantes calcifiées et lipidiques de la plaque. Les acquisitions intravasculaire et extravasculaire ont été effectuées sur les artères carotidiennes de neuf porcs hypercholestérolémiques à l’aide d’un cathéter de 20 MHz et d'une sonde linéaire de 7.5 MHz, respectivement. Les valeurs de déformation radiale et axiale, rapportés par EVE et NIVE, ont été corrélées avec le pourcentage des zones histologiques calcifiées et lipidiques pour cinq plaques. Nos résultats démontrent une bonne corrélation positive entre les déformations et les composantes calcifiées (r2 = 0.82, P = 0.034 valeur par EVE et r2 = 0.80, P = 0.041 valeur par NIVE). Une forte corrélation entre les déformations axiales et les contenus lipidiques par NIVE (r2 = 0.92, P-value = 0.010) a été obtenue. En conclusion, NIVE et EVE sont des techniques potentielles pour identifier les composants de la plaque et aider les médecins à diagnostiquer précocement les plaques vulnérables.


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L’athérosclérose est caractérisée par l’accumulation de lipoprotéines de basse densité (LDL) liées aux protéoglycanes de la paroi artérielle. Des anticorps chimériques (ch) qui se lient aux glycosaminoglycanes (GAG) ont été générés. L'hypothèse est que la vaccination avec le chP3R99, un anticorps chimérique mutant de l'hybridome P3, pouvait interférer avec la rétention des LDL par l’induction d’une cascade d’anticorps anti-idiotypiques dirigés contre les GAG. Des souris mâles déficientes en apolipoprotéine E ont été soumises à une diète hypercholestérolémique et ont reçu 5 injections sous-cutanées de 50 μg de vaccin chP3R99 ou de vaccin chP3S98 (un mutant de faible réactivité). Les injections ont été effectuées à chaque semaine ou aux 2 semaines. Au moment du sacrifice, l'aorte perfusée avec du PBS a été excisée et analysée après coloration au Oil Red-O. Les résultats ont été exprimés en pourcentage de lésions sur la superficie totale de l'aorte. La réactivité contre le chP3R99, chP3S98, l’héparine, le sulfate de dermatane et de chondroïtine des sérums de souris immunisées a été mesurée par ELISA. De plus, la liaison de l'anticorps chP3R99 aux GAG dans la lésion d'athérosclérose a été observée par un appareil de visualisation in vivo.Nos résultats montrent que l’immunogénicité des anticorps chP3R99 est supérieure à celle des anticorps chP3S98 et que le sérum des souris immunisées avec le chP3R99 présente des anticorps anti-idiotypiques dirigés contre les GAG. Cet effet est associé à une réduction de 42 % (p < 0.01) du pourcentage de lésions athérosclérotiques chez les souris vaccinées. L'utilisation d’une immunisation active avec l’anticorps chP3R99 pourrait constituer une approche thérapeutique pour le traitement de l'athérosclérose.


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La dysfonction diastolique du ventricule gauche (DDVG) réfère à une rigidité ainsi qu’à des troubles de relaxation au niveau de ce ventricule pendant la phase de la diastole. Nos connaissances sur les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents de cette pathologie demeurent limités. Les analyses géniques sont indispensables afin de bien identifier les voies par lesquelles cette maladie progresse. Plusieurs techniques de quantification de l’expression génique sont disponibles, par contre la RT-qPCR demeure la méthode la plus populaire vu sa haute sensibilité et de ses coûts modérés. Puisque la normalisation occupe un aspect très important dans les expériences de RT-qPCR, nous avons décidé de sélectionner des gènes montrant une haute stabilité d’expression dans un modèle de DDVG de lapin. Nous avons alors exposé 18 lapins blancs soit à une diète normale (n=7) ou bien à une diète hypercholestérolémiante additionnée de vitamine D2 (n=11). La DDVG a été évaluée par des mesures échocardiographiques. L’expression de l’ARNm de dix gènes communément utilisés dans la littérature comme normalisateur (Gapdh, Hprt1, Ppia, Sdha, Rpl5, Actb, Eef1e1, Ywhaz, Pgk1, et G6pd) a été mesurée par RT-qPCR. L’évaluation de leur stabilité a été vérifiée par les algorithmes de geNorm et Normfinder. Sdha et Gapdh ont obtenu les meilleurs scores de stabilité (M<0.2) et ont été suggérés par le geNorm, comme meilleure combinaison. Par contre, l’utilisation de Normfinder mène à la sélection d’Hprt1 et Rpl5 comme meilleure combinaison de gènes de normalisation (0.042). En normalisant par ces deux combinaisons de gènes, l’expression de l’ARNm des peptides natriurétiques de type A et B (Anp et Bnp), de la protéine chimiotactique des monocytes-1 (Mcp-1) et de la sous unité Nox-2 de la NADPH oxydase ont montré des augmentations similaires chez le groupe hypercholestérolémique comparé au groupe contrôle (p<0.05). Cette augmentation d’expressions a été corrélée avec plusieurs paramètres échocardiographiques de DDVG. À notre connaissance, c’est la première étude par laquelle une sélection de gènes de référence a été réalisée dans un modèle de lapin développant une DDVG.


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La moxonidine, un médicament antihypertenseur sympatholytique de type imidazolinique, agit au niveau de la médulla du tronc cérébral pour diminuer la pression artérielle, suite à l’activation sélective du récepteur aux imidazolines I1 (récepteur I1, aussi nommé nischarine). Traitement avec de la moxonidine prévient le développement de l’hypertrophie du ventricule gauche chez des rats hypertendus (SHR), associé à une diminution de la synthèse et une élévation transitoire de la fragmentation d’ADN, des effets antiprolifératifs et apoptotiques. Ces effets se présentent probablement chez les fibroblastes, car l’apoptose des cardiomyocytes pourrait détériorer la fonction cardiaque. Ces effets apparaissent aussi avec des doses non hypotensives de moxonidine, suggérant l’existence d’effets cardiaques directes. Le récepteur I1 se trouvé aussi dans les tissus cardiaques; son activation ex vivo par la moxonidine stimule la libération de l’ANP, ce qui montre que les récepteurs I1 cardiaques sont fonctionnels malgré l’absence de stimulation centrale. Sur la base de ces informations, en plus du i) rôle des peptides natriurétiques comme inhibiteurs de l’apoptose cardiaque et ii) des études qui lient le récepteur I1 avec la maintenance de la matrix extracellulaire, on propose que, à part les effets sympatholytiques centrales, les récepteurs I1 cardiaques peuvent contrôler la croissance-mort cellulaire. L’activation du récepteur I1 peut retarder la progression des cardiopathies vers la défaillance cardiaque, en inhibant des signaux mal adaptatifs de prolifération et apoptose. Des études ont été effectuées pour : 1. Explorer les effets in vivo sur la structure et la fonction cardiaque suite au traitement avec moxonidine chez le SHR et le hamster cardiomyopathique. 2. Définir les voies de signalisation impliquées dans les changements secondaires au traitement avec moxonidine, spécifiquement sur les marqueurs inflammatoires et les voies de signalisation régulant la croissance et la survie cellulaire (MAPK et Akt). 3. Explorer les effets in vitro de la surexpression et l’activation du récepteur I1 sur la survie cellulaire dans des cellules HEK293. 4. Rechercher la localisation, régulation et implication dans la croissance-mort cellulaire du récepteur I1 in vitro (cardiomyocytes et fibroblastes), en réponse aux stimuli associés au remodelage cardiaque : norépinephrine, cytokines (IL-1β, TNF-α) et oxydants (H2O2). Nos études démontrent que la moxonidine, en doses hypotensives et non-hypotensives, améliore la structure et la performance cardiaque chez le SHR par des mécanismes impliquant l’inhibition des cytokines et des voies de signalisation p38 MAPK et Akt. Chez le hamster cardiomyopathique, la moxonidine améliore la fonction cardiaque, module la réponse inflammatoire/anti-inflammatoire et atténue la mort cellulaire et la fibrose cardiaque. Les cellules HEK293 surexprimant la nischarine survivent et prolifèrent plus en réponse à la moxonidine; cet effet est associé à l’inhibition des voies ERK, JNK et p38 MAPK. La surexpression de la nischarine protège aussi de la mort cellulaire induite par le TNF-α, l’IL-1β et le H2O2. En outre, le récepteur I1 s’exprime dans les cardiomyocytes et fibroblastes, son activation inhibe la mort des cardiomyocytes et la prolifération des fibroblastes induite par la norépinephrine, par des effets différentiels sur les MAPK et l’Akt. Dans des conditions inflammatoires, la moxonidine/récepteur aux imidazolines I1 protège les cardiomyocytes et facilite l’élimination des myofibroblastes par des effets contraires sur JNK, p38 MAPK et iNOS. Ces études démontrent le potentiel du récepteur I1/nischarine comme cible anti-hypertrophique et anti-fibrose à niveau cardiaque. L’identification des mécanismes cardioprotecteurs de la nischarine peut amener au développement des traitements basés sur la surexpression de la nischarine chez des patients avec hypertrophie ventriculaire. Finalement, même si l’effet antihypertenseur des agonistes du récepteur I1 centraux est salutaire, le développement de nouveaux agonistes cardiosélectifs du récepteur I1 pourrait donner des bénéfices additionnels chez des patients non hypertendus.


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We have developed a system to hunt and reuse special gene integration sites that allow for high and stable gene expression. A vector, named pRGFP8, was constructed. The plasmid pRGFP8 contains a reporter gene, gfp2 and two extraneous DNA fragments. The gene gfp2 makes it possible to screen the high expression regions on the chromosome. The extraneous DNA fragments can help to create the unique loci on the chromosome and increase the gene targeting frequency by increasing the homology. After transfection into Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) cells, the linearized pRGFP8 can integrate into the chromosome of the host cells and form the unique sites. With FACS, 90 millions transfected cells were sorted and the cells with strongest GFP expression were isolated, and then 8 stable high expression GFP CHO cell lines were selected as candidates for the new host cell. Taking the unique site created by pRGFP8 on the chromosome in the new host cells as a targeting locus, the gfp2 gene was replaced with the gene of interest, human ifngamma, by transfecting the targeting plasmid pRIH-IFN. Then using FACS, the cells with the dimmest GFP fluorescence were selected. These cells showed they had strong abilities to produce the protein of interest, IFN-gamma. During the gene targeting experiment, we found there is positive correlation between the fluorescence density of the GFP CHO host cells and the specific production rate of IFN-gamma. This result shows that the strategy in our expression system is correct: the production of the interesting protein increases with the increase fluorescence of the GFP host cells. This system, the new host cell lines and the targeting vector, can be utilized for highly expressing the gene of interest. More importantly, by using FACS, we can fully screen all the transfected cells, which can reduce the chances of losing the best cells.


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In this study, we investigated the biochemical mechanisms of agonist action at the G protein-coupled D-2 dopamine receptor expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Stimulation of guanosine 5'-O-(3-[S-35]thio) triphosphate ([S-35]GTPgammaS) binding by full and partial agonists was determined at different concentrations of [S-35]GTPgammaS (0.1 and 10 nM) and in the presence of different concentrations of GDP. At both concentrations of [S-35]GTPgammaS, increasing GDP decreased the [S-35]GTPgammaS binding observed with maximally stimulating concentrations of agonist, with partial agonists exhibiting greater sensitivity to the effects of GDP than full agonists. The relative efficacy of partial agonists was greater at the lower GDP concentrations. Concentration-response experiments were performed for a range of agonists at the two [S-35]GTPgammaS concentrations and with different concentrations of GDP. At 0.1 nM [S-35]GTPgammaS, the potency of both full and partial agonists was dependent on the GDP concentration in the assays. At 10 nM [S-35]GTPgammaS, the potency of full agonists exhibited a greater dependence on the GDP concentration, whereas the potency of partial agonists was virtually independent of GDP. We concluded that at the lower [S-35]GTPgammaS concentration, the rate-determining step in G protein activation is the binding of [S-35]GTPgammaS to the G protein. At the higher [S-35]GTPgammaS concentration, for full agonists, [S-35]GTPgammaS binding remains the slowest step, whereas for partial agonists, another (GDP-independent) step, probably ternary complex breakdown, becomes rate-determining.


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The chemokine receptor, CCR5, responds to several chemokines leading to changes in activity in several signalling pathways. Here, we investigated the ability of different chemokines to provide differential activation of pathways. The effects of five CC chemokines acting at CCR5 were investigated for their ability to inhibit forskolin- stimulated 3'-5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) accumulation and to stimulate Ca2+ mobilisation. in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing CCR5. Macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha (D26A) (MIP-1 alpha (D26A), CCL3 (D26A)), regulated on activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted (RANTES, CCLS), MIP-1 beta (CCL4) and monocyte chemoattractant protein 2 (MCP-2, CCL8) were able to inhibit forskolin -stimulated CAMP accumulation, whilst MCP-4 (CCL13) could not elicit a response. CCL3 (D26A), CCL4, CCLS, CCL8 and CCL13 were able to stimulate Ca2+ mobilisation. through CCRS, although CCL3 (D26A) and CCL5 exhibited biphasic concentration-response curves. The Ca2+ responses induced by CCL4, CCL5, CCL8 and CCL13 were abolished by pertussis toxin, whereas the response to CCL3 (D26A) was only partially inhibited by pertussis toxin, indicating G(i/o)-independent signalling induced by this chemokine. Although the rank order of potency of chemokines was similar between the two assays, certain chemokines displayed different pharmacological profiles in cAMP inhibition and Ca2+ mobilisation assays. For instance, whilst CCL13 could not inhibit forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation, this chemokine was able to induce Ca2+ mobilisation via CCR5. It is concluded that different chemokines acting at CCR5 can induce different pharmacological responses, which may account for the broad spectrum of chemokines that can act at CCRS. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: The beneficial cardiovascular effects of vegetables may be underpinned by their high inorganic nitrate content. Objective: We sought to examine the effects of a 6-wk once-daily intake of dietary nitrate (nitrate-rich beetroot juice) compared with placebo intake (nitrate-depleted beetroot juice) on vascular and platelet function in untreated hypercholesterolemics. Design: A total of 69 subjects were recruited in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel study. The primary endpoint was the change in vascular function determined with the use of ultrasound flow-mediated dilatation (FMD). Results: Baseline characteristics were similar between the groups, with primary outcome data available for 67 patients. Dietary nitrate resulted in an absolute increase in the FMD response of 1.1% (an ∼24% improvement from baseline) with a worsening of 0.3% in the placebo group (P < 0.001). A small improvement in the aortic pulse wave velocity (i.e., a decrease of 0.22 m/s; 95% CI: −0.4, −0.3 m/s) was evident in the nitrate group, showing a trend (P = 0.06) to improvement in comparison with the placebo group. Dietary nitrate also caused a small but significant reduction (7.6%) in platelet-monocyte aggregates compared with an increase of 10.1% in the placebo group (P = 0.004), with statistically significant reductions in stimulated (ex vivo) P-selectin expression compared with the placebo group (P < 0.05) but no significant changes in unstimulated expression. No adverse effects of dietary nitrate were detected. The composition of the salivary microbiome was altered after the nitrate treatment but not after the placebo treatment (P < 0.01). The proportions of 78 bacterial taxa were different after the nitrate treatment; of those taxa present, 2 taxa were responsible for >1% of this change, with the proportions of Rothia mucilaginosa trending to increase and Neisseria flavescens (P < 0.01) increased after nitrate treatment relative to after placebo treatment. Conclusions: Sustained dietary nitrate ingestion improves vascular function in hypercholesterolemic patients. These changes are associated with alterations in the oral microbiome and, in particular, nitrate-reducing genera. Our findings provide additional support for the assessment of the potential of dietary nitrate as a preventative strategy against atherogenesis in larger cohorts. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01493752.


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This study describes amaranth`s protein cholesterol-lowering effect and investigates its mechanisms hypercholesterolaemia was induced in male hamsters through diet rich in casein (300 g/kg diet) containing regular levels of cholesterol (0.5 kg/g) fed during 3 weeks. Animals were divided into three groups and fed ad libitum diets for 4 weeks containing as the sole source of protein: casein (control), amaranth protein isolate or, casein + amaranth protein isolate. Plasma concentrations of cholesterol and triacylglycerols were measured at four different points: at the beginning of the study. after hypercholesterolaemia was induced, in the first week and then at the end of the experimental diet period. The reduction of the total plasma cholesterol concentration at the end of experimental period for animals fed on diets containing amaranth protein isolate pure and with casein were 27% (P < 0.05) and 48% (P < 0.05). respectively, being the non-HDL fractions the most affected. Digestibility of protein as well as excretion of cholesterol and bile acid, were investigated as the possible mechanisms for this significant hypocholesterolaemic effect. Cholesterol excretion was related to the hypocholesterolaemia but could not explain all the observed reduction. Our findings suggest that amaranth protein has a metabolic effect on endogenous cholesterol metabolism. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hypercholesterolemic hamsters were fed for 4 wk on diets rich in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, differing only in protein source (20%): casein (control group, HC), whole cowpea seed (HWS), and cowpea protein isolate (HPI). Hamsters fed on HWS and HPI presented significant reductions in plasma total cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol. HPI and HC presented similar protein digestibility, which were significantly higher than that of HWS. Animals fed on HWS presented significantly higher levels of bile acids and cholesterol in feces than did the animals fed on casein or HPI diets. Histological analyses of the liver showed that HC diet resulted in steatosis widely distributed throughout the hepatic lobule, while HWS and HPI diets promoted reductions in liver steatosis. The effectiveness of HWS for modulating lipid metabolism was greater than that of HPI, as measured by plasma cholesterol reduction and liver steatosis.


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Background and aims: Virgin olive oil (VOO) and nuts are basic components of the Mediterranean diet, a heart-healthy dietary pattern. Nuts have well known cholesterol lowering effects, while evidence is unclear for VOO. We designed a study in hypercholesterolemic patients to assess the effects on serum lipids and other intermediate markers of cardiovascular risk of replacing 40% of the fat in the background diet with VOO, walnuts or almonds. Methods and Results: After a 4 week run-in period with a healthy diet, eligible candidates were randomized into three diet sequences in a crossover design, with a common background diet enriched with VOO, walnuts or almonds, lasting 4 weeks each. Outcomes were changes of serum lipids and oxidation and inflammation markers, measured by standard methods. Plasma fatty acids were determined by gas chromatography to assess compliance. In 18 participants completing the study (9 women, mean age 56 y, BMI 25.7 kg/m(2)), LDL-cholesterol was reduced from baseline by 7.3%, 10.8% and 13.4% after the VOO, walnut and almond diets, respectively (P = 0.001, Friedman test). Total cholesterol and LDL/HDL ratios decreased in parallel. LDL-cholesterol decreases were greater than predicted from dietary fatty acid and cholesterol exchanges among diets. No changes of other lipid fractions, oxidation analytes or inflammatory biomarkers were observed. Plasma fatty acid changes after each diet sequence supported good compliance.


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Dyslipidemias and physicochemical changes in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) are very important factors for the development of coronary artery disease (CAD). However, pathophysiological properties of electronegative low-density lipoprotein [LDL(-)] remain a controversial issue. Our objective was to investigate LDL(-) content in LDL and its subfractions (phenotypes A and B) of subjects with different cardiovascular risk. Seventy-three subjects were randomized into three groups: normolipidemic (N; n = 30) and hypercholesterolemic (HC; n = 33) subjects and patients with CAD (n = 10). After fasting, blood samples were collected and total, dense and light LDL were isolated. LDL(-) content in total LDL and its subfractions was determined by ELISA. LDL(-) content in total LDL was lower in the N group as compared to the HC (P < 0.001) and CAD (P = 0.006) groups. In the total sample and in those of the N, HC, and CAD groups, LDL(-) content in dense LDL was higher than in light LDL (P = 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, and 0.033, respectively) The impact of LDL(-) on cardiovascular risk was reinforced when LDL(-) content in LDL showed itself to have a positive association with total cholesterol (beta = 0.003; P < 0.001), LDL-C (beta = 0.003; p < 0.001), and non-HDL-C (beta = 0.003; P < 0.001) and a negative association with HDL-C (beta = -0.32; P = 0.04). Therefore, LDL(-) is an important biomarker that showed association with the lipid profile and the level of cardiovascular risk.


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Background: ABCA1 plays an important role in HDL metabolism. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in ABCA1 gene were associated with variation in plasina HDL-c. Methods: The effect of the ABCA1 SNPs C-14T, R219K and of a novel variant C-105T on serum lipids was investigated in 367 unrelated Brazilian individuals (224 hypercholesterolemic and 143 normolipidemic). The relation between ABCA1 SNPs and the lipid-lowering response to atorvastatin (10 mg/day/4 weeks) was also evaluated in 141 hypercholesterolemic (HC) individuals. The polymorphisms were detected by PCRR_FLP and confirmed by DNA sequencing. Results: Linkage disequilibrium was found between the SNPs C-105T and C-14T in the HC group. HC individuals carrying - 105CT/TT genotypes had higher serum HDL-c and lower triglyceride and VLDL-c concentrations as well as lower TG/HDL-c ratio compared to the -105CC carriers (p<0.05). The R219K SNP was associated with reduced serum triglyceride, VLDL-c and TG/HDL-c ratio in the HC group (p<0.05), and with an increased serum apoAI in NL individuals. The effects of ABCA1 SNPs on basal serum lipids of HC individuals were not modified by atorvastatin treatment. Conclusions: The ABCA1 SNPs R219K and C-105T were associated with a less atherogenic lipid profile but not with the lowering-cholesterol response to atorvastatin in a Brazilian population. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The neuromuscular disorders are a heterogeneous group of genetic diseases, caused by mutations in genes coding sarcolemmal, sarcomeric, and citosolic muscle proteins. Deficiencies or loss of function of these proteins leads to variable degree of progressive loss of motor ability. Several animal models, manifesting phenotypes observed in neuromuscular diseases, have been identified in nature or generated in laboratory. These models generally present physiological alterations observed in human patients and can be used as important tools for genetic, clinic, and histopathological studies. The mdx mouse is the most widely used animal model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Although it is a good genetic and biochemical model, presenting total deficiency of the protein dystrophin in the muscle, this mouse is not useful for clinical trials because of its very mild phenotype. The canine golden retriever MD model represents a more clinically similar model of DMD due to its larger size and significant muscle weakness. Autosomal recessive limb-girdle MD forms models include the SJL/J mice, which develop a spontaneous myopathy resulting from a mutation in the Dysferlin gene, being a model for LGMD2B. For the human sarcoglycanopahties (SG), the BIO14.6 hamster is the spontaneous animal model for delta-SG deficiency, whereas some canine models with deficiency of SG proteins have also been identified. More recently, using the homologous recombination technique in embryonic stem cell, several mouse models have been developed with null mutations in each one of the four SG genes. All sarcoglycan-null animals display a progressive muscular dystrophy of variable severity and share the property of a significant secondary reduction in the expression of the other members of the sarcoglycan subcomplex and other components of the Dystrophin-glycoprotein complex. Mouse models for congenital MD include the dy/dy (dystrophia-muscularis) mouse and the allelic mutant dy(2J)/dy(2J) mouse, both presenting significant reduction of alpha 2-laminin in the muscle and a severe phenotype. The myodystrophy mouse (Large(myd)) harbors a mutation in the glycosyltransferase Large, which leads to altered glycosylation of alpha-DG, and also a severe phenotype. Other informative models for muscle proteins include the knockout mouse for myostatin, which demonstrated that this protein is a negative regulator of muscle growth. Additionally, the stress syndrome in pigs, caused by mutations in the porcine RYR1 gene, helped to localize the gene causing malignant hypertermia and Central Core myopathy in humans. The study of animal models for genetic diseases, in spite of the existence of differences in some phenotypes, can provide important clues to the understanding of the pathogenesis of these disorders and are also very valuable for testing strategies for therapeutic approaches.