491 resultados para hurricane evacuation


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Instrumental climate data are limited in length and only available with low spatial coverage before the middle of the 20th century. This is too short to reliably determine and interpret decadal and longer scale climate variability and to understand the underlying mechanisms with sufficient accuracy. A proper knowledge of past variability of the climate system is needed to assess the anthropogenic impact on climate and ecosystems, and also important with regard to long-range climate forecasting. Highly-resolved records of past climate variations that extend beyond pre-industrial times can significantly help to understand long-term climate changes and trends. Indirect information on past environmental and climatic conditions can be deduced from climate-sensitive proxies. Large colonies of massive growing tropical reef corals have been proven to sensitively monitor changes in ambient seawater. Rapid skeletal growth, typically ranging between several millimeters to centimeters per year, allows the development of proxy records at sub-seasonal resolution. Stable oxygen isotopic composition and trace elemental ratios incorporated in the aragonitic coral skeleton can reveal a detailed history of past environmental conditions, e.g., sea surface temperature (SST). In general, coral-based reconstructions from the tropical Atlantic region have lagged behind the extensive work published using coral records from the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Difficulties in the analysis of previously utilized coral archives from the Atlantic, typically corals of the genera Montastrea and Siderastrea, have so far exacerbated the production of long-term high-resolution proxy records. The objective of this study is the evaluation of massive fast-growing corals of the species Diploria strigosa as a new marine archive for climate reconstructions from the tropical Atlantic region. For this purpose, coral records from two study sites in the eastern Caribbean Sea (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles; and Archipelago Los Roques, Venezuela) were examined. At Guadeloupe, a century-long monthly resolved multi-proxy coral record was generated. Results present the first d18O (Sr/Ca)-SST calibration equations for the Atlantic braincoral Diploria strigosa, that are robust and consistent with previously published values using other coral species from different regions. Both proxies reflect local variability of SST on a sub-seasonal scale, which is a precondition for studying seasonally phase-locked climate variations, as well as track variability on a larger spatial scale (i.e., in the Caribbean and tropical North Atlantic). Coral Sr/Ca reliably records local annual to interannual temperature variations and is higher correlated to in-situ air temperature than to grid-SST. The warming calculated from coral Sr/Ca is concurrent with the strong surface temperature increase at the study site during the past decades. Proxy data show a close relationship to major climate signals from the tropical Pacific and North Atlantic (the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)) affecting the seasonal cycle of SST in the North Tropical Atlantic (NTA). Coral oxygen isotopes are also influenced by seawater d18O (d18Osw) which is linked to the hydrological cycle, and capture large-scale climate variability in the NTA region better than Sr/Ca. Results from a quantitative comparison between extreme events in the two most prominent modes of external forcing, namely the ENSO and NAO, and respective events recorded in seasonal coral d18O imply that SST variability at the study site is highly linked to Pacific and North Atlantic variability, by this means supporting the assumptions of observational- and model-based studies which suggest a strong impact of ENSO and NAO forcings onto the NTA region through a modulation of trade wind strength in winter. Results from different spectral analysis tools suggest that interannual climate variability recorded by the coral proxies is II largely dictated by Pacific ENSO forcing, whereas at decadal and longer timescales the influence of the NAO is dominan. tThe Archipelago Los Roques is situated in the southeastern Caribbean Sea, north of the Venezuelan coast. Year-to-year variations in monthly resolved coral d18O of a nearcentury- long Diploria strigosa record are significantly correlated with SST and show pronounced multidecadal variations. About half of the variance in coral d18O can be explained by variations in seawater d18O, which can be estimated by calculating the d18Oresidual via subtracting the SST component from measured coral d18O. The d18Oresidual and a regional precipitation index are highly correlated at low frequencies, suggesting that d18Osw variations are primarily atmospheric-driven. Warmer SSTs at Los Roques broadly coincide with higher precipitation in the southeastern Caribbean at multidecadal time scales, effectively strengthening the climate signal in the coral d18O record. The Los Roques coral d18O record displays a strong and statistically significant relationship to different indices of hurricane activity during the peak of the Atlantic hurricane season in boreal summer and is a particularly good indicator of decadal-multidecadal swings in the latter indices. In general, the detection of long-term changes and trends in Atlantic hurricane activity is hampered due to the limited length of the reliable instrumental record and the known inhomogeneity in the observational databases which result from changes in observing practice and technology over the years. The results suggest that coral-derived proxy data from Los Roques can be used to infer changes in past hurricane activity on timescales that extend well beyond the reliable record. In addition, the coral record exhibits a clear negative trend superimposed on the decadal to multidecadal cycles, indicating a significant warming and freshening of surface waters in the genesis region of tropical cyclones during the past decades. The presented coral d18O time series provides the first and, so far, longest continuous coral-based record of hurricane activity. It appears that the combination of both signals (SST and d18Osw) in coral d18O leads to an amplification of large-scale climate signals in the record, and makes coral d18O even a better proxy for hurricane activity than SST alone. Atlantic hurricane activity naturally exhibits strong multidecadal variations that are associated with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), the major mode of lowfrequency variability in the North Atlantic Ocean. However, the mechanisms underlying this multidecadal variability remain controversial, primarily because of the limited instrumental record. The Los Roques coral d18O displays strong multidecadal variability with a period of approximately 60 years that is closely related to the AMO, making the Archipelago Los Roques a very sensitive location for studying low-frequency climate variability in the Atlantic Ocean. In summary, the coral records presented in this thesis capture different key climate variables in the north tropical Atlantic region very well, indicating that fast-growing Diploria strigosa corals represent a promising marine archive for further proxy-based reconstructions of past climate variability on a range of time scales.


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La azucena del campo (Az-del campo) (Habranthus gracilifolius) y la azucenita colorada (Az-colorada) (Rhodophiala bifida) son bulbosas nativas de Argentina de valor ornamental potencial, de las que se tiene escasa información sobre la germinación y el crecimiento. Para establecer la aptitud germinativa, el régimen de incubación más adecuado, y el crecimiento de las hojas y los bulbos, se realizó un ensayo de germinación y las plántulas se cultivaron en macetas durante un año. Se emplearon cuatro regímenes de incubación: temperatura constante de 20°C y alternadas de 20°/30°C y de 10°/20°C, todos con 8 horas de luz, y de 10°/20°C en oscuridad. Las semillas resultaron fotoblásticas neutras. A temperaturas de 20°C o de 10°/20°C, en ambas especies, la energía y el poder germinativo superaron el 75 y 92%, respectivamente, pero temperaturas de 20°/30°C demoraron la germinación. De otoño a fin de primavera las plantas presentaron hasta 4 hojas en Az-del campo y 2,5 hojas/ planta en Az-colorada, pero en verano no exhibieron hojas. Los bulbos presentaron crecimiento lineal, siendo mayores las tasas en Az-del campo (ancho = 0,022 y longitud = 0,049 mm.día-1) que en Az-colorada (ancho = 0,011 y longitud = 0,014 mm.día-1). La multiplicación por semillas es efectiva, pero en ambas especies se necesita más de un año para alcanzar el estadio reproductivo.


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En 1996, las lluvias excepcionalmente abundantes que cayeron en la región de Saguenay (Quebec - Canadá) provocaron la ruptura o el desbordamiento de presas, inundaciones, deslizamientos de tierra (más de 1000 en 36 horas) y numerosos cortes de electricidad. Estos eventos repentinos causaron dos muertes, forzaron la evacuación de más de 16.000 personas y generaron perdidas económicas estimadas en aproximadamente un millar de dólares canadienses. Cerca de quince años más tarde se hace un balance de algunas de las principales repercusiones que dichos eventos tuvieron en la manera como el gobierno de Quebec enfrenta estas situaciones. Dos leyes (ley sobre la seguridad de las presas (2000) y la ley sobre la seguridad publica 2001)) y una política (la política nacional del agua, 2002) se inspiraron directamente en las lecciones dejadas por el desastre de Saguenay y son brevemente presentadas en este artículo. Estas lecciones, así como aquellas obtenidas de la tormenta de hielo que vivió Quebec en 1998, abrieron la vía a un enfoque mas global y estructurado de la seguridad civil: la gestión de riesgos.


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Feeding patterns of mass herbivorous copepods in upwelling areas are investigated. Daily rations and aspects of their formation are examined in Calanoides carinatus (Benguela upwelling), Calanus pacificus (off the California coast), and Calanus australis (Peru upwelling). Rations were calculated based on gut plant pigment contents obtained at daily stations using laser spectrofluorometry, experimental data on the rate of gut evacuation and data on the carbon/chlorophyll ratio in phytoplankton and particulate matter at the respective stations. When phytoplankton was abundant, diel feeding rhythms were not pronounced and gut pigment level was high during the entire 24-h period. When phytoplankton biomass was low, distinct feeding rhythms were pronounced with a nocturnal maximum. During active upwelling intensive feeding on phytoplankton supports energy (respiration) and plastic (growth, development, reproduction, accumulation of reserves) metabolism of copepods. When upwelling was inactive, the surface part of the population feeds less actively and is able only partially to cover its energy expenditures. The actively growing and reproducing populations of C. pacificus and C. carinatus may consume close to 20% of primary production, whereas the inactive population of C. australis consumed only 0.2% of primary production when upwelling weakened.


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For years, various indices of seasonal West African precipitation have served as useful predictors of the overall tropical cyclone activity in the Atlantic Ocean. Since the mid-1990s, the correlation unexpectedly deteriorated. In the present study, statistical techniques are developed to describe the nonstationary nature of the correlations between annual measures of Atlantic tropical cyclone activity and three selected West African precipitation indices (namely, western Sahelian precipitation in June-September, central Sahelian precipitation in June-September, and Guinean coastal precipitation in the preceding year's August-November period). The correlations between these parameters are found to vary over the period from 1921 to 2007 on a range of time scales. Additionally, considerable year-to-year variability in the strength of these correlations is documented by selecting subsamples of years with respect to various meteorological factors. Broadly, in years when the environment in the main development region is generally favorable for enhanced tropical cyclogenesis (e.g., when sea surface temperatures are high, when there is relatively little wind shear through the depth of the troposphere, or when the relative vorticity in the midtroposphere is anomalously high), the correlations between indices of West African monsoon precipitation and Atlantic tropical cyclone activity are considerably weaker than in years when the overall conditions in the region are less conducive. Other more remote climate parameters, such as the phase of the Southern Oscillation, are less effective at modulating the nature of these interactions.