960 resultados para high-molecular weight


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Die organische Halbleitertechnologie befindet sich seit Jahrzehnten im Focus des Interesses, da sie eine kostengünstige und umweltverträgliche Alternative zu anorganischen Silizium-basierten Halbleitern darstellt. Die Möglichkeit der gezielten Funktionalisierung von definierten Strukturen durch synthetische Methoden, welche eine große Vielfalt an Materialien ermöglicht, steht dabei besonders im Vordergrund. Die Modifikation von physikalischen Eigenschaften ermöglicht dabei eine stark erleichterte Anpassung für den geplanten Anwendungsbereich. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden organische Halbleitermaterialien basierend auf Cyclopenta[2,1-b:3,4-b']dithiophen (CDT) dargestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer strukturellen und elektronischen Eigenschaften untersucht. In Kombination mit Benzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazol (BTZ) und weiteren Akzeptoren wurden zunächst Donor(D)-Akzeptor(A)-Polymere synthetisiert und Struktur-Eigenschaft-Beziehungen aufgestellt. So konnte ein sehr hochmolekulares Polymer CDT-BTZ-Polymer (Mn = 36 kg mol-1, PDI = 2.6) erhalten werden, welches sich durch eine hohe lamellare Ordnung und eine gemessene Ladungsträgermobilität in FETs von über 5.0 cm2V-1s-1 bei Raumtemperatur auszeichnete; bei niedrigen Temperaturen (240 K) war letztgenannte 6.5 cm2V-1s-1. Aufgrund dieses hohen Ladungstransports und der Abwesenheit niedermolekularer Polymerketten innerhalb des Polymers konnte erstmals eine Messung eines HALL-Effektes bewerkstelligt werden. Dies war der erste Beweis eines Band-artigen Ladungstransportes an einem Polymerhalbleiter. Des Weiteren wurde durch synthetische Veränderung der Grundstruktur des Polymers zu längeren Alkylketten eine anisotrope Anordnung der Polymerketten erreicht und die Ladungsträgermobilität (6.5 cm2V-1s-1 bei Raumtemperatur) weiter gesteigert. Darauf aufbauend wurde der Einfluss von stereoisomeren Seitenketten an CDT-BTZ-Polymeren auf Packungsverhalten, Parametern (Sperrstrom, Einschaltstrom) in FETs und Löslichkeit in organischen Lösungsmitteln untersucht. Durch cis-trans-Isomerisierung der Seitenketten wurde hier eine neue Methode zur Optimierung des Packungsverhaltens von Polymeren in dünnen Filmen und Lösung gefunden. Zuletzt wurden D-π-A-Farbstoffen, welche CDT als Verbrückungseinheit (π) beinhalten, dargestellt. Durch Variation von D und A konnten Struktur-Eigenschaft-Beziehungen in der Anwendung in Solarzellen (Feststoffsolarzellen, Flüssigsolarzellen) gefunden werden. Die Untersuchungen der photoinduzierten Absorption und der Photolumisenzenzquantenausbeute lieferten dabei Erklärungen für physikalische Prozesse wie Ladungsinjektion- und rekombination.


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Polymere Wirkstoffsysteme gewinnen im Bereich der biomedizinischen Forschung immer größeres Interesse. Vielversprechende Systeme für die Entwicklung von neuartigen Krebs-immun¬therapien stellen insbesondere Polymer-Konjugate dar. Das ideale Polymer-Konjugat besitzt eine Größe zwischen 10 nm und 100 nm, ist nicht zytotoxisch und zeigt keine Aggregation in humanem Blutserum. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Synthese und Charakterisierung von Polymer-Wirkstoff-Konjugaten zur Anwendung in der Krebsimmuntherapie behandelt. Erstes Ziel der Arbeit war es, geeignete polymere Trägersysteme für die in vivo Anwendung zu finden. Hierzu wurde zunächst die Stabilität verschiedener potentieller polymerer Träger-systeme (Nanohydrogele, Succinyliertes-Poly-L-Lysin (Bürste), ELP-Bürsten und Poly(2-oxazolin)bürsten) in humanem Serum untersucht. Weiterhin wurde die unspezifische Zellaufnahme in murinen dendritischen Zellen (DCs) analysiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass vor allem neutrale bzw. zwitterionische Partikel eine hohe Serumstabilität sowie keine unspezifische Zellaufnahme zeigen. Um eine gezielte Adressierung der DCs des Immunsystems zu erreichen und dadurch eine Immunantwort gegenüber einem bestimmten Krebs Zelltyp zu induzieren, wurden Biokonjugate - auf Basis der Succinylierten-Poly-L-Lysin-(Bürste) sowie der Azid-funktionalisierten Poly(2-oxazolin)bürste (POx) – entwickelt, da diese Polymerbürsten keine bzw. kaum unspezifische Aufnahme in DCs zeigen. Hierbei diente der Antikörper aDEC205 der gezielten Adressierung von CD8+ DCs. Die weiteren bioaktiven Komponenten waren das tumorassoziierte Antigen (TAA) mit der Kernsequenz SIINFEKL zur Induktion einer spezifischen Immunantwort sowie der immunaktivierende TLR9 Ligand, CpG1826. Die Komponenten wurden nacheinander an die Fluoreszenz-markierten Polymere kon¬jugiert. Die Konjugation des Antikörpers erfolgte nach vorangegangener DIBO-Modifizierung über kupferfreie Click-Chemie. Mit einer optimierten Aufarbeitungsmethodik gelang es, aggregat-freie, unimere DIBO-modifizierte aDEC205 Antikörper zu isolieren. Für die succinylierten Poly-L-Lysine konnten keine eindeutigen sowie reproduzierbaren Ergebnisse erhalten werden, sodass sich im weiteren Verlauf der Arbeit auf die POx konzentriert wurde. Die Konjugation von aDEC205 an POx wurde mittels verschiedener physiko-chemischer Methoden (UV-VIS, SDS-PAGE, FCS, GPC, CLSM und FACS) gezeigt. Mit Hilfe von „Specific-Hybridization-Internalisation-Sensor“ Experimenten konnte eine spezifische Aufnahme des Konjugats in CD8+ DCs nachgewiesen werden. rnDie Konjugation von Antigen und CpG erfolgte ebenso nach entsprechender Modifizierung über kupferfreie Click-Chemie. SDS-PAGE, UV-VIS und FCS bestätigten eine erfolgreiche Kopplung. T-Zell-Proliferationsversuche ergaben für Antigen enthaltende Polymer-Konjugate eine CD8+ T-Zell-Aktivierung. Des Weiteren zeigten die POx keine bemerkenswerte Toxizität und deren Konjugate keine Aggregation in humanem Serum. rnrnDarüber hinaus wurde der Einfluss verschiedener Polymertopologien auf ihre Biodistribution sowie Blutzirkulation untersucht. Für die nach GPC-Fraktionierung erhaltenen verschiedenen Polymerfraktionen - hochmolekulare wurmartige Polymerbürsten, ellipsoidartige Polymer-bürsten und niedermolekulare kugelförmige Moleküle - konnten vielversprechende Ergebnisse erhalten werden.


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Over the last few decades, polysaccharides have gained increasing attention in the biomedical and drug delivery fields. Among them, glucomannan (GM) has become a particularly interesting polymer in the nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical field, however the high molecular weight of this natural polymer is the cause of the limits to its application that reflected in a poor solubility in water.Reduce the molecular weight could improve its use and at the same time does not eliminate its properties. In this study, we investigated the ability of enzymes to hydrolyze the polysaccharide structure of glucomannan by two commercial enzymes: Fungamyl Super AX and Celluclast BG. The purpose of the thesis was to identify the enzymatic activity and the process parameters ( pH and temperature) that influence the catalytic activity of the enzymes, the molecular size and the viscosity of products released after enzymatic hydrolysis of glucomannan.


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There are two main types of bone in the human body, trabecular and cortical bone. Cortical bone is primarily found on the outer surface of most bones in the body while trabecular bone is found in vertebrae and at the end of long bones (Ross 2007). Osteoporosis is a condition that compromises the structural integrity of trabecular bone, greatly reducing the ability of the bone to absorb energy from falls. The current method for diagnosing osteoporosis and predicting fracture risk is measurement of bone mineral density. Limitations of this method include dependence on the bone density measurement device and dependence on type of test and measurement location (Rubin 2005). Each year there are approximately 250,000 hip fractures in the United States due to osteoporosis (Kleerekoper 2006). Currently, the most common method for repairing a hip fracture is a hip fixation surgery. During surgery, a temporary guide wire is inserted to guide the permanent screw into place and then removed. It is believed that directly measuring this screw pullout force may result in a better assessment of bone quality than current indirect measurement techniques (T. Bowen 2008-2010, pers. comm.). The objective of this project is to design a device that can measure the force required to extract this guide wire. It is believed that this would give the surgeon a direct, quantitative measurement of bone quality at the site of the fixation. A first generation device was designed by a Bucknell Biomedical Engineering Senior Design team during the 2008- 2009 Academic Year. The first step of this project was to examine the device, conduct a thorough design analysis, and brainstorm new concepts. The concept selected uses a translational screw to extract the guide wire. The device was fabricated and underwent validation testing to ensure that the device was functional and met the required engineering specifications. Two tests were conducted, one to test the functionality of the device by testing if the device gave repeatable results, and the other to test the sensitivity of the device to misalignment. Guide wires were extracted from 3 materials, low density polyethylene, ultra high molecular weight polyethylene, and polypropylene and the force of extraction was measured. During testing, it was discovered that the spring in the device did not have a high enough spring constant to reach the high forces necessary for extracting the wires without excessive deflection of the spring. The test procedure was modified slightly so the wires were not fully threaded into the material. The testing results indicate that there is significant variation in the screw pullout force, up to 30% of the average value. This significant variation was attributed to problems in the testing and data collection, and a revised set of tests was proposed to better evaluate the performance of the device. The fabricated device is a fully-functioning prototype and further refinements and testing of the device may lead to a 3rd generation version capable of measuring the screw pullout force during hip fixation surgery.


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The thesis presented here describes methodologies to produce pendant group functionalized polyesters from amido-functionalized α-hydroxy acids. The synthetic methods used to produce the functionalized α-hydroxy acids are compatible with a wide array of functional groups, making this technique highly versatile. The synthesis of functionalized polyesters was investigated to develop polymers with properties that may improve the capabilities of existing biodegradable polyesters for applications in controlled release pharmaceuticals. Chemically modified a-hydroxy acids were synthesized by reacting glyoxylic acid with a primary or secondary amide. To demonstrate the utility of this reaction, fourstructurally dissimilar amide substituents were examined including 2-pyrrolidione, benzamide, acetamide and acrylamide. The reaction is synthetically simple, provides high yields and is uniquely flexible, functionalized monomer. The compatibility of this procedure with the collection of functional groups mentioned circumvents the need for syntheses. The amido-functionalized monomers were polymerized by two different techniques: melt polycondensation and solution polymerization. Melt polycondensation was conducted by heating the monomer past its melting temperature under reduced pressure. Oligomeric functionalized polyesters (= 800 g/mol) with low PDIs (= 1.05) were obtained by melt polycondensation. Melt polycondensation was not compatible with all of the synthesized monomers. Two of the monomers (containing benzamide and acrylamide functionalities) degraded before the polycondensation reaction occurred. Thermal gravimetric analysis confirmed that a process other than polyesterification was occurring, indicating that some amido-functionalized α-hydroxy acids cannot be synthesized in the melt.Solution polymerization was conducted to polymerize functionalized α-hydroxy acids that were incompatible with melt polycondensation. Several modified Steglich polyesterifications were tested including p-toluenesulfonic acid mediated and scandium (III) triflate catalyzed. Only oligomeric functionalized polyesters were formed bythis method. A number of possible side reactions including the formation of an N-acylurea and a cyclic polymer ring were possible. The utility of this procedure appears to be limited due to the complexity of the reaction and its inability to produce high molecular weight polymer.


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Sickle red blood cell (SRBC)-endothelial adhesion plays a central role in sickle cell disease (SCD)-related vaso-occlusion. As unusually large von Willebrand factor (ULVWF) multimers mediate SRBC-endothelial adhesion, we investigated the activity of ADAMTS13, the metalloprotease responsible for cleaving ULVWF multimers, in SCD. ADAMTS13 activity was determined using a quantitative immunoblotting assay. VWF:Ag and VWF:RCo were determined using commercial assays. The high-molecular-weight VWF multimer percentage was determined by employing gel electrophoresis. ADAMTS13 activity was similar among asymptomatic patients (n = 8), patients at presentation with a painful crisis (n = 23), and healthy controls. ADAMTS13/VWF:Ag ratios were lower in patients compared to healthy HbAA controls, with the lowest values at presentation with a painful crisis (P = 0.02). Division of samples in those with VWF:RCo/VWF:Ag ratios < 0.70 and those with ratios >or= 0.70 revealed significantly more samples with ratios >or= 0.70 (P = 0.01) collected during painful crises. ULVWF multimers were detected in 6 patient samples and in 1 control sample. ADAMTS13/VWF:Ag ratios were inversely related to the duration of symptoms at presentation with an acute vaso-occlusive event (r(s)-0.67, P = 0.002). Although SCD is characterized by elevated VWF:Ag levels, no severe ADAMTS13 deficiency was detected in our patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy and safety of intraarticular hylan and 2 hyaluronic acids (HAs) in osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. METHODS: This was a multicenter, patient-blind, randomized controlled trial in 660 patients with symptomatic knee OA. Patients were randomly assigned to receive 1 cycle of 3 intraarticular injections per knee of 1 of 3 preparations: a high molecular weight cross-linked hylan, a non-cross-linked medium molecular weight HA of avian origin, or a non-cross-linked low molecular weight HA of bacterial origin. The primary outcome measure was the change in the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) pain score at 6 months. Secondary outcome measures included local adverse events (effusions or flares) in injected knees. During months 7-12, patients were offered a second cycle of viscosupplementation. RESULTS: Pain relief was similar in all 3 groups. The difference in changes between baseline and 6 months between hylan and the combined HAs was 0.1 on the WOMAC pain score (95% confidence interval [95% CI] -0.2, 0.3). No relevant differences were observed in any of the secondary efficacy outcomes, and stratified analyses provided no evidence for differences in effects across different patient groups. There was a trend toward more local adverse events in the hylan group than in the HA groups during the first cycle (difference 2.2% [95% CI -2.4, 6.7]), and this trend became more pronounced during the second cycle (difference 6.4% [95% CI 0.6, 12.2]). CONCLUSION: We found no evidence for a difference in efficacy between hylan and HAs. In view of its higher costs and potential for more local adverse events, we see no rationale for the continued use of hylan in patients with knee OA.


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AIM: This pilot study seeks to determine whether contact system activation (CSA) occurs in human sepsis patients and to characterise blood levels of the 47kD light chain of high-molecular weight kininogen (47kD HK). METHODS: Six consecutive patients with clinical suspicion of sepsis were evaluated on days 1, 2, 3 and 6-8 for 47kD HK blood levels expressed in U/ml of whole blood and as percent of total HK. 47kD HK was measured in whole blood by quantitative immunoblot analysis. RESULTS: On study day 1 or 2, analysis of 47kD HK in U/ml of whole blood identified CSA in 3/6 patients.When 47kD HK levels were expressed as percent of total HK, 4/6 patients were identified with CSA before day 3. The degree of CSA as assayed by the presence of 47kD HK correlated with the severity of the systemic inflammatory syndrome (SIRS), i.e. mean CSA increased progressively from basal levels in healthy controls (0.08 U/ml or 10.4%) to patients without SIRS (0.10 U/ml or 15.1%), to patients with sepsis (0.12 U/ml or 15.0%), and finally to patients in a combined category of severe sepsis and septic shock (0.13 U/ml or 17.4%). CONCLUSION: CSA, defined by increased 47kD HK, occurred early on in the course of sepsis in a subset of sepsis patients. 47kD HK levels, an indicator of bradykinin release, correlated with sepsis severity. Future larger studies will need to evaluate the role of 47kD HK as a biomarker for both prognosis and treatment response in human sepsis..


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Neutrophil Elastase (NE) is a pro-inflammatory protease present at higher than normal levels in the lung during inflammatory disease. NE regulates IL-8 production from airway epithelial cells and can activate both EGFR and TLR4. TACE/ADAM17 has been reported to trans-activate EGFR in response to NE. Here, using 16HBE14o-human bronchial epithelial cells we demonstrate a new mechanism by which NE regulates both of these events. A high molecular weight soluble metalloprotease activity detectable only in supernatants from NE-treated cells by gelatin and casein zymography was confirmed to be meprin alpha by Western immunoblotting. In vitro studies demonstrated the ability of NE to activate meprin alpha, which in turn could release soluble TGFalpha and induce IL-8 production from 16HBE14o- cells. These effects were abrogated by actinonin, a specific meprin inhibitor. NE-induced IL-8 expression was also inhibited by meprin alpha siRNA. Immunoprecipitation studies detected EGFR/TLR4 complexes in NE-stimulated cells overexpressing these receptors. Confocal studies confirmed colocalization of EGFR and TLR4 in 16HBE14o- cells stimulated with meprin alpha. NFkappaB was also activated via MyD88 in these cells by meprin alpha. In bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from NE knock-out mice infected intra-tracheally with Pseudomonas aeruginosa meprin alpha was significantly decreased compared with control mice, and was significantly increased and correlated with NE activity, in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from individuals with cystic fibrosis but not healthy controls. The data describe a previously unidentified lung metalloprotease meprin alpha, and its role in NE-induced EGFR and TLR4 activation and IL-8 production.


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The biopharmaceutical industry has a growing demand and an increasing need to improve the current virus purification technologies, especially as more and more vaccines are produced from cell-culture derived virus particles. Downstream purification strategies can be expensive and account for 70% of the overall manufacturing costs. The economic pressure and purification processes can be particularly challenging when the virus to be purified is small, as in our model virus, porcine parvovirus (PPV). Our efforts are focused on designing an easy, economical, scalable and efficient system for virus purification, and we focused on aqueous two-phase systems. Industry acceptable standards for virus vaccine recovery can be as low as 30% due to demand of high final titer, virus transduction inhibitors and presence of empty or defective virus capsids as impurities. We have overcome these shortcomings by recovering a high 64% of infectious virus using an aqueous two-phase system. We used high molecular weight polymer and citrate salt to achieve a good yield and eliminated the major contaminant bovine serum albumin. Viruses are also studied for ensuring pure and safe drinking water. Low pressure microfiltrations are continuously being investigated for water filters as they allow high permeate flux and low fouling. Viruses such as PPV are small enough to pass through the microporous membranes. Control of viruses in water is crucial for public health and we have designed an affinity based membrane filter to capture virus. Nanofibers have a high surface to volume ratio providing a highly accessible surface area for virus adsorption. Chitosan an insoluble, biocompatible and biodegradable polymer was used for adsorbing trimer peptide WRW. About 0.2 μmoles of cysteine terminal WRW peptide was conjugated to amine terminal chitosan using maleimide conjugation chemistry. We achieved 90-99% virus removal from water adjusted to a neutral pH. The virus removal from affinity based chitosan was attributed to electrostatic and hydrophobic driven binding effect.


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In order to determine anticoagulation strategies in OPCAB a questionnaire survey among 750 European cardio-thoracic surgeons was performed. Questions addressed volume of OPCAB procedures performed, intra- and perioperative heparinization and antiplatelet therapy, as well as perioperative management. A total of 325 (43.7%) questionnaires were returned and validated. Perioperative protocols for administration of antiplatelets differed among the respondent surgeons. Perioperative prophylaxis of thrombosis (low or high molecular weight heparin) is performed by 78%. Intraoperative heparin dosage range between 70 U/kg to 500 U/kg, 60% of respondents prefer a low-dose regimen (< or = 150 U/kg). Correspondingly, the lowest activated clotting time (ACT) during surgery is accepted to be 200 s by 24%, 250 s by 18% and 300 s by 26% of surgeons. Protamine is used by 91% of respondents, while 52% perform a 1:1 reversal. A cell-saver and antifibrinolytics are used by 70% and 40%, respectively. Interestingly, 56% of respondents think bleeding in OPCAB patients is not reduced when compared to on-pump CABG. In addition, 34% of respondents believe there is an increased risk of early graft occlusion following OPCAB. This survey demonstrates widely different intra- and perioperative anticoagulation strategies for OPCAB procedures among European surgeons.


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The aqueous phase processing of glyoxylic acid, pyruvic acid, oxalic acid and methylglyoxal was studied simulating dark and radical free atmospheric aqueous aerosol. A novel observation of the cleavage of a carbon-carbon bond in pyruvic acid and glyoxylic acid leading to their decarboxylation was made in the presence of ammonium salts but no decarboxylation was observed from oxalic acid. The empirical rate constants for decarboxylation were determined. The structure of the acid, ionic environment of solution and concentration of species found to affect the decarboxylation process. A tentative set of reaction mechanisms was proposed involving nucleophilic attack by ammonia on the carbonyl carbon leading to fragmentation of the carbon-carbon bond between the carbonyl and carboxyl carbons. Whereas, the formation of high molecular weight organic species was observed in the case of methylglyoxal. The elemental compositions of the species were determined. It was concluded that, additional pathways that are not currently known likely contribute to aqueous phase processing leading to high molecular weight organic species. Under similar conditions in atmospheric aerosol, the aqueous phase processing will markedly impact the physicochemical properties of aerosol.


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Contents"Effects of Swell-Shear Treatment on the Digestibility of Cellulosics", Dou-Houng Hwang, UMC "Application of Material and Energy Balance Regularities to Biomass Production from Cellulosic Substrates", Y.H. Lee, KSU "Immobilization of Aspergillus niger beta-Xylosidase", Gbekeloluwa B. Oguntimein, ISU "The Effect of the Major Structural Parameters of Cellulose on Enzymatic Hydrolysis", David H. Beardmore, Y.H. Lee, and L.T. Fan, KSU "Purification of a High Molecular Weight Hemicellulase", Ricardo A. Fournier, ISU "Aerobic Fermentation of Banana Pulp by Aspergillus Fumigatus", Stephen Lorbert, UMC "Purification and Properties of Two Very Small Xylanases", Chih-hen Kiang, ISU "Testing Theoretical Models for Cellulose Enzymatic Hydrolysis", Lin-Chang Chiang, UMC "Utilization of Material and Energy Balances in Hydrocarbon Fermentation", Alexis Ferrer, KSU "Purification of a Series of Closely Related Xylanases", Mary M. Frederick, ISU


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Brushite and octacalcium phosphate (OCP) crystals are well-known precursors of hydroxylapatite (HAp), the main mineral found in bone. In this report, we present a new method for biomimicking brushite and OCP using single and double diffusion techniques. Brushite and OCP crystals were grown in an iota-carrageenan gel. The aggregates were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). SEM revealed different morphologies of brushite crystals from highly porous aggregates to plate-shaped forms. OCP crystals grown in iota-carrageenan showed a porous spherical shape different from brushite growth forms. The XRD method demonstrated that the single-diffusion method favors the formation of monoclinic brushite. In contrast, the double diffusion method was found to promote the formation of the triclinic octacalcium phosphate OCP phase. By combining the different parameters for crystal growth in carrageenan, such as ion concentration, gel pH and gel density, it is possible to modify the morphology of composite crystals, change the phase of calcium phosphate and modulate the amount of carrageenan inclusion in crystals. This study suggests that iota-carrageenan is a high-molecular-weight polysaccharide that is potentially applicable for controlling calcium phosphate crystallization.


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We recently identified 15 genes encoding putative surface proteins with features of MSCRAMMs and/or pili in the Enterococcus faecium TX0016 (DO) genome, including four predicted pilus-encoding gene clusters; we also demonstrated that one of these, ebpABC(fm), is transcribed as an operon, that its putative major pilus subunit, EbpC(fm) (also called pilB), is polymerized into high molecular weight complexes, and that it is enriched among clinical E. faecium isolates. Here, we created a deletion of the ebpABC(fm) operon in an endocarditis-derived E. faecium strain (TX82) and showed, by a combination of whole-cell ELISA, flow cytometry, immunoblot and immunogold electron microscopy, that this deletion abolished EbpC(fm) expression and eliminated EbpC(fm)-containing pili from the cell surface. However, transcription of the downstream sortase, bps(fm), was not affected. Importantly, the ebpABC(fm) deletion resulted in significantly reduced biofilm formation (p < 0.0001) and initial adherence (p < 0.0001) versus the wild-type; both were restored by complementing ebpABC(fm) in trans, which also restored cell surface expression of EbpC(fm) and pilus production. Furthermore, the deletion mutant was significantly attenuated in two independent mixed infection mouse urinary tract experiments, i.e., outnumbered by the wild-type in kidneys (p = 0.0003 and < 0.0001, respectively) and urinary bladders (p = 0.0003 and = 0.002). In conclusion, we have shown that the ebpABC(fm) locus encodes pili on the E. faecium TX82 cell surface and provide the first evidence that pili of this emerging pathogen are important for its ability to form biofilm and to cause infection in an ascending UTI model.