990 resultados para group C rotavirus
The present study aimed to study the effects of exercise training (ET) performed by rats on a 10-week high-fructose diet on metabolic, hemodynamic, and autonomic changes, as well as intraocular pressure (IOP). Male Wistar rats receiving fructose overload in drinking water (100 g/L) were concomitantly trained on a treadmill for 10 weeks (FT group) or kept sedentary (F group), and a control group (C) was kept in normal laboratory conditions. The metabolic evaluation comprised the Lee index, glycemia, and insulin tolerance test (KITT). Arterial pressure (AP) was measured directly, and systolic AP variability was performed to determine peripheral autonomic modulation. ET attenuated impaired metabolic parameters, AP, IOP, and ocular perfusion pressure (OPP) induced by fructose overload (FT vs F). The increase in peripheral sympathetic modulation in F rats, demonstrated by systolic AP variance and low frequency (LF) band (F: 37±2, 6.6±0.3 vs C: 26±3, 3.6±0.5 mmHg2), was prevented by ET (FT: 29±3, 3.4±0.7 mmHg2). Positive correlations were found between the LF band and right IOP (r=0.57, P=0.01) and left IOP (r=0.64, P=0.003). Negative correlations were noted between KITT values and right IOP (r=-0.55, P=0.01) and left IOP (r=-0.62, P=0.005). ET in rats effectively prevented metabolic abnormalities and AP and IOP increases promoted by a high-fructose diet. In addition, ocular benefits triggered by exercise training were associated with peripheral autonomic improvement.
Myocardial ischemia, as well as the induction agents used in anesthesia, may cause corrected QT interval (QTc) prolongation. The objective of this randomized, double-blind trial was to determine the effects of high- vs conventional-dose bolus rocuronium on QTc duration and the incidence of dysrhythmias following anesthesia induction and intubation. Fifty patients about to undergo coronary artery surgery were randomly allocated to receive conventional-dose (0.6 mg/kg, group C, n=25) or high-dose (1.2 mg/kg, group H, n=25) rocuronium after induction with etomidate and fentanyl. QTc, heart rate, and mean arterial pressure were recorded before induction (T0), after induction (T1), after rocuronium (just before laryngoscopy; T2), 2 min after intubation (T3), and 5 min after intubation (T4). The occurrence of dysrhythmias was recorded. In both groups, QTc was significantly longer at T3 than at baseline [475 vs 429 ms in group C (P=0.001), and 459 vs 434 ms in group H (P=0.005)]. The incidence of dysrhythmias in group C (28%) and in group H (24%) was similar. The QTc after high-dose rocuronium was not significantly longer than after conventional-dose rocuronium in patients about to undergo coronary artery surgery who were induced with etomidate and fentanyl. In both groups, compared with baseline, QTc was most prolonged at 2 min after intubation, suggesting that QTc prolongation may be due to the nociceptive stimulus of intubation.
La dépression postnatale (DP) est un problème de santé publique très fréquent dans différentes cultures (Affonso et al, 2000). En effet, entre 10% à 15% des mères souffrent d’une symptomatogie dépressive ainsi que l’indiquent Gorman et al. (2004). La prévention de la DP est l’objectif de différents programmes prénatals et postnatals (Dennis, 2005; Lumley et al, 2004). Certains auteurs notent qu’il est difficile d’avoir accès aux femmes à risque après la naissance (Evins et al, 2000; Georgiopoulos et al, 2001). Mais, les femmes fréquentent les centres de santé pendant la grossesse et il est possible d’identifier les cas à risque à partir des symptômes prénataux dépressifs ou somatiques (Riguetti-Veltema et al, 2006); d’autant plus qu’un grand nombre de facteurs de risque de la DP sont présents pendant la grossesse (O’Hara et Gorman, 2004). C’est pourquoi cette étude fut initiée pendant le premier trimestre de la grossesse à partir d’une détection précoce du risque de DP chez n= 529 femmes de classes moyenne et défavorisée, et, cela, au moyen d’un questionnaire validé utilisé à l’aide d’une entrevue. L’étude s’est effectuée dans trois villes : Barcelone, Figueres, et Béziers au cours des années 2003 à 2005. Objectif général : La présente étude vise à évaluer les effets d’un programme prénatal de groupes de rencontre appliqué dans la présente étude chez des couples de classe socioéconomique non favorisée dont les femmes sont considérées comme à risque de dépression postnatale. L’objectif spécifique est de comparer deux groupes de femmes (un groupe expérimental et un groupe témoin) par rapport aux effets du programme prénatal sur les symptômes de dépression postnatale mesurés à partir de la 4ème semaine après l’accouchement avec l’échelle EPDS. Hypothèse: Les femmes participant au programme prénatal de groupe adressé aux couples parentaux, composé de 10 séances hebdomadaires et inspiré d’une orientation psychosomatique présenteront, au moins, un taux de 6% inférieur de cas à risque de dépression postnatale que les femmes qui ne participent pas, et cela, une fois évaluées avec l’échelle EPDS (≥12) 4 semaines après leur accouchement. Matériel et méthode: La présente étude évaluative est basée sur un essai clinique randomisé et longitudinal; il s’étend de la première ou deuxième visite d’échographie pendant la grossesse à un moment situé entre la 4ème et la 12ème semaine postnatale. Les participants à l’étude sont des femmes de classes moyenne et défavorisée identifiées à risque de DP et leur conjoint. Toutes les femmes répondant aux critères d’inclusion à la période du recrutement ont effectué une entrevue de sélection le jour de leur échographie prénatale à l’hôpital (n=529). Seules les femmes indiquant un risque de DP furent sélectionnées (n= 184). Par la suite, elles furent distribuées de manière aléatoire dans deux groupes: expérimental (n=92) et témoin (n=92), au moyen d’un programme informatique appliqué par un statisticien considérant le risque de DP selon le questionnaire validé par Riguetti-Veltema et al. (2006) appliqué à l’aide d’une entrevue. Le programme expérimental consistait en dix séances hebdomadaires de groupe, de deux heures et vingt minutes de durée ; un appel téléphonique entre séances a permis d’assurer la continuité de la participation des sujets. Le groupe témoin a eu accès aux soins habituels. Le programme expérimental commençait à la fin du deuxième trimestre de grossesse et fut appliqué par un médecin et des sages-femmes spécialement préparées au préalable; elles ont dirigé les séances prénatales avec une approche psychosomatique. Les variables associées à la DP (non psychotique) comme la symptomatologie dépressive, le soutien social, le stress et la relation de couple ont été évaluées avant et après la naissance (pré-test/post-test) chez toutes les femmes participantes des deux groupes (GE et GC) utilisant : l’échelle EPDS (Cox et al,1987), le Functional Social Support Questionnaire (Broadhead et al, 1988), l’évaluation du stress de Holmes et Rahe (1967) et, l’échelle d’ajustement dyadique de Spanier (1976). La collecte des données prénatales a eu lieu à l’hôpital, les femmes recevaient les questionnaires à la fin de l’entrevue, les complétaient à la maison et les retournaient au rendez-vous suivant. Les données postnatales ont été envoyées par les femmes utilisant la poste locale. Résultats: Une fois évalués les symptômes dépressifs postnatals avec l’échelle EPDS entre la 4ème et la 12ème semaine postnatale et considérant le risque de DP au point de césure ≥ 12 de l’échelle, le pourcentage de femmes à risque de DP est de 39,34%; globalement, les femmes étudiées présentent un taux élevé de symptomatologie dépressive. Les groupes étant comparables sur toutes les variables prénatales, notons une différence dans l’évaluation postnatale de l’EPDS (≥12) de 11,2% entre le groupe C et le groupe E (45,5% et 34,3%). Et la différence finale entre les moyennes de l’EPDS postnatal est de 1,76 ( =11,10 ±6,05 dans le groupe C et =9,34 ±5,17 dans le groupe E) ; cette différence s’aproche de la limite de la signification (p=0,08). Ceci est dû à un certain nombre de facteurs dont le faible nombre de questionnaires bien complétés à la fin de l’étude. Les femmes du groupe expérimental présentent une diminution significative des symptômes dépressifs (t=2,50 / P= 0,01) comparativement au pré-test et indiquant une amélioration au contraire du groupe témoin sans changement. Les analyses de régression et de covariance montrent que le soutien social postnatal, les symptômes dépressifs prénatals et le stress postnatal ont une relation significative avec les symptômes dépressifs postnatals (P<0,0001 ; P=0.003; P=0.004). La relation du couple n’a pas eu d’impact sur le risque de DP dans la présente étude. Par contre, on constate d’autres résultats secondaires significatifs: moins de naissances prématurées, plus d’accouchements physiologiques et un plus faible taux de somatisations non spécifiques chez les mères du groupe expérimental. Recommandations: Les résultats obtenus nous suggèrent la considération des aspects suivants: 1) il faudrait appliquer les mesures pour détecter le risque de DP à la période prénatale au moment des visites d’échographie dont presque toutes les femmes sont atteignables; il est possible d’utiliser à ce moment un questionnaire de détection validé car, son efficacité semble démontrée; 2) il faudrait intervenir auprès des femmes identifiées à risque à la période prénatale à condition de prolonger le programme préventif après la naissance, tel qu’indiqué par d’autres études et par la demande fréquente des femmes évaluées. L’intervention prénatale de groupe n’est pas suffisante pour éviter le risque de DP chez la totalité des femmes. C’est pourquoi une troisième recommandation consisterait à : 3) ajouter des interventions individuelles pour les cas les plus graves et 4) il paraît nécessaire d’augmenter le soutien social chez des femmes défavorisées vulnérables car cette variable s’est révélée très liée au risque de dépression postnatale.
L’objectif de cette étude était de démontrer que le léchage excessif de surface (LES) chez le chien représente un signe clinique d’un trouble digestif sous-jacent plutôt qu’un trouble obsessionnel compulsif. Vingt chiens présentés pour LES (groupe L) ont été divisés en 2 sous-groupes de 10 chiens chacun : L0, sans, et LD, avec des signes cliniques digestifs concomitants. Dix chiens en santé ont été assignés à un groupe contrôle (groupe C). Une évaluation comportementale complète, un examen physique et neurologique ont été réalisés avant un bilan diagnostic gastro-intestinal (GI) complet (hématologie, biochimie, analyse urinaire, mesure des acides biliaires pré et post-prandiaux et de l’immunoréactivité spécifique de la lipase pancréatique canine, flottaison fécale au sulfate de zinc, culture de selles, échographie abdominale et endoscopie GI haute avec prise de biopsies). En fonction des résultats, un interniste recommandait un traitement approprié. Les chiens étaient suivis pendant 90 jours durant lesquels le comportement de léchage était enregistré. Des troubles GI ont été identifiés chez 14/20 chiens du groupe L. Ces troubles GI sous-jacents incluaient une infiltration éosinophilique du tractus GI, une infiltration lymphoplasmocytaire du tractus GI, un retard de vidange gastrique, un syndrome du côlon irritable, une pancréatite chronique, un corps étranger gastrique et une giardiose. Une amélioration >50% en fréquence ou en durée par rapport au comportement de léchage initial a été observée chez une majorité de chiens (56%). La moitié des chiens ont complètement cessé le LES. En dehors du LES, il n’y avait pas de différence significative de comportement (p.ex. anxiété), entre les chiens L et les chiens C. Les troubles GI doivent être considérés dans le diagnostic différentiel du LES chez le chien.
Thomas G. Brown, Ph.D., co-directeur de recherche
Surface flavonoids in nine species of Origanum, representing taxa from all three of the currently recognised subgeneric groups, were examined both by HPLC coupled to diode-array detection and APCI-MS. Many of the flavonoids present were characterised by O-substituent at C-6 (OH, OMe) and/or C-8 (OMe). In total, 25 flavones and flavanones are described in this study, of which 13 are new to the genus and 5,4'-dihydroxy-6,7,3'-trimethoxyflavanone is reported for the first time. Taxa in subgeneric Group A accumulated flavonoids with methoxyl groups at both C-6 and C-4'; however, taxa in subgeneric Group B did not accumulate 4'-methoxylated compounds, and taxa in Group C did not accumulate 6-methoxylated compounds. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A series of heterometal substituted gallium phosphates, (N2C4H7)(0.5+x)[Me0.5+xGa2.5-x(PO4)(3)] (Me = Mn, Fe, Co and Zn, x approximate to 0.25), has been synthesised under solvothermal conditions at 433 K in ethylene glycol using I-methylimidazole as a templating agent and their structures determined at 150 K using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The compounds are isostructural, crystallising in the monoclinic space group C 2/c, with lattice parameters ca. 15 x 13 x 15 angstrom and beta = 112 degrees, and adopt the laumontite framework type (LAU). The incorporation of 1-methylimidazole cations into the one-dimensional pore systems of these materials is about three quarters the uptake value obtained previously for the less-bulky amine cations of imidazole and pyridine in other MeGaPO laumontites, which have the formula (TH)[MeGa2(PO4)(3)] (Me = Mn, Fe, Co and Zn; T = C5H5N and C3N2H4). The size, shape and charge of the amine clearly influence both the metal-phosphate framework stoichiometry (i.e. Me2+:Ga3+ ratio) and the framework charge. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Interdigestive intestinal motility, and especially phase III of the migrating myoelectric/motor complex (MMC), is responsible for intestinal clearance and plays an important role in prevention of bacterial overgrowth and translocation in the gut. Yet previous results from gnotobiotic rats have shown that intestinal microflora can themselves affect the characteristics of the myoelectric activity of the gut during the interdigestive state. Given that the composition of the intestinal microflora can be altered by dietary manipulations, we investigated the effect of supplementation of the diet with synbiotics on intestinal microflora structure and the duodenojejunal myoelectric activity in the rat. To reduce animal distress caused by restraint and handling, which can itself affect GI motility, we applied radiotelemetry for duodenojejunal EMG recordings in conscious, freely moving rats. Thirty 16-month-old Spraque-Dawley rats were used. The diet for 15 rats (E group) was supplemented with chicory inulin, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium lactis. The remaining 15 rats were fed control diet without supplements (C group). Three rats from each group were implanted with three bipolar electrodes positioned at 2, 14 and 28 cm distal to the pylorus. After recovery, two 6 h recordings of duodenojejunal EMG were carried out on each operated rat. Subsequently, group C rats received feed supplements and group E rats received only control diet for 1 week, and an additional two 6 h recordings were carried out on each of these rats. Non-operated C and E rats were killed and samples of GI tract were collected for microbiological analyses. Supplementation of the diet with the pro- and prebiotics mixture increased the number of bifidobacteria, whereas it decreased the number of enterobacteria in jejunum, ileum, caecum and colon. In both caecum and colon, the dietary supplementation increased the number of total anaerobes and lactobacilli. Treatment with synbiotics increased occurrence of phase III of the MMC at all three levels of the small intestine. The propagation velocity of phase III in the whole recording segment was also increased from 3.7 +/- 0.2 to 4.4 +/- 0.2 cm min(-1) by dietary treatment. Treatment with synbiotics increased the frequency of response potentials of the propagated phase III of the MMC at both levels of the jejunum, but not in the duodenum. In both parts of the jejunum, the supplementation of the diet significantly decreased the duration of phase II of the MMC, while it did not change the duration of phase I and phase III. Using the telemetry technique it was demonstrated that changes in the gastrointestinal microflora exhibited an intestinal motility response and, more importantly, that such changes can be initiated by the addition of synbiotics to the diet.
This study evaluated the analgesia effects of the epidural administration of 0.1 mg/kg bodyweight (BW) of morphine or 5 mu g/kg BW of buprenorphine in ponies with radiocarpal joint synovitis. Six ponies were submitted to 3 epidural treatments: the control group (C) received 0.15 mL/kg BW of a 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl) solution; group M was administered 0.1 mg/kg BW of morphine; and group B was administered 5 mu g/kg BW of buprenorphine, both diluted in 0.9% NaCl to a total volume of 0.15 mL/kg BW administered epidurally at 10 s/mL. The synovitis model was induced by injecting 0.5 ng of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the left or right radiocarpal joint. An epidural catheter was later introduced in the lumbosacral space and advanced up to the thoracolumbar level. The treatment started 6 h after synovitis induction. Lameness, maximum angle of carpal flexion, heart rate, systolic arterial pressure, respiratory rate, temperature, and intestinal motility were evaluated before LPS injection (baseline), 6 h after LPS injection (time 0), and 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, and 24 h after treatments. Although the model of synovitis produced clear clinical signs of inflammation, the lameness scores in group C were different from the baseline for only up to 12 h. Both morphine and buprenorphine showed a reduction in the degree of lameness starting at 0.5 and 6 h, respectively. Reduced intestinal motility was observed at 0.5 h in group M and at 0.5 to 1 h in group B. Epidural morphine was a more effective analgesic that lasted for more than 12 h and without side effects. It was concluded that morphine would be a valuable analgesic option to alleviate joint pain in the thoracic limbs in ponies.
Heart regeneration after myocardial infarction (MI) can occur after cell therapy, but the mechanisms, cell types and delivery methods responsible for this improvement are still under investigation. In the present study, we evaluated the impact of systemic delivery of bone marrow cells (BMC) and cultivated mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) on cardiac morphology, function and mortality in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) submitted to coronary occlusion. Female syngeneic adult SHR, submitted or not (control group; C) to MI, were treated with intravenous injection of MSC (MI + MSC) or BMC (MI + BM) from male rats and evaluated after 1, 15 and 30 days by echocardiography. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), functional capacity, histology, mortality rate and polymerase chain reaction for the Y chromosome were also analysed. Myocardial infarction induced a decrease in SBP and BMC, but not MSC, prevented this decrease. An improvement in functional capacity and ejection fraction (38 +/- 4, 39 +/- 3 and 58 +/- 2% for MI, MI + MSC and MI + BM, respectively; P < 0.05), as well as a reduction of the left ventricle infarcted area, were observed in rats from the MI + BM group compared with the other three groups. Treated animals had a significantly reduced lesion tissue score. The mortality rate in the C, MI + BM, MI + MSC and MI groups was 0, 0, 16.7 and 44.4%, respectively (P < 0.05 for the MI + MSC and MI groups compared with the C and MI + BM groups). The results of the present study suggest that systemic administration of BMC can improve left ventricular function, functional capacity and, consequently, reduce mortality in an animal model of MI associated with hypertension. We speculate that the cells transiently home to the myocardium, releasing paracrine factors that recruit host cells to repair the lesion.
The genus Coleodactylus (Sphaerodactylinae, Gekkota) revisited: A molecular phylogenetic perspective
Nucleotide sequence data from a mitochondrial gene (16S) and two nuclear genes (c-mos, RAG-1) were used to evaluate the monophyly of the genus Coleodactylus, to provide the first phylogenetic hypothesis of relationships among its species in a cladistic framework, and to estimate the relative timing, of species divergences. Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analyses of the combined data sets retrieved Coleodactylus as a monophyletic genus, although weakly Supported. Species were recovered as two genetically and morphological distinct clades, with C. amazonicus populations forming the sister taxon to the meridionalis group (C. brachystoma, C. meridionalis, C. natalensis, and C. septentrionalis). Within this group, C. septentrionalis was placed as the sister taxon to a clade comprising the rest of the species, C. meridionalis was recovered as the sister species to C. brachystoma, and C natalensis was found nested within C. meridionalis. Divergence time estimates based on penalized likelihood and Bayesian dating methods do not Support the previous hypothesis based on the Quaternary rain forest fragmentation model proposed to explain the diversification of the genus. The basal cladogenic event between major lineages of Coleodactylus was estimated to have occurred in the late Cretaceous (72.6 +/- 1.77 Mya), approximately at the same point in time than the other genera of Sphaerodactylinae diverged from each other. Within the meridionalis group, the split between C. septentrionalis and C. brachystoma + C. meridionalis was placed in the Eocene (46.4 +/- 4.22 Mya), and the divergence between C. brachystoma and C. meridionalis was estimated to have occurred in the Oligocene (29.3 +/- 4.33 Mya). Most intraspecific cladogenesis occurred through Miocene to Pliocene, and only for two conspecific samples and for C. natalensis could a Quaternary differentiation be assumed (1.9 +/- 1.3 Mya). (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of exhaustive exercise on proteins associated with muscle damage and regeneration, including IL-2, IL-4 and MyoD, in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles and mesenteric (MEAT) and retroperitoneal adipose tissues (RPAT). Methods: Rats were killed by decapitation immediately (E0 group, n = 6), 2 (E2 group, n = 6) or 6 (E6 group, n = 6) hours after the exhaustion protocol, which consisted of running on a treadmill at approximately 70% of VO(2max) for fifty minutes and then at an elevated rate that increased at one m/min every minute, until exhaustion. Results: The control group (C group, n = 6) was not subjected to exercise. IL-2 protein expression increased at E0 in the soleus and EDL; at E2, this cytokine returned to control levels in both tissues. In the soleus, IL-2 protein expression was lower than that in the control at E6. IL-4 protein levels increased in EDL at E6, but the opposite result was observed in the soleus. MyoD expression increased at E6 in EDL. Conclusion: Exhaustive exercise was unable to modify IL-2 and IL-4 levels in MEAT and RPAT. The results show that exhaustive exercise has different effects depending on which muscle is analysed.
Cytokines (IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-alpha) are increased after exhaustive exercise in the retroperitoneal adipose tissue (RPAT) and mesenteric adipose tissue (MEAT). An exhaustive acute exercise protocol induces inflammation in adipose tissue that lasts 6 h after the exercise has ended. It is well-established that this protocol increases circulating plasma levels of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs) and lipopolysaccharides (LPS), compounds that are important in stimulating signaling via toll like receptor-4 (TLR-4) in different type cells. In the present study, we investigated the regulation of TLR-4 and DNA-binding of nuclear factor-kappa Bp65 (NF-kappa Bp65) in different depots of adipose tissue in rats after exhaustive exercise. Rats were killed by decapitation immediately (E0 group, n = 6), 2 (E2 group, n = 6), and 6 h (E6 group, n = 6) after the exhaustive exercise, which consisted of running on a treadmill (approximately 70% V(O2max)) for 50 min and then running at an elevated rate that increased at 1 m/min, until exhaustion. The control group (C group, n = 6) was not subjected to exercise. In RPAT, TLR-4, MYD-88, and IkB alpha increased in the E2 group after exercise. MYD-88 and TRAF6 remained increased in the E6 group in comparison with the control group. DNA-binding of NF-kappa Bp65 was not altered. In MEAT, TLR-4, MYD-88, TRAF6, and DNA-binding of NF-kappa Bp65 were increased only in the E6 group. In conclusion, we have shown that increases in pro-inflammatory cytokines in adipose tissue pads after exhaustive exercise may be mediated via TLR-4 signaling, leading to increases in NF-kappa Bp65 binding to DNA in MEAT. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 1604-1607, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Introduction: Nerve allografting is regarded as a treatment of choice in large neural tissue losses preventing repair by primary anastomosis. In these cases, a synthetic polyglycolic acid tube is an alternative for nerve grafting. On the other hand, several studies have emphasized the importance of neurotrophic factors on neural regeneration, including substances with potential to optimize neural regeneration, especially the GM1, an neurotrophic enhancer factor. Objective: to compare, in rats, the neural regeneration degree using histological analysis, regenerated myelinized axons count, and functional analysis with the use of neurotube and GM1. Methods: This assessment was performed by interposing allograft (group A), polyglycolic acid tube (group B) and polyglycolic acid tube associated to GM1 (group C) on 5-mm sciatic nerve defects. Results: Neuroma formation was found only on group A. Groups A and C showed similar histological patterns, except for the regenerated axons on group C, which were shown to be better organized and myelinized than in group A. Conclusion: on functional recovery, no statistically significant difference was found for the three groups, despite of qualitative and quantitative histological differences found.
p53 activation is one of the main signals after DNA damage, controlling cell cycle arrest, DNA repair and apoptosis. We have previously shown that confluent nucleotide excision repair (NER)-deficient cells are more resistant to apoptosis induced by ultraviolet irradiation (UV). Here, we further investigated the effect of cell confluence on UV-induced apoptosis in normal and NER-deficient (XP-A and XP-C) cells, as well as the effects of treatments with the ATWATR inhibitor caffeine, and the patterns of p53 activation. Strong p53 activation was observed in either proliferating or confluent cells. Caffeine increased apoptosis levels and inhibited p53 activation in proliferating cells, suggesting a protective role for p53. However, in confluent NER-deficient cells no effect of caffeine was observed. Transcription recovery measurements showed decreased recovery in proliferating XPA-deficient cells, but no recovery was observed in confluent cells. The levels of the cyclin/Cdk inhibitor, p21(Waf1/Cip1), correlated well with p53 activation in proliferating cells. Surprisingly, confluent cells also showed similar activation of p21(Waf1/Cip1). These results indicate that reduced apoptosis in confluent cells is associated with the deficiency in DNA damage removal, since this effect is not clearly observed in NER-proficient cells. Moreover, the strong activation of p53 in confluent cells, which barely respond to apoptosis, suggests that this protein, under these conditions, is not linked to UV-induced cell death signaling. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.