946 resultados para glycerin complexation and charcoal adsorption


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As características estruturais de sonogéis obtidos a partir da hidrólise ácida do TEOS estimulada por ultrasom foram estudadas por espalhamento de raios-x a baixo ângulo (SAXS). O estudo inclui: i) o processo de agregação em diferentes temperaturas; ii) o envelhecimento dos géis úmidos na fase líquida de preparação e depois da troca da fase líquida por álcool e acetona; iii) a secagem dos géis; iv) a estrutural evolução de xerogéis e aerogéis com o tratamento térmico até 1100 oC; e v) um estudo comparativo usando SAXS e adsorção de nitrogênio na caracterização de aerogéis e xerogéis... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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First Micromorphological Studies of Brazilian Sambaquis, Jabuticabeira II Site, Santa Catarina State. In this note, preliminary results from the micromorphological study of the fish mound that covers the Jabuticabeira II sambaqui site, developed within the interdisciplinary research project Sambaquis e paisagem, are presented. Microstratigraphic analyses enabled the identification of anthropic pre-depositional processes that participated in the formation of this large structure, related to the burning and transport of mineral and organic material (terrigenous sand and charcoal) and inorganic residues of biological origin (bones, phytoliths, diatoms and siliceous aggregates). The effects of post-depositional alterations over these particles can be observed through dissolution traces in bone and the formation of a fine mineral material of phosphatic composition. The articulation of the evidence confirms the complex combination of activities and alteration processes involved in the formation of sambaqui sites, which transcends traditional functional dichotomies.


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CexZr1-xO2 (0.5 ≤ x ≤ 0.9) were synthesized with Zr and Ce chloride precursors, using the triblock copolymer Pluronic P123 and HCl (2 mol/L). The pH adjustment was performed in two ways: synthesis A used 11.4 mL of a NH4OH solution added at once to the initial mixture, composed by metal precursors and template in HCl; synthesis B was done by dripping slowly until the change of pH value (between 3 and 6). In this work, CexZr1-xO2 samples synthesized by these two processes are compared. The effects of pH values in materials characteristics were also evaluated. These samples were analysed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) with Rietveld refinement, and Nitrogen Adsorption/Desorption. In both processes, the studied materials presented two crystalline phases of CexZr1-xO2 solid solution: cubic and tetragonal. The synthesis A also presented a tetragonal phase of ZrO2. The average crystallite size and the Brunauer- Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area are bigger in process A. Both processes give samples with a mesoporous structure.


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Phenol and cresols represent a good example of primary chemical building blocks of which 2.8 million tons are currently produced in Europe each year. Currently, these primary phenolic building blocks are produced by refining processes from fossil hydrocarbons: 5% of the world-wide production comes from coal (which contains 0.2% of phenols) through the distillation of the tar residue after the production of coke, while 95% of current world production of phenol is produced by the distillation and cracking of crude oil. In nature phenolic compounds are present in terrestrial higher plants and ferns in several different chemical structures while they are essentially absent in lower organisms and in animals. Biomass (which contain 3-8% of phenols) represents a substantial source of secondary chemical building blocks presently underexploited. These phenolic derivatives are currently used in tens thousand of tons to produce high cost products such as food additives and flavours (i.e. vanillin), fine chemicals (i.e. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or flurbiprofen) and polymers (i.e. poly p-vinylphenol, a photosensitive polymer for electronic and optoelectronic applications). European agrifood waste represents a low cost abundant raw material (250 millions tons per year) which does not subtract land use and processing resources from necessary sustainable food production. The class of phenolic compounds is essentially constituted by simple phenols, phenolic acids, hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, flavonoids and lignans. As in the case of coke production, the removal of the phenolic contents from biomass upgrades also the residual biomass. Focusing on the phenolic component of agrifood wastes, huge processing and marketing opportunities open since phenols are used as chemical intermediates for a large number of applications, ranging from pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals, food ingredients etc. Following this approach we developed a biorefining process to recover the phenolic fraction of wheat bran based on enzymatic commercial biocatalysts in completely water based process, and polymeric resins with the aim of substituting secondary chemical building blocks with the same compounds naturally present in biomass. We characterized several industrial enzymatic product for their ability to hydrolize the different molecular features that are present in wheat bran cell walls structures, focusing on the hydrolysis of polysaccharidic chains and phenolics cross links. This industrial biocatalysts were tested on wheat bran and the optimized process allowed to liquefy up to the 60 % of the treated matter. The enzymatic treatment was also able to solubilise up to the 30 % of the alkali extractable ferulic acid. An extraction process of the phenolic fraction of the hydrolyzed wheat bran based on an adsorbtion/desorption process on styrene-polyvinyl benzene weak cation-exchange resin Amberlite IRA 95 was developed. The efficiency of the resin was tested on different model system containing ferulic acid and the adsorption and desorption working parameters optimized for the crude enzymatic hydrolyzed wheat bran. The extraction process developed had an overall yield of the 82% and allowed to obtain concentrated extracts containing up to 3000 ppm of ferulic acid. The crude enzymatic hydrolyzed wheat bran and the concentrated extract were finally used as substrate in a bioconversion process of ferulic acid into vanillin through resting cells fermentation. The bioconversion process had a yields in vanillin of 60-70% within 5-6 hours of fermentation. Our findings are the first step on the way to demonstrating the economical feasibility for the recovery of biophenols from agrifood wastes through a whole crop approach in a sustainable biorefining process.


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Die Anregung und Emission von Fluorophoren nahe planaren Metalloberflächen und schiefen Gittern wurde mittels Oberflächenplasmonen Fluoreszenz Spektroskopie (SPFS) untersucht. Die Fluorophore konnten durch das evaneszente Plasmonenfeld angeregt und die einzelnen Abregungskanäle identifiziert werden.Die Sensorarchitektur für den Nachweis der Hybridisierung bestand aus auf einer Streptavidin-Matrix immobilisierten unmarkierten Sondensträngen. Cy5 markierte Zielsequenzen wurden aus der Lösung hybridisiert und die Adsorptionskinetiken konnten oberflächensensitiv detektiert werden.Ein neues Detektionsschema für unmarkierte Zielstränge wurde mittels fluoreszenzmarkirten Sondensträngen realisiert. Die Hybridisierung führte zu der Bildung von steifen helikalen Bereichen in der Probe und separierte den Farbstoff von der Metalloberfläche. Reduzierte Fluorezenzlöschung zeigte daher das Hybridisierungsereignis an.Die Verwendung eines potentiellen Förster-Paares zur Detektion von DNA Hybridisierung wurde untersucht. Donor und Akzeptor wurden an Ziel- und Sondenstrang immobilisiert und das Hybridisierungsereignis konnte anhand der Auslöschung der Donor-Fluorezenz nachgewiesen werden.Schließlich wurde der Einsatz von einzelstrangbindenden Proteinen (SSB) zur Steigerung der Sensitivität bezüglich Basenfehlpaarungen betrachtet. Verdrängungsreaktionen zwischen Proteinen und markierten Zielsträngen wurden anhand von SPS und Fluorezenzkinetiken studiert.


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Im Wassereinzugsgebiet der Aar zwischen Taunuskamm und Limburger Becken wurden 242 Erosionsschluchten, so genannte Runsen kartiert. Die vorgefundenen geomorphologischen Formen sind zum Teil mehr als 15 Meter tief, kerben- oder kastenförmig. Einige führen ein zeitweise oder ständig fließendes Gerinne. Die Untersuchung acht verschiedener Einzelbeispiele mit geomorphologischen, bodenkundlichen und kulturhistorischen Methoden ergab, dass die Erosionsschluchten in geschichtlicher Zeit entstanden sind. Damit wurden die Ergebnisse von BORK 1988, 1985, BORK et al. 1998, BAUER 1995, 1993, SEMMEL 1963, HEMPEL 1954, 1954 und HARD 1970 weitgehend bestätigt. Die Runsen an der Aar und ihrer Nebenbäche sind das Ergebnis exzessiver Erosionsprozesse, die in Folge einer erheblichen Übernutzung der Landschaft durch Köhlerei, Eisenerzverhüttung und Landwirtschaft hauptsächlich im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert ausgelöst wurden. Dabei kommt der seit 1656 betriebenen Michelbacher Hütte als landesherrliches Eisenwerk eine besondere Rolle zu. Ein weiterer Einfluss geht auf die spezifische Geofaktorenkonstellation im Untertaunus zurück. Die dort verbreiteten stark tonig verwitterten Schiefer und erodierten Parabraunerden fördern den Oberflächenabfluss, der während zeitweise auftretender Starkregenereignisse an den Hängen zum Einreißen von Erosionsschluchten führen kann . Zur Untersuchung des Phänomens wurden sowohl geomorphologische und bodenkundliche als auch historisch-kulturlandschaftgenetische Methoden herangezogen. Neben der bodenkundlichen Beprobung zahlreicher Aufschlüsse wurden auch Analysen mittels der Radiokarbonmethode, Schwermineralanalysen, Kohlholzspektren historischer Meilerplätze und die Auswertung von Archivunterlagen als Methoden herangezogen. Als grundlegendes Ergebnis liefert die vorliegende Arbeit einen umfassenden Abriss der Nutzungsgeschichte im Wassereinzugsgebiet der Aar von vorgeschichtlicher Zeit bis zum heutigen Tage. Zudem werden die naturräumlichen Einflussfaktoren, die die Entstehung von Erosionsschluchten erst ermöglichen, auf umfassende Weise dargestellt. Zwei Exkurse behandeln die Bedeutung der spätmittelalterlichen Landwehr bei Hennethal, die während der Geländearbeiten entdeckt wurde sowie die Entstehung und zeitliche Einordnung der Auelehme im Aartal.


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Biological systems are complex and highly organized architectures governed by noncovalent interactions, which are responsible for molecular recognition, self-assembly, self-organization, adaptation and evolution processes. These systems provided the inspiration for the development of supramolecular chemistry, that aimed at the design of artificial multicomponent molecular assemblies, namely supramolecular systems, properly designed to perform different operations: each constituting unit performs a single act, whereas the entire supramolecular system is able to execute a more complex function, resulting from the cooperation of the constituting components. Supramolecular chemistry deals with the development of molecular systems able to mimic naturally occurring events, for example complexation and self-assembly through the establishment of noncovalent interactions. Moreover, the application of external stimuli, such as light, allows to perform these operations in a time- and space-controlled manner. These systems can interact with biological systems and, thus, can be applied for bioimaging, therapeutic and drug delivery purposes. In this work the study of biocompatible supramolecular species able to interact with light is presented. The first part deals with the photophysical, photochemical and electrochemical characterization of water-soluble blue emitting triazoloquinolinium and triazolopyridinium salts. Moreover, their interaction with DNA has been explored, in the perspective of developing water-soluble systems for bioimaging applications. In the second part, the effect exerted by the presence of azobenzene-bearing supramolecular species in liposomes, inserted both in the phospholipid bilayer and in the in the aqueous core of vesicles has been studied, in order to develop systems able to deliver small molecules and ions in a photocontrolled manner. Moreover, the versatility of azobenzene and its broad range of applications have been highlighted, since conjugated oligoazobenzene derivatives proved not to be adequate to be inserted in the phospholipid bilayer of liposomes, but their electrochemical properties made them interesting candidates as electron acceptor materials for photovoltaic applications.


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This dissertation describes the synthesis of surface attached hydrogel biomaterials, characterization of their properties, evaluation of structuring concepts and the investigation of these materials in the isolation of DNA from human whole blood. Photosensitive hydrogel precursor materials on the basis of hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) were synthesized by free radical polymerization. In order to obtain surface bound hydrogel films, the precursors were deposited on a suitable substrate and subsequently irradatiated with UV - light to accomplish the formation of crosslinks in the film and create surface attachment. The composition of the polymerization precursor materials was determined by comprehensive NMR and GPC studies, revealing the copolymerizationrnbehaviour of the used monomers - HEMA derivatives and the photocrosslinkerrnMABP - and their respective distribution in the hydrogel precursors. The degree of crosslinking of the hydrogels was characterized with UV/vis spectroscopy. Stress-strain measurements were conducted in order to investigate the mechanical properties of the biomaterials. Moreover, the swelling process and biomolecule adsorption properties of the hydrogels were investigated with SPR/OW spectroscopy. For this, the deposition and binding of the hydrogels on gold or SiO2 surfaces was facilitated with photocrosslinkable adhesion promotors. The produced hydrogels were mechanically rigid and stablernunder the conditions of PCR and blood lysis. Furthermore, strategies towards the increase of hydrogel surface structure and porosity with porosigens, 2D laser interference lithography and photocleavable blockcopolymers were investigated. At last, a combinatorial strategy was used for the determination of the usefulness of hydrogels for the isolation from DNA from blood. A series of functionalized hydrogel precursors were synthesized, transferred to the surface inside a PCR tube and subsequently screened in regard to DNA adsorption properties with Taqman quantitative PCR. This approach yielded a promising candidate for a functional PCR tube coating that would allow the entire DNA isolation procedure being carried out in a single reaction container.rnThereforce, the practical application of such macromolecular architectures can be envisioned to improve industrial DNA diagnostic processes.