942 resultados para geometric mean diameter


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As microalgas têm sido foco de muitos estudos tendo em vista sua grande aplicabilidade na indústria de alimentos e farmacêutica, como também nas áreas da biomedicina e ambiental. A Spirulina é uma microalga que possui alto valor nutricional, apresenta alto teor proteico e é rica em substâncias bioativas. Esta microalga apresenta em sua composição compostos como glicolípidios, fosfolipídios e lipídios neutros, que por sua vez possuem efeito biossurfactante. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a potencialidade de produção de biossurfactantes a partir de diferentes cepas de Spirulina. Para isso, foram realizados experimentos utilizando Delineamento Fatorial Completo 22 , visando avaliar a influência da concentração de fósforo e nitrogênio no cultivo das microalgas Spirulina platensis Paracas, Spirulina platensis LEB 52 e Spirulina sp. LEB 18, como também nos extratos oriundos das microalgas, através da medida da tensão superficial. Foi também avaliada a influência destes nutrientes em extratos de Spirulina platensis LEB 52 e Spirulina sp. LEB 18 a partir do índice de emulsificação e diâmetro médio das gotículas das emulsões preparadas a partir dos extratos. Para extrações de biossurfactantes foram testados os solventes metanol, etanol e hexano. Nas formulações das nanoemulsões utilizou-se homogeneizador de alta velocidade, como fase aquosa os extratos oriundos das microalgas e como fase oleosa, óleo de girassol. As formulações foram preparadas utilizando-se diferentes concentrações da fase aquosa e oleosa, bem como diferentes velocidades e tempos de agitação. De acordo com os cultivos de Spirulina platensis Paracas realizados foi verificado que o cultivo que atingiu maior valor de concentração máxima de biomassa e maior produtividade foi realizado com 114 mg.L-1 de fósforo e sem adição de nitrogênio. Porém em relação às microalgas Spirulina platensis LEB 52 e Spirulina sp. LEB 18, as variáveis fósforo e nitrogênio não apresentaram influência significativa na concentração máxima de biomassa e produtividade máxima. O extrato que apresentou a menor tensão superficial (26,75 mN.m-1 ) foi verificado quando foi utilizado etanol como solvente, sendo este obtido a partir de cultivo da microalga Spirulina sp. LEB 18 realizado sem adição de nitrogênio e de fósforo. Em relação ao índice de emulsificação foram atingidos valores superiores a 59%, porém as concentrações utilizadas de nitrogênio e fósforo não apresentaram influência significativa nesta resposta. Neste trabalho foi possível obter nanoemulsões estáveis por até 30 d e com diâmetro médio de gotículas de até 532 nm. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho são favoráveis à pesquisa na aplicação tanto dos extratos microalgais como das nanoemulsões obtidas apresentando potencialidade de uso em diversos processos industriais, como nas áreas ambiental, farmacêutica, cosmética e alimentos.


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O interesse na produção de astaxantina de fontes naturais vem aumentando significativamente, devido principalmente à sua capacidade como potente agente antioxidante. Na obtenção da astaxantina por via biotecnológica, a microalga Haematococcus pluvialis é um dos micro-organismos industrialmente mais interessantes. Entretanto, como a maioria dos carotenoides, a astaxantina é uma molécula altamente insaturada que pode ser facilmente degradada por processos térmicos. Em função desta instabilidade, uma possibilidade que se abre, a fim de proteger sua atividade biológica de fatores ambientais e reforçar a sua estabilidade física, é o encapsulamento. Neste sentido, este trabalho vem contribuir em inovações relacionadas ao desenvolvimento de tecnologia para ruptura celular, extração e nanoencapsulamento de astaxantina produzida por via biotecnológica, mais especificamente de astaxantina obtida através do cultivo de H. pluvialis. Neste estudo, os cultivos foram realizados em meio BBM e acetato de sódio e conduzidos a temperatura constante de 25±1 ºC em fotobiorreatores de 1 L com aeração por borbulhamento de ar de 300 mL.min-1 , agitação manual diária e sob iluminância constante de 444 µmol fótons.m-2 s -1 durante 15 dias, sendo inoculados com suspensão de microalgas previamente preparada, na proporção de 10%, e pH ajustado em 7,0. A biomassa foi recuperada dos cultivos por centrifugação e seca a 35 °C por 48 h. Em seguida, foram empregadas diferentes técnicas de ruptura celular (química, mecânica e enzimática). Após a ruptura, foi realizada a extração dos carotenoides e a quantificação dos carotenoides totais (µg.g-1 ) e da extratibilidade (%). Entre os solventes testados no método de ruptura química, o diclorometano foi o selecionado para a extração dos pigmentos carotenoides. Dentre as técnicas mecânicas de ruptura celular, a maceração da biomassa congelada com terra diatomácea resultou na maior extratibilidade e carotenoides totais (66,01% e 972,35 μg.g-1 ). A melhor condição de lise da parede celular de H. pluvialis, utilizando o preparado enzimático Glucanex® , ocorreu em pH do meio reacional de 4,5 a 55 ºC, com atividade inicial de β-1,3-glucanase de 0,6 U.mL-1 e um tempo de reação de 30 min, alcançando-se 17,73% de atividade lítica relativa. Nestas condições, com a reação enzimática assistida por ultrassom sem congelamento prévio da biomassa, atingiu-se 83,90% e 1235,89 µg.g -1 , respectivamente, para extratibilidade e carotenoides totais. Dentre as técnicas combinadas testadas, a maceração com terra diatomácea associada à lise enzimática apresentou valores de extratibilidade e carotenoides totais de, respectivamente, 93,83% e 1382,12 µg.g-1 . No encapsulamento do extrato contendo astaxantina obtido por lise enzimática associada por ultrassom, envolvendo a coprecipitação com PHBV (poli(3-hidroxibutirato-cohidroxivalerato)) em fluidos supercríticos, o aumento da pressão tendeu a reduzir o diâmetro da partícula formada, enquanto que o aumento da relação biomassa contendo astaxantina:diclorometano usada na etapa de extração incrementou o percentual de encapsulamento e a eficiência de encapsulamento para ambas pressões testadas (80 e 100 bar). Os maiores valores de percentual de encapsulamento (17,06%) e eficiência de encapsulamento (51,21%) foram obtidos nas condições de 80 bar e relação biomassa:diclorometano de 10 mg.mL -1 . Nestas condições, o diâmetro médio de partícula foi de 0,228 µm. Com base nos resultados obtidos, técnicas para a obtenção de astaxantina de H. pluvialis e seu encapsulamento foram desenvolvidas com sucesso, podendo ser extendidas a outros produtos intracelulares de microalgas.


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The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of the oily nucleus composition on physico-chemical properties and anesthetic activity of poly (lactide-co-glycolide) nanocapsules with benzocaine.Nanocapsules containing benzocaine were prepared with three different oily nucleus composition and characterized by mean diameter, polydispersivity, zeta potential, pH and stability were investigated as a function of time. In vitro release kinetics were performed in a system with two compartments separated by a cellulose membrane. Intensity and duration of analgesia were evaluated in rats by sciatic nerve blockade.The greatest stability, slower release profile and improvement in the local anesthetic activity of BZC were obtained with the formulation using USP mineral oil as component.Results from our study provide useful perspectives on selection of the primary materials needed to produce suspensions of polymeric nanocapsules able to act as carriers of BZC, with potential future application in the treatment of pain.


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We consider an optimization problem in ecology where our objective is to maximize biodiversity with respect to different land-use allocations. As it turns out, the main problem can be framed as learning the weights of a weighted arithmetic mean where the objective is the geometric mean of its outputs. We propose methods for approximating solutions to this and similar problems, which are non-linear by nature, using linear and bilevel techniques.


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The study used microchannel emulsification (MCE) to encapsulate quercetin in food grade oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions. A silicon microchannel plate (Model WMS 1-2) comprised of 10,300 discrete 10 × 104 μm microslots was connected to a circular microhole with an inner diameter of 10 μm. 1% (w/w) Tween 20 was used as optimized emulsifier in Milli-Q water, while 0.4 mg ml-1 quercetin in different oils served as a dispersed phase. The MCE was carried by injecting the dispersed phase at 2 ml h-1. Successful emulsification was conducted below the critical dispersed phase flux, with a Sauter mean diameter of 29 μm and relative span factor below 0.25. The O/W emulsions remained stable in terms of droplet coalescence at 4 and 25 °C for 30 days. The encapsulation efficiency of quercetin in the O/W emulsions was 80% at 4 °C and 70% at 25 °C during the evaluated storage period.


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Ergocalciferol is one important form of vitamin D that is needed for proper functioning of the human metabolic system. The study formulates monodisperse food grade ergocalciferol loaded oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions by microchannel emulsification (MCE). The primary characterization was performed with grooved MCE, while the storage stability and encapsulating efficiency (EE) were investigated with straight-through MCE. The grooved microchannel (MC) array plate has 5 × 18 μm MCs, while the asymmetric straight-through MC array plate consists of numerous 10 × 80 μm microslots each connected to a 10 μm diameter circular MC. Ergocalciferol at a concentration of 0.2-1.0% (w/w) was added to various oils and served as the dispersed phase, while the continuous phase constituted either of 1% (w/w) Tween 20, decaglycerol monolaurate (Sunsoft A-12) or β-lactoglobulin. The primary characterization indicated successful emulsification in the presence of 1% (w/w) Tween 20 or Sunsoft A-12. The average droplet diameter increased slowly with the increasing concentration of ergocalciferol and ranged from 28.3 to 30.0 μm with a coefficient of variation below 6.0%. Straight-through MCE was conducted with 0.5% (w/w) ergocalciferol in soybean oil together with 1% (w/w) Tween 20 in Milli-Q water as the optimum dispersed and continuous phases. Monodisperse O/W emulsions with a Sauter mean diameter (d3,2) of 34 μm with a relative span factor of less than 0.2 were successfully obtained from straight-through MCE. The resultant oil droplets were physically stable for 15 days (d) at 4 °C without any significant increase in d3,2. The monodisperse O/W emulsions exhibited an ergocalciferol EE of more than 75% during the storage period.


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L'entraînement sans surveillance efficace et inférence dans les modèles génératifs profonds reste un problème difficile. Une approche assez simple, la machine de Helmholtz, consiste à entraîner du haut vers le bas un modèle génératif dirigé qui sera utilisé plus tard pour l'inférence approximative. Des résultats récents suggèrent que de meilleurs modèles génératifs peuvent être obtenus par de meilleures procédures d'inférence approximatives. Au lieu d'améliorer la procédure d'inférence, nous proposons ici un nouveau modèle, la machine de Helmholtz bidirectionnelle, qui garantit qu'on peut calculer efficacement les distributions de haut-vers-bas et de bas-vers-haut. Nous y parvenons en interprétant à les modèles haut-vers-bas et bas-vers-haut en tant que distributions d'inférence approximative, puis ensuite en définissant la distribution du modèle comme étant la moyenne géométrique de ces deux distributions. Nous dérivons une borne inférieure pour la vraisemblance de ce modèle, et nous démontrons que l'optimisation de cette borne se comporte en régulisateur. Ce régularisateur sera tel que la distance de Bhattacharyya sera minisée entre les distributions approximatives haut-vers-bas et bas-vers-haut. Cette approche produit des résultats de pointe en terme de modèles génératifs qui favorisent les réseaux significativement plus profonds. Elle permet aussi une inférence approximative amérliorée par plusieurs ordres de grandeur. De plus, nous introduisons un modèle génératif profond basé sur les modèles BiHM pour l'entraînement semi-supervisé.


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This study explored the effects on speech intelligibility of across-formant differences in fundamental frequency (ΔF0) and F0 contour. Sentence-length speech analogues were presented dichotically (left=F1+F3; right=F2), either alone or—because competition usually reveals grouping cues most clearly—accompanied in the left ear by a competitor for F2 (F2C) that listeners must reject to optimize recognition. F2C was created by inverting the F2 frequency contour. In experiment 1, all left-ear formants shared the same constant F0 and ΔF0F2 was 0 or ±4 semitones. In experiment 2, all left-ear formants shared the natural F0 contour and that for F2 was natural, constant, exaggerated, or inverted. Adding F2C lowered keyword scores, presumably because of informational masking. The results for experiment 1 were complicated by effects associated with the direction of ΔF0F2; this problem was avoided in experiment 2 because all four F0 contours had the same geometric mean frequency. When the target formants were presented alone, scores were relatively high and did not depend on the F0F2 contour. F2C impact was greater when F2 had a different F0 contour from the other formants. This effect was a direct consequence of the associated ΔF0; the F0F2 contour per se did not influence competitor impact.


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Ovine enzootic abortion, caused by Chlamydia abortus, leads to important economic losses worldwide. In addition to reproductive failures, infection may impact lamb growth during the first weeks after birth, yet this effect has not been well characterized. Vaccination can help to control the disease but variable efficacy values have been described, possibly related with factors associated with the host, the vaccine, the parameter used for efficacy determination and the challenge conditions. In this context, we evaluated the efficacy of an inactivated standard commercial vaccine and a 1/2 diluted dose in pregnant sheep challenged with C. abortus by examining multiple indicators ofvaccine effect (including incidence of reproductive failures, bacterial excretion, and evolution of weight gain of viable lambs during the first month of life). Three groups of ewes [control non-vaccinated, C (n = 18); vaccinated with standard dose, SV (n = 16) and vaccinated with 1/2 dose, DV (n = 17)], were challenged approximately 90 days post-mating and tested using direct PCR (tissue samples and vaginal swabs) and ELISA (serum) until 31 days post-reproductive outcome. There were not significant differences in the proportions of reproductive failures or bacterial shedding after birth/abortion regardless the vaccination protocol. However, a beneficial effect of vaccination on offspring growth was detected in both vaccinated groups compared with the controls, with a mean increase in weight measured at 30 days of life of 1.5 and 2.5 Kg (p = 0.056) and an increase in the geometric mean of the daily gain of 8.4 and 9.7% in lambs born from DV and SV ewes compared to controls, respectively. Our results demonstrate the effect of an inactivated vaccine in the development of the offspring of C. abortus-infected ewes at a standard and a diluted dose, an interesting finding given the difficulty in achieving sufficient antigen concentration in the production of EAE-commercial vaccines.


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L'entraînement sans surveillance efficace et inférence dans les modèles génératifs profonds reste un problème difficile. Une approche assez simple, la machine de Helmholtz, consiste à entraîner du haut vers le bas un modèle génératif dirigé qui sera utilisé plus tard pour l'inférence approximative. Des résultats récents suggèrent que de meilleurs modèles génératifs peuvent être obtenus par de meilleures procédures d'inférence approximatives. Au lieu d'améliorer la procédure d'inférence, nous proposons ici un nouveau modèle, la machine de Helmholtz bidirectionnelle, qui garantit qu'on peut calculer efficacement les distributions de haut-vers-bas et de bas-vers-haut. Nous y parvenons en interprétant à les modèles haut-vers-bas et bas-vers-haut en tant que distributions d'inférence approximative, puis ensuite en définissant la distribution du modèle comme étant la moyenne géométrique de ces deux distributions. Nous dérivons une borne inférieure pour la vraisemblance de ce modèle, et nous démontrons que l'optimisation de cette borne se comporte en régulisateur. Ce régularisateur sera tel que la distance de Bhattacharyya sera minisée entre les distributions approximatives haut-vers-bas et bas-vers-haut. Cette approche produit des résultats de pointe en terme de modèles génératifs qui favorisent les réseaux significativement plus profonds. Elle permet aussi une inférence approximative amérliorée par plusieurs ordres de grandeur. De plus, nous introduisons un modèle génératif profond basé sur les modèles BiHM pour l'entraînement semi-supervisé.


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The synthesis of size-monodispersed indium nanoparticles via an innovative simultaneous phase transfer and ripening method is reported. The formation of nanoparticles occurs in a one-step process instead of well-known two-step phase transfer approaches. The synthesis involves the reduction of InCl3 with LiBH4 at ambient temperature and although the reduction occurs at room temperature, fine indium nanoparticles, with a mean diameter of 6.4 ± 0.4 nm, were obtained directly in non-polar n-dodecane. The direct synthesis of indium nanoparticles in n-dodecane facilitates their fast formation and enhances their size-monodispersity. In addition, the nanoparticles were highly stable for more than 2 months. The nanoparticles were characterised by dynamic light scattering (DLS), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy to determine their morphology, structure and phase purity.


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Consider a sequence of closed, orientable surfaces of fixed genus g in a Riemannian manifold M with uniform upper bounds on the norm of mean curvature and area. We show that on passing to a subsequence, we can choose parametrisations of the surfaces by inclusion maps from a fixed surface of the same genus so that the distance functions corresponding to the pullback metrics converge to a pseudo-metric and the inclusion maps converge to a Lipschitz map. We show further that the limiting pseudo-metric has fractal dimension two. As a corollary, we obtain a purely geometric result. Namely, we show that bounds on the mean curvature, area and genus of a surface F subset of M, together with bounds on the geometry of M, give an upper bound on the diameter of F. Our proof is modelled on Gromov's compactness theorem for J-holomorphic curves.


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As mean fibre diameter (MFD) is the primary determinant of mohair price we aimed to quantify the lifetime changes in mohair MFDas Angora goats aged and grew. Measurements were made over 12 shearing periods on a population of Angora goats representing the current range and diversity of genetic origins including South African, Texan and interbred admixtures of these and Australian sources. Records of sire, dam, birthweight, birth parity, liveweight, fleece growth and fleece quality were taken for does and castrated males (wethers) (n = 267 animals). Fleece-free liveweights (FFLwt) were determined for each goat at shearing time by subtracting the greasy fleece weight from the liveweight recorded immediately before shearing. A restricted maximum likelihood growth curve model was developed for relating MFD to FFLwt, age and other measurements.Asimple way of describing the results is:MFD= k (FFLwt)b E; where k is a parameter that can vary in a systematic way with shearing(age), breed, weaning weight, sire, dam and individual; b is a parameter that is the same for nearly the whole study; and E are independent errors from a log-normal distribution. The analysis shows that ^b = 0.34, with s.e. (^b) = 0.021. Thus, mohair MFD was allometrically related to the cube root of FFLwt over the lifetime of Angora goats. However, the allometric proportionality constant differed in a systematic way with age at shearing, genetic strain, weaning weight, sire, dam and individual. For Texan-breed goats, MFD decreased as weaning weight increased (P = 0.00016). The findings indicate that management factors that affect liveweight and weaning weight have lifetime effects on mohair fibre diameter and therefore the value of mohair and the profitability of the mohair enterprise.