968 resultados para fracture mechanics


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Mathematical models, for the stress analysis of symmetric multidirectional double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen using classical beam theory, first and higher-order shear deformation beam theories, have been developed to determine the Mode I strain energy release rate (SERR) for symmetric multidirectional composites. The SERR has been calculated using the compliance approach. In the present study, both variationally and nonvariationally derived matching conditions have been applied at the crack tip of DCB specimen. For the unidirectional and cross-ply composite DCB specimens, beam models under both plane stress and plane strain conditions in the width direction are applicable with good performance where as for the multidirectional composite DCB specimen, only the beam model under plane strain condition in the width direction appears to be applicable with moderate performance. Among the shear deformation beam theories considered, the performance of higher-order shear deformation beam theory, having quadratic variation for transverse displacement over the thickness, is superior in determining the SERR for multidirectional DCB specimen.


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Stiffness, strength, and toughness are the three primary attributes of a material, in terms of its mechanical properties. Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are known to exhibit elastic moduli at a fraction lower than crystalline alloys and have extraordinary strength. However, the reported values of fracture toughness of BMGs are highly variable; some BMGs such as the Zr-based ones have toughness values that are comparable to some high strength steels and titanium alloys, whereas there are also BMGs that are almost as brittle as silicate glasses. Invariably, monolithic BMGs exhibit no or low crack growth resistance and tend to become brittle upon structural relaxation. Despite its critical importance for the use of BMGs as structural materials, the fracture toughness of BMGs is relatively poorly understood. In this paper, we review the available literature to summarize the current understanding of the mechanics and micromechanisms of BMG toughness and highlight the needs for future research in this important area.


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The fracture properties of different concrete-concrete interfaces are determined using the Bazant's size effect model. The size effect on fracture properties are analyzed using the boundary effect model proposed by Wittmann and his co-workers. The interface properties at micro-level are analyzed through depth sensing micro-indentation and scanning electron microscopy. Geometrically similar beam specimens of different sizes having a transverse interface between two different strengths of concrete are tested under three-point bending in a closed loop servo-controlled machine with crack mouth opening displacement control. The fracture properties such as, fracture energy (G(f)), length of process zone (c(f)), brittleness number (beta), critical mode I stress intensity factor (K-ic), critical crack tip opening displacement CTODc (delta(c)), transitional ligament length to free boundary (a(j)), crack growth resistance curve and micro-hardness are determined. It is seen that the above fracture properties decrease as the difference between the compressive strength of concrete on either side of the interface increases. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The mode I and mode II fracture toughness and the critical strain energy release rate for different concrete-concrete jointed interfaces are experimentally determined using the Digital Image Correlation technique. Concrete beams having different compressive strength materials on either side of a centrally placed vertical interface are prepared and tested under three-point bending in a closed loop servo-controlled testing machine under crack mouth opening displacement control. Digital images are captured before loading (undeformed state) and at different instances of loading. These images are analyzed using correlation techniques to compute the surface displacements, strain components, crack opening and sliding displacements, load-point displacement, crack length and crack tip location. It is seen that the CMOD and vertical load-point displacement computed using DIC analysis matches well with those measured experimentally.


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Several experimental studies have shown that fracture surfaces in brittle metallic glasses (MGs) generally exhibit nanoscale corrugations which may be attributed to the nucleation and coalescence of nanovoids during crack propagation. Recent atomistic simulations suggest that this phenomenon is due to large spatial fluctuations in material properties in a brittle MG, which leads to void nucleation in regions of low atomic density and then catastrophic fracture through void coalescence. To explain this behavior, we propose a model of a heterogeneous solid containing a distribution of weak zones to represent a brittle MG. Plane strain continuum finite element analysis of cavitation in such an elastic-plastic solid is performed with the weak zones idealized as periodically distributed regions having lower yield strength than the background material. It is found that the presence of weak zones can significantly reduce the critical hydrostatic stress for the onset of cavitation which is controlled uniquely by the local yield properties of these zones. Also, the presence of weak zones diminishes the sensitivity of the cavitation stress to the volume fraction of a preexisting void. These results provide plausible explanations for the observations reported in recent atomistic simulations of brittle MGs. An analytical solution for a composite, incompressible elastic-plastic solid with a weak inner core is used to investigate the effect of volume fraction and yield strength of the core on the nature of cavitation bifurcation. It is shown that snap-cavitation may occur, giving rise to sudden formation of voids with finite size, which does not happen in a homogeneous plastic solid. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article reports the acoustic emission (AE) study of precursory micro-cracking activity and fracture behaviour of quasi-brittle materials such as concrete and cement mortar. In the present study, notched three-point bend specimens (TPB) were tested under crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control at a rate of 0.0004 mm/sec and the accompanying AE were recorded using a 8 channel AE monitoring system. The various AE statistical parameters including AE event rate , AE energy release rate , amplitude distribution for computing the AE based b-value, cumulative energy (I E) pound and ring down count (RDC) were used for the analysis. The results show that the micro-cracks initiated and grew at an early stage in mortar in the pre peak regime. While in the case of concrete, the micro-crack growth occurred during the peak load regime. However, both concrete and mortar showed three distinct stages of micro-cracking activity, namely initiation, stable growth and nucleation prior to the final failure. The AE statistical behavior of each individual stage is dependent on the number and size distribution of micro-cracks. The results obtained in the laboratory are useful to understand the various stages of micro-cracking activity during the fracture process in quasi-brittle materials such as concrete & mortar and extend them for field applications.


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This article presents the details of estimation of fracture parameters for high strength concrete (HSC, HSC1) and ultra high strength concrete (UHSC). Brief details about characterization of ingredients of HSC, HSC1 and UHSC have been provided. Experiments have been carried out on beams made up of HSC, HSC1 and UHSC considering various sizes and notch depths. Fracture characteristics such as size independent fracture energy (G(f)), size of fracture process zone (C-f), fracture toughness (K-IC) and crack tip opening displacement (CTODc) have been estimated based on the experimental observations. From the studies, it is observed that (i) UHSC has high fracture energy and ductility inspite of having a very low value of C-f; (ii) relatively much more homogeneous than other concretes, because of absence of coarse aggregates and well-graded smaller size particles; (iii) the critical SIF (K-IC) values are increasing with increase of beam depth and decreasing with increase of notch depth. Generally, it can be noted that there is significant increase in fracture toughness and CTODc. They are about 7 times in HSC1 and about 10 times in UHSC compared to those in HSC; (iv) for notch-to-depth ratio 0.1, Bazant's size effect model slightly overestimates the maximum failure loads compared to experimental observations and Karihaloo's model slightly underestimates the maximum failure loads. For the notch-to-depth ratio ranging from 0.2 to 0.4 for the case of UHSC, it can be observed that, both the size effect models predict more or less similar maximum failure loads compared to corresponding experimental values.


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The metal thin film delamination along metal/ceramic interface in the case of large scale yielding is studied by employing the strain gradient plasticity theory and the material microscale effects are considered. Two different fracture process models are used in this study to describe the nonlinear delamination phenomena for metal thin films. A set of experiments have been done on the mechanism of copper films delaminating from silica substrates, based on which the peak interface separation stress and the micro-length scale of material, as well as the dislocation-free zone size are predicted.


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In this paper, some basic mechanical behaviors of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) were discussed. It can be found from the discussions that the mechanical behaviors of BMGs are mainly due to the formation and operation of shear bands in BMGs. Furthermore, the relevant mechanics of shear banding were investigated in the paper. The theoretical analysis of deformation coupling thermal softening and free volume creation softening demonstrates that the free volume creation and thermal softening can jointly promote the formation of shear bands in BMGs, and the observed post mortem. shear band width looks more like that governed by free volume creation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Concrete is heterogeneous and usually described as a three-phase material, where matrix, aggregate and interface are distinguished. To take this heterogeneity into consideration, the Generalized Beam (GB) lattice model is adopted. The GB lattice model is much more computationally efficient than the beam lattice model. Numerical procedures of both quasi-static method and dynamic method are developed to simulate fracture processes in uniaxial tensile tests conducted on a concrete panel. Cases of different loading rates are compared with the quasi-static case. It is found that the inertia effect due to load increasing becomes less important and can be ignored with the loading rate decreasing, but the inertia effect due to unstable crack propagation remains considerable no matter how low the loading rate is. Therefore, an unrealistic result will be obtained if a fracture process including unstable cracking is simulated by the quasi-static procedure.


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