960 resultados para extended liquid boar semen
Biopolymer-based materials have been of particular interest and they are alternatives to synthetic polymers based on the decreasing oil resources. The polymer electrolytes were doped with choline-based IL N,N,Ntrimethyl- N-(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([N1 1 1 2(OH)][NTf2]), or Er (CF3SO3)3 or both. The polymer electrolytes were employed in the production of glass/ITO/WO3/electrolyte/ CeO2–TiO2/ITO/glass electrochromic devices (ECDs). The lowest onset temperature for the degradation of all the SPEs is at ~130 °C for the Gellan Er (CF3SO3)3 (10:1) this temperature range of stability is wide enough for a material to be applied as an electrolyte/separator component in electrochemical devices. The three ECDs displayed fast switching speed (ca. 15 s). Gellan [N1 1 1 2(OH)][NTf2] Er (CF3SO3)3 (5:1:10) exhibited an electrochromic contrast of 4.2% in the visible region, the coloration efficiency attained at 555 nm was 3.5 and 0.90 cm-2 C-1 in the “colored” and “bleached” states, respectively, and the open circuit memorywas 48 h. Preliminary tests performed with a prototype electrochromic device (ECD) incorporating WO3 as cathodic electrochromic layer, are extremely encouraging.
OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to compare the performance of the current conventional Pap smear with liquid-based cytology (LBC) preparations. STUDY DESIGN Women routinely undergoing their cytopathological and histopathological examinations at Fundação Oncocentro de São Paulo (FOSP) were recruited for LBC. Conventional smears were analyzed from women from other areas of the State of São Paulo with similar sociodemographic characteristics. RESULTS A total of 218,594 cases were analyzed, consisting of 206,999 conventional smears and 11,595 LBC. Among the conventional smears, 3.0% were of unsatisfactory preparation; conversely, unsatisfactory LBC preparations accounted for 0.3%. The ASC-H (atypical squamous cells - cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion) frequency did not demonstrate any differences between the two methods. In contrast, the incidence of ASC-US (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance) was almost twice as frequent between LBC and conventional smears, at 2.9 versus 1.6%, respectively. An equal percentage of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions were observed for the two methods, but not for low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, which were more significantly observed in LBC preparations than in conventional smears (2.2 vs. 0.7%). The index of positivity was importantly enhanced from 3.0% (conventional smears) to 5.7% (LBC). CONCLUSIONS LBC performed better than conventional smears, and we are truly confident that LBC can improve public health strategies aimed at reducing cervical lesions through prevention programs.
Here, we evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic role of liquid-based cytology (LBC) in different body lesions, including thyroid, lung, effusions and malignant breast lesions. LBC has gained consensus after being applied to both non-gynecologic and fine-needle aspiration cytology. Although some remain sceptical regarding the diagnostic efficacy of LBC, mainly when used alone, in recent years, good results have been obtained as long as it showed a high diagnostic accuracy. Here, we discuss the additional possibility of storing material for the application of ancillary techniques (immunocytochemistry–molecular analysis) with several diagnostic and prognostic advantages, which may pave the way for the challenging evaluation of both monitoring responses to treatment and resistance to targeted therapies in thyroid, lung, breast carcinoma or malignant effusions. Furthermore, it provides the use of several molecular spots as specific targets for personalized therapy.
In our work we have chosen to integrate formalism for knowledge representation with formalism for process representation as a way to specify and regulate the overall activity of a multi-cellular agent. The result of this approach is XP,N, another formalism, wherein a distributed system can be modeled as a collection of interrelated sub-nets sharing a common explicit control structure. Each sub-net represents a system of asynchronous concurrent threads modeled by a set of transitions. XP,N combines local state and control with interaction and hierarchy to achieve a high-level abstraction and to model the complex relationships between all the components of a distributed system. Viewed as a tool XP,N provides a carefully devised conflict resolution strategy that intentionally mimics the genetic regulatory mechanism used in an organic cell to select the next genes to process.
Vapor - liquid equilibrium data for the binary systems: Perfluoromethylcyclohexane + n-Hexane and Perfluoromethylcyclohexane + 1-Hexene were determined at 93.3 KPa and 328.15 K. The vapor pressure for the pure components were also measured to calculate the Antoine constants. The data were correlated by using the Van-Laar, Margules, Wilson, NRTL and UNIQUAC equations. UNIFAC group-contribution parameters between CH, and CF,, and CH,=CH and CF, were also calculated.
La congelación del semen porcino se ha caracterizado por ser una técnica que no ha logrado alcanzar altos índices de fertilidad, hecho que ha dificultado su aplicación práctica a terreno y parte de su progreso genético. El problema particular radica en que la calidad espermática, por factores poco conocidos, disminuye considerablemente al momento de la descongelación. Como consecuencia, las tasas de fecundidad, fertilidad y prolificidad son inferiores a las obtenidas mediante monta natural o inseminación artificial con semen fresco refrigerado. Pese a esta dificultad, la fertilidad es adecuada para casos de importación, exportación, introducción de nuevas líneas de sangre y uso de semen de machos con alto mérito genético. (...) Entre los factores más importantes que afectan la fertilidad del semen congelado se citan el efecto individual de los machos, de mala congelabilidad, el efecto raza, el momento óptimo para inseminar a la hembra en celo, la estación del año y el tiempo de almacenaje del semen, entre otros. (...) Objetivos Generales: El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar un programa anual destinado, en una primera etapa, a mejorar la técnica de laboratorio con equipamiento de mayor desarrollo tecnológico y utilizando nuevos envases; en una segunda etapa a estudiar el efecto raza y el efecto individual, con un pool de semen de diferentes machos; y en una tercera etapa, consistente en aplicar el mejor semen criopreservado, en el momento biológico óptimo de la hembra en celo, con el fin de aumentar la fertilidad y prolificidad. Objetivos Específicos: 1. Primer Año Mejorar las técnicas de congelación utilizando nuevos equipos y estudiar la calidad del semen porcino congelado en micropajuelas (Mp) y bolsas plásticas (Bp) evaluando la capacidad fecundante por pruebas de laboratorio y pruebas de fertilidad en animales vivos. 2. Segundo Año Estudiar la calidad del semen porcino congelado en Mp y/o Bp utilizando un pool de semen de tres machos de razas diferentes y evaluar su capacidad fecundante por pruebas de fertilidad a campo. 3. Tercer Año Estudiar la calidad del semen porcino congelado en Mp y/o Bp, utilizando un pool de semen de tres machos diferentes e inseminándolo en el momento biológico óptimo del celo.
Adding Omega fatty acids (ω) 3 to the diet of stud bucks, the quality of sperm and their resistance to cryopreservation could increase. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of supplementation with ω3 on the metabolic state, sperm quality and resistance to freezing, in bucks kept in confinement under natural photoperiod. The experiment will be conducted in the facilities of the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary, UNRC (National University of Río Cuarto). Ten Anglo Nubian adult bucks, trained for semen collection with artificial vagina will be used. Males will be randomly allocated into 2 groups (5 animals each): control (C) and treatment (T). During the breeding season, group C will be fed with a ration of alfalfa and ground corn, according to the requirements for each category and sex (NRC, 2007). Group T will receive the same diet with the addition of linseeds. Both will have free access to water. Every week, semen of each buck, will be collected, evaluated and frozen. Sperm quality “in vitro” after thawing will be studied with a digital image analyzer. To assess oxidative stress in fresh and cryopreserved semen, levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and quantification of the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) will be determined. To establish the metabolic state, blood samples will be collected every two weeks. The statistical analysis will include an exploratory data analysis, multivariate analysis of multiple correspondences on a completely randomized design, analysis of variance and Fisher post-test. The level of significance will be set at P <0.05 and all results will be expressed as means ± SEM.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2011
Background: In pathological situations, such as acute myocardial infarction, disorders of motility of the proximal gut can trigger symptoms like nausea and vomiting. Acute myocardial infarction delays gastric emptying (GE) of liquid in rats. Objective: Investigate the involvement of the vagus nerve, α 1-adrenoceptors, central nervous system GABAB receptors and also participation of paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus in GE and gastric compliance (GC) in infarcted rats. Methods: Wistar rats, N = 8-15 in each group, were divided as INF group and sham (SH) group and subdivided. The infarction was performed through ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. GC was estimated with pressure-volume curves. Vagotomy was performed by sectioning the dorsal and ventral branches. To verify the action of GABAB receptors, baclofen was injected via icv (intracerebroventricular). Intravenous prazosin was used to produce chemical sympathectomy. The lesion in the PVN of the hypothalamus was performed using a 1mA/10s electrical current and GE was determined by measuring the percentage of gastric retention (% GR) of a saline meal. Results: No significant differences were observed regarding GC between groups; vagotomy significantly reduced % GR in INF group; icv treatment with baclofen significantly reduced %GR. GABAB receptors were not conclusively involved in delaying GE; intravenous treatment with prazosin significantly reduced GR% in INF group. PVN lesion abolished the effect of myocardial infarction on GE. Conclusion: Gastric emptying of liquids induced through acute myocardial infarction in rats showed the involvement of the vagus nerve, alpha1- adrenergic receptors and PVN.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2010
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2012
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2013
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2014
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2014