779 resultados para esteem


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This paper reviews the importance of self-esteem for hearing impaired children.


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This paper discusses self-esteem and hearing impaired children based on the results of a questionnaire administered to students at CID.


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Parents are increasingly expected to supplement their children's school-based learning by providing support for children's homework. However, parents' capacities to provide such support may vary and may be limited by the experience of depression. This may have implications for child development. In the course of a prospective, longitudinal study of children of postnatally depressed and healthy mothers, we observed mothers (N = 88) and fathers (N = 78) at home during maths homework interactions with their 8-year-old children. The quality of parental communication was rated and analysed in relation to child functioning. The quality of communication of each of the parents was related to their mental state, social class and IQ. While postnatal depression was not directly related to child development, there was some evidence of the influence of maternal depression occurring in the child's school years. Different aspects of parental communication with the child showed specific associations with different child outcomes, over and above the influence of family characteristics. In particular, child school attainment and IQ were associated with parental strategies to encourage representational thinking and mastery motivation, whereas child behavioural adjustment at school and self-esteem were linked to the degree of parental emotional support and low levels of coercion. Notably, the influence of maternal homework support was more strongly related to child outcome than was paternal support, a pattern reflected in mothers' greater involvement in children's schools and school-related activities. Some parents may need guidance in how to support their children's homework if it is to be of benefit to child functioning.


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There has been an increasing interest in the impact of individual well-being on the attitudes and actions of people receiving services designed to offer support. If well-being factors are important in the uptake and success of service programmes it is important that the nature of the relationships involved is understood by service designers and implementers. As a contribution to understanding, this paper examines the impact of well-being on the uptake of intervention programmes for homeless people. From the literature on well-being a number of factors are identified that contribute towards overall well-being, which include personal efficacy and identity, but also more directly well-being can be viewed as personal or group/collective esteem. The impact of these factors on service use is assessed by means of two studies of homelessness service users, comparing the implementation of two research tools: a shortened and a fuller one. The conclusions are that the factors identified are related to service use. The higher the collective esteemesteem drawn from identification with services and their users and providers – and the less that they feel isolated, the more benefits that homeless people will perceive with service use, and in turn the more likely they are to be motivated to use services. However, the most important factors in explaining service use are a real sense that it is appropriate to accept social support from others, a rejection of the social identity as homeless but a cultivation of being valued as part of a non-homeless community, and a positive perception of the impact of the service.


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The literature on the meaning of home emphasises the security, positive meaning and self-esteem that home generates. However, housing policy has traditionally viewed houses as units of accommodation rather than homes. This article tackles the question of whether it is possible to devise a housing policy that aims at improving the self-esteem and positive identity of residents. The article reviews the growing literature stressing the importance of seeking to promote happiness or well-being as the primary objective of government policy and concludes with an evaluation of the potential for the application of these ideas to housing policy.


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This paper builds on previous work applying the concept of well-being to the field of housing. It uses the concepts of self-esteem, efficacy and social identity to explore the situations of a group of young homeless mothers. In particular, it focuses on the impact of well-being factors, among others, in understanding the uptake of education and training services. The paper concludes by arguing that well-being issues are crucial for housing agencies and others who want to engage with young homeless people.


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Adhering to treatment can be a significant issue for many patients diagnosed with chronic health conditions and this has been reported to be greater during the adolescent years. However, little is known about treatment adherence in teenage and young adult (TYA) patients with cancer. To increase awareness of the adherence challenges faced by these patients, we have reviewed the published work. The available evidence suggests that a substantial proportion of TYA patients with cancer do have difficulties, with reports that up to 63% of patients do not adhere to their treatment regimens. However, with inconsistent findings across studies, the true extent of non-adherence for these young patients is still unclear. Furthermore, it is apparent that there are many components of the cancer treatment regimen that have yet to be assessed in relation to patient adherence. Factors that have been shown to affect treatment adherence in TYA patients include patient emotional functioning (depression and self-esteem), patient health beliefs (perceived illness severity and vulnerability), and family environment (parental support and parent–child concordance). Strategies that foster greater patient adherence are also identified. These strategies are multifactorial, targeting not only the patient, but the health professional, family, and treatment regimen. This review highlights the lack of interventional studies addressing treatment adherence in TYA patients with cancer, with only one such intervention being identified: a video game intervention focusing on behavioural issues related to cancer treatment and care. Methodological issues in measuring adherence are addressed and suggestions for improving the design of future adherence studies highlighted, of which there is a great need.


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In schools today, we expect student performances and achievements to be exceptional. Having good reading and writing skills are essential if students want to excel at their school assignments. Students with reading and writing difficulties have to work much harder than their other classmates. Their having to work harder coupled with being teenagers and facing all the uncertainties which are present at that age, these students face the difficult task of trying to find out who they are and who they want to be. In other words, they try to create their own individual identities. This study investigates the experiences of students with reading and writing difficulties in their interactions with other students and school personnel, in different situations. The collection of data has been done through group interviews. Thirteen, 15 year old students participated in these interviews. Some of the factors which characterise a hermeneutic approach have helped to form the basis on which the study lies. A hermeneutic approach suggests that the data collected is sorted and analysed to enable the identification of differences and patterns. These patterns are arranged to give results that are subjective and which also show an interpretation of the data collected. The results show that students are more comfortable with their identities, when they are diagnosed or made aware that their performances in school are directly affected by their reading and writing difficulties. The study also shows that having reading and writing difficulties tells the students who they are but, at the same time, plays an important role in their interactions with other classmates and adults. The outcomes of these interactions greatly affect the formation of their identities. The way in which school personnel treat students is also shown to be of great importance.


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Body esteem is the affective aspect of body image, which is shaped by social experience. Compared with men, women have a more negative body image, which is more frequently correlated with depression and dysfunctional thoughts, especially in the case of eating disorders. The purpose of the present study was to examine gender differences in body esteem and its subcategories, and to find out whether there exists a stronger link between negative body esteem and higher levels of dysfunctional thoughts in women. The relationship between body esteem, dysfunctional thoughts and mental illness was examined. Participants were 73 college students doing social sciences and sports training educations. Body esteem questionnaire and dysfunctional thoughts questionnaire as well as a self made questionnaire on mental illness were used. Results showed that women had a more negative body esteem compared to men, especially considering weight. In women, there was a medium-strong negative relation between body esteem and dysfunctional thoughts. The results indicate that the norms for female body ideal that abound in the Western society have a negative affect on women's thinking and body image.Key words: Gender, body esteem, dysfunctional thoughts, mental illness.


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In this qualitative user evaluation, users from the Krami-programme in Borlänge have been interviewed on what they consider to have been positive changes in their social situation after participating in the programme. The respondents also point out factors in the programme that have supported these changes. The method consisted of interviews with five men who have undergone the Krami programme. The results show that Krami primarily helps the users to get an employment which results in the repeal of criminogenic factors. This plays an important part in the positive change of the users self-esteem, which tends to lead towards ”unlabeling” of the individual as “criminal”. The study also indicates other factors in the program that the users found helpful in their process of change highlighting the interaction between authorities, the approach of the Krami- staff and also the common rules that the participants has to agree upon. The users also poins out the importance of ones own motivation for changes to take place. 


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Sedan 1990- talet har de offentliga organisationerna genomgått flera stora förändringar som medfört att enhetschefer inom den kommunala verksamheten fått ökat ansvar och befogenheter, vilket gör enhetschefsrollen mer komplext. Rapporter visar på svårigheter att rekrytera och behålla chefer, därför är viktigt att undersöka hur enhetschefens arbete ska kunna utvecklas till ett mer attraktivt arbete. Ett attraktivt arbete skapas genom att ge medarbetarna bra förutsättningar inom arbetsinnehåll, arbetstillfredsställelse, samt arbetsförhållanden. I chefsyrket ingår tre roller varav en är medarbetarrollen som enligt teorin inte är speciellt prioriterad eller synliggjord. Studiens syfte är att identifiera vad som gör enhetschefyrket till ett attraktivt arbete samt hur det kan utvecklas. I studien har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod används för att uppnå en djupare förståelse kring enhetschefernas arbetssituation. Detta har bidragit till att ett hermeneutiska synsätt valts, då vi strävar efter att få en ökad förståelse. Studien genomfördes på Falu kommun, där sex enhetschefer inom omvårdnadsförvaltningen intervjuades. Resultatet visar att enhetscheferna är tillfredsställda med sin arbetssituation och upplever arbetet som attraktivt. Faktorer som varierande, handlingsfrihet, problemlösning, sociala kontakter och delar av erkänsla hör till attraktivitetsfaktorer i yrket. Enhetscheferna beskriver tre utvecklingsområden för att öka attraktiviteten. Det första innefattar ledarskapet i organisationen där brister förekommer inom kommunikation och planering. Andra utvecklingsområdet handlar om arbetstakten genom att individanpassa arbetsgruppernas storlek samt tid för reflektion och återhämtning. Tredje utvecklingsområdet enhetscheferna belyser är bristen på erkänsla från organisationen. Utöver enhetschefernas brister har vi identifierat ytterligare ett utvecklingsområde för att öka attraktiviteten. Under intervjuerna har det framkommit att det råder stor avsaknad av kollegor att "bolla idéer" med vilket i sin tur medför att arbetet upplevs som ensamt. För att motverka ensamheten är chefsgruppshandledning ett alternativ, där reflektion och feedback ingår. Forskningen visar att detta även leder till ökad självkänsla, engagemang.


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Information and communication technology (ICT) is a subject that is being discussed as a tool that is used within education around the world. Furthermore it can be seen as a tool for teachers to individualize students´ education. Students with literacy difficulties, such as dyslexia, are in constant need of new ways to learn, and new ways to be motivated to learn. The aim of this study is to see what research says in regard to how ICT can be used as a tool to help students with literacy difficulties. Literacy difficulties can be due to a number of things, such as the student has not been taught how to read, trouble within the family which can cause distress, or a neurological disorder such as dyslexia. Furthermore, the main research questions will focus on how ICT can be compared to traditional education forms, such as books and a more teacher centered education within the classroom, and whether ICT can be preferred. The results of this literature review indicates that ICT can be seen as a way for teachers to help students with literacy difficulties gain more self-esteem – something the literature tells us students with learning difficulties lack. The results also show how ICT can lead to a more individualized education. This is due to tools that increase reading comprehension and tools that give direct response when working with ICT, which helps students work more independently.


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Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen bland kvinnor i Sverige. Att drabbas av bröstcancer beskrivs som en utmaning för kvinnans självkänsla, självbild, kvinnlighet och existens. Kvinnorna vill bli bemötta som en enskild individ och inte som en diagnos samt uppleva känslomässigt stöd från sjuksköterskorna. Syfte: Syftet är att genom en vetenskaplig litteraturöversikt beskriva vad kvinnor med bröstcancer har för erfarenheter av sjuksköterskors bemötande. Metod: Underlaget till denna litteraturöversikt består av 15 kvalitativa artiklar varav två delvis kvantitativa. Litteraturen har sökts via databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Resultatet har sammanställts med hjälp av en analysmetod för kvalitativ forskning. Resultat: Majoriteten av kvinnorna var nöjda och tillfreds med sjuksköterskornas bemötande. Få kvinnor uttryckte missnöje. Kvinnorna uttryckte att sjuksköterskorna hade en viktig roll under deras sjukdomstid och kunde tillmötesgå deras behov. Sjuksköterskornas bemötande uppfattades empatiskt, hänsynsfullt och omtänksamt. De negativa erfarenheter vissa kvinnor beskrev var dålig uppföljning, obesvarade frågor om psykiska besvär, brist på emotionellt stöd och en rädsla av att vara till besvär. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskorna spelar en central roll i mötet med- och i tillfrisknandet hos kvinnor med bröstcancer.


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The aim of this literature review is to investigate which strategies teachers use to motivate pupils to communicate orally in English. The literature review also investigates how these teacher strategies affect pupils. The methodology used for this investigation is a systematic literature review. Various databases have been used when searching for literature. Scientific articles and theses have been searched for. They have also been read and analyzed before they have become a part of this review. The results indicate that some teachers feel insecure when speaking English. Therefore Swedish is spoken in many language classrooms. Teachers speaking in front of the class is the traditional way of teaching, and it does not seem to be a strategy who influences pupils positively. If teachers speak the target language among pupils they often get more motivated and focused pupils who feel comfortable speaking English. Young pupils are fast learners. By exposing them to the English language in early ages they receive great opportunities to learn a foreign language and strengthen their self-confidence. Drama, songs and rhymes are preferable strategies to use when teaching young learners. What position teachers decide to take in the classroom is also a significant element when teaching foreign languages.


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A relação entre cultura e desenvolvimento é um dos assuntos centrais dos debates contemporâneos que vão além do ambiente acadêmico e atinge a agenda política em diversos países. A cultura exerce um papel importante para o desenvolvimento que não se restringe à dimensão econômica, pois é capaz de construir ou reconstruir identidades, elevar a auto-estima individual e coletiva, adicionar valor ao patrimônio existencial humano. Faz-se necessário, ainda, um outro conceito de desenvolvimento, calcado em outras lógicas, sendo geográfica, social e culturalmente referenciado e promovendo uma transformação social profunda. No Brasil, alguns governos locais vêm assumindo o seu papel de protagonista do desenvolvimento com base nessa proposta. Em Nova Iguaçu - cidade localizada na Baixada fluminense - vem sendo desenvolvida uma política pública cujo protagonista e indutora é a Prefeitura municipal. Trata-se do Programa Bairro-Escola que, embora tenha como centralidade a educação, articula diversas secretarias da prefeitura e promove benefícios e oportunidades sociais às crianças, adolescentes e aos demais moradores da cidade que extrapolam o aspecto educacional. Para a sua operacionalização, a Prefeitura desenvolve parcerias com atores de diversas naturezas. O objetivo dessa dissertação foi compreender de que maneira o Bairro-Escola de Nova Iguaçu, especialmente seus programas, projetos e ações culturais, contribui para o desenvolvimento local. No que diz respeito à metodologia, a estratégia de pesquisa adotada, foi o estudo de caso. Para a coleta dos dados primários e secundários foram adotadas duas técnicas, a saber: bibliográfica-documental; e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com alguns representantes do Bairro-Escola e da Secretaria de Cultura de Nova Iguaçu. Os resultados indicam que o Bairro-Escola aponta para um esforço de inclusão e desenvolvimento social por meio de programas e ações integradas. Em síntese, as contribuições ao desenvolvimento proporcionadas pelo Bairro-Escola, pelas vias da cultura, em Nova Iguaçu são: ampliação do acesso da população à leitura - criação de cinco bibliotecas ramais nas Escolas da Rede Pública Municipal e reequipamento de duas bibliotecas comunitárias; criação de uma Escola de ensino e formação em audiovisual (Escola Livre de Cinema), com núcleos em quatro bairros da cidade; criação de uma Escola Livre de Música Eletrônica, atendendo, inicialmente, a 400 crianças beneficiárias do Bairro-Escola; oportunidade de experimentação artística para quase 7.000 crianças e jovens; capacitação de 52 artistas locais em artes cênicas; criação de um grupo cultural formado por artistas locais (Grupo Nós da Baixada) - grupo de artes cênicas no bairro Cerâmica; oportunidade de estágio (renda e aperfeiçoamento profissional) para cerca de 90 jovens nas oficinas culturais; perspectiva de trabalho para 96 grupos artístico-culturais locais, por meio do convênio com o Ministério da Cultura; fortalecimento de grupos artístico-culturais locais, por meio de assessoramento para a profissionalização e desenvolvimento desses grupos.