897 resultados para end-to-end testing, javascript, application web, single-page application


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The aim of this study was to test a holistic framework for assessing new venture performance outcomes that incorporates the impact of gender on internal resource availability (human, financial and social capital) and how, in turn, this impacts: the entrepreneurs’ goals; the investment (both money and time) they make in their new ventures; and the performance outcomes of those ventures. Our results indicate that a majority of the paths examined (using structural equation modeling) are significant and in the expected direction. For example: an entrepreneur’s human capital (comprising management work experience, start-up experience and industry experience) is significantly related to her/his growth goal (in terms of employee numbers); the entrepreneur’s growth goal is positively related to the time invested in the new venture; and the time invested in the new venture is positively related to new venture outcomes.


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Cold-formed steel lipped channel beams (LCB) are used extensively in residential, industrial and commercial buildings as load bearing structural elements. Their shear capacities are considerably reduced when web openings are included for the purpose of locating building services. Past research has shown that the shear capacities of LCBs were reduced by up to 70% due to the inclusion of these web openings. Hence there is a need to improve the shear capacities of LCBs with web openings. A cost effective way of eliminating the detrimental effects of large web openings is to attach suitable stiffeners around the web openings and restore the original shear strength and stiffness of LCBs. Hence detailed experimental studies were undertaken to investigate the behaviour and strength of LCBs with stiffened web openings subject to shear, and combined bending and shear actions. Both plate and stud stiffeners with varying sizes and thicknesses were attached to the web elements of LCBs using different screw-fastening arrangements. Simply supported test specimens of LCBs with aspect ratios of 1.0 and 1.5 were loaded at mid-span until failure. Numerical studies were also undertaken to investigate the strength of LCBs with stiffened web openings. Finite element models of LCBs with stiffened web openings under shear, combined bending and shear actions were developed to simulate the behaviour of tested LCBs. The developed models were then validated by comparing their results with experimental results and used in further studies. Both experimental and finite element analysis results showed that the stiffening arrangements recommended by past research and available design guidelines are not adequate to restore the original shear strengths of LCBs. Therefore new stiffener arrangements were proposed based on screw fastened plate stiffeners. This paper presents the details of this research study and the results.


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Metastasis accounts for the poor prognosis of the majority of solid tumors. The phenotypic transition of nonmotile epithelial tumor cells to migratory and invasive “mesenchymal” cells (epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition [EMT]) enables the transit of cancer cells from the primary tumor to distant sites. There is no single marker of EMT; rather, multiple measures are required to define cell state. Thus, the multiparametric capability of high-content screening is ideally suited for the comprehensive analysis of EMT regulators. The aim of this study was to generate a platform to systematically identify functional modulators of tumor cell plasticity using the bladder cancer cell line TSU-Pr1-B1 as a model system. A platform enabling the quantification of key EMT characteristics, cell morphology and mesenchymal intermediate filament vimentin, was developed using the fluorescent whole-cell-tracking reagent CMFDA and a fluorescent promoter reporter construct, respectively. The functional effect of genome-wide modulation of protein-coding genes and miRNAs coupled with those of a collection of small-molecule kinase inhibitors on EMT was assessed using the Target Activation Bioapplication integrated in the Cellomics ArrayScan platform. Data from each of the three screens were integrated to identify a cohort of targets that were subsequently examined in a validation assay using siRNA duplexes. Identification of established regulators of EMT supports the utility of this screening approach and indicated capacity to identify novel regulators of this plasticity program. Pathway analysis coupled with interrogation of cancer-related expression profile databases and other EMT-related screens provided key evidence to prioritize further experimental investigation into the molecular regulators of EMT in cancer cells.


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A novel burn wound hydrogel dressing has been previously developed which is composed of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid sodium salt with silver nanoparticles (silver AMPS). This study compared the cytotoxicity of this dressing to the commercially available silver products; Acticoat™, PolyMem Silver® and Flamazine™ cream. Human keratinocytes (HaCaT and primary HEK) and normal human fibroblasts (NHF) were exposed to dressings incubated on Nunc™ polycarbonate inserts for 24, 48 and 72h. Four different cytotoxicity assays were performed including; Trypan Blue cell count, MTT, Celltiter-Blue™ and Toluidine Blue surface area assays. The results were expressed as relative cell viability compared to an untreated control. The cytotoxic effects of Acticoat™ and Flamazine™ cream were dependent on exposure time and cell type. After 24h exposure, Acticoat™ and Flamazine™ cream were toxic to all tested cell lines. Surprisingly, HaCaTs treated with Acticoat™ and Flamazine™ had an improved ability to survive at 48 and 72h while HEKs and NHFs had no improvement in survival with any treatment. The novel silver hydrogel and PolyMem Silver® showed low cytotoxicity to all tested cell lines at every time interval and these results support the possibility of using the novel silver hydrogel as a burn wound dressing. Researchers who rely on HaCaT cells as an accurate keratinocyte model should be aware that they can respond differently to primary skin cells.


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With the introduction of the Personally Controlled Health Record (PCEHR), the Australian public is being asked to accept greater responsibility for their healthcare. Although well designed, constructed and intentioned, policy and privacy concerns have resulted in an eHealth model that may impact future health information sharing requirements. Thus an opportunity to transform the beleaguered Australian PCEHR into a sustainable on-demand technology consumption model for patient safety must be explored further. Moreover, the current clerical focus of healthcare practitioners must be renegotiated to establish a shared knowledge creation landscape of action for safer patient interventions. To achieve this potential however requires a platform that will facilitate efficient and trusted unification of all health information available in real-time across the continuum of care. As a conceptual paper, the goal of the authors is to deliver insights into the antecedents of usage influencing superior patient outcomes within an eHealth-as-a-Service framework. To achieve this, the paper attempts to distil key concepts and identify common themes drawn from a preliminary literature review of eHealth and cloud computing concepts, specifically cloud service orchestration to establish a conceptual framework and a research agenda. Initial findings support the authors’ view that an eHealth-as-a-Service (eHaaS) construct will serve as a disruptive paradigm shift in the aggregation and transformation of health information for use as real-world knowledge in patient care scenarios. Moreover, the strategic value of extending the community Health Record Bank (HRB) model lies in the ability to automatically draw on a multitude of relevant data repositories and sources to create a single source of practice based evidence and to engage market forces to create financial sustainability.


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Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of a single-session online theory of planned behaviour (TPB)-based intervention to improve sun-protective attitudes and behaviour among Australian adults. Methods. Australian adults (N = 534; 38.7% males; Mage = 39.3 years) from major cities (80.9%), regional (17.6%) and remote areas (1.5%)were recruited and randomly allocated to an intervention (N=265) and information only group (N = 267). The online intervention focused on fostering positive attitudes, perceptions of normative support, and control perceptions for sun protection. Participants completed questionnaires assessing standard TPB measures (attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control, intention, behaviour) and extended TPB constructs of group norm (friends, family), personal norm, and image norm, pre-intervention (Time 1) and one week (Time 2) and one month post-intervention (Time 3). Repeated Measures Multivariate Analysis of Variance tested intervention effects across time. Results. Intervention participants reported more positive attitudes towards sun protection and used sunprotective measures more often in the subsequent month than participants receiving information only. The intervention effects on control perceptions and norms were non-significant. Conclusions. A theory-based online intervention fostering more favourable attitudes towards sun safety can increase sun protection attitudes and self-reported behaviour among Australian adults in the short term.


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Increases in childhood obesity have coincided with declines in active transportation to school. This research builds on largely atheoretical extant literature examining factors that influence walk to school behavior through application of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Understanding caregivers’ decision for their child to walk to/from school is key to developing interventions to promote this cost-effective and accessible health behavior. The results from an online survey of 512 caregivers provide support for the TPB, highlighting the important role of subjective norms. This suggests marketers should nurture caregivers’ perception that important others approve of walking to school.


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This pilot study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of a web-based self-management intervention in patients with heart failure. The study consisted of two phases including developing the web-based application and examining its feasibility in a group of heart failure patients. The results of this study were consistent with the current literature which has failed to show the benefits of web-based interventions for chronic disease self-management. In the current thesis, therefore, issues influencing the effectiveness of the web-based interventions were analysed. Recommendations for improving effectiveness of the web-based applications were also provided.


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Overview The incidence of skin tears, pressure injuries and chronic wounds increases with age [1-4] and therefore is a serious issue for staff and residents in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs). A pilot project funded in Round 2 of the Encouraging Best Practice in Residential Aged Care (EBPRAC) program by the then Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing found that a substantial proportion of residents in aged care facilities experienced pressure injuries, skin tears or chronic wounds. It also found the implementation of the evidence based Champions for Skin Integrity (CSI) model of wound care was successful in significantly decreasing the prevalence and severity of wounds in residents, improving staff skills and knowledge of evidence based wound management, increasing staff confidence with wound management, increasing implementation of evidence based wound management and prevention strategies, and increasing staff awareness of their roles in evidence based wound care at all levels [5]. Importantly, during the project, the project team developed a resource kit on evidence based wound management. Two critical recommendations resulting from the project were that: - The CSI model or a similar strategic approach should be implemented in RACFs to facilitate the uptake of evidence based wound management and prevention - The resource kit on evidence based wound management should be made available to all Residential Aged Care Facilities and interested parties A proposal to disseminate or rollout the CSI model of wound care to all RACFs across Australia was submitted to the department in 2012. The department approved funding from the Aged Care Services Improvement Healthy Ageing Grant (ACSIHAG) at the same time as the Round 3 of the Encouraging Better Practice in Aged Care (EBPAC) program. The dissemination involved two crucial elements: 1. The updating, refining and distribution of a Champions for Skin Integrity Resource Kit, more commonly known as a CSI Resource Kit and 2. The presentation of intensive one day Promoting Healthy Skin “Train the Trainer” workshops in all capital cities and major regional towns across Australia Due to demand, the department agreed to fund a second round of workshops focussing on regional centres and the completion date was extended to accommodate the workshops. Later, the department also decided to host a departmental website for a number of clinical domains, including wound management, so that staff from the residential aged care sector had easy access to a central repository of helpful clinical resource material that could be used for improving the health and wellbeing of their older adults, consumers and carers. CSI Resource Kit Upgrade and Distribution: At the start of the project, a full evidence review was carried out on the material produced during the EBPRAC-CSI Stage 1 project and the relevant evidence based changes were made to the documentation. At the same time participants in the EBPRAC-CSI Stage 1 project were interviewed for advice on how to improve the resource material. Following this the documentation, included in the kit, was sent to independent experts for peer review. When this process was finalised, a learning designer and QUT’s Visual Communications Services were engaged to completely refine and update the design of the resources, and combined resource kit with the goal of keeping the overall size of the kit suitable for bookshelf mounting and the cost at reasonable levels. Both goals were achieved in that the kit is about the same size as a 25 mm A4 binder and costs between $19.00 and $28.00 per kit depending on the size of the print run. The dissemination of the updated CSI resource kit was an outstanding success. Demand for the kits was so great that a second print run of 2,000 kits was arranged on top of the initial print run of 4,000 kits. All RACFs across Australia were issued with a kit, some 2,740 in total. Since the initial distribution another 1,100 requests for kits has been fulfilled as well as 1,619 kits being distributed to participants at the Promoting Healthy Skin workshops. As the project was winding up a final request email was sent to all workshop participants asking if they required additional kits or resources to distribute the remaining kits and resources. This has resulted in requests for 200 additional kits and resources. Feedback from the residential aged care sector and other clinical providers who have interest in wound care has been very positive regarding the utility of the kit, (see Appendix 4). Promoting Healthy Skin Workshops The workshops also exceeded the project team’s initial objective. Our goal of providing workshop training for staff from one in four facilities and 450 participants was exceeded, with overwhelming demand for workshop places resulting in the need to provide a second round of workshops across Australia. At the completion of the second round, 37 workshops had been given, with 1286 participants, representing 835 facilities. A number of strategies were used to promote the workshops ranging from invitations included in the kit, to postcard mail-outs, broadcast emailing to all facilities and aged care networks and to articles and paid advertising in aged care journals. The most effective method, by far, was directly phoning the facilities. This enabled the caller to contact the relevant staff member and enlist their support for the workshop. As this is a labour intensive exercise, it was only used where numbers needed bolstering, with one venue rising from 3 registrants before the calls to 53 registrants after. The workshops were aimed at staff who had the interest and the capability of implementing evidence-based wound management within their facility or organisation. This targeting was successful in that a large proportion (68%) of participants were Registered Nurses, Nurse Managers, Educators or Consultants. Twenty percent were Endorsed Enrolled Nurses with the remaining 12% being made up of Personal Care Workers or Allied Health Professionals. To facilitate long term sustainability, the workshop employed train-the-trainer strategies. Feedback from the EBPRAC-CSI Stage 1 interviews was used in the development of workshop content. In addition, feedback from the workshop conducted at the end of the EBPRAC-CSI Stage 1 project suggested that change management and leadership training should be included in the workshops. The program was trialled in the first workshop conducted in Brisbane and then rolled out across Australia. Participants were asked to complete pre and post workshop surveys at the beginning and end of the workshop to determine how knowledge and confidence improved over the day. Results from the pre and post surveys showed significant improvements in the level of confidence in attendees’ ability to implement evidence based wound management. The results also indicated a significant increase in the level of confidence in ability to implement change within their facility or organisation. This is an important indication that the inclusion of change management/leadership training with clinical instruction can increase staff capacity and confidence in translating evidence into practice. To encourage the transfer of the evidence based content of the workshop into practice, participants were asked to prepare an Action Plan to be followed by a simple one page progress report three months after the workshop. These reports ranged from simple (e.g. skin moisturising to prevent skin tears), to complex implementation plans for introducing the CSI model across the whole organisation. Outcomes described in the project reports included decreased prevalence of skin tears, pressure injuries and chronic wounds, along with increased staff and resident knowledge and resident comfort. As stated above, some organisations prepared large, complex plans to roll out the CSI model across their organisation. These plans included a review of the organisation’s wound care system, policies and procedures, the creation of new processes, the education of staff and clients, uploading education and resource material onto internal electronic platforms and setting up formal review and evaluation processes. The CSI Resources have been enthusiastically sought and incorporated into multiple health care settings, including aged care, acute care, Medicare Local intranets (e.g. Map of Medicine e-pathways), primary health care, community and home care organisations, education providers and New Zealand aged and community health providers. Recommendations: Recommendations for RACFs, aged care and health service providers and government  Skin integrity and the evidence-practice gap in this area should be recognised as a major health issue for health service providers for older adults, with wounds experienced by up to 50% of residents in aged care settings (Edwards et al. 2010). Implementation of evidence based wound care through the Champions for Skin Integrity model in this and the pilot project has demonstrated the prevalence of wounds, wound healing times and wound infections can be halved.  A national program and Centre for Evidence Based Wound Management should be established to: - expand the reach of the model to other aged care facilities and health service providers for older adults - sustain the uptake of models such as the Champions for Skin Integrity (CSI) model - ensure current resources, expertise and training are available for consumers and health care professionals to promote skin integrity for all older adults  Evidence based resources for the CSI program and similar projects should be reviewed and updated every 3 – 4 years as per NH&MRC recommendations  Leadership and change management training is fundamental to increasing staff capacity, at all levels, to promote within-organisation dissemination of skills and knowledge gained from projects providing evidence based training Recommendations for future national dissemination projects  A formal program of opportunities for small groups of like projects to share information and resources, coordinate activities and synergise education programs interactively would benefit future national dissemination projects - Future workshop programs could explore an incentive program to optimise attendance and reduce ‘no shows’ - Future projects should build in the capacity and funding for increased follow-up with workshop attendees, to explore the reasons behind those who are unable to translate workshop learnings into the workplace and identify factors to address these barriers.


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Due to the numerous possibilities of voicing concerns and the flood of data we are exposed to, local issues are sometimes at risk of being overlooked. This study explores Local Commons, a design intervention in public space that combines situated digital and tangible media in order to engage communities in contributing and debating different perspectives on a given local issue. The intervention invited the community to submit images of their perspectives on the issue, which were displayed on a public screen. Via tangible buttons in front of the screen, community members then agree or disagree on the displayed perspectives, creating a space for deliberation. In a user study, we were specifically interested in testing three aspects of our intervention, which are discussed in this paper: The difference that situatedness, visual content, and tangible interaction can make to urban community engagement.


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In Moral Rights and Their Application in Australia, Maree Sainsbury offers a summary of the new moral rights regime established in Australia in 2000. It is a decent guide and handbook to moral rights for legal practitioners, the authors of copyright work, and the users of copyright material. As the author notes: "The Australian moral rights legislation impacts on the rights and obligations of many people in diverse circumstances, from the creator of a highly unique work of art to the designer of a web site incorporating factual information or graphics which someone else has created. Any person creating or dealing with copyright material should be aware of the moral rights implications. This book provides a detailed analysis of the moral rights legislation, while stressing the fundamental provisions. It also provides some useful practical guidance for those who are affected, both in general terms and with respect to the more specific situations outlined above." Maree Sainsbury provides an enjoyable account of the history and nature of moral rights. She charts the romantic, Continental origins of moral rights, and explains their translation to countries, such as Australia and the United States.


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We show that the well-known Kohn anomaly predicts Tc for ordered AlB2-type structures. We use ab initio Density Functional Theory to calculate phonon dispersions for Mg1-xAlxB2 compositions and identify a phonon anomaly with magnitude that predicts experimental values of Tc for all x. Key features of these anomalies correlate with the electronic structure of Mg1-xAlxB2. This approach predicts Tc for other known AlB2-type structures as well as new compositions. We predict that Mg0.5Ba0.5B2 will show Tc = 63.6 ± 6.6 K. Other forms of the Mg1-xBaxB2 series will also be superconductors when successfully synthesised. Our calculations predict that the end-member composition, BaB2, is likely to show a Tc significantly higher than currently achieved by other diborides although an applied pressure ~16 GPa may be required to stabilise the structure.


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Art museums are playing an important role is attracting cultural tourists to global cities and regions. Traditionally, art museums were primarily known for their didactic role. In a post-avant-garde era however museums are more focused on appealing to a broader clientele that want art to be novel and entertaining. Art museums have also come to play a greater role in gentrification projects and cultural precincts. This is because they are ideally suited for tourist-centric environments that offer a variety of immersive sensory experiences, and combine museums (often designed by star-architects), international hotels, restaurants, high-end shopping zones, and other leisure platforms. These "experiencescapes" include Port Maravilha urban waterfront development in Rio de Janiero, the Shanghai Bund, and the Broad project in Los Angeles. The Museum of Old and New Art in Hobart Australia is a boutique player in the global market for experiencescapes. It is smaller than many of its competitors and is situated in a remote part of the world, yet it has made an important contribution to Tasmania’s tourism industry.


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RecJ exonuclease plays crucial roles in several DNA repair and recombination pathways, and its ubiquity in bacterial species points to its ancient origin and vital cellular function. RecJ exonuclease from Haemophilus influenzae is a 575-amino-acid protein that harbors the characteristic motifs conserved among RecJ homologs. The purified protein exhibits a process 5'-3' single-stranded-DNA-specific exonuclease activity. The exonuclease activity of H. influenzae RecJ (HiRecJ) was supported by Mg2+ or Mn2+ and inhibited by Cd2+ suggesting a different mode of metal binding in HiRecJ as compared to Escherichia coli RecJ (EcoRecJ). Site-directed mutagenesis of highly conserved residues in HiRecJ abolished enzymatic activity. Interestingly, substitution of alanine for aspartate 77 resulted in a catalytically inactive enzyme that bound to DNA with a significantly higher affinity as compared to the wild-type enzyme. Noticeably, steady-state kinetic studies showed that H. influenzae single-stranded DNA-binding protein (HiSSB) increased the affinity of HiRecJ for single-stranded DNA and stimulated its exonuclease activity. HiSSB, whose C-terminal tail had been deleted, failed to enhance RecJ exonuclease activity. More importantly, HiRecJ was found to directly associate with its cognate single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB), as demonstrated by various in vitro assays, Interaction studies carried out with the truncated variants of HiRecJ and HiSSB revealed that the two proteins interact via the C-terminus of SSB protein and the core-catalytic domain of RecJ. Taken together, these results emphasize direct interactio between RecJ and SSB, which confers functional cooperativity to these two proteins. In addition, these results implicate SSB as being involved in the recruitment of RecJ to DNA and provide insights into the interplay between these proteins in repair and recombination pathways.


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Despite great advances in very large scale integrated-circuit design and manufacturing, performance of even the best available high-speed, high-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is known to deteriorate while acquiring fast-rising, high-frequency, and nonrepetitive waveforms. Waveform digitizers (ADCs) used in high-voltage impulse recordings and measurements are invariably subjected to such waveforms. Errors resulting from a lowered ADC performance can be unacceptably high, especially when higher accuracies have to be achieved (e.g., when part of a reference measuring system). Static and dynamic nonlinearities (estimated independently) are vital indices for evaluating performance and suitability of ADCs to be used in such environments. Typically, the estimation of static nonlinearity involves 10-12 h of time or more (for a 12-b ADC) and the acquisition of millions of samples at high input frequencies for dynamic characterization. ADCs with even higher resolution and faster sampling speeds will soon become available. So, there is a need to reduce testing time for evaluating these parameters. This paper proposes a novel and time-efficient method for the simultaneous estimation of static and dynamic nonlinearity from a single test. This is achieved by conceiving a test signal, comprised of a high-frequency sinusoid (which addresses dynamic assessment) modulated by a low-frequency ramp (relevant to the static part). Details of implementation and results on two digitizers are presented and compared with nonlinearities determined by the existing standardized approaches. Good agreement in results and time savings achievable indicates its suitability.