959 resultados para emissione spontanea,emissione stimolata,schema a quattro livelli,atomi,fotoni,Olografia


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We investigated cross-cultural differences in the factor structure and psychometric properties of the 75-item Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form (YSQ-SF). Participants were 833 South Korean and 271 Australian undergraduate students. The South Korean sample was randomly divided into two sub-samples. Sample A was used for Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and sample B was used for Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). EFA for the South Korean sample revealed a 13-factor solution to be the best fit for the data, and CFA on the data from sample B confirmed this result. CFA on the data from the Australian sample also revealed a 13-factor solution. The overall scale of the YSQ-SF demonstrated a high level of internal consistency in the South Korean and Australian groups. Furthermore, adequate internal consistencies for all subscales in the South Korean and Australian samples were demonstrated. In conclusion, the results showed that YSQ-SF with 13 factors has good psychometric properties and reliability for South Korean and Australian University students. Korean samples had significantly higher YSD scores on most of the 13 subscales than the Australian sample. However, limitations of the current study preclude the generalisability of the findings to beyond undergraduate student populations. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Cervarola Sandstones Formation (CSF), Aquitanian-Burdigalian in age, was deposited in an elongate, NW-stretched foredeep basin formed in front of the growing Northern Apennines orogenic wedge. The stratigraphic succession of the CSF, in the same way of other Apennine foredeep deposits, records the progressive closure of the basin due to the propagation of thrust fronts toward north-east, i.e. toward the outer and shallower foreland ramp. This process produce a complex foredeep characterized by synsedimentary structural highs and depocenters that can strongly influence the lateral and vertical turbidite facies distribution. Of consequence the main aim of this work is to describe and discuss this influence on the basis of a new high-resolution stratigraphic framework performed by measuring ten stratigraphic logs, for a total thickness of about 2000m, between the Secchia and Scoltenna Valleys (30km apart). In particular, the relationship between the turbidite sedimentation and the ongoing tectonic activity during the foredeep evolution has been describe through various stratigraphic cross sections oriented parallel and perpendicular to the main tectonic structures. On the basis of the high resolution physical stratigraphy of the studied succession, we propose a facies tract and an evolutionary model for the Cervarola Sandstones in the studied area. Thanks to these results and the analogies with others foredeep deposits of the northern Apennines, such as the Marnoso-arenacea Formation, the Cervarola basin has been interpreted as a highly confined foredeep controlled by an intense synsedimentary tectonic activity. The most important evidences supporting this hypothesis are: 1) the upward increase, in the studied stratigraphic succession (about 1000m thick), of sandstone/mudstone ratio, grain sizes and Ophiomorpha-type trace fossils testifying the high degree of flow deceleration related to the progressive closure and uplift of the foredeep. 2) the occurrence in the upper part of the stratigraphic succession of coarse-grained massive sandstones overlain by tractive structures such as megaripples and traction carpets passing downcurrent into fine-grained laminated contained-reflected beds. This facies tract is interpreted as related to deceleration and decoupling of bipartite flows with the deposition of the basal dense flows and bypass of the upper turbulent flows. 3) the widespread occurrence of contained reflected beds related to morphological obstacles created by tectonic structures parallel and perpendicular to the basin axis (see for example the Pievepelago line). 4) occurrence of intra-formational slumps, constituted by highly deformed portion of fine-grained succession, indicating a syn-sedimentary tectonic activity of the tectonic structures able to destabilize the margins of the basin. These types of deposits increase towards the upper part of the stratigraphic succession (see points 1 and 2) 5) the impressive lateral facies changes between intrabasinal topographic highs characterized by fine-grained and thin sandstone beds and marlstones and depocenters characterized by thick to very thick coarse-grained massive sandstones. 6) the common occurrence of amalgamation surfaces, flow impact structures and mud-draped scours related to sudden deceleration of the turbidite flows induced by the structurally-controlled confinement and morphological irregularities. In conclusion, the CSF has many analogies with the facies associations occurring in other tectonically-controlled foredeeps such as those of Marnoso-arenacea Formation (northern Italy) and Annot Sandstones (southern France) showing how thrust fronts and transversal structures moving towards the foreland, were able to produce a segmented foredeep that can strongly influence the turbidity current deposition.


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Authors from Burrough (1992) to Heuvelink et al. (2007) have highlighted the importance of GIS frameworks which can handle incomplete knowledge in data inputs, in decision rules and in the geometries and attributes modelled. It is particularly important for this uncertainty to be characterised and quantified when GI data is used for spatial decision making. Despite a substantial and valuable literature on means of representing and encoding uncertainty and its propagation in GI (e.g.,Hunter and Goodchild 1993; Duckham et al. 2001; Couclelis 2003), no framework yet exists to describe and communicate uncertainty in an interoperable way. This limits the usability of Internet resources of geospatial data, which are ever-increasing, based on specifications that provide frameworks for the ‘GeoWeb’ (Botts and Robin 2007; Cox 2006). In this paper we present UncertML, an XML schema which provides a framework for describing uncertainty as it propagates through many applications, including online risk management chains. This uncertainty description ranges from simple summary statistics (e.g., mean and variance) to complex representations such as parametric, multivariate distributions at each point of a regular grid. The philosophy adopted in UncertML is that all data values are inherently uncertain, (i.e., they are random variables, rather than values with defined quality metadata).


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Schema heterogeneity issues often represent an obstacle for discovering coreference links between individuals in semantic data repositories. In this paper we present an approach, which performs ontology schema matching in order to improve instance coreference resolution performance. A novel feature of the approach is its use of existing instance-level coreference links defined in third-party repositories as background knowledge for schema matching techniques. In our tests of this approach we obtained encouraging results, in particular, a substantial increase in recall in comparison with existing sets of coreference links.


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Although people and events that disconfirm observers' expectancies can increase their creativity, sometimes such social schema violations increase observers' rigidity of thought and undermine creative cognition. Here we examined whether individual differences in the extent to which people prefer structure and predictability determine whether social schema violations facilitate or hamper creativity. Participants in Study 1 formed impressions of a schema-inconsistent female mechanic (vs. a schema-consistent male mechanic). Following schema-inconsistent rather than -consistent information, participants low (high) in need for structure showed better (impeded) creative performance. Participants in Study 2 memorized a series of images in which individuals were placed on a schema-inconsistent (vs. consistent) background (e.g., an Eskimo on the desert vs. on a snowy landscape). Following schema-inconsistent imagery, participants low (high) in need for structure increased (decreased) divergent thinking. © 2014 by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc.


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Many studies have attempted to identify the different cognitive components of body representation (BR). Due to methodological issues, the data reported in these studies are often confusing. Here we summarize the fMRI data from previous studies and explore the possibility of a neural segregation between BR supporting actions (body-schema, BS) or not (non-oriented-to-action-body-representation, NA). We performed a general activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis of 59 fMRI experiments and two individual meta-analyses to identify the neural substrates of different BR. Body processing involves a wide network of areas in occipital, parietal, frontal and temporal lobes. NA selectively activates the somatosensory primary cortex and the supramarginal gyrus. BS involves the primary motor area and the right extrastriate body area. Our data suggest that motor information and recognition of body parts are fundamental to build BS. Instead, sensory information and processing of the egocentric perspective are more important for NA. In conclusion, our results strongly support the idea that different and segregated neural substrates are involved in body representations orient or not to actions.


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This study examined the effect of schemas on consistency and accuracy of memory across interviews, providing theoretical hypotheses explaining why inconsistencies may occur. The design manipulated schema-typicality of items (schema-typical and atypical), question format (free-recall, cued-recall and recognition) and retention interval (immediate/2 week and 2 week/4 week). Consistency, accuracy and experiential quality of memory were measured. ^ All independent variables affected accuracy and experiential quality of memory while question format was the only variable affecting consistency. These results challenge the commonly held notion in the legal arena that consistency is a proxy for accuracy. The study also demonstrates that other variables, such as item-typicality and retention interval have different effects on consistency and accuracy in memory. ^


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In questa tesi si presenta uno studio sull'apprendimento della probabilità e la relativa sperimentazione fatta su 4 classi, due terze alla fine del primo ciclo d'istruzione, una prima e una seconda di liceo scientifico. Utilizzando le proprietà elaborate dai coniugi Van Hiele per costruire dei livelli di apprendimento della geometria, sono stati stilati dei livelli di apprendimento della probabilità e l'obiettivo del progetto è di confermarli ed eventualmente correggerli. Gli studenti sono stati sottoposti ad un breve test ed in seguito a delle interviste in coppia, per cercare nel loro dialogo alcuni ''indicatori'' che permettessero di inquadrare ogni studente in un livello di apprendimento. Dalle interviste sono state estrapolate prima le strategie risolutive, ovvero i procedimenti che gli studenti usano per risolvere un problema, poi delle ''categorie di pensiero'', il modo in cui gli studenti pensano a situazioni in ambito probabilistico ed, infine, i livelli di apprendimento, corretti e rielaborati secondo i risultati ottenuti.


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di Rodolfo Paravicini ; musica di A. Carlos Gomes ; opera completa per canto e pianoforte, riduzione di G. Loscar.


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Der Zugang zu Datenbanken über die universelle Abfragesprache SQL stellt für Nicht-Spezialisten eine große Herausforderung dar. Als eine benutzerfreundliche Alternative wurden daher seit den 1970er-Jahren unterschiedliche visuelle Abfragesprachen (Visual Query Languages, kurz VQLs) für klassische PCs erforscht. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, eine generische VQL zu entwickeln und zu erproben, die eine gestenbasierte Exploration von Datenbanken auf Schema- und Instanzdatenebene für mobile Endgeräte, insbesondere Tablets, ermöglicht. Dafür werden verschiedene Darstellungsformen, Abfragestrategien und visuelle Hints für Fremdschlüsselbeziehungen untersucht, die den Benutzer bei der Navigation durch die Daten unterstützen. Im Rahmen einer Anforderungsanalyse erwies sich die Visualisierung der Daten und Beziehungen mittels einer platzsparenden geschachtelten NF2-Darstellung als besonders vorteilhaft. Zur Steuerung der Datenbankexploration wird eine geeignete Gestensprache, bestehend aus Stroke-, Multitouch- und Mid-Air-Gesten, vorgestellt. Das Gesamtkonzept aus Darstellung und Gestensteuerung wurde anhand des im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten GBXT-Prototyps auf seine reale Umsetzbarkeit hin, als plattformunabhängige Single-Page-Application für verschiedene mobile Endgeräte mittels JavaScript und HTML5/CSS3 untersucht.


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In questo breve elaborato si vuole spiegare l’importanza dello studio di un corpo celeste mediante l’osservazione del suo spettro ovvero un grafico del flusso emesso in funzione della frequenza o della lunghezza d’onda nel quale sono presenti righe spettrali, formate dall’interazione tra materia e radiazione, a causa dell’assorbimento od emissione di fotoni a seguito di transizioni elettroniche, ma anche vibrazionali e rotazionali per le molecole. In particolare, dall’analisi delle righe spettrali si traggono diverse informazioni sull’oggetto, quali, la composizione e l’abbondanza delle specie chimiche che lo compongono in base al tipo di righe presenti e alla loro intensità, si deduce la temperatura e la pressione dell’oggetto studiato dalla larghezza di queste, ancora, informazioni sul moto relativo e la distanza dall’osservatore misurando lo shift delle righe; infine densità e campi magnetici del mezzo interstellare. Per molti oggetti astronomici, troppo distanti, lo studio dello spettro è l’unico modo per trarre conclusioni sulla loro natura. Per questo, nel primo capitolo si ricava l’equazione del trasporto radiativo, soffermandosi sui processi che regolano l’assorbimento e l’emissione di energia. Il secondo capitolo invece, tratta il caso particolare delle atmosfere stellari, nel quale si ricava, con una serie di approssimazioni fatte sull’equazione del trasporto radiativo, quale parte osserviamo di una stella e dove si formano le righe spettrali. Successivamente ci si è concentrati sui meccanismi che portano alla formazione delle righe spettrali, analizzando sia le transizioni radiative con i coefficienti di Einstein, sia quelle collisionali, e distinguendo tra transizioni permesse o proibite con le regole di selezione. Infine si sono esaminate le informazioni che si possono ricavare dalle righe spettrali, approfondendo sui fenomeni di shift e modifica di queste, descrivendo più nel dettaglio la riga a 21 cm dell’atomo di idrogeno, fondamentale in astrofisica.


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In questo elaborato viene presentato lo studio fotometrico di quattro ammassi globulari galattici. I target di questa Tesi fanno parte della HST UV Legacy Survey degli ammassi globulari galattici (Piotto et al. 2015). Nell'ambito di questa survey sono stati osservati, in modo omogeneo, 57 ammassi globulari galattici con il telescopio spaziale Hubble e la camera WFC3, in tre bande fotometriche ultraviolette e blu. Un dataset così composto è adatto a numerosi scopi, tra cui lo studio delle popolazioni calde come le BSS e delle popolazioni multiple. Sono stati selezionati quattro ammassi particolarmente popolosi e tra i più densi del campione, allo scopo di mettere a punto indicatori di evoluzione dinamica e comprendere il ruolo di quest'ultima sulle proprietà delle popolazioni multiple presenti nei sistemi selezionati. Lo studio dell'evoluzione dinamica è stato effettuato tramite la distribuzione radiale delle BSS (Blue Straggler Stars), che è stato dimostrato esserne un efficiente indicatore (Ferraro et al. 2012). I risultati ottenuti evidenziano chiaramente che tutti gli ammassi selezionati si trovano in fasi avanzate di evoluzione dinamica, come suggerito dall'alta densità che li caratterizza. Anche lo studio delle proprietà delle popolazioni multiple, ovvero sottopopolazioni con differenti abbondanze chimiche di elementi leggeri, la cui presenza è stata recentemente osservata negli ammassi globulari, è stato effettuato tramite lo studio della loro distribuzione radiale. Tra i quattro casi analizzati, soltanto M 15 ha mostrato una separazione significativa tra le distribuzioni radiali delle due popolazioni.


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La PET/RMN è un ibrido delle tecnologie di imaging che incorpora la risonanza magnetica nucleare (RMN), che fornisce un'imaging di tipo morfologico, e la tomografia ad emissione di positroni (PET), che fornisce un'imaging di tipo funzionale. Questa nuova tecnologia trova applicazioni in campo oncologico, cardiovascolare e nello studio del sistema nervoso centrale (SNC). La realizzazione di questa nuova tecnologia ha comportato diverse sfide tecniche per la combinazione delle due apparecchiature, che sono state risolte con diversi approcci. Lo sviluppo futuro della PET/RMN sarà guidato da molteplici fattori tra i quali l'eliminazione degli eventuali disturbi e la necessità di accordi per i rimborsi dell'esame. Tutt'ora esistono tre diversi produttori al mondo : Simens, Philips e GE (General Electric), i quali hanno diverse tecnologie e diversi metodi di analisi. La prima apparecchiatura PET/RMN in Italia è stata acquistata dall'ospedale di Padova nel gennaio 2015, mentre negli altri paesi aveva già fatto la sua comparsa dal 2011.