864 resultados para drug-related problems (DRPs)


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Currently, student dropout rates are a matter of concern among universities. Many research studies, aimed at discovering the causes, have been carried out. However, few solutions, that could serve all students and related problems, have been proposed so far. One such problem is caused by the lack of the "knowledge chain educational links" that occurs when students move onto higher studies without mastering their basic studies. Most regulated studies imparted at universities are designed so that some basic subjects serve as support for other, more complicated, subjects, thus forming a complicated knowledge network. When a link in this chain fails, student frustration occurs as it prevents him from fully understanding the following educational links. In this proposal we try to mitigate these disasters that stem, for the most part, the student?s frustration beyond his college stay. On one hand, we make a dissertation on the student?s learning process, which we divide into a series of phases that amount to what we call the "learning lifecycle." Also, we analyze at what stage the action by the stakeholders involved in this scenario: teachers and students; is most important. On the other hand, we consider that Information and Communication Technologies ICT, such as Cloud Computing, can help develop new ways, allowing for the teaching of higher education, while easing and facilitating the student?s learning process. But, methods and processes need to be defined as to direct the use of such technologies; in the teaching process in general, and within higher education in particular; in order to achieve optimum results. Our methodology integrates, as another actor, the ICT into the "Learning Lifecycle". We stimulate students to stop being merely spectators of their own education, and encourage them to take an active part in their training process. To do this, we offer a set of useful tools to determine not only academic failure causes, (for self assessment), but also to remedy these failures (with corrective actions); "discovered the causes it is easier to determine solutions?. We believe this study will be useful for both students and teachers. Students learn from their own experience and improve their learning process, while obtaining all of the "knowledge chain educational links? required in their studies. We stand by the motto "Studying to learn instead of studying to pass". Teachers will also be benefited by detecting where and how to strengthen their teaching proposals. All of this will also result in decreasing dropout rates.


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En la presente tesis desarrollamos una estrategia para la simulación numérica del comportamiento mecánico de la aorta humana usando modelos de elementos finitos no lineales. Prestamos especial atención a tres aspectos claves relacionados con la biomecánica de los tejidos blandos. Primero, el análisis del comportamiento anisótropo característico de los tejidos blandos debido a las familias de fibras de colágeno. Segundo, el análisis del ablandamiento presentado por los vasos sanguíneos cuando estos soportan cargas fuera del rango de funcionamiento fisiológico. Y finalmente, la inclusión de las tensiones residuales en las simulaciones en concordancia con el experimento de apertura de ángulo. El análisis del daño se aborda mediante dos aproximaciones diferentes. En la primera aproximación se presenta una formulación de daño local con regularización. Esta formulación tiene dos ingredientes principales. Por una parte, usa los principios de la teoría de la fisura difusa para garantizar la objetividad de los resultados con diferentes mallas. Por otra parte, usa el modelo bidimensional de Hodge-Petruska para describir el comportamiento mesoscópico de los fibriles. Partiendo de este modelo mesoscópico, las propiedades macroscópicas de las fibras de colágeno son obtenidas a través de un proceso de homogenización. En la segunda aproximación se presenta un modelo de daño no-local enriquecido con el gradiente de la variable de daño. El modelo se construye a partir del enriquecimiento de la función de energía con un término que contiene el gradiente material de la variable de daño no-local. La inclusión de este término asegura una regularización implícita de la implementación por elementos finitos, dando lugar a resultados de las simulaciones que no dependen de la malla. La aplicabilidad de este último modelo a problemas de biomecánica se estudia por medio de una simulación de un procedimiento quirúrgico típico conocido como angioplastia de balón. In the present thesis we develop a framework for the numerical simulation of the mechanical behaviour of the human aorta using non-linear finite element models. Special attention is paid to three key aspects related to the biomechanics of soft tissues. First, the modelling of the characteristic anisotropic behaviour of the softue due to the collagen fibre families. Secondly, the modelling of damage-related softening that blood vessels exhibit when subjected to loads beyond their physiological range. And finally, the inclusion of the residual stresses in the simulations in accordance with the opening-angle experiment The modelling of damage is addressed with two major and different approaches. In the first approach a continuum local damage formulation with regularisation is presented. This formulation has two principal ingredients. On the one hand, it makes use of the principles of the smeared crack theory to avoid the mesh size dependence of the structural response in softening. On the other hand, it uses a Hodge-Petruska bidimensional model to describe the fibrils as staggered arrays of tropocollagen molecules, and from this mesoscopic model the macroscopic material properties of the collagen fibres are obtained using an homogenisation process. In the second approach a non-local gradient-enhanced damage formulation is introduced. The model is built around the enhancement of the free energy function by means of a term that contains the referential gradient of the non-local damage variable. The inclusion of this term ensures an implicit regularisation of the finite element implementation, yielding mesh-objective results of the simulations. The applicability of the later model to biomechanically-related problems is studied by means of the simulation of a typical surgical procedure, namely, the balloon angioplasty.


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During past decades, knowledge of melanoma biology has increased considerably. Numerous therapeutic modalities based on this knowledge are currently under investigation. Advanced melanoma, nevertheless, remains a prime example of poor treatment response that may, in part, be the consequence of activated N-Ras oncoproteins. Besides oncogenic Ras, wild-type Ras gene products also play a key role in receptor tyrosine kinase growth factor signaling, known to be of importance in oncogenesis and tumor progression of a variety of human neoplasms, including malignant melanoma; therefore, it is reasonable to speculate that a pharmacological approach that curtails Ras activity may represent a sensible approach to inhibit melanoma growth. To test this concept, the antitumor activity of S-trans, trans-farnesylthiosalicylic acid (FTS), a recently discovered Ras antagonist that dislodges Ras from its membrane-anchoring sites, was evaluated. The antitumor activity of FTS was assessed both in vitro and in vivo in two independent SCID mouse xenotransplantation models of human melanoma expressing either wild-type Ras (cell line 518A2) or activated Ras (cell line 607B). We show that FTS (5–50 μM) reduces the amounts of activated N-Ras and wild-type Ras isoforms both in human melanoma cells and Rat-1 fibroblasts, interrupts the Ras-dependent extracellular signal-regulated kinase in melanoma cells, inhibits the growth of N-Ras-transformed fibroblasts and human melanoma cells in vitro and reverses their transformed phenotype. FTS also causes a profound and statistically significant inhibition of 518A2 (82%) and 607B (90%) human melanoma growth in SCID mice without evidence of drug-related toxicity. Our findings stress the notion that FTS may qualify as a novel and rational treatment approach for human melanoma and possibly other tumors that either carry activated ras genes or rely on Ras signal transduction more heavily than nonmalignant cells.


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The HIV Reverse Transcriptase and Protease Sequence Database is an on-line relational database that catalogs evolutionary and drug-related sequence variation in the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) reverse transcriptase (RT) and protease enzymes, the molecular targets of anti-HIV therapy (http://hivdb.stanford.edu). The database contains a compilation of nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences, including submissions from International Collaboration databases and sequences published in journal articles. Sequences are linked to data about the source of the sequence sample and the antiretroviral drug treatment history of the individual from whom the isolate was obtained. During the past year 3500 sequences have been added and the data model has been expanded to include drug susceptibility data on sequenced isolates. Database content has also been integrated with didactic text and the output of two sequence analysis programs.


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Evidence accumulated over more than 45 years has indicated that environmental stimuli can induce craving for drugs of abuse in individuals who have addictive disorders. However, the brain mechanisms that subserve such craving have not been elucidated. Here a positron emission tomographic study shows increased glucose metabolism in cortical and limbic regions implicated in several forms of memory when human volunteers who abuse cocaine are exposed to drug-related stimuli. Correlations of metabolic increases in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, medial temporal lobe (amygdala), and cerebellum with self-reports of craving suggest that a distributed neural network, which integrates emotional and cognitive aspects of memory, links environmental cues with cocaine craving.


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Introdução A presença de mulheres no transporte rodoviário de cargas tem sido cada vez mais crescente e as repercussões do trabalho na vida das motoristas de caminhão ainda são desconhecidas pela comunidade científica. Objetivo - Caracterizar e analisar o trabalho de mulheres motoristas de caminhão e suas repercussões sobre sua saúde, a partir do relato de homens e mulheres motoristas de caminhão. Metodologia - O estudo com abordagem qualitativa utilizou a técnica do grupo focal, entrevistas individuais e observação não participante. Os grupos focais foram realizados em uma empresa transportadora localizada no estado de São Paulo e as entrevistas individuais em evento realizado na cidade de Itupeva/SP. Em oito encontros, grupos de motoristas de caminhão, discutiram a temática trabalho e saúde conduzida por meio de questões semiabertas. As mesmas questões foram utilizadas para as entrevistas individuais. Os relatos foram gravados, sendo o conteúdo das gravações transcrito e analisado por meio da metodologia Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin. A partir dos dados obtidos, construíram-se as seguintes categorias: A trajetória profissional de motoristas de caminhão; As mulheres no Transporte Rodoviário de Cargas; O trabalho; Um momento inesquecível na profissão e A saúde das mulheres motoristas na estrada. Resultados Tornar-se motorista de caminhão, para a maioria das mulheres, ocorreu por acaso, ou devido à uma necessidade financeira, ou a falta de perspectiva de emprego. Para as mulheres no Transporte Rodoviário de Cargas, o cotidiano de trabalho das profissionais está atravessado por aspectos como: a força física; dúvidas e preconceitos quanto à sua orientação sexual; o desafio em conciliar a vida dentro e fora do caminhão; conflitos na vida conjugal decorrentes da vida profissional; a discriminação sexual e a necessidade do reconhecimento no trabalho, bem como a falta de infraestrutura dedicada às trabalhadoras nas empresas e postos de parada nas rodovias brasileiras. O momento inesquecível nesta profissão, considerado por homens e mulheres, foi a primeira viagem. Os impactos do trabalho sobre a saúde das trabalhadoras recaíram sobre dores lombares e na coluna; problemas relacionados ao sono; necessidade de recorrer ao uso de drogas como anfetaminas e cocaína para manterem-se acordadas durante o trabalho; estresse; infecção urinária e uso ininterrupto de anticoncepcionais. Conclusões - A inserção das mulheres no transporte rodoviário de cargas desafia empresas e a infraestrutura existente nas rodovias do país a acompanharem as transformações sociais no mundo do trabalho, incluindo as demandas de um novo perfil de trabalhadoras. Descritores: trabalho, gênero, saúde, motoristas de caminhão.


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Hipodermóclise (HDC) é uma importante técnica alternativa para a administração de medicamentos e fluidos pela via subcutânea. É usada com frequência para o controle dos sintomas em pacientes em cuidados paliativos com dificuldade de acesso venoso e que são incapazes de tolerar medicação oral. No entanto, raros estudos abordaram o uso da HDC de uma forma global, para reposição hidroeletrolítica e terapia medicamentosa, tanto na forma contínua quanto intermitente, observando detalhes e complicações do seu uso. Os objetivos deste estudo incluíram caracterizar o uso da HDC para administração de medicamentos, soluções e eletrólitos e avaliar as possíveis complicações locais, identificando também outros fatores que influenciam sua ocorrência. Estudo observacional prospectivo com coleta de dados em prontuário e acompanhamento diário de pacientes internados com câncer avançado, da equipe de Cuidados Paliativos do Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo (ICESP) em uso de HDC, verificando local de punção, medicamentos administrados e possíveis complicações, acompanhando os detalhes de seu uso. A análise estatística não-paramétrica e método de regressão logística foram realizados. Foram acompanhados 99 pacientes com 243 punções, das quais 166 (68,3%) em coxa e 46 (18,9%) em abdome. Os medicamentos mais utilizados foram morfina em 122 (50,2%) punções, seguido de dipirona em 118 (48,6%) e dexametasona em 86 (35,4%). A solução mais prescrita foi a glicofisiológica em 38 (15,6%) punções, pelo seu aporte calórico. 13,6% das punções (33 de 243) tiveram complicações, sendo apenas seis casos maiores (edema). Complicações ocorreram mais frequentemente até o segundo dia da punção e foram associadas com o número (p=0,007) e o volume (p=0,042) de medicamentos administrados e também com a solução glicofisiológica (p=0,003) e os eletrólitos cloreto de potássio (p=0,037) e cloreto de sódio (p=0,013). Este estudo permitiu o conhecimento de fatores associados a complicações e propõe algumas recomendações, como: individualização da terapia, especialmente relacionada com o volume de escolha, número de medicamentos administrados e evitar a adição de eletrólitos na solução glicofisiológica


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El trabajo analiza los antecedentes históricos de la nutrición comunitaria española a través del estudio de los primeros intentos de institucionalización que tuvieron lugar en la Sección de Higiene de la Alimentación y Nutrición de la Escuela Nacional de Sanidad (ENS), limitando la búsqueda al período 1930-1936. Junto a la formación de los profesionales de la salud pública en las materias relacionadas con la nutrición y la alimentación se desarrolló un programa de investigación que contemplaba tres grandes áreas de trabajo. Para poder conocer cuál era la alimentación media habitual de los españoles y orientar las medidas preventivas encaminadas a conseguir una adecuada alimentación se llevaron a cabo estudios y encuestas sobre consumo. Se estudió la composición química de los alimentos españoles, con el objeto de determinar las posibles carencias. Por último, se analizaron los problemas de salud que acarreaba una alimentación deficiente en grupos de riesgo como las personas diabéticas. Los resultados de las investigaciones pusieron de manifiesto que la alimentación media de los españoles, especialmente la de las clases trabajadoras, estaba muy lejos de poder ser considerada equilibrada desde el punto de vista nutricional. Los mayores problemas residían en un déficit de proteínas animales, así como importantes deficiencias en aportes de minerales y vitaminas. El estallido de la guerra civil en julio de 1936 interrumpió el desarrollo del proceso de institucionalización. Sólo en la década de 1960, tras el paréntesis del primer franquismo, se recuperó el interés sanitario por los problemas de la alimentación.


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Within the context of the health reforms introduced in Spain in the early 20th century and the influence of international health organisations on their development, this article analyses the growing interest that surrounded nourishment and food-related problems at that time in relation to healthcare, the diagnosis provided by hygienists of such problems, and the public health measures applied to resolve them. The issue of hygienic diet and the collective aspect of nutritional problems became priorities in the field of healthcare. Two of the most prominent initiatives involved setting up a Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene and Bromatological Technique during the early years of the Second Republic, as part of the National School of Health, as well as a Food Hygiene Service. Spanish hygienists underlined the importance of education and the dissemination of information about food hygiene, health and nutrition, in order to overcome the qualitative and quantitative deficiencies observed in the average diet of the Spanish population.


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A hydrogen economy is needed, in order to resolve current environmental and energy-related problems. For the introduction of hydrogen as an important energy vector, sophisticated materials are required. This paper provides a brief overview of the subject, with a focus on hydrogen storage technologies for mobile applications. The unique properties of hydrogen are addressed, from which its advantages and challenges can be derived. Different hydrogen storage technologies are described and evaluated, including compression, liquefaction, and metal hydrides, as well as porous materials. This latter class of materials is outlined in more detail, explaining the physisorption interaction which leads to the adsorption of hydrogen molecules and discussing the material characteristics which are required for hydrogen storage application. Finally, a short survey of different porous materials is given which are currently investigated for hydrogen storage, including zeolites, metal organic frameworks (MOFs), covalent organic frameworks (COFs), porous polymers, aerogels, boron nitride materials, and activated carbon materials.


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The neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) plays an essential role in reward-related incentive learning, whereby neutral stimuli gain the ability to elicit approach and other responses. In an incentive learning paradigm called conditioned activity, animals receive a stimulant drug in a specific environment over the course of several days. When then placed in that environment drug-free, they generally display a conditioned hyperactive response. Modulating DA transmission at different time points during the paradigm has been shown to disrupt or enhance conditioning effects. For instance, blocking DA D2 receptors before sessions generally impedes the acquisition of conditioned activity. To date, no studies have examined the role of D2 receptors in the consolidation phase of conditioned activity; this phase occurs immediately after acquisition and involves the stabilization of memories for long-term storage. To investigate this possible role, I trained Wistar rats (N = 108) in the conditioned activity paradigm produced by amphetamine (2.0 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) to examine the effects of the D2 antagonist haloperidol (doses 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0, & 2.0 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) administered 5 min after conditioning sessions. Two positive control groups received haloperidol 1 h before conditioning sessions (doses 1.0 mg/kg and 2.0 mg/kg). The results revealed that post-session haloperidol at all doses tested did not disrupt the consolidation of conditioned activity, while pre-session haloperidol at 2.0 mg/kg prevented acquisition, with the 1.0 mg/kg group trending toward a block. Additionally, post-session haloperidol did not diminish activity during conditioning days, unlike pre-session haloperidol. One possible reason for these findings is that the consolidation phase may have begun earlier than when haloperidol was administered, since the conditioned activity paradigm uses longer learning sessions than those generally used in consolidation studies. Future studies may test if conditioned activity can be achieved with shorter sessions; if so, haloperidol would then be re-tested at an earlier time point. D2 receptor second messenger systems may also be investigated in consolidation. Since drug-related incentive stimuli can evoke cravings in those with drug addiction, a better understanding of the mechanisms of incentive learning may lead to the development of solutions for these individuals.


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The Western Balkans integration within the EU has started a legal process which is the rejection of former communist legal/political approaches and the transformation of former communist institutions. Indeed, the EU agenda has brought vertical/horizontal integration and Europeanization of national institutions (i.e. shifting power to the EU institutions and international authorities). At this point, it is very crucial to emphasize the fact that the Western Balkans as a whole region has currently an image that includes characteristics of both the Soviet socialism and the European democracy. The EU foreign policies and enlargement strategy for Western Balkans have significant effects on four core factors (i.e. Schengen visa regulations, remittances, asylum and migration as an aggregate process). The convergence/divergence of EU member states’ priorities for migration policies regulate and even shape directly the migration dynamics in migrant sender countries. From this standpoint, the research explores how main migration factors are influenced by political and judicial factors such as; rule of law and democracy score, the economic liberation score, political and human rights, civil society score and citizenship rights in Western Balkan countries. The proposal of interhybridity explores how the hybridization of state and non-state actors within home and host countries can solve labor migration-related problems. The economical and sociopolitical labor-migration model of Basu (2009) is overlapping with the multidimensional empirical framework of interhybridity. Indisputably, hybrid model (i.e. collaboration state and non-state actors) has a catalyst role in terms of balancing social problems and civil society needs. Paradigmatically, it is better to perceive the hybrid model as a combination of communicative and strategic action that means the reciprocal recognition within the model is precondition for significant functionality. This will shape social and industrial relations with moral meanings of communication.


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Enquadramento: As características do ensino contribuíram para o desenvolvimento de sintomas que desencadeiam a desistência do professor da sala de aula, não sendo Girau do Ponciano exceção. Eles são um problema de gestão pública que requer esforços conjuntos para aliviar esta situação. As causas que aumentam esse fato tem as suas repercussões sobre a saúde dos professores e dizem também respeito às condições de trabalho. Objetivos: Determinar a existência de fatores que mostram a desistência e o afastamento da sala de aula dos professores das escolas municipais da cidade de Girau do Ponciano. Métodos: O perfil sociodemográfico revelou tratar-se de indivíduos maioritariamente do sexo feminino 88,8%, com cerca de 40 anos e possuindo o ensino superior 75,9%,sendo que 68,5% são os mais velhos em tempo de serviço. O instrumento de colheita de dados sob a forma de Questionários permitiu colher informações relativas à caracterização sociodemográfica, ao trabalho e à saúde dos professores. Resultados: Constatou-se que os participantes tinham problemas de saúde psicoemocionais (50,0%); Osteoarticulares (16,6%); relacionados à voz (7,4%); auditivos (1,8%); respiratórios (1,8%) e circulatórios (3,7%). A presença de problemas relacionados com a saúde foi identificada em (77,7%) como fator determinante para a desistência da sala de aula, sendo que (85,1%) revelaram que não possuíam motivação para o trabalho da docência. Não praticam atividade física (48,8%) e a maioria detinha experiência de sala de aula de 10 a 13 anos, totalizando (68,5%). Conclusão: As evidências encontradas sustentam a necessidade de investimento na prevenção de doenças e cuidados especiais com a saúde do docente que deve ser orientado numa abordagem global dos fatores de risco irrompidos na profissão, encarando a prevenção como uma tarefa de todos; governo, sociedades científicas, profissionais de saúde. A investigação e a análise dos dados empíricos é essencial, contribuindo para dar suporte às decisões da gestão e administração escolar e política da escola contemporânea. Palavras-chave: Trabalho Docente; Saúde do Trabalhador; Professor.


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We assumed that self-control capacity, self-efficacy, and self-esteem would enable students to keep attentional control during tests. Therefore, we hypothesized that the three personality traits would be negatively related to anxiety-impaired cognition during math examinations. Secondary school students (N = 158) completed measures of self-control capacity, self-efficacy, and self-esteem at the beginning of the school year. Five months later, anxiety-impaired cognition during math examinations was assessed. Higher self-control capacity, but neither self-efficacy nor self-esteem, predicted lower anxiety-impaired cognition 5 months later, over and above baseline anxiety-impaired cognition. Moreover, self-control capacity was indirectly related to math grades via anxiety-impaired cognition. The findings suggest that improving self-control capacity may enable students to deal with anxiety-related problems during school tests.


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"S. 3410, a bill to establish a structure that will provide integrated knowledge and understanding of the ecological, social, and technological problems associated with air pollution, water pollution, solid waste disposal, general pollution, and degradation of the environment, and other related problems": p. 31-40.