363 resultados para disintegration


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Over 30% of the Antarctic continental shelf is permanently covered by floating ice shelves, providing aphotic conditions for a depauperate fauna sustained by laterally advected food. In much of the remaining Antarctic shallows (<300 m depth), seasonal sea-ice melting allows a patchy primary production supporting rich megabenthic communities dominated by glass sponges (Porifera, Hexactinellida). The catastrophic collapse of ice shelves due to rapid regional warming along the Antarctic Peninsula in recent decades has exposed over 23,000 km**2 of seafloor to local primary production. The response of the benthos to this unprecedented flux of food is, however, still unknown. In 2007, 12 years after disintegration of the Larsen A ice shelf, a first biological survey interpreted the presence of hexactinellids as remnants of a former under-ice fauna with deep-sea characteristics. Four years later, we revisited the original transect, finding 2- and 3-fold increases in glass sponge biomass and abundance, respectively, after only two favorable growth periods. Our findings, along with other long-term studies, suggest that Antarctic hexactinellids, locked in arrested growth for decades, may undergo boom-and-bust cycles, allowing them to quickly colonize new habitats. The cues triggering growth and reproduction in Antarctic glass sponges remain enigmatic.


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Objectives: The current study aims to evaluate dosage form preferences in children and young adults together with identifying the key pragmatic dosage form characteristics that would enable appropriate formulation of orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs). Methods: International, multisite, cross-sectional questionnaire of children and young adults aged from 6 to 18 years. Eligibility was based on age, ability to communicate and previous experience in taking medications. The study was carried out at three locations: the UK, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The questionnaire instrument was designed for participant self-completion under supervision of the study team.Results 104 questionnaires were completed by the study cohort (n=120, response rate 87%). Results: showed that ODTs were the most preferred oral dosage forms (58%) followed by liquids (20%), tablets (12%) and capsules (11%). The preferred colours were pink or white while the preferred size was small (<8 mm) with a round shape. With regard to flavour, strawberry was the most preferred (30.8%), while orange was the least preferred (5.8%). The results also showed that the most important physical characteristics of ODTs were disintegration time followed by taste, size and flavour, respectively. Conclusions: The results of our study support the WHO's claim for a shift of paradigm from liquid towards ODTs dosage forms for drug administration to young children older than 6 years. Data from this study will also equip formulators to prioritise development of key physical/performance attributes within the delivery system.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of process parameters during dry coating on particle and dosage form properties upon varying the surface adsorbed moisture of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), a model filler/binder for orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs). METHODS: The moisture content of MCC was optimised using the spray water method and analysed using thermogravimetric analysis. Microproperty/macroproperty assessment was investigated using atomic force microscopy, nano-indentation, scanning electron microscopy, tablet hardness and disintegration testing. KEY FINDINGS: The results showed that MCC demonstrated its best flowability at a moisture content of 11.2% w/w when compared to control, comprising of 3.9% w/w moisture. The use of the composite powder coating process (without air) resulted in up to 80% increase in tablet hardness, when compared to the control. The study also demonstrated that surface adsorbed moisture can be displaced upon addition of excipients during dry processing circumventing the need for particle drying before tabletting. CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that MCC with a moisture content of 11% w/w provides a good balance between powder flowability and favourable ODT characteristics.


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This dissertation seeks to advance our understanding of the roles that institutions play in economic development. How do institutions evolve? What mechanisms are responsible for their persistence? What effects do they have on economic development?

I address these questions using historical and contemporary data from Eastern Europe and Russia. This area is relatively understudied by development economists. It also has a very interesting history. For one thing, for several centuries it was divided between different empires. For another, it experienced wars and socialism in the 20th century. I use some of these exogenous shocks as quasi-natural social experiments to study the institutional transformations and its effects on economic development both in the short and long run.

This first chapter explores whether economic, social, and political institutions vary in their resistance to policies designed to remove them. The empirical context for the analysis is Romania from 1690 to the 2000s. Romania represents an excellent laboratory for studying the persistence of different types of historical institutional legacies. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Romania was split between the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires, where political and economic institutions differed. The Habsburgs imposed less extractive institutions relative to the Ottomans: stronger rule of law, a more stable and predictable state, a more developed civil society, and less corruption. In the 20th century, the Romanian Communist regime tried deliberately to homogenize the country along all relevant dimensions. It was only partially successful. Using a regression discontinuity design, I document the persistence of economic outcomes, social capital, and political attitudes. First, I document remarkable convergence in urbanization, education, unemployment, and income between the two former empires. Second, regarding social capital, no significant differences in organizational membership, trust in bureaucracy, and corruption persist today. Finally, even though the Communists tried to change all political attitudes, significant discontinuities exist in current voting behavior at the former Habsburg-Ottoman border. Using data from the parliamentary elections of 1996-2008, I find that former Habsburg rule decreases by around 6 percentage points the vote share of the major post-Communist left party and increases by around 2 and 5 percentage points the vote shares of the main anti-Communist and liberal parties, respectively.

The second chapter investigates the effects of Stalin’s mass deportations on distrust in central authority. Four deported ethnic groups were not rehabilitated after Stalin’s death; they remained in permanent exile until the disintegration of the Soviet Union. This allows one to distinguish between the effects of the groups that returned to their homelands and those of the groups that were not allowed to return. Using regional data from the 1991 referendum on the future of the Soviet Union, I find that deportations have a negative interim effect on trust in central authority in both the regions of destination and those of origin. The effect is stronger for ethnic groups that remained in permanent exile in the destination regions. Using data from the Life in Transition Survey, the chapter also documents a long-term effect of deportations in the destination regions.

The third chapter studies the short-term effect of Russian colonization of Central Asia on economic development. I use data on the regions of origin of Russian settlers and push factors to construct an instrument for Russian migration to Central Asia. This instrument allows me to interpret the outcomes causally. The main finding is that the massive influx of Russians into the region during the 1897-1926 period had a significant positive effect on indigenous literacy. The effect is stronger for men and in rural areas. Evidently, interactions between natives and Russians through the paid labor market was an important mechanism of human capital transmission in the context of colonization.

The findings of these chapters provide additional evidence that history and institutions do matter for economic development. Moreover, the dissertation also illuminates the relative persistence of institutions. In particular, political and social capital legacies of institutions might outlast economic legacies. I find that most economic differences between the former empires in Romania have disappeared. By the same token, there are significant discontinuities in political outcomes. People in former Habsburg Romania provide greater support for liberalization, privatization, and market economy, whereas voters in Ottoman Romania vote more for redistribution and government control over the economy.

In the former Soviet Union, Stalin’s deportations during World War II have a long-term negative effect on social capital. Today’s residents of the destination regions of deportations show significantly lower levels of trust in central authority. This is despite the fact that the Communist regime tried to eliminate any source of opposition and used propaganda to homogenize people’s political and social attitudes towards the authorities. In Central Asia, the influx of Russian settlers had a positive short-term effect on human capital of indigenous population by the 1920s, which also might have persisted over time.

From a development perspective, these findings stress the importance of institutions for future paths of development. Even if past institutional differences are not apparent for a certain period of time, as was the case with the former Communist countries, they can polarize society later on, hampering economic development in the long run. Different institutions in the past, which do not exist anymore, can thus contribute to current political instability and animosity.


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Survival of a Perverse Nation traces the ways in which contemporary Armenian anxieties are congealing into the figure of the “homosexual.” As in other post-Soviet republics, homosexuality has increasingly become defined as the crisis of the times, and is understood by many as a destructive force linked to European encroachment. In Armenia, a growing right-wing nationalist movement since 2012 has been targeting LGBT and feminist activists. I suggest that this movement has arisen out of Armenia’s concerns regarding proper social and biological reproduction in the face of high rates of emigration of especially men in search of work. Many in the country blame this emigration on a post-Soviet oligarchy, with close ties to the government. This oligarchy, having quickly and massively privatized and liquidated industry and land during the war over the region of Nagorno-Karabagh (1990-1994) with Azerbaijan, created widespread un(der)employment. A national narrative attributing the nation’s survival of the 1915 Genocide and dispersion of its populations to strong morality preserved by institutions such as the Church and the family has now, in the post-Soviet era, ruptured into one of moral “perversion.” This dissertation is based on 15 months of ethnographic research, during which I participated in the work of two local non-governmental organizations: Public Information and Need for Knowledge, an LGBT rights organization and Women’s Resource Center, a feminist organization. I also conducted interviews with 150 households across Yerevan, the capital city, and did in-depth interviews with other activists, right-wing nationalists and journalists. Through psychoanalytic frameworks, as well as studies of kinship, I show how sovereignty – the longed for dream for Armenians over the last century – is felt to have failed because of the moral corruption of the illegitimate figures that fill Armenian seats of authority. I, thus, examine the ways in which a missing father of the household is discursively linked to the lack of strong leadership by a corrupt government, producing a prevalent feeling of moral disintegration that nationalists displace onto the “homosexual.”


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The distribution of living (Rose Bengal-stained), dead and fossil benthic foraminifera was investigated in six short cores (multicores, 30-32 cm total length) recovered from the central Red Sea. The ecological preferences as well as the relationship between the live and dead/fossil assemblages (preserved down-core) were examined. The sites, located along a W-E profile and between the depth of 366 and 1782 m, extend from the center of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ, ~200-650 m), through its margin at ~600 m, and down to the well-aerated deep-water environment. Live (Rose-Bengal stained) and coexisting dead foraminifera were studied in the upper 5 cm of each of the sites, and the fossil record was studied down to ~32 cm. Q-mode Principal Component Analysis was used and four distinct foraminiferal fossil assemblages were determined. These assemblages follow different water mass properties. In the center of the OMZ, where the organic carbon content is highest and the oxygen concentration is lowest (<=0.5 ml O2/l), the Bolivina persiensis-Bulimina marginata-Discorbinella rhodiensis assemblage dominates. The slightly more aerated and lower organic-carbon-content seafloor, at the margin of the OMZ, is characterized by the Neouvigerina porrecta-Gyroidinoides cf. G. soldanii assemblage. The transitional environment, between 900-1200 m, with its well-aerated and oligotrophic seafloor, is dominated by the Neouvigerina ampullacea-Cibicides mabahethi assemblage. The deeper water (>1500 m), characterized by the most oxygenated and oligotrophic seafloor conditions, is associated with the Astrononion sp. A-Hanzawaia sp. A assemblage. Throughout the Red Sea extremely high values of temperature and salinity are constant below ~200 m depth, but the flux of organic matter to the sea floor varies considerably with bathymetry and appears to be the main controlling factor governing the distribution pattern of the benthic foraminifera. Comparison between live and the dead/fossil assemblages reveals a large difference between the two. Processes that may control this difference include species-specific high turnover rates, and preferential predation and loss of fragile taxa (either by chemical or microbial processes). Significant variations in the degree of loss of the organic-cemented agglutinants were observed down core. This group is preserved down to 5-10 cm at the shallow OMZ sites and down to greater depths at well-aerated and oligotrophic sites. The lower rate of disintegration of these forms, in the deeper locations of the Red Sea, may be related to low microbial activity. This results in the preservation of increasing numbers of organic-cemented shells down-core.


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El artículo se centra en la actividad internacional del Partido Comunista de España (PCE) desde las secuelas de la represión de la Primavera de Praga hasta 1977. Fue un período caracterizado por el principio del declive definitivo del movimiento comunista internacional. El análisis abarca múltiples cuestiones. Examina las crecientes críticas del PCE hacia el modelo soviético, y sus repercusiones en las relaciones entre el partido liderado por Santiago Carrillo y el movimiento comunista. Además, el artículo explora el intento del PCE de promover un nuevo tipo de internacionalismo en Europa occidental, auspiciando una renovada colaboración entre comunistas y socialistas y aprovechando las condiciones brindadas por la distensión. En este contexto tuvo lugar el surgimiento del eurocomunismo, que el ensayo analiza ilustrando los factores internos y externos que determinaron su crisis en la segunda mitad de los setenta.


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Durante el siglo XIII se produjo una sucesión de revueltas que supuso la desaparición del Imperio almohade y su sustitución por poderes regionales en al-Andalus, el Magreb y el Magreb al-Aqsà. La historiografía ha presentado el surgimiento y pugna entre estos poderes como un fenómeno social, político e, incluso, cultural y religioso, con el que se ha podido explicar su aniquilación o marginalización. Este trabajo pretende contextualizar los hechos desde una perspectiva medioambiental, de forma que la desintegración del califato almohade, el surgimiento de aquellos poderes y la progresión de los reinos cristianos en la península ibérica puedan entenderse desde una visión global de cambio climático y una posible crisis agrícola.


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The Brexit vote was a financial thunderclap for the entire Western chain of globalised finance. The EU and the Eurozone now face an unknown period of disintegration, instability and rebranding.


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Le sel (NaCl) joue plusieurs rôles importants dans les fromages aux niveaux technologique, microbiologique et organoleptique. Cependant, le sodium, un facteur de risque des maladies cardiovasculaires, est consommé en trop grande quantité par les Canadiens. Comme la réduction du sodium pourrait affecter la texture des fromages à pâte molle à croûte fleurie et la libération des nutriments pendant la digestion, l’impact de la réduction du sodium sur la bioaccessibilité des protéines dans le fromage Brie a été étudié. Ainsi, la composition et les caractéristiques texturales de fromages Brie ayant différentes teneurs en sodium (standard, réduite, substituée au KCl) ont été analysées. Une réduction du sodium de 23 % a été obtenue pour les fromages réduits en sodium. Le temps d’affinage affecte la protéolyse et la texture des fromages. La cinétique de dégradation de la matrice fromagère et la libération des protéines ont été déterminées par une approche de digestion in vitro. La désintégration de la matrice fromagère et la libération des protéines pendant la digestion in vitro ne sont pas différentes entre les fromages expérimentaux. Ces travaux démontrent qu’il est possible de réduire le sodium sans affecter le profil de protéolyse et la texture pendant l’affinage du fromage Brie ainsi que son comportement à la digestion.


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El Centro Histórico de Cuenca tiene como actividades predominantes el comercio, la administración, gestión de servicios, entre otros. Sin embargo, el uso de vivienda se ha ido perdiendo a través de los años. Este abandono perjudica a toda la ciudad, puesto que las personas buscan establecer sus nuevos domicilios en zonas periféricas, ocasionando disgregación y dispersión espacial de actividades, alterando el correcto crecimiento de la ciudad. Así mismo, uno de los mayores problemas que enfrenta el Centro Histórico es el no poder desarrollarse como un organismo vivo, teniendo un uso combinado de vivienda y comercio, que permite que la zona esté activa todo el tiempo. La habitabilidad es fundamental para el mantenimiento y buena salud de los Centros Históricos. Cuenca no es la excepción y es necesario devolverle a esta zona de la ciudad una función residencial más intensa. Por estas razones y a manera de estudio, se ha decidido hacer un proyecto de diseño de modelos arquitectónicos de vivienda multifamiliar en predios vacíos del área de Primer Orden del Centro Histórico de Cuenca, no solo respetando la normativa municipal, sino también aplicando la normativa BACS ensamble!, desarrollada por el Departamento de Investigación Espacio y Población a través del grupo LlactaLab Ciudades Sustentables de la Universidad de Cuenca, que defiende la posibilidad de generar barrios compactos sustentables, en zonas consolidadas de la ciudad, que ayuden a construir un modelo de ciudad diferente a la actual, donde el ser humano sea el centro de reflexión.


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This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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Purpose: To develop and optimise some variables that influence fluoxetine orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs) formulation. Methods: Fluoxetine ODTs tablets were prepared using direct compression method. Three-factor, 3- level Box-Behnken design was used to optimize and develop fluoxetine ODT formulation. The design suggested 15 formulations of different lubricant concentration (X1), lubricant mixing time (X2), and compression force (X3) and then their effect was monitored on tablet weight (Y1), thickness (Y2), hardness (Y3), % friability (Y4), and disintegration time (Y5). Results: All powder blends showed acceptable flow properties, ranging from good to excellent. The disintegration time (Y5) was affected directly by lubricant concentration (X1). Lubricant mixing time (X2) had a direct effect on tablet thickness (Y2) and hardness (Y3), while compression force (X3) had a direct impact on tablet hardness (Y3), % friability (Y4) and disintegration time (Y5). Accordingly, Box-Behnken design suggested an optimized formula of 0.86 mg (X1), 15.3 min (X2), and 10.6 KN (X3). Finally, the prediction error percentage responses of Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, and Y5 were 0.31, 0.52, 2.13, 3.92 and 3.75 %, respectively. Formula 4 and 8 achieved 90 % of drug release within the first 5 min of dissolution test. Conclusion: Fluoxetine ODT formulation has been developed and optimized successfully using Box- Behnken design and has also been manufactured efficiently using direct compression technique.


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Conventional rockmass characterization and analysis methods for geotechnical assessment in mining, civil tunnelling, and other excavations consider only the intact rock properties and the discrete fractures that are present and form blocks within rockmasses. Field logging and classification protocols are based on historically useful but highly simplified design techniques, including direct empirical design and empirical strength assessment for simplified ground reaction and support analysis. As modern underground excavations go deeper and enter into more high stress environments with complex excavation geometries and associated stress paths, healed structures within initially intact rock blocks such as sedimentary nodule boundaries and hydrothermal veins, veinlets and stockwork (termed intrablock structure) are having an increasing influence on rockmass behaviour and should be included in modern geotechnical design. Due to the reliance on geotechnical classification methods which predate computer aided analysis, these complexities are ignored in conventional design. Given the comparatively complex, sophisticated and powerful numerical simulation and analysis techniques now practically available to the geotechnical engineer, this research is driven by the need for enhanced characterization of intrablock structure for application to numerical methods. Intrablock structure governs stress-driven behaviour at depth, gravity driven disintegration for large shallow spans, and controls ultimate fragmentation. This research addresses the characterization of intrablock structure and the understanding of its behaviour at laboratory testing and excavation scales, and presents new methodologies and tools to incorporate intrablock structure into geotechnical design practice. A new field characterization tool, the Composite Geological Strength Index, is used for outcrop or excavation face evaluation and provides direct input to continuum numerical models with implicit rockmass structure. A brittle overbreak estimation tool for complex rockmasses is developed using field observations. New methods to evaluate geometrical and mechanical properties of intrablock structure are developed. Finally, laboratory direct shear testing protocols for interblock structure are critically evaluated and extended to intrablock structure for the purpose of determining input parameters for numerical models with explicit structure.


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The end of World War II brought little relief to the lands it ravaged most. Mass wartime violence continued in the Soviet space beyond the ‘false peace’ of 1945. Historians have sought to explain this violence in terms of the ‘wartime brutalisation’ of state and citizens alike, though this approach is limited in explaining how and why violence continued after 1945. This article shifts focus from psychology to social history to argue that the disintegration of Soviet state control is central to explaining the enduring violence after 1945 and understanding its emergence as much ‘from below’ as ‘from above’.