841 resultados para directors
The aim of this contribution is to highlight the long-term evolution of family capitalism in Switzerland during the twentieth century. We focus on 22 large companies of the machine, electrotechnical and metallurgy (MEM) sector whose boards of directors and general managers have been identified in five benchmark years across the twentieth century, which allows us to distinguish between family-owned and family-controlled firms. Our results show that family firms prevailed until the 1980s and thus contradict the dominance of 'managerial capitalism'. Although we observe a decline of family capitalism during the last decade of the century, the significant remaining presence of family firms in 2000 allows us to relativise the advent of investor capitalism.
aLlum és un projecte per desenvolupar una eina senzilla per aprofitar la ubiqüitat i facilitat d'ús dels telèfons mòbils. La idea va sortir de la necessitat que tenen els directors de fotografia quan van a les localitzacions de prendre nota de tots els productes que necessitaran per a la il·luminació del rodatge.
BACKGROUND: In general, schools are an important setting to implement current recommendations for obesity prevention in children because the vast majority of children attend school. This study investigated the opinions of different school stakeholders on the feasibility and acceptability of current obesity prevention strategies that could be implemented in Swiss schools. METHODS: Research methods were comprised of a qualitative study which included school directors, physical education teachers, catering staff, school nurses and health educators, parents of young adolescents, and young adolescents interviewed (N = 40) categorized into 6 focus groups. Open-ended questions were used to determine the participants' opinion regarding current obesity prevention recommendations, and healthy eating and physical activity promotion strategies. RESULTS: All participants approved the implementation of nutritional standards for food and drinks sold in schools, but thought that increasing the attractiveness of healthy options was the best strategy to improve eating habits. Enjoying participation in physical activity classes or after-school activities was stressed. Participants suggested offering classes for all students with poor physical condition, independent of weight status. Stakeholders called for governmental support and global coordination of interventions balanced with providing schools with enough autonomy to adapt programs relevant to their individual circumstances. They recommended integrating all school stakeholders in obesity prevention initiatives, with special attention to students and local authorities. CONCLUSIONS: Participants agreed that schools are a crucial setting to implement childhood obesity prevention strategies. They called on school stakeholders to join efforts aiming to encourage healthy behaviors and to support and reinforce parents' efforts by spreading consistent and coherent health messages.
Este documento forma parte del proyecto Fomento de las TIC para mejorar el aprendizaje a través de simulación en centros de salud (SIMBASE). Roadmap for the implementation and dissemination of simulation-based learning for health and education directors and public officer holders (Versión en inglés disponible en http://www.simbase.co/results/)
La persistència de la crisi econòmica suposa una amenaça constant al món de la comunicació, especialment per les dimensions dels pressupostos de publicitat, i ha fomentat que els directors de marketing exigeixin retorn, medició i la màxima eficiència en les seves inversions. El clipping de mitjans s’ha convertit en una eina imprescindible per valorar l’eficàcia, comprendre la repercusió, conèixer el retorn d’inversió aconseguit, en definitiva, analitzar si sh´an complert els objetius de la campaña de publicitat. No només es tracta d’una forma de conèixer les aparicions aconseguides en els mitjans, sinó també de reportar al client els assoliments obtinguts. Aquest estudi pretén demostrar la importància d’establir unes pautes i uns paràmetres universals en la valoració de la comunicació d’una marca, producte o servei en els mitjans de comunicació. L’anàlisi que s’ha dut a terme en aquest treball es compon d’opinions de diversos professionals del sector, bibliografia i comparacions amb altres estudis de la mateixa temàtica en altres països.
This report is prepared pursuant to Iowa Code Section 19B.5, requiring the Department of Administrative Services to submit a report on the condition of affirmative action, diversity, and multicultural programs in state agencies by September 30 of each year to the governor and the general assembly. Additionally, the report summarizes the annual reports of the affirmative action accomplishments submitted to the Department of Administrative Services by agency directors.
This guidebook has been published by the University of Northern Iowa New Iowans Program to assist employers, managers and supervisors with the unique challenges associated with hiring, training and integrating immigrant and refugee workers. Its purpose is to promote proactive engagement of newcomer workers to assure the vitality of Iowa businesses. Successful integration of immigrants and refugees in our workplaces and communities is essential to insure Iowa’s long-term economic and social health. This book provides essential information for human resource directors, trainers, supervisors and others as they meet the challenges and rewards of hiring immigrants and refugees. Of course, no guidebook can provide simple solutions to complex issues in a great variety if workplaces. This is not a “cookbook” with recipes that provide easy answers to challenges facing every company and worker. All employers are unique and approach problems differently. What works in one company might not work as well in another.
Tras el rodaje de Ossos (1997), emplazado en el barrio liboeta de Fontainhas, el realizador Pedro Costa consagraba los dos años siguientes a registrar ese escenario urbano –en proceso de demolición– a partir de una videocámara digital. Lo haría desde el cuarto de Vanda Duarte, vecina y actriz en la anterior película. Este encuentro entre el dispositivo del cineasta y lo real de la balieue portuguesa instituiría, para No quarto da Vanda (2000) y Juventude emmarcha (2006), una instancia de producción estética que da título a este trabajo, toda vez que se la ha bautizado también en él como La fábrica sensible de Fontainhas. Se trata de examinar cómo esa fábrica mancomunada engrenda una resistencia desde la luz, el espacio, el tiempo y el lenguaje, tanto al derrumbe del barrio –durante el primer largometraje– como al realojo de sucomunidad en los edificios blancos de Casal de Boba –en el segundo.
Aquest treball de recerca traça, mitjançant una metodologia transversal i comparativa, un recorregut per dos dels pilars fonamentals en la producció videocinematogràfica del duet de directors sicilians Daniele Ciprì i Franco Maresco: el cos i la ruïna. Considerada la seva obra com una visió radical del cinema i la televisió com a mitjà expressiu, al mateix temps que es treuen a la llum les principals motivacions que els han dut a seguir aquesta via al marge dels convencionalismes, s’aborden i analitzen alguns dels conceptes i motius visuals que es troben en ella: el cinisme, el sublim, el grotesc, el context postapocalíptic... Defugint tot propòsit d’establir una cronologia de fets, es destaquen i examinen posteriorment els aspectes més rellevants de la geografia dels espais que filmen i de l’anatomia dels personatges que els habiten, tot desglossant un seguit de subtemes per facilitar l’anàlisi i demostrar que la conjunció de cos i ruïna confecciona una atmosfera expressiva portada al límit de la representació
En el següent estudi s’analitza en profunditat el cinema de Philippe Garrel a través dels paràmetres fotogràfics de la seva obra. Centrat fonamentalment en les primeres pel∙lícules de la seva trajectòria underground –de Le Révélateur (1968) a L’Enfant secret (1979)‐ aquesta recerca s’articula al voltant de la repercussió simbòlica, plàstica i narrativa dels usos lumínics, definits com la gramàtica de la llum i de l’ombra. La memòria presenta, en primer lloc, la llum com a essència reveladora, abordant el paradigma solar, les fonts de llum artificials –els canelobres i les làmpades‐ i la plasticitat blanca derivada d’una sobreexposició lluminosa. En segon lloc, s’introdueix el rol de la ombra com a contrapunt fotogràfic de natura englotidora per, finalment, exposar la dualitat visual interactiva del blanc i negre així com la dimensió física de la matèria pel∙licular.
Rescinds Executive Order #46 and recommits efforts of the Executive branch and all department directors, member of governing boards and commissions, and other public officers affirmative action, discriminatory harrassment prevention, and cultural diversity.
The term 'creative accounting' can be defined in a number ofways. Initially we will offer this definition: 'a processwhereby accountants use their knowledge of accounting rulesto manipulate the figures reported in the accounts of abusiness'.To investigate the ethical issues raised by creativeaccounting we will:- Explore some definitions of creative accounting.- Consider the various ways in which creative accounting can be undertaken.- Explore the range of reasons for a company's directors to engage in creative accounting.- Review the ethical issues that arise in creative accounting.- Report on surveys of auditors' perceptions of creative accounting in the UK, Spain and New Zealand.
The representation of women in top corporate officer positions is steadily increasing. However, little is known about the impact this will have. A large literature documents that women are different from men in their choices and in their preferences, but most of this literature relies on samples of college students or workers at lower levels in the corporate hierarchy. If women must be like men to break the glass ceiling, we might expect gender differences to disappear among top executives. In contrast, using a large survey of all directors of publicly-traded corporations in Sweden, we show that female and male directors differ systematically in their core values and risk attitudes. While certain population gender differences disappear at the director level, others do not. Consistent with the findings for the Swedish population, female directors are more benevolent and universally concerned, but less power-oriented than men. However, they are less traditional and security-oriented than their male counterparts. Furthermore, female directors are slightly more risk-loving than male directors. This suggests that having a women on the board need not lead to more risk-averse decision-making.
A avaliação de desempenho docente tem vindo a ser conceptualizada entre duas lógicas: a de controlo e a de desenvolvimento profissional, que originam, na sua implementação, diferentes modos de organização e avaliação do trabalho escolar e, consequentemente, de encarar a profissão docente. A investigação aborda as perspetivas de professores, de gestores e de diretores das escolas do Ensino Básico Integrado e do Ensino Secundário, para compreender se e em que medida o processo de avaliação do pessoal docente tem contribuído para melhorar a prestação pedagógica e o profissionalismo dos docentes em Cabo Verde. Foram definidos os seguintes objetivos: identificar as mudanças ocorridas nas práticas efetivas nas escolas a partir da lei nº 10/2000; analisar as relações estabelecidas entre a avaliação do pessoal docente e as suas práticas profissionais; verificar até que ponto avaliação docente contribui para melhoria do sistema de ensino. A investigação, de natureza qualitativa, utilizou o inquérito por entrevista semiestruturada como principal instrumento de recolha de dados. Os dados foram analisados com recurso à análise de conteúdo. Os inquiridos foram professores (8), diretores da Escola Secundária (2) e gestores do Ensino Básico Integrado (2), em exercício nas 4 escolas públicas de Santiago - Cabo Verde (2 na Praia, 1 em São Domingos e 1 no Tarrafal). Os resultados revelam que os professores entrevistados consideram que o modelo de avaliação existente contribuiria para a melhoria do desenvolvimento profissional, bem como para a progressão e distinção do mérito se fosse dado cumprimento à legislação. O incumprimento origina uma certa fuga dos professores mais novos para outros serviços, bem como uma desmotivação significativa. Os fatores mais negativos da avaliação do desempenho docente prendem-se com o facto de os professores não concordarem com os avaliadores por não terem formação específica na área, bem como com o sistema de quotas para progressão e promoção na carreira. Para que a avaliação de desempenho docente seja um processo mais justo e com alguma equidade, os entrevistados consideram que devem ser criados conselhos científicos nas regiões e na administração central.
Spanish banking historiography asserts that the largest banks performed in the twentieth century as though they constituted a monopoly. One of their main coordination schemes would have been a network of interlocking bank directors that would include most of the financial firms. Evidence available for the 1920s and 1960s seems to confirm the veracity of this hypothesis. In this paper, more systematic evidence is presented to cover the whole twentieth century with the aim of checking whether these networks persisted over the entire period or they were by-products of temporary situations. Our results show that no general network remained for more than a decade. Therefore, it should be ruled out that interlocking directorates worked as a coordination device of an alleged banking cartel.