992 resultados para digital simulation


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The success of the digital game industry is spawning several undergraduate degrees aiming at the training of digital game developers. Building adequate new courses curricula is not a trivial task and demands a profound analysis of the scientific areas to introduce as well as the dependencies throughout the entire degree. Another important aspect of every academic educational plan are the satellite projects that promote entrepreneurship and provide practical professional experiences to students. This paper presents the main guidelines adopted in the creation of the first digital game development undergraduate degree created in Portugal.


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Pectus excavatum is the most common congenital deformity of the anterior chest wall, in which several ribs and the sternum grow abnormally. Nowadays, the surgical correction is carried out in children and adults through Nuss technic. This technic has been shown to be safe with major drivers as cosmesis and the prevention of psychological problems and social stress. Nowadays, no application is known to predict the cosmetic outcome of the pectus excavatum surgical correction. Such tool could be used to help the surgeon and the patient in the moment of deciding the need for surgery correction. This work is a first step to predict postsurgical outcome in pectus excavatum surgery correction. Facing this goal, it was firstly determined a point cloud of the skin surface along the thoracic wall using Computed Tomography (before surgical correction) and the Polhemus FastSCAN (after the surgical correction). Then, a surface mesh was reconstructed from the two point clouds using a Radial Basis Function algorithm for further affine registration between the meshes. After registration, one studied the surgical correction influence area (SCIA) of the thoracic wall. This SCIA was used to train, test and validate artificial neural networks in order to predict the surgical outcome of pectus excavatum correction and to determine the degree of convergence of SCIA in different patients. Often, ANN did not converge to a satisfactory solution (each patient had its own deformity characteristics), thus invalidating the creation of a mathematical model capable of estimating, with satisfactory results, the postsurgical outcome


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Pectus excavatum is the most common congenital deformity of the anterior chest wall, in which an abnormal formation of the rib cage gives the chest a caved-in or sunken appearance. Today, the surgical correction of this deformity is carried out in children and adults through Nuss technic, which consists in the placement of a prosthetic bar under the sternum and over the ribs. Although this technique has been shown to be safe and reliable, not all patients have achieved adequate cosmetic outcome. This often leads to psychological problems and social stress, before and after the surgical correction. This paper targets this particular problem by presenting a method to predict the patient surgical outcome based on pre-surgical imagiologic information and chest skin dynamic modulation. The proposed approach uses the patient pre-surgical thoracic CT scan and anatomical-surgical references to perform a 3D segmentation of the left ribs, right ribs, sternum and skin. The technique encompasses three steps: a) approximation of the cartilages, between the ribs and the sternum, trough b-spline interpolation; b) a volumetric mass spring model that connects two layers - inner skin layer based on the outer pleura contour and the outer surface skin; and c) displacement of the sternum according to the prosthetic bar position. A dynamic model of the skin around the chest wall region was generated, capable of simulating the effect of the movement of the prosthetic bar along the sternum. The results were compared and validated with patient postsurgical skin surface acquired with Polhemus FastSCAN system


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This paper investigates realism in character computer animation, which triggered the development of new techniques and aesthetic in spectacular cinema and contemporary culture. With the advent of motion or performing capture, animation has made possible that virtual characters or digital creatures reach higher levels in emotional acting, taking place in virtual cinematic worlds or even special effects movies. This technology, when placed at the service of imagination and fantasy can provide new dimensions in character motion and communication. In this context, projects like Peter Jackson’s (2001) The Lord of the Rings, James Cameron’s Avatar (2009) and more recently Steven Spielberg’s Tintin (2011) demonstrate that motion technology is constantly evolving, and it represents a credible option to explore new techniques and aesthetic in contemporary animation.


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O presente estudo tem como objecto central o livro ilustrado e tem como objectivo principal compreender as diferenças entre dois modelos: o livro impresso e o livro digital. Partindo de um objecto de estudo concreto, um livro tradicional em formato impresso desenvolvido na disciplina de Ilustração no contexto do Mestrado de Ilustração e Animação do Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, é nosso objectivo perceber as principais diferenças que ocorrem na transição para um suporte digital, especificamente num formato iPad, assim como enunciar algumas das metodologias possíveis para que esta transição seja eficaz. Num momento de transição como o que vivemos actualmente, em que o ilustrador tem cada vez mais necessidade de se adaptar a novos meios, novas ferramentas de trabalho e novas formas de comunicação, importa reflectir sobre a natureza do livro e sobre as características que distinguem os dois suportes, o tradicional e o digital. Assim, é nossa intenção perceber essas diferenças e enunciar alguns dos procedimentos que o ilustrador deve ter em conta quando experimenta a transição de um objecto de ilustração para um meio digital táctil como é o iPad.


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The evolution of computer animation represents one of the most relevant andrevolutionary aspects in the rise of contemporary digital visual culture (Darlew,2000), in particular, phenomena such as cinema “spectacular “ (Ibidem) and videogames. This article analyzes the characteristics of this “culture of simulation” (Turkle, 1995:20) relating the multidisciplinary and spectrum of technical and stylistic choices to the dimension of virtual characters acting. The result of these hybrid mixtures and computerized human motion capture techniques - called virtual cinema, universal capture, motion capture, etc. - cosists mainly on the sophistication of “rotoscoping”, as a new interpretation and appropriation of the captured image. This human motion capture technology, used largely by cinema and digital games, is one of the reasons why the authenticity of the animation is sometimes questioned. It is in the fi eld of 3D computer animation visual that this change is more signifi cant, appearing regularly innovative techniques of image manipulation and “hyper-cinema” (Lamarre, 2006: 31) character’s control with deeper sense of emotions. This shift in the culture that Manovich (2006: 27) calls “photo-GRAPHICS” - and Mulvey (2007) argue that creates a new form of possessive relationship with the viewer, in that it can analyze in detail the image, it can acquire it and modify it - is one of the most important aspects in the rise of Cubbit’s (2007) “cinema of attraction”. This article delves intrinsically into the analyze of virtual character animation — particularly in the fi eld of 3D computer animation and human digital acting.


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O presente estudo tem como objeto central o livro ilustrado e como principal objetivo compreender as diferenças entre dois modelos: o livro impresso e o livro digital. Partindo de um objeto de estudo concreto, um livro tradicional em formato impresso, é nosso objetivo perceber as principais diferenças que ocorrem na transição para um suporte digital, especificamente num formato iPad. Pretendemos também enunciar algumas das metodologias possíveis para que esta transição seja eficaz. Num momento de transição como o que vivemos atualmente, em que o ilustrador tem cada vez mais necessidade de se adaptar a novos meios, novas ferramentas de trabalho e novas formas de comunicação, importa refletir sobre a natureza do livro e sobre as características que distinguem os dois suportes: o tradicional e o digital. Assim, é nossa intenção identificar e perceber essas diferenças e enunciar alguns procedimentos a ter em conta quando o ilustrador experimenta a transição de um objeto de ilustração para um meio digital tátil, como é o iPad.


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In this paper, we present a method for estimating local thickness distribution in nite element models, applied to injection molded and cast engineering parts. This method features considerable improved performance compared to two previously proposed approaches, and has been validated against thickness measured by di erent human operators. We also demonstrate that the use of this method for assigning a distribution of local thickness in FEM crash simulations results in a much more accurate prediction of the real part performance, thus increasing the bene ts of computer simulations in engineering design by enabling zero-prototyping and thus reducing product development costs. The simulation results have been compared to experimental tests, evidencing the advantage of the proposed method. Thus, the proposed approach to consider local thickness distribution in FEM crash simulations has high potential on the product development process of complex and highly demanding injection molded and casted parts and is currently being used by Ford Motor Company.


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Polymeric materials have become the reference material for high reliability and performance applications. However, their performance in service conditions is difficult to predict, due in large part to their inherent complex morphology, which leads to non-linear and anisotropic behavior, highly dependent on the thermomechanical environment under which it is processed. In this work, a multiscale approach is proposed to investigate the mechanical properties of polymeric-based material under strain. To achieve a better understanding of phenomena occurring at the smaller scales, the coupling of a finite element method (FEM) and molecular dynamics (MD) modeling, in an iterative procedure, was employed, enabling the prediction of the macroscopic constitutive response. As the mechanical response can be related to the local microstructure, which in turn depends on the nano-scale structure, this multiscale approach computes the stress-strain relationship at every analysis point of the macro-structure by detailed modeling of the underlying micro- and meso-scale deformation phenomena. The proposed multiscale approach can enable prediction of properties at the macroscale while taking into consideration phenomena that occur at the mesoscale, thus offering an increased potential accuracy compared to traditional methods.


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Cada vez mais os indivíduos necessitam de competências digitais avançadas para participar plenamente na sociedade. Numa Europa em crescente envelhecimento é atualmente reconhecida a importância e o potencial da indústria de serviços para envelhecer bem baseados nas tecnologias de informação e de comunicação (TIC), de que é exemplo o mercado eletrónico de serviços sociais e de cuidados de saúde, o GuiMarket, proposto pelos autores para um município do Norte de Portugal. Com base nos resultados de um inquérito realizado junto de uma amostra de 315 indivíduos, o artigo discute a importância reconhecida a tal serviço e a frequência de utilização prevista, concluindo existir uma íntima relação entre o acesso às TIC e a utilização que os inquiridos preveem fazer do GuiMarket.


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In a Europe increasingly aging, it is now recognized the importance and potential of the service industry for ageing well based on information and communication technologies (ICT), as exemplified by the electronic market of social services and health care, the GuiMarket, proposed by the authors. However, this new range of services requires that individuals have advanced digital skills to fully participate in society. Based on the results of a survey made on a sample of 315 individuals, this paper discusses the importance granted GuiMarket and the intended frequency of use, concluding there is a close relationship between ICT access and use that respondents anticipate making of GuiMarket and alike services.


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The success of dental implant-supported prosthesis is directly linked to the accuracy obtained during implant’s pose estimation (position and orientation). Although traditional impression techniques and recent digital acquisition methods are acceptably accurate, a simultaneously fast, accurate and operator-independent methodology is still lacking. Hereto, an image-based framework is proposed to estimate the patient-specific implant’s pose using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and prior knowledge of implanted model. The pose estimation is accomplished in a threestep approach: (1) a region-of-interest is extracted from the CBCT data using 2 operator-defined points at the implant’s main axis; (2) a simulated CBCT volume of the known implanted model is generated through Feldkamp-Davis-Kress reconstruction and coarsely aligned to the defined axis; and (3) a voxel-based rigid registration is performed to optimally align both patient and simulated CBCT data, extracting the implant’s pose from the optimal transformation. Three experiments were performed to evaluate the framework: (1) an in silico study using 48 implants distributed through 12 tridimensional synthetic mandibular models; (2) an in vitro study using an artificial mandible with 2 dental implants acquired with an i-CAT system; and (3) two clinical case studies. The results shown positional errors of 67±34μm and 108μm, and angular misfits of 0.15±0.08º and 1.4º, for experiment 1 and 2, respectively. Moreover, in experiment 3, visual assessment of clinical data results shown a coherent alignment of the reference implant. Overall, a novel image-based framework for implants’ pose estimation from CBCT data was proposed, showing accurate results in agreement with dental prosthesis modelling requirements.


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Uma discussão do impacte do digital (dos computadores aos fluxos de informação em rede) Luis Borges Gouveia lmbg@ufp.edu.pt Aula aberta PÓS GRADUÇÃO EM JORNALISMO ESPECIALIZADO, UFP/LUSA Universidade Fernando Pessoa, 23 de Abril de 2016 Discussão do digital, enquanto transformador da informação (meio, conteúdo e mensagem) Breve apresentação de conceitos da sociedade em rede e do seu enquadramento


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Este artigo investiga as representações sociais que emergem da participação pública mediada pelo uso de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC). A prefeitura de Belo Horizonte, em 2006, usou pela primeira vez a TIC no Orçamento Participativo Digital (OP Digital). Foi uma escolha da população das obras prioritárias para o biênio seguinte. O OP Digital foi repetido em 2008 e 2011, mas com participação inferior à obtida na primeira edição. Realizamos este trabalho para compreender o uso da internet pelo cidadão na tomada de decisão pública e para explicar a diminuição da sua participação. Os procedimentos metodológicos estão ancorados na teoria das representações sociais e na análise crítica do discurso de 101 textos - da imprensa e de órgãos públicos ou representantes do governo. Os resultados nos indicam que não está sendo explorado o potencial de interação e construção coletiva da internet, ancorando a nova prática em uma votação, dessa forma, trivializando-a. Essa pode ser uma das razões para o abandono da participação.