421 resultados para detoxification


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Predicted highly expressed (PHX) and putative alien genes determined by codon usages are characterized in the genome of Deinococcus radiodurans (strain R1). Deinococcus radiodurans (DEIRA) can survive very high doses of ionizing radiation that are lethal to virtually all other organisms. It has been argued that DEIRA is endowed with enhanced repair systems that provide protection and stability. However, predicted expression levels of DNA repair proteins with the exception of RecA tend to be low and do not distinguish DEIRA from other prokaryotes. In this paper, the capability of DEIRA to resist extreme doses of ionizing and UV radiation is attributed to an unusually high number of PHX chaperone/degradation, protease, and detoxification genes. Explicitly, compared with all current complete prokaryotic genomes, DEIRA contains the greatest number of PHX detoxification and protease proteins. Other sources of environmental protection against severe conditions of UV radiation, desiccation, and thermal effects for DEIRA are the several S-layer (surface structure) PHX proteins. The top PHX gene of DEIRA is the multifunctional tricarboxylic acid (TCA) gene aconitase, which, apart from its role in respiration, also alerts the cell to oxidative damage.


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We set out to define patterns of gene expression during kidney organogenesis by using high-density DNA array technology. Expression analysis of 8,740 rat genes revealed five discrete patterns or groups of gene expression during nephrogenesis. Group 1 consisted of genes with very high expression in the early embryonic kidney, many with roles in protein translation and DNA replication. Group 2 consisted of genes that peaked in midembryogenesis and contained many transcripts specifying proteins of the extracellular matrix. Many additional transcripts allied with groups 1 and 2 had known or proposed roles in kidney development and included LIM1, POD1, GFRA1, WT1, BCL2, Homeobox protein A11, timeless, pleiotrophin, HGF, HNF3, BMP4, TGF-α, TGF-β2, IGF-II, met, FGF7, BMP4, and ganglioside-GD3. Group 3 consisted of transcripts that peaked in the neonatal period and contained a number of retrotransposon RNAs. Group 4 contained genes that steadily increased in relative expression levels throughout development, including many genes involved in energy metabolism and transport. Group 5 consisted of genes with relatively low levels of expression throughout embryogenesis but with markedly higher levels in the adult kidney; this group included a heterogeneous mix of transporters, detoxification enzymes, and oxidative stress genes. The data suggest that the embryonic kidney is committed to cellular proliferation and morphogenesis early on, followed sequentially by extracellular matrix deposition and acquisition of markers of terminal differentiation. The neonatal burst of retrotransposon mRNA was unexpected and may play a role in a stress response associated with birth. Custom analytical tools were developed including “The Equalizer” and “eBlot,” which contain improved methods for data normalization, significance testing, and data mining.


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Cytochrome P450s (P450s) constitute one of the major classes of enzymes that are responsible for detoxification of exogenous molecules both in animals and plants. On the basis of its inducibility by exogenous chemicals, we recently isolated a new plant P450, CYP76B1, from Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) and showed that it was capable of dealkylating a model xenobiotic compound, 7-ethoxycoumarin. In the present paper we show that CYP76B1 is more strongly induced by foreign compounds than other P450s isolated from the same plant, and metabolizes with high efficiency a wide range of xenobiotics, including alkoxycoumarins, alkoxyresorufins, and several herbicides of the class of phenylureas. CYP76B1 catalyzes the double N-dealkylation of phenylureas with turnover rates comparable to those reported for physiological substrates and produces nonphytotoxic compounds. Potential uses for CYP76B1 thus include control of herbicide tolerance and selectivity, as well as soil and groundwater bioremediation.


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High Al resistance in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. cv Jianxi) has been suggested to be associated with both internal and external detoxification mechanisms. In this study the characteristics of the external detoxification mechanism, Al-induced secretion of oxalic acid, were investigated. Eleven days of P depletion failed to induce secretion of oxalic acid. Exposure to 50 μm LaCl3 also did not induce the secretion of oxalic acid, suggesting that this secretion is a specific response to Al stress. Secretion of oxalic acid was maintained for 8 h by a 3-h pulse treatment with 150 μm Al. A nondestructive method was developed to determine the site of the secretion along the root. Oxalic acid was found to be secreted in the region 0 to 10 mm from the root tip. Experiments using excised roots also showed that secretion was located on the root tip. Four kinds of anion-channel inhibitors showed different effects on Al-induced secretion of oxalic acid: 10 μm anthracene-9-carboxylic acid and 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonate had no effect, niflumic acid stimulated the secretion 4-fold, and phenylglyoxal inhibited the secretion by 50%. Root elongation in buckwheat was not inhibited by 25 μm Al or 10 μm phenylglyoxal alone but was inhibited by 40% in the presence of Al and phenylglyoxal, confirming that secretion of oxalic acid is associated with Al resistance.


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Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. cv Jianxi), which shows high Al resistance, accumulates Al in the leaves. The internal detoxification mechanism was studied by purifying and identifying Al complexes in the leaves and roots. About 90% of Al accumulated in the leaves was found in the cell sap, in which the dominant organic acid was oxalic acid. Purification of the Al complex in the cell sap of leaves by molecular-sieve chromatography resulted in a complex with a ratio of Al to oxalic acid of 1:3. A 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance study of the purified cell sap revealed only one signal at a chemical shift 164.4 ppm, which was assigned to the Al-chelated carboxylic group of oxalic acid. A 27Al-nuclear magnetic resonance analysis revealed one major signal at the chemical shift of 16.0 to 17.0 ppm, with a minor signal at the chemical shift of 11.0 to 12 ppm in both the intact roots and their cell sap, which is consistent with the Al-oxalate complexes at 1:3 and 1:2 ratios, respectively. The purified cell sap was not phytotoxic to root elongation in corn (Zea mays). All of these results indicate that Al tolerance in the roots and leaves of buckwheat is achieved by the formation of a nonphytotoxic Al-oxalate (1:3) complex.


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We analyzed the antioxidative defense responses of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants expressing antisense RNA for uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase or coproporphyrinogen oxidase. These plants are characterized by necrotic leaf lesions resulting from the accumulation of potentially photosensitizing tetrapyrroles. Compared with control plants, the transformants had increased levels of antioxidant mRNAs, particularly those encoding superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. These elevated transcript levels correlated with increased activities of cytosolic Cu/Zn-SOD and mitochondrial Mn-SOD. Total catalase activity decreased in the older leaves of the transformants to levels lower than in the wild-type plants, reflecting an enhanced turnover of this photosensitive enzyme. Most of the enzymes of the Halliwell-Asada pathway displayed increased activities in transgenic plants. Despite the elevated enzyme activities, the limited capacity of the antioxidative system was apparent from decreased levels of ascorbate and glutathione, as well as from necrotic leaf lesions and growth retardation. Our data demonstrate the induction of the enzymatic detoxifying defense system in several compartments, suggesting a photosensitization of the entire cell. It is proposed that the tetrapyrroles that initially accumulate in the plastids leak out into other cellular compartments, thereby necessitating the local detoxification of reactive oxygen species.


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L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a powerful reducing agent found in millimolar concentrations in plants, and is proposed to play an important role in scavenging free radicals in plants and animals. However, surprisingly little is known about the role of this antioxidant in plant environmental stress adaptation or ascorbate biosynthesis. We report the isolation of soz1, a semi-dominant ozone-sensitive mutant that accumulates only 30% of the normal ascorbate concentration. The results of genetic approaches and feeding studies show that the ascorbate concentration affects foliar resistance to the oxidizing gas ozone. Consistent with the proposed role for ascorbate in reactive oxygen species detoxification, lipid peroxides are elevated in soz1, but not in wild type following ozone fumigation. We show that the soz1 mutant is hypersensitive to both sulfur dioxide and ultraviolet B irradiation, thus implicating ascorbate in defense against varied environmental stresses. In addition to defining the first ascorbate deficient mutant in plants, these results indicate that screening for ozone-sensitive mutants is a powerful method for identifying physiologically important antioxidant mechanisms and signal transduction pathways. Analysis of soz1 should lead to more information about the physiological roles and metabolism of ascorbate.


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MRP is a recently isolated ATP-binding cassette family transporter. We previously reported transfection studies that established that MRP confers multidrug resistance [Kruh, G. D., Chan, A., Myers, K., Gaughan, K., Miki, T. & Aaronson, S. A. (1994) Cancer Res. 54, 1649-1652] and that expression of MRP is associated with enhanced cellular efflux of lipophilic cytotoxic agents [Breuninger, L. M., Paul, S., Gaughan, K., Miki, T., Chan, A., Aaronson, S. A. & Kruh, G. D. (1995) Cancer Res. 55, 5342-5347]. To examine the biochemical mechanism by which MRP confers multidrug resistance, drug uptake experiments were performed using inside-out membrane vesicles prepared from NIH 3T3 cells transfected with an MRP expression vector. ATP-dependent transport was observed for several lipophilic cytotoxic agents including daunorubicin, etoposide, and vincristine, as well as for the glutathione conjugate leukotriene C4 (LTC4). However, only marginally increased uptake was observed for vinblastine and Taxol. Drug uptake was osmotically sensitive and saturable with regard to substrate concentration, with Km values of 6.3 microM, 4.4 microM, 4.2 microM, 35 nM, and 38 microM, for daunorubicin, etoposide, vincristine, LTC4, and ATP, respectively. The broad substrate specificity of MRP was confirmed by the observation that daunorubicin transport was competitively inhibited by reduced and oxidized glutathione, the glutathione conjugates S-(p-azidophenacyl)-glutathione (APA-SG) and S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)glutathione (DNP-SG), arsenate, and the LTD4 antagonist MK571. This study establishes that MRP pumps unaltered lipophilic cytotoxic drugs, and suggests that this activity is an important mechanism by which the transporter confers multidrug resistance. The present study also indicates that the substrate specificity of MRP is overlapping but distinct from that of P-glycoprotein, and includes both the neutral or mildly cationic natural product cytotoxic drugs and the anionic products of glutathione conjugation. The widespread expression of MRP in tissues, combined with its ability to transport both lipophilic xenobiotics and the products of phase II detoxification, indicates that the transporter represents a widespread and remarkably versatile cellular defense mechanism.


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Several epidemiologic studies indicate that NAT2-related slow N-acetylation increases bladder cancer risk among workers exposed to aromatic amines, presumably because N-acetylation is important for the detoxification of these compounds. Previously, we showed that NAT2 polymorphisms did not influence bladder cancer risk among Chinese workers exposed exclusively to benzidine (BZ), suggesting that NAT2 N-acetylation is not a critical detoxifying pathway for this aromatic amine. To evaluate the biologic plausibility of this finding, we carried out a cross-sectional study of 33 workers exposed to BZ and 15 unexposed controls in Ahmedabad, India, to evaluate the presence of BZ-related DNA adducts in exfoliated urothelial cells, the excretion pattern of BZ metabolites, and the impact of NAT2 activity on these outcomes. Four DNA adducts were significantly elevated in exposed workers compared to controls; of these, the predominant adduct cochromatographed with a synthetic N-(3'- phosphodeoxyguanosin-8-yl)-N'-acetylbenzidine standard and was the only adduct that was significantly associated with total BZ urinary metabolites (r = 0.68, P < 0.0001). To our knowledge this is the first report to show that BZ forms DNA adducts in exfoliated urothelial cells of exposed humans and that the predominant adduct formed is N-acetylated, supporting the concept that monofunctional acetylation is an activation, rather than a detoxification, step for BZ. However, because almost all BZ-related metabolites measured in the urine of exposed workers were acetylated among slow, as well as rapid, acetylators (mean +/- SD 95 +/- 1.9% vs. 97 +/- 1.6%, respectively) and NAT2 activity did not affect the levels of any DNA adduct measured, it is unlikely that interindividual variation in NAT2 function is relevant for BZ-associated bladder carcinogenesis.


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We describe here a simple and easily manipulatable Escherichia coli-based genetic system that permits us to identify bacterial gene products that modulate the sensitivity of bacteria to tumoricidal agents, such as DMP 840, a bisnaphthalimide drug. To the extent that the action of these agents is conserved, these studies may expand our understanding agents is conserved, these studies may expand our understanding of how the agents work in mammalian cells. The approach briefly is to use a library of E. coli genes that are overexpressed in a high copy number vector to select bacterial clones that are resistant to the cytotoxic effects of drugs. AtolC bacterial mutant is used to maximize permeability of cells to hydrophobic organic molecules. By using DMP 840 to model the system, we have identified two genes, designated mdaA and mdaB, that impart resistance to DMP 840 when they are expressed at elevated levels. mdaB maps to E. coli map coordinate 66, is located between the parE and parC genes, and encodes a protein of 22 kDa. mdaA maps to E. coli map coordinate 18, is located adjacent to the glutaredoxin (grx) gene, and encodes a protein of 24 kDa. Specific and regulatable overproduction of both of these proteins correlates with DMP 840 resistance. Overproduction of the MdaB protein also imparts resistance to two mammalian topoisomerase inhibitors, Adriamycin and etoposide. In contrast, overproduction of the MdaA protein produces resistance only to Adriamycin. Based on its drug-resistance properties and its location between genes that encode the two subunits of the bacterial topoisomerase IV, we suggest that mdaB acts by modulating topoisomerase IV activity. The location of the mdaA gene adjacent to grx suggests it acts by a drug detoxification mechanism.


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Induction of phase 2 detoxification enzymes by phenolic antioxidants can account for prevention of tumor initiation but cannot explain why these compounds inhibit tumor promotion. Phase 2 genes are induced through an antioxidant response element (ARE). Although the ARE resembles an AP-1 binding site, we show that the major ARE binding and activating protein is not AP-1. Interestingly, AP-1 DNA binding activity was induced by the phenolic antioxidant tert-butylhydroquinone (BHQ), but the induction of AP-1 transcriptional activity by the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) was inhibited by this compound. BHQ induced expression of c-jun, junB, fra-1, and fra-2, which encode AP-1 components, but was a poor inducer of c-fos and had no effect on fosB. Like c-Fos and FosB, the Fra proteins heterodimerize with Jun proteins to form stable AP-1 complexes. However, Fra-containing AP-1 complexes have low transactivation potential. Furthermore, Fra-1 repressed AP-1 activity induced by either TPA or expression of c-Jun and c-Fos. We therefore conclude that inhibitory AP-1 complexes composed of Jun-Fra heterodimers, induced by BHQ, antagonize the transcriptional effects of the tumor promoter TPA, which are mediated by Jun-Fos heterodimers. Since AP-1 is an important mediator of tumor promoter action, these findings may explain the anti-tumor-promoting activity of phenolic antioxidants.


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In aerobic organisms, protection against oxidative damage involves the combined action of highly specialized antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of another gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that plays a critical role in detoxification of reactive oxygen species. This gene, named ATX1, was originally isolated by its ability to suppress oxygen toxicity in yeast lacking SOD. ATX1 encodes a 8.2-kDa polypeptide exhibiting significant similarity and identity to various bacterial metal transporters. Potential ATX1 homologues were also identified in multicellular eukaryotes, including the plants Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. In yeast cells, ATX1 evidently acts in the transport and/or partitioning of copper, and this role in copper homeostasis appears to be directly relevant to the ATX1 suppression of oxygen toxicity: ATX1 was incapable of compensating for SOD when cells were depleted of exogenous copper. Strains containing a deletion in the chromosomal ATX1 locus were generated. Loss of ATX1 function rendered both mutant and wild-type SOD strains hypersensitive toward paraquat (a generator of superoxide anion) and was also associated with an increased sensitivity toward hydrogen peroxide. Hence, ATX1 protects cells against the toxicity of both superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide.


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Riassunto I biomarcatori o “marcatori biologici” svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nel monitoraggio biologico. In questo lavoro ci siamo soffermati sullo studio di biomarcatori di effetto e di esposizione a xenobiotici ambientali. Nel primo caso abbiamo valutato i micro RNA (miRNA) da utilizzare per la diagnosi precoce del tumore al polmone in matrici di facile accesso, quale il CAE e il plasma, utilizzando il miRNA-21, oncogeno, e il miRNA-486, oncosoppressore. I risultati evidenziano una loro capacità di distinguere correttamente i soggetti con tumore polmonare dai soggetti sani, ipotizzando un loro utilizzo a scopo diagnostico. Nella seconda parte del lavoro di tesi sono stati studiati i biomarcatori di esposizione a benzene per valutare gli effetti dell’esposizione a concentrazioni ambientali su bambini residenti in città e a diverso livello di urbanizzazione. Lo studio ha evidenziato una correlazione dose-effetto fra le concentrazioni di benzene e dei suoi metaboliti urinari e un danno ossidativo a livello degli acidi nucleici. Tuttavia, le concentrazioni di benzene urinario non sono influenzate dal grado di industrializzazione, a differenza dell’S-PMA e degli indicatori di stress ossidativo (8-oxodGuo e 8-oxoGuo) che sembrano risentire sia della residenza che del momento del campionamento. Infine abbiamo ricercato possibili biomarcatori di esposizione a vinilcicloesene (VCH), sottoprodotto industriale nella polimerizzazione del 1,3-butadiene, poiché non sono ancora stati proposti BEI di riferimento nonostante i bassi valori di TLV-TWA (0.1 ppm) proposti dall’ACGIH. Nella prima fase del lavoro abbiamo studiato i meccanismi di tossicità del VCH tramite modelli in vitro, testando varie linee cellulari. I risultati evidenziano come la dose reale di VCH sia di molto inferiore a quella nominale per effetto dell’evaporazione. Inoltre, nelle linee cellulari più sensibili si sono evidenziati effetti citostatici, con alterazioni del ciclo cellulare, a differenza dell’esposizione agli epossidi del VCH, il VCD e l’1,2-VCHME, che determinano lisi cellulare con IC50 di 3 ordini di grandezza inferiori a quelli del VCH. La quantificazione dei metaboliti di I fase e di II fase del VCH nelle linee cellulari epatiche ha evidenziato concentrazioni di circa 1000 volte inferiori a quelle del VCH confermando come la sua tossicità sia principalmente dovuta alla produzione degli intermedi epossidici. La trasformazione nei metaboliti di II fase conferma inoltre l’effetto detossificante del metabolismo. La trasferibilità dei risultati ottenuti in vitro su sistemi in vivo fornirà le basi per poter identificare possibili metaboliti da proporre per il monitoraggio biologico di lavoratori esposti a VCH. PAROLE CHIAVE: biomarcatori di effetto e di esposizione, tumore al polmone, miRNA, benzene, vinilcicloesene.


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A diapausa é um fenômeno amplamente presente nos artrópodes e é considerada como primordial para o sucesso evolutivo da Classe Insecta, pois possibilita a sobrevivência em condições adversas, como estações frias e secas. Sabe-se que durante a diapausa ocorre o silenciamento de muitos genes e que outros são unicamente expressos nesta fase. Embora existam evidências de que o processo da diapausa tenha se mantido conservado durante a evolução das espécies, ainda há lacunas no conhecimento sobre o nível de conservação dos padrões metabólicos. Um bom modelo para se estudar a diapausa é Tetrapedia diversipes, uma espécie bivoltina de abelha solitária. Os indivíduos que nascem na primeira geração seguem o desenvolvimento desde ovo até adulto em tempo bem menor do que aqueles que nascem na segunda geração; estes retardam o desenvolvimento na fase larval. Além disso, essa espécie é de fácil obtenção no seu ambiente natural, pois apresenta alta taxa de nidificação em ninhos-armadilha. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o perfil de expressão de genes entre as larvas da 1ª geração (que não entram em diapausa), larvas da 2ª geração (que entrariam em diapausa) e das larvas em diapausa. Foram identificados 196 genes diferencialmente expressos, destes 87 foram anotados. Muitos destes genes já foram descritos na literatura como relacionados à diapausa em outras espécies, no entanto, o padrão de expressão não é conservado. Os genes aqui identificados foram divididos em cinco grupos: relacionados à desintoxicação celular, cutícula e citoesqueleto, metabolismo de lipídeos e esteróis, ciclo celular e outros genes relacionados à diapausa


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Unlike other dung beetles, the Iberian geotrupid Thorectes lusitanicus exhibits polyphagous behavior; for example, it is able to eat acorns, fungi, fruits, and carrion in addition to the dung of different mammals. This adaptation to digest a wider diet has physiological and developmental advantages and requires key changes in the composition and diversity of the beetle's gut microbiota. In this study, we isolated aerobic, facultative anaerobic, and aerotolerant microbiota amenable to grow in culture from the gut contents of T. lusitanicus and resolved isolate identity to the species level by sequencing 16S rRNA gene fragments. Using BLAST similarity searches and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses, we were able to reveal that the analyzed fraction (culturable, aerobic, facultative anaerobic, and aerotolerant) of beetle gut microbiota is dominated by the phyla Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. Among Proteobacteria, members of the order Enterobacteriales (Gammaproteobacteria) were the most abundant. The main functions associated with the bacteria found in the gut of T. lusitanicus would likely include nitrogen fixation, denitrification, detoxification, and diverse defensive roles against pathogens.