906 resultados para crowdsense indoor localization fingerprint WiFi android
Microtubule plus-end-tracking proteins (+TIPs) specifically localize to the growing plus-ends of microtubules to regulate microtubule dynamics and functions. A large group of +TIPs contain a short linear motif, SXIP, which is essential for them to bind to end-binding proteins (EBs) and target microtubule ends. The SXIP sequence site thus acts as a widespread microtubule tip localization signal (MtLS). Here we have analyzed the sequence-function relationship of a canonical MtLS. Using synthetic peptide arrays on membrane supports, we identified the residue preferences at each amino acid position of the SXIP motif and its surrounding sequence with respect to EB binding. We further developed an assay based on fluorescence polarization to assess the mechanism of the EB-SXIP interaction and to correlate EB binding and microtubule tip tracking of MtLS sequences from different +TIPs. Finally, we investigated the role of phosphorylation in regulating the EB-SXIP interaction. Together, our results define the sequence determinants of a canonical MtLS and provide the experimental data for bioinformatics approaches to carry out genome-wide predictions of novel +TIPs in multiple organisms.
A majority of smokers and non-smokers mind tobacco smoke. Passive smoking causes death by sudden infant death, lung cancer and coronary heart disease. 3000 to 6000 persons are killed every year in France. The lack of implementation of the Evin's law published in 1991 explains why non-smokers are not given the protection they can expect. The trend of scientific knowledge and of French and international public opinions support a growing demand for a complete protection of non-smokers with a total ban of smoking in all public or working places.
This study was performed to investigate whether body fat distribution influences resting metabolic rate and lipid oxidation in obese individuals. Eighty-nine obese women were divided in two groups (android obese, n = 36, BMI = 31.1 +/- 4.5 kg/m2 (mean +/- s.d.); gynoid obese, n = 53, BMI = 29.9 +/- 4.5 kg/m2 on the basis of their waist/hip ratio (0.86 +/- 0.05 vs 0.75 +/- 0.04 respectively). Body weight, per cent body fat and fat-free mass were similar in the two groups. Moreover, resting metabolic rate and respiratory quotient were also identical in android and gynoid obese women, indicating that there was no intergroup difference in the absolute level of lipid oxidation. If, like most other android obese women, they had higher rates of lipolysis and plasma FFA concentrations, the failure of android obese individuals to exhibit a higher lipid oxidation than gynoid obese women may partly explain their increased risk to develop metabolic complications.
BACKGROUND: For a long time now, glucose has been thought to be the main, if not the sole substrate for brain energy metabolism. Recent data nevertheless suggest that other molecules, such as monocarboxylates (lactate and pyruvate mainly) could be suitable substrates. Although monocarboxylates poorly cross the blood brain barrier (BBB), such substrates could replace glucose if produced locally.The two key enzymatiques systems required for the production of these monocarboxylates are lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; EC1.1.1.27) that catalyses the interconversion of lactate and pyruvate and the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex that irreversibly funnels pyruvate towards the mitochondrial TCA and oxydative phosphorylation. RESULTS: In this article, we show, with monoclonal antibodies applied to post-mortem human brain tissues, that the typically glycolytic isoenzyme of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-5; also called LDHA or LDHM) is selectively present in astrocytes, and not in neurons, whereas pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is mainly detected in neurons and barely in astrocytes. At the regional level, the distribution of the LDH-5 immunoreactive astrocytes is laminar and corresponds to regions of maximal 2-deoxyglucose uptake in the occipital cortex and hippocampus. In hippocampus, we observed that the distribution of the oxidative enzyme PDH was enriched in the neurons of the stratum pyramidale and stratum granulosum of CA1 through CA4, whereas the glycolytic enzyme LDH-5 was enriched in astrocytes of the stratum moleculare, the alveus and the white matter, revealing not only cellular, but also regional, selective distributions. The fact that LDH-5 immunoreactivity was high in astrocytes and occurred in regions where the highest uptake of 2-deoxyglucose was observed suggests that glucose uptake followed by lactate production may principally occur in these regions. CONCLUSION: These observations reveal a metabolic segregation, not only at the cellular but also at the regional level, that support the notion of metabolic compartmentalization between astrocytes and neurons, whereby lactate produced by astrocytes could be oxidized by neurons.
PURPOSE: Apoptotic arterial wall vascular smooth muscle cell death is known to contribute to plaque vulnerability and rupture. Novel apoptotic markers like apolipoprotein C-I have been implicated in apoptotic human vascular smooth muscle cell death via recruiting a neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase)-ceramide pathway. In vivo relevance of these observations in an animal model of plaque rupture has not been shown. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using Watanabe rabbits, we investigated three different groups (group 1, three normal Watanabe rabbits; group 2, six Watanabe rabbits fed with high cholesterol diet for 3 months; group 3, five Watanabe rabbits with similar diet but additional endothelial denudation). We followed progression of atherosclerosis to pharmacologically induced plaque rupture non-invasively using novel 3D magnetic resonance Fast-Field-Echo angiography (TR=7.2, TE=3.6 ms, matrix=512 x 512) and Fast-Spin-Echo vessel wall imaging methods (TR=3 heart beats, TE=10.5 ms, matrix=304 x 304) on 1.5 T MRI. MRI provided excellent image quality with good MRI versus histology vessel wall thickness correlation (r=0.8). In six animals of group 2/3 MRI detected neo-intimal dissection in the abdominal aorta which was accompanied by immuno-histochemical demonstration of concomitant aforementioned novel apoptotic markers, previously implicated in the apoptotic smooth muscle cell death in vitro. CONCLUSIONS: Our studies suggest a potential role for the signal transduction pathway involving apolipoprotein C-I for in vivo apoptosis and atherosclerotic plaque rupture visualized by MRI.
Monoclonal antibodies (Mab) directed against distinct epitopes of the human 240 kD melanoma-associated antigen have been evaluated for their capacity to localize in human melanoma grafted into nude mice. A favorable tumor to normal tissue ratio of 13 was obtained with intact 131I-labeled MAb Me1-14. This ratio was further increased to 43 and 23 by the use of F(ab')2 and Fab fragments, respectively. The specificity of tumor localization was demonstrated by the simultaneous injection of F(ab')2 fragments from MAb Me1-14 and anti-CEA MAb 35, each labeled with a different iodine isotope, into nude mice grafted with a melanoma and colon carcinoma. The fragments from both MAb localized with perfect selectivity in their relevant tumor as shown by differential whole body scanning and by direct measurement of the two isotopes in tumors and normal tissues. These in vivo experimental results suggest that the F(ab')2 fragment from MAb Me1-14 is suitable for melanoma detection by immunoscintigraphy in patients.
We have analyzed the expression of T cell receptor (TcR) genes in the thymus using in situ RNA hybridizations with probes to the constant regions of the TcR alpha, beta, gamma and delta chains. Localization of transcripts revealed low TcR alpha mRNA levels in the thymus cortex and very low levels in the subcapsular region. In contrast, TcR beta message was very abundant in the cortex. TcR gamma or delta mRNA+ thymocytes showed a scattered, predominantly cortical localization. In contrast to gamma, TcR delta transcripts were abundant in the subcapsular region. Control experiments with sorted TcR alpha/beta or gamma/delta cells revealed a detection efficiency of 75%-85% for the respective TcR mRNA and data on TcR gene expression in mature, CD3+ thymocytes were consistent with previous reports. The analysis of immature, CD3- thymocyte subsets, however, revealed a virtual absence of TcR alpha transcripts and an unexpectedly high proportion of cells (14%-29%) expressing the gene for the TcR delta chain. The data are discussed in view of current models of lineage relationships in the thymus.
Audit of the Indoor Multipurpose Use and Training Facility Revenue Bond Funds of Iowa State University of Science and Technology (Iowa State University) as of and for the year ended June 30, 2007
Application development for mobile devices has evolved substantially in recent years. Creating apps for mobile systems is becoming a standard in order to create better solutions to meet the market demand. Currently, half of the US population own Smartphones. This market comprises 150 million people, and 28% of these people consider mobiles their primary way of accessing the Web (Hales, 2013). A common feature of most websites tailored for mobile devices is that they are reduced versions of the desktop site. Several factors that must be considered when making this transition from desktop sites to mobile devices are: identifying elements from the desktop website that should be displayed on the mobile device screen; the amount of information the institution (BSU in this case) wishes to provide and designing an interface that will please the users;
Report of the Indoor Multipurpose Use and Training Facility Revenue Bond Funds of Iowa State University of Science and Technology as of and for the year ended June 30, 2008
Este trabajo describe el proceso de creación de la herramienta de software KemapMobile para la plataforma Android. El artefacto es una adaptación del software de escritorio KeMap que se integra en la plataforma educativa VerilUOC y permite a los estudiantes conectarse a ella para descargar, en la aplicación, ejercicios con los que poner a prueba y afianzar sus conocimientos sobre la simplificación de funciones lógicas booleanas con mapas de Karnaugh y tablas de verdad. La arquitectura cliente-servidor de la aplicación permite a los estudiantes disponer de ejercicios personalizados y al profesorado obtener datos sobre el uso de la herramienta y sobre la progresión del alumnado.
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) has been shown to be one of the best markers for in vivo tumor targeting of radiolabeled antibodies, despite the fact that it is localized predominantly at the apical side of human colon carcinoma cells within the fairly closed pseudolumen structures formed by these tumors. Due to this particular histological localization, a large proportion of the CEA molecules may remain inaccessible to the intravenously injected radiolabeled anti-CEA antibodies of IgG isotype, which are widely used in the clinic. In order to improve targeting, we made a recombinant dimeric IgA, which should have the capacity to translocate from the basolateral to the apical side of the pseudolumen formed by colon carcinoma cells after binding to the polyIg receptor (pIgR). A genomic chimeric mouse-human IgA2 construct was made using one of our most specific anti-CEA hybridomas, CE-25. The chimeric IgA (chIgA) was expressed in the Sp2/0 myeloma cell line. The secreted recombinant antibody was found to consist mostly of a dimeric form of IgA with a molecular weight of about 350 kDa. The dimeric chIgA was shown to translocate efficiently in vitro across a monolayer of epithelial cells expressing the pIgR and to retain full CEA binding activity.
Aplicació per emmagatzemar les direccions dels llocs d'interès de l'usuari amb l'objectiu de substituir els targeters tradicionals. La seva funcionalitat inclou poder gestionar-los, compartir-los a través del correu electrònic i classificar-los, amb una sèrie de categories i paraules clau per després poder geoposicionar-los i traçar rutes entre els diferents punts des de la ubicació on es troba l'usuari.