889 resultados para cost-effective design
BACKGROUND Potentially avoidable risk factors continue to cause unnecessary disability and premature death in older people. Health risk assessment (HRA), a method successfully used in working-age populations, is a promising method for cost-effective health promotion and preventive care in older individuals, but the long-term effects of this approach are unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of an innovative approach to HRA and counselling in older individuals for health behaviours, preventive care, and long-term survival. METHODS AND FINDINGS This study was a pragmatic, single-centre randomised controlled clinical trial in community-dwelling individuals aged 65 y or older registered with one of 19 primary care physician (PCP) practices in a mixed rural and urban area in Switzerland. From November 2000 to January 2002, 874 participants were randomly allocated to the intervention and 1,410 to usual care. The intervention consisted of HRA based on self-administered questionnaires and individualised computer-generated feedback reports, combined with nurse and PCP counselling over a 2-y period. Primary outcomes were health behaviours and preventive care use at 2 y and all-cause mortality at 8 y. At baseline, participants in the intervention group had a mean ± standard deviation of 6.9 ± 3.7 risk factors (including unfavourable health behaviours, health and functional impairments, and social risk factors) and 4.3 ± 1.8 deficits in recommended preventive care. At 2 y, favourable health behaviours and use of preventive care were more frequent in the intervention than in the control group (based on z-statistics from generalised estimating equation models). For example, 70% compared to 62% were physically active (odds ratio 1.43, 95% CI 1.16-1.77, p = 0.001), and 66% compared to 59% had influenza vaccinations in the past year (odds ratio 1.35, 95% CI 1.09-1.66, p = 0.005). At 8 y, based on an intention-to-treat analysis, the estimated proportion alive was 77.9% in the intervention and 72.8% in the control group, for an absolute mortality difference of 4.9% (95% CI 1.3%-8.5%, p = 0.009; based on z-test for risk difference). The hazard ratio of death comparing intervention with control was 0.79 (95% CI 0.66-0.94, p = 0.009; based on Wald test from Cox regression model), and the number needed to receive the intervention to prevent one death was 21 (95% CI 12-79). The main limitations of the study include the single-site study design, the use of a brief self-administered questionnaire for 2-y outcome data collection, the unavailability of other long-term outcome data (e.g., functional status, nursing home admissions), and the availability of long-term follow-up data on mortality for analysis only in 2014. CONCLUSIONS This is the first trial to our knowledge demonstrating that a collaborative care model of HRA in community-dwelling older people not only results in better health behaviours and increased use of recommended preventive care interventions, but also improves survival. The intervention tested in our study may serve as a model of how to implement a relatively low-cost but effective programme of disease prevention and health promotion in older individuals. TRIAL REGISTRATION International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number: ISRCTN 28458424.
BACKGROUND: Crossing a street can be a very difficult task for older pedestrians. With increased age and potential cognitive decline, older people take the decision to cross a street primarily based on vehicles' distance, and not on their speed. Furthermore, older pedestrians tend to overestimate their own walking speed, and could not adapt it according to the traffic conditions. Pedestrians' behavior is often tested using virtual reality. Virtual reality presents the advantage of being safe, cost-effective, and allows using standardized test conditions. METHODS: This paper describes an observational study with older and younger adults. Street crossing behavior was investigated in 18 healthy, younger and 18 older subjects by using a virtual reality setting. The aim of the study was to measure behavioral data (such as eye and head movements) and to assess how the two age groups differ in terms of number of safe street crossings, virtual crashes, and missed street crossing opportunities. Street crossing behavior, eye and head movements, in older and younger subjects, were compared with non-parametric tests. RESULTS: The results showed that younger pedestrians behaved in a more secure manner while crossing a street, as compared to older people. The eye and head movements analysis revealed that older people looked more at the ground and less at the other side of the street to cross. CONCLUSIONS: The less secure behavior in street crossing found in older pedestrians could be explained by their reduced cognitive and visual abilities, which, in turn, resulted in difficulties in the decision-making process, especially under time pressure. Decisions to cross a street are based on the distance of the oncoming cars, rather than their speed, for both groups. Older pedestrians look more at their feet, probably because of their need of more time to plan precise stepping movement and, in turn, pay less attention to the traffic. This might help to set up guidelines for improving senior pedestrians' safety, in terms of speed limits, road design, and mixed physical-cognitive trainings.
Background. Screening for colorectal cancer (CRC) is considered cost effective but screening compliance in the US remains low. There have been very few studies on economic analyses of screening promotion strategies for colorectal cancer. The main aim of the current study is to conduct a cost effectiveness analysis (CEA) and examine the uncertainty involved in the results of the CEA of a tailored intervention to promote screening for CRC among patients of a multispeciality clinic in Houston, TX. ^ Methods. The two intervention arms received a PC based tailored program and web based educational information to promote CRC screening. The incremental cost of implementing a tailored PC based program was compared to the website based education and the status quo of no intervention for each unit of effect after 12 months of delivering the intervention. Uncertainty analysis in the point estimates of cost and effect was conducted using nonparametric bootstrapping. ^ Results. The cost of implementing a web based educational intervention was $36.00 per person and the cost of the tailored PC based interactive intervention was $43.00 per person. The additional cost per person screened for the web-based strategy was $2374 and the effect of the tailored intervention was negative. ^
Background. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) exhibits the most striking public health significance due to its high prevalence and mortality as well as huge economic burdens all over the world, especially in industrialized countries. Major risk factors of CVDs have been the targets of population-wide prevention in the United States. Economic evaluations provide structured information in regard to the efficiency of resource utilization which can inform decisions of resource allocation. The main purpose of this review is to investigate the pattern of study design of economic evaluations for interventions of CVDs. ^ Methods. Primary journal articles published during 2003-2008 were systematically retrieved via relevant keywords from Medline, NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED) and EBSCO Academic Search Complete. Only full economic evaluations for narrowly defined CVD interventions were included for this review. The methodological data of interest were extracted from the eligible articles and reorganized in Microsoft Access database. Chi-square tests in SPSS were used to analyze the associations between pairs of categorical data. ^ Results. One hundred and twenty eligible articles were reviewed after two steps of literature selection with explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria. Descriptive statistics were reported regarding the evaluated interventions, outcome measures, unit costing and cost reports. The chi-square test of the association between prevention level of intervention and category of time horizon showed no statistical significance. The chi-square test showed that sponsor type was significantly associated with whether new or standard intervention being concluded as more cost effective. ^ Conclusions. Tertiary prevention and medication interventions are the major interests for economic evaluators. The majority of the evaluations were claimed from either a provider’s or a payer’s perspective. Almost all evaluations adopted gross costing strategy for unit cost data rather than micro costing. EQ-5D is the most commonly used instrument for subjective outcome measurement. More than half of the evaluations used decision analytic modeling techniques. The lack of consistency in study design standards in published evaluations appears in several aspects. Prevention level of intervention is not likely to be a factor for evaluators to decide whether to design an evaluation in a lifetime horizon or not. Published evaluations sponsored by industry are more likely to conclude that new intervention is more cost effective than standard intervention.^
The relative merits of PBSCT versus BMT for children with standard and high risk hematologic malignancies remain unclear. In a retrospective single center study, we compared allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) (n=30) with bone marrow transplantation (BMT) (n=110) in children with acute leukemia. We studied recipients of HLA matched sibling stem cells, and of stem cells from alternative donors (HLA mismatched and/or unrelated) and determined whether sourcing the stem cells from PB or marrow affected engraftment, incidence of acute and chronic GvHD, and disease-free survival at 1 year. Our results show a modest reduction in time to engraftment from PB stem cells and no greater risk of GvHD, but illustrate that the severity of the underlying disease is by far the greatest determinant of 1 year survival. Patients in the BMT group had a higher treatment success rate and lower costs than the recipients of the PBSCT within the standard but not the high risk disease group, where the treatment success rate and the cumulative costs were lower in the PBSCT group compared to the BMT group. Our current incremental cost-effectiveness ratio and analysis of uncertainty suggest that allogeneic transplantation of bone marrow grafts was a more cost-effective treatment option compared to peripheral blood stem cells in patients with standard risk childhood acute leukemia disease. For high risk disease our data are less prescriptive, since the differences were more limited and the range of costs much larger. Neither option demonstrated a clear advantage from a cost-effectiveness standpoint.^
Background. Providing an worksite fitness center for employees is an effective setting to increase an adult’s levels of physical activity, demonstrably reducing health care costs and elevating employee productivity. Increasing compliance and adherence among employees to consistently utilize an onsite facility remains a challenge.^ Purpose. To illustrate if two electronic behavioral journalism newsletters can increase employee participation in a free worksite wellness center.^ Design. A randomized control trial was implemented. ^ Setting. A large petroleum-producing corporation located in Houston, Texas Subjects.70 full or part time employees that had checked into visited the wellness center during September, October, and November 2009. ^ Intervention. Two behavioral journalism newsletters were created based on authentic community member role model interviews. Newsletters were distributed to intervention group participants via company email. Intervention and control group participant’s visits to the wellness center were monitored via a key card check in system at the facility for two weeks following the newsletter intervention.^ Analysis. Count variable statistics were used to identify rate differences between the intervention and control group wellness center visits. A binomial test for equality of proportions was used to identify differences between participants that had at least one visit to the wellness center compared with those with none.^ Results. Both intervention and control groups had a baseline of zero wellness center visits. The control group had a mean visit rate 0.441 and the intervention group had 0.857. A 0.416, almost one half more visits were found among the intervention group.^ Conclusion. This study indicates that behavioral journalism newsletters featuring a role model from within the worksite population can be a cost effective communication method to improve participation in an onsite wellness center. ^
This report describes the development of a Markov model for comparing percutaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) in terms of their cost-utility in treating isolated liver metastases from colorectal cancer. The model is based on data from multiple retrospective and prospective studies, available data on different utility states associated with treatment and complications, as well as publicly available Medicare costs. The purpose of this report is to establish a well-justified model for clinical management decisions. In comparison with SBRT, RFA is the most cost-effective treatment for this patient population. From the societal perspective, SBRT may be an acceptable alternative with an ICER of $28,673/QALY. ^
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus healthcare-associated infections (MRSA HAIs) are a major cause of morbidity in hospitalized patients. They pose great economic burden to hospitals caring for these patients. Intensified Interventions aim to control MRSA HAIs. Cost-effectiveness of Intensified Interventions is largely unclear. We performed a review of cost-effectiveness literature on Intensified Interventions , and provide a summary of study findings, the status of economic research in the area, and information that will help decision-makers at regional level and guide future research.^ We conducted literature search using electronic database PubMed, EBSCO, and The Cochrane Library. We limited our search to English articles published after 1999. We reviewed a total of 1,356 titles, and after applying our inclusion and exclusion criteria selected seven articles for our final review. We modified the Economic Evaluation Abstraction Form provided by CDC, and used this form to abstract data from studies.^ Of the seven selected articles two were cohort studies and the remaining five were modeling studies. They were done in various countries, in different study settings, and with different variations of the Intensified Intervention . Overall, six of the seven studies reported that Intensified Interventions were dominant or at least cost-effective in their study setting. This effect persisted on sensitivity testing.^ We identified many gaps in research in this field. The cost-effectiveness research in the field is mostly composed of modeling studies. The studies do not always clearly describe the intervention. The intervention and infection costs and the sources for these costs are not always explicit or are missing. In modeling studies, there is uncertainty associated with some key model inputs, but these inputs are not always identified. The models utilized in the modeling studies are not always tested for internal consistency or validity. Studies usually test the short term cost-effectiveness of Intensified Interventions but not the long results.^ Our study limitation was the inability to adjust for differences in study settings, intervention costs, disease costs, or effectiveness measures. Our study strength is the presentation of a focused literature review of Intensified Interventions in hospital settings. Through this study we provide information that will help decision makers at regional level, help guide future research, and might change clinical care and policies. ^
Este trabajo propone una metodología basada en Sistemas de Información Geográfica para estimar la demanda de viajes en estaciones de redes de transporte público, tomando como ejemplo la red de metro de Madrid. Primero se emplea una serie de datos descriptivos para caracterizar la red, clasificar las estaciones y obtener una tipología de las mismas. Luego, con el objetivo de explicar y predecir los viajes (entradas a la red) se generan dos modelos: uno sencillo a partir de las tasas de penetración de uso del metro en función de la distancia (distance decay), y otro más complejo basado en un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple (MRLM) que incorpora variables relativas a la estación y su entorno (densidad, mezcla de usos, diseño urbano, presencia de modos competidores). Su aplicación muestra resultados alentadores, y se plantea como una alternativa a los clásicos modelos de cuatro etapas, más complejos y con un mayor coste económico.
La fisuración iniciada en la superficie de los pavimentos asfálticos constituye uno de los más frecuentes e importantes modos de deterioro que tienen lugar en los firmes bituminosos, como han demostrado los estudios teóricos y experimentales llevados a cabo en la última década. Sin embargo, este mecanismo de fallo no ha sido considerado por los métodos tradicionales de diseño de estos firmes. El concepto de firmes de larga duración se fundamenta en un adecuado seguimiento del proceso de avance en profundidad de estos deterioros y la intervención en el momento más apropiado para conseguir mantenerlos confinados como fisuras de profundidad parcial en la capa superficial más fácilmente accesible y reparable, de manera que pueda prolongarse la durabilidad y funcionalidad del firme y reducir los costes generalizados de su ciclo de vida. Por lo tanto, para la selección de la estrategia óptima de conservación de los firmes resulta esencial disponer de metodologías que posibiliten la identificación precisa in situ de la fisuración descendente, su seguimiento y control, y que además permitan una determinación fiable y con alto rendimiento de su profundidad y extensión. En esta Tesis Doctoral se presentan los resultados obtenidos mediante la investigación sistemática de laboratorio e in situ llevada a cabo para la obtención de datos sobre fisuración descendente en firmes asfálticos y para el estudio de procedimientos de evaluación de la profundidad de este tipo de fisuras empleando técnicas de ultrasonidos. Dichos resultados han permitido comprobar que la metodología no destructiva propuesta, de rápida ejecución, bajo coste y sencilla implementación (principalmente empleada hasta el momento en estructuras metálicas y de hormigón, debido a las dificultades que introduce la naturaleza viscoelástica de los materiales bituminosos) puede ser aplicada con suficiente fiabilidad y repetibilidad sobre firmes asfálticos. Las medidas resultan asimismo independientes del espesor total del firme. Además, permite resolver algunos de los inconvenientes frecuentes que presentan otros métodos de diagnóstico de las fisuras de pavimentos, tales como la extracción de testigos (sistema destructivo, de alto coste y prolongados tiempos de interrupción del tráfico) o algunas otras técnicas no destructivas como las basadas en medidas de deflexiones o el georradar, las cuales no resultan suficientemente precisas para la investigación de fisuras superficiales. Para ello se han realizado varias campañas de ensayos sobre probetas de laboratorio en las que se han estudiado diferentes condiciones empíricas como, por ejemplo, distintos tipos de mezclas bituminosas en caliente (AC, SMA y PA), espesores de firme y adherencias entre capas, temperaturas, texturas superficiales, materiales de relleno y agua en el interior de las grietas, posición de los sensores y un amplio rango de posibles profundidades de fisura. Los métodos empleados se basan en la realización de varias medidas de velocidad o de tiempo de transmisión del pulso ultrasónico sobre una única cara o superficie accesible del material, de manera que resulte posible obtener un coeficiente de transmisión de la señal (mediciones relativas o autocompensadas). Las mediciones se han realizado a bajas frecuencias de excitación mediante dos equipos de ultrasonidos diferentes dotados, en un caso, de transductores de contacto puntual seco (DPC) y siendo en el otro instrumento de contacto plano a través de un material especialmente seleccionado para el acoplamiento (CPC). Ello ha permitido superar algunos de los tradicionales inconvenientes que presenta el uso de los transductores convencionales y no precisar preparación previa de las superficies. La técnica de autocalibración empleada elimina los errores sistemáticos y la necesidad de una calibración local previa, demostrando el potencial de esta tecnología. Los resultados experimentales han sido comparados con modelos teóricos simplificados que simulan la propagación de las ondas ultrasónicas en estos materiales bituminosos fisurados, los cuales han sido deducidos previamente mediante un planteamiento analítico y han permitido la correcta interpretación de dichos datos empíricos. Posteriormente, estos modelos se han calibrado mediante los resultados de laboratorio, proporcionándose sus expresiones matemáticas generalizadas y gráficas para su uso rutinario en las aplicaciones prácticas. Mediante los ensayos con ultrasonidos efectuados en campañas llevadas a cabo in situ, acompañados de la extracción de testigos del firme, se han podido evaluar los modelos propuestos. El máximo error relativo promedio en la estimación de la profundidad de las fisuras al aplicar dichos modelos no ha superado el 13%, con un nivel de confianza del 95%, en el conjunto de todos los ensayos realizados. La comprobación in situ de los modelos ha permitido establecer los criterios y las necesarias recomendaciones para su utilización sobre firmes en servicio. La experiencia obtenida posibilita la integración de esta metodología entre las técnicas de auscultación para la gestión de su conservación. Abstract Surface-initiated cracking of asphalt pavements constitutes one of the most frequent and important types of distress that occur in flexible bituminous pavements, as clearly has been demonstrated in the technical and experimental studies done over the past decade. However, this failure mechanism has not been taken into consideration for traditional methods of flexible pavement design. The concept of long-lasting pavements is based on adequate monitoring of the depth and extent of these deteriorations and on intervention at the most appropriate moment so as to contain them in the surface layer in the form of easily-accessible and repairable partial-depth topdown cracks, thereby prolonging the durability and serviceability of the pavement and reducing the overall cost of its life cycle. Therefore, to select the optimal maintenance strategy for perpetual pavements, it becomes essential to have access to methodologies that enable precise on-site identification, monitoring and control of top-down propagated cracks and that also permit a reliable, high-performance determination of the extent and depth of cracking. This PhD Thesis presents the results of systematic laboratory and in situ research carried out to obtain information about top-down cracking in asphalt pavements and to study methods of depth evaluation of this type of cracking using ultrasonic techniques. These results have demonstrated that the proposed non-destructive methodology –cost-effective, fast and easy-to-implement– (mainly used to date for concrete and metal structures, due to the difficulties caused by the viscoelastic nature of bituminous materials) can be applied with sufficient reliability and repeatability to asphalt pavements. Measurements are also independent of the asphalt thickness. Furthermore, it resolves some of the common inconveniences presented by other methods used to evaluate pavement cracking, such as core extraction (a destructive and expensive procedure that requires prolonged traffic interruptions) and other non-destructive techniques, such as those based on deflection measurements or ground-penetrating radar, which are not sufficiently precise to measure surface cracks. To obtain these results, extensive tests were performed on laboratory specimens. Different empirical conditions were studied, such as various types of hot bituminous mixtures (AC, SMA and PA), differing thicknesses of asphalt and adhesions between layers, varied temperatures, surface textures, filling materials and water within the crack, different sensor positions, as well as an ample range of possible crack depths. The methods employed in the study are based on a series of measurements of ultrasonic pulse velocities or transmission times over a single accessible side or surface of the material that make it possible to obtain a signal transmission coefficient (relative or auto-calibrated readings). Measurements were taken at low frequencies by two short-pulse ultrasonic devices: one equipped with dry point contact transducers (DPC) and the other with flat contact transducers that require a specially-selected coupling material (CPC). In this way, some of the traditional inconveniences presented by the use of conventional transducers were overcome and a prior preparation of the surfaces was not required. The auto-compensating technique eliminated systematic errors and the need for previous local calibration, demonstrating the potential for this technology. The experimental results have been compared with simplified theoretical models that simulate ultrasonic wave propagation in cracked bituminous materials, which had been previously deduced using an analytical approach and have permitted the correct interpretation of the aforementioned empirical results. These models were subsequently calibrated using the laboratory results, providing generalized mathematical expressions and graphics for routine use in practical applications. Through a series of on-site ultrasound test campaigns, accompanied by asphalt core extraction, it was possible to evaluate the proposed models, with differences between predicted crack depths and those measured in situ lower than 13% (with a confidence level of 95%). Thereby, the criteria and the necessary recommendations for their implementation on in-service asphalt pavements have been established. The experience obtained through this study makes it possible to integrate this methodology into the evaluation techniques for pavement management systems.
Advances in the modeling, characterization and reliability of concentrator multijunction solar cells
Los sistemas de concentración fotovoltaica (CPV) parecen ser una de las vías más prometedoras para generar electricidad a gran escala a precios competitivos. La investigación actual se centra en aumentar la eficiencia y la concentración de los sistemas para abaratar costes. Al mismo tiempo se investiga sobre la fiabilidad de los diferentes componentes que integran un sistema de concentración, ya que para que los sistemas de concentración sean competitivos es necesario que tengan una fiabilidad al menos similar a los sistemas basados en células de silicio. En la presente tesis doctoral se ha llevado a cabo el estudio de aspectos avanzados de células solares multi-unión diseñadas para trabajar a concentraciones ultra-altas. Para ello, se ha desarrollado un modelo circuital tridimensional distribuido con el que simular el comportamiento de las células solares triple-unión bajo distintas condiciones de funcionamiento, así mismo se ha realizado una caracterización avanzada de este tipo de células para comprender mejor su modo de operación y así poder contribuir a mejorar su eficiencia. Finalmente, se han llevado a cabo ensayos de vida acelerados en células multiunión comerciales para conocer la fiabilidad de este tipo de células solares. Para la simulación de células solares triple-unión se ha desarrollado en la presente tesis doctoral un modelo circuital tridimensinal distribuido el cuál integra una descripción completa de la unión túnel. De este modo, con el modelo desarrollado, hemos podido simular perfiles de luz sobre la célula solar que hacen que la densidad de corriente fotogenerada sea mayor a la densidad de corriente pico de la unión túnel. El modelo desarrollado también contempla la distribución lateral de corriente en las capas semiconductoras que componen y rodean la unión túnel. Por tanto, se ha podido simular y analizar el efecto que tiene sobre el funcionamiento de la célula solar que los concentradores ópticos produzcan perfiles de luz desuniformes, tanto en nivel de irradiancia como en el contenido espectral de la luz (aberración cromática). Con el objetivo de determinar cuáles son los mecanismos de recombinación que están limitando el funcionamiento de cada subcélula que integra una triple-unión, y así intentar reducirlos, se ha llevado a cabo la caracterización eléctrica de células solares monouni ón idénticas a las subcelulas de una triple-unión. También se ha determinado la curva corriente-tensión en oscuridad de las subcélulas de GaInP y GaAs de una célula dobleunión mediante la utilización de un teorema de reciprocidad electro-óptico. Finalmente, se ha analizado el impacto de los diferentes mecanismos de recombinación en el funcionamiento de la célula solar triple-unión en concentración. Por último, para determinar la fiabilidad de este tipo de células, se ha llevado a cabo un ensayo de vida acelerada en temperatura en células solares triple-unión comerciales. En la presente tesis doctoral se describe el diseño del ensayo, el progreso del mismo y los datos obtenidos tras el análisis de los resultados preliminares. Abstract Concentrator photovoltaic systems (CPV) seem to be one of the most promising ways to generate electricity at competitive prices. Nowadays, the research is focused on increasing the efficiency and the concentration of the systems in order to reduce costs. At the same time, another important area of research is the study of the reliability of the different components which make up a CPV system. In fact, in order for a CPV to be cost-effective, it should have a warranty at least similar to that of the systems based on Si solar cells. In the present thesis, we will study in depth the behavior of multijunction solar cells under ultra-high concentration. With this purpose in mind, a three-dimensional circuital distributed model which is able to simulate the behavior of triple-junction solar cells under different working conditions has been developed. Also, an advanced characterization of these solar cells has been carried out in order to better understand their behavior and thus contribute to improving efficiency. Finally, accelerated life tests have been carried out on commercial lattice-matched triple-junction solar cells in order to determine their reliability. In order to simulate triple-junction solar cells, a 3D circuital distributed model which integrates a full description of the tunnel junction has been developed. We have analyzed the behavior of the multijunction solar cell under light profiles which cause the current density photo-generated in the solar cell to be higher than the tunnel junction’s peak current density. The advanced model developed also takes into account the lateral current spreading through the semiconductor layers which constitute and surround the tunnel junction. Therefore, the effects of non-uniform light profiles, in both irradiance and the spectral content produced by the concentrators on the solar cell, have been simulated and analyzed. In order to determine which recombination mechanisms are limiting the behavior of each subcell in a triple-junction stack, and to try to reduce them when possible, an electrical characterization of single-junction solar cells that resemble the subcells in a triplejunction stack has been carried out. Also, the dark I-V curves of the GaInP and GaAs subcells in a dual-junction solar cell have been determined by using an electro-optical reciprocity theorem. Finally, the impact of the different recombination mechanisms on the behavior of the triple-junction solar cell under concentration has been analyzed. In order to determine the reliability of these solar cells, a temperature accelerated life test has been carried out on commercial triple-junction solar cells. In the present thesis, the design and the evolution of the test, as well as the data obtained from the analysis of the preliminary results, are presented.
El estudio de materiales, especialmente biológicos, por medios no destructivos está adquiriendo una importancia creciente tanto en las aplicaciones científicas como industriales. Las ventajas económicas de los métodos no destructivos son múltiples. Existen numerosos procedimientos físicos capaces de extraer información detallada de las superficie de la madera con escaso o nulo tratamiento previo y mínima intrusión en el material. Entre los diversos métodos destacan las técnicas ópticas y las acústicas por su gran versatilidad, relativa sencillez y bajo coste. Esta tesis pretende establecer desde la aplicación de principios simples de física, de medición directa y superficial, a través del desarrollo de los algoritmos de decisión mas adecuados basados en la estadística, unas soluciones tecnológicas simples y en esencia, de coste mínimo, para su posible aplicación en la determinación de la especie y los defectos superficiales de la madera de cada muestra tratando, en la medida de lo posible, no alterar su geometría de trabajo. Los análisis desarrollados han sido los tres siguientes: El primer método óptico utiliza las propiedades de la luz dispersada por la superficie de la madera cuando es iluminada por un laser difuso. Esta dispersión produce un moteado luminoso (speckle) cuyas propiedades estadísticas permiten extraer propiedades muy precisas de la estructura tanto microscópica como macroscópica de la madera. El análisis de las propiedades espectrales de la luz laser dispersada genera ciertos patrones mas o menos regulares relacionados con la estructura anatómica, composición, procesado y textura superficial de la madera bajo estudio que ponen de manifiesto características del material o de la calidad de los procesos a los que ha sido sometido. El uso de este tipo de láseres implica también la posibilidad de realizar monitorizaciones de procesos industriales en tiempo real y a distancia sin interferir con otros sensores. La segunda técnica óptica que emplearemos hace uso del estudio estadístico y matemático de las propiedades de las imágenes digitales obtenidas de la superficie de la madera a través de un sistema de scanner de alta resolución. Después de aislar los detalles mas relevantes de las imágenes, diversos algoritmos de clasificacion automatica se encargan de generar bases de datos con las diversas especies de maderas a las que pertenecían las imágenes, junto con los márgenes de error de tales clasificaciones. Una parte fundamental de las herramientas de clasificacion se basa en el estudio preciso de las bandas de color de las diversas maderas. Finalmente, numerosas técnicas acústicas, tales como el análisis de pulsos por impacto acústico, permiten complementar y afinar los resultados obtenidos con los métodos ópticos descritos, identificando estructuras superficiales y profundas en la madera así como patologías o deformaciones, aspectos de especial utilidad en usos de la madera en estructuras. La utilidad de estas técnicas esta mas que demostrada en el campo industrial aun cuando su aplicación carece de la suficiente expansión debido a sus altos costes y falta de normalización de los procesos, lo cual hace que cada análisis no sea comparable con su teórico equivalente de mercado. En la actualidad gran parte de los esfuerzos de investigación tienden a dar por supuesto que la diferenciación entre especies es un mecanismo de reconocimiento propio del ser humano y concentran las tecnologías en la definición de parámetros físicos (módulos de elasticidad, conductividad eléctrica o acústica, etc.), utilizando aparatos muy costosos y en muchos casos complejos en su aplicación de campo. Abstract The study of materials, especially the biological ones, by non-destructive techniques is becoming increasingly important in both scientific and industrial applications. The economic advantages of non-destructive methods are multiple and clear due to the related costs and resources necessaries. There are many physical processes capable of extracting detailed information on the wood surface with little or no previous treatment and minimal intrusion into the material. Among the various methods stand out acoustic and optical techniques for their great versatility, relative simplicity and low cost. This thesis aims to establish from the application of simple principles of physics, surface direct measurement and through the development of the more appropriate decision algorithms based on statistics, a simple technological solutions with the minimum cost for possible application in determining the species and the wood surface defects of each sample. Looking for a reasonable accuracy without altering their work-location or properties is the main objetive. There are three different work lines: Empirical characterization of wood surfaces by means of iterative autocorrelation of laser speckle patterns: A simple and inexpensive method for the qualitative characterization of wood surfaces is presented. it is based on the iterative autocorrelation of laser speckle patterns produced by diffuse laser illumination of the wood surfaces. The method exploits the high spatial frequency content of speckle images. A similar approach with raw conventional photographs taken with ordinary light would be very difficult. A few iterations of the algorithm are necessary, typically three or four, in order to visualize the most important periodic features of the surface. The processed patterns help in the study of surface parameters, to design new scattering models and to classify the wood species. Fractal-based image enhancement techniques inspired by differential interference contrast microscopy: Differential interference contrast microscopy is a very powerful optical technique for microscopic imaging. Inspired by the physics of this type of microscope, we have developed a series of image processing algorithms aimed at the magnification, noise reduction, contrast enhancement and tissue analysis of biological samples. These algorithms use fractal convolution schemes which provide fast and accurate results with a performance comparable to the best present image enhancement algorithms. These techniques can be used as post processing tools for advanced microscopy or as a means to improve the performance of less expensive visualization instruments. Several examples of the use of these algorithms to visualize microscopic images of raw pine wood samples with a simple desktop scanner are provided. Wood species identification using stress-wave analysis in the audible range: Stress-wave analysis is a powerful and flexible technique to study mechanical properties of many materials. We present a simple technique to obtain information about the species of wood samples using stress-wave sounds in the audible range generated by collision with a small pendulum. Stress-wave analysis has been used for flaw detection and quality control for decades, but its use for material identification and classification is less cited in the literature. Accurate wood species identification is a time consuming task for highly trained human experts. For this reason, the development of cost effective techniques for automatic wood classification is a desirable goal. Our proposed approach is fully non-invasive and non-destructive, reducing significantly the cost and complexity of the identification and classification process.
In order to have a cost-effective CPV system, two key issues must be ensured: high concentration factor and high tolerance. The novel concentrator we are presenting, the dome-shaped Fresnel-Köhler, can widely fulfill these two and other essential issues in a CPV module. This concentrator is based on two previous successful CPV designs: the FK concentrator with a flat Fresnel lens and the dome-shaped Fresnel lens system developed by Daido Steel, resulting on a superior concentrator. The concentrator has shown outstanding simulation results, achieving an effective concentration-acceptance product (CAP) value of 0.72, and an optical efficiency of 85% on-axis (no anti-reflective coating has been used). Moreover, Köhler integration provides good irradiance uniformity on the cell surface and low spectral aberration of this irradiance. This ensures an optimal performance of the solar cell, maximizing its efficiency. Besides, the dome-shaped FK shows optimal results for very compact designs, especially in the f/0.7-1.0 range. The dome-shaped Fresnel-Köhler concentrator, natural and enhanced evolution of the flat FK concentrator, is a cost-effective CPV optical design, mainly due to its high tolerances. Daido Steel advanced technique for demolding injected plastic pieces will allow for easy manufacture of the dome-shaped POE of DFK concentrator.
The dome-shaped Fresnel-Köhler concentrator is a novel optical design for photovoltaic applications. It is based on two previous successful CPV optical designs: the FK concentrator with a flat Fresnel lens and the dome-shaped Fresnel lens system developed by Daido Steel, resulting on a superior concentrator. This optical concentrator will be able to achieve large concentration factors, high tolerance (i.e. acceptance angle) and high optical efficiency, three key issues when dealing with photovoltaic applications. Besides, its irradiance is distributed on the cell surface in a very even way. The concentrator has shown outstanding simulation results, achieving an effective concentration-acceptance product (CAP) value of 0.72, on-axis optical efficiency over 85% and good irradiance uniformity on the cell provided by Köhler integration. Furthermore, due to its high tolerance, we will present the dome-shaped Fresnel-Köhler concentrator as a cost-effective CPV optical design. All this makes this concentrator superior to other conventional competitors in the current market.
Underpasses are common in modern railway lines. Wildlife corridors and drainage conduits often fall into this category of partially buried structures. Their dynamic behaviour has received far less attention than that of other structures such as bridges, but their large number makes their study an interesting challenge in order to achieve safe and cost-effective structures. As ballast operations are a key life cycle cost, and excessive vibrations increase the need of ballast regulation in order to ensure track geometry, special attention is paid to accelerations, the values of which should be limited to avoid track instability according to Eurocode. In this paper, the data obtained during on site measurements on culverts belonging to a Spanish high-speed train line are presented. A set of six rectangular-shaped, closed-frame underpasses were monitored under traffic loading. Acceleration records at different points of the structures are presented and discussed. They reveal a non-uniform dynamic response of the roof-slab, with the highest observed values below the occupied track. Also, they indicate that the dynamic response is important up to frequencies higher than those usually observed for standard simply supported bridges. Finally, they are used to obtain a heuristic rule to estimate acceleration levels on the roof-slab.