892 resultados para child eating behaviour
Objective: To provide prevalence data on several key mental health indicators for young people aged 15 to 24 years. Methods: A cross-sectional household survey, using telephone recruitment followed by a postal pencil-and-paper questionnaire. The overall response rate was 67.3%. Results: Difficulties with interpersonal relationships are common causes of distress for young people, in particular problems with parents, problems with friends and relationship break-ups. Depressive symptomatology is common among young people with approximately one in eight males and one in four females reporting current depressive symptomatology. One in three young people reported that they had had suicidal thoughts at some time in the past, 1.2% of young people reported that they had made a plan on how to kill themselves in the four-week period prior to completing the survey and 6.9% of young people reported that they had tried to kill themselves at some time during their life time (4.2% of males and 9.0% of females). Conclusions and implications: The prevalence figures for the various mental health indicators presented in this paper represent good baseline information upon which to examine the progress over time of interventions designed to improve the mental health of young people.
The surface oxidation of two polyimides containing fluorinated phenylphosphine oxide units, TOR-RC and TOR-RC ODPA, have been studied by (XPS) spectroscopy following gamma -radiolysis under vacuum or in air and subsequent treatment in a water plasma. The changes in the O 1s/C 1s ratios obtained from (XPS) analysis showed that on exposure to the water plasma the ratio increases and then levels to a constant value which is similar to that found for exposure to the plasma without prior gamma -radiation treatment. Evidence for the formation of phosphate species was also obtained from the (XPS) analyses. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
James Parkinson (1755-1824) of Parkinson's disease, is well recognized as a pioneer of clinical neurology; and is even more famous as a founder of modem palaeontology. We have reviewed from primary sources his extensive contributions to clinical child care and his pioneering advocacy for child welfare, protection and safety. His writings, outreach and advocacy for children's health characterizes him as one whose influence was an important springboard from which evolved the modern specialty of paediatrics. Parkinson was one of the first to write on child-rearing practices and in this context antedated Benjamin Spock by 150 years. Parkinson was a pioneer of child safety and the prevention of childhood trauma. He wrote of the resuscitation of near-drowned children and of first aid for injured children. This critical analysis reviews his pioneering description of child abuse and the development of post-abuse hydrocephalus. He wrote the datum description (in English) of the pathophysiology and pathology of appendicitis in children, of fatal rabies in children and highlighted the risk of death even when the biting dog was not clinically rabid. His advocacy for social reform for children's welfare was courageous and pioneering. James Parkinson, hitherto unacknowledged, was a significant founder of the evolving discipline of paediatrics and child health.
Current research reflects conflict regarding best practice in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The. present study reports on the psychological treatment of a 54-year-old woman diagnosed with OCD, and follows the implementation of pharmacological treatment. The study utilises both exposure and response prevention (ERP) and cognitive therapy (CT), although there was no attempt to compare these approaches in an experimental design. Measures of avoiding and neutralising behaviours were taken on three occasions across treatment. Measures were also taken of intrusive thoughts, appraisal of responsibility, and effective challenging, both across treatment and at follow-up. The results indicate that gains were made in addition to those reported following the implementation of medication. The results also suggest that the addition of CT to exposure and response prevention facilitates the extinction of neutralising behaviours.
The rise of melanoma and the almost complete decline of stomach cancer clearly reflect disturbances of human culture during the 20th century. Environmental factors play a dominant role in the epidemiology of melanoma and many other malignancies.
Objective: To review the common clinical presentations, investigations and final diagnosis of children presenting with genital ambiguity. Methodology: Retrospective search of the Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane, Australia, medical records and personal medical database of one of the authors (MJT) between 1982 and 1999. Results: Fifty-one children aged 0.1-;14 (mean 3.9) years were identified. Twenty-two cases had a 46XX karyotype, and commonly presented with an enlarged phallus (77.2%), urogenital sinus (63.6%) and labioscrotal fold(s) (40.9%). Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) was the most common final diagnosis (72.7%) . Twenty-nine cases of genital ambiguity had a 46XY karyotype and commonly presented with palpable gonad(s) (75.8%), undescended testes (51.7%), penoscrotal hypospadias (51.7%) and a small phallus (41.3%). Androgen insensitivity and gonadal dysgenesis were the commonest final diagnosis both occurring at a frequency of 17.2%. Conclusions: The results emphasize the importance of CAH as the most common diagnosis in 46XX cases presenting with ambiguous genitalia. Those with 46XY had a wider range of diagnoses. Despite thorough investigation, 23.5% had no definite final diagnosis made.
In humans, hydromorphone (HMOR) is metabolised principally by conjugation with glucuronic acid to form hydromorphone-3-glucuronide (H3G), a close structural analogue of morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G), the major metabolite of morphine. In a previous study we described the biochemical synthesis of H3G together with a preliminary evaluation of its pharmacology which revealed that it is a neuro-excitant in rats in a manner analogous to M3G. Thus the aims of the current study were to quantify the neuro-excitatory behaviours evoked by intracerebroventricular (icv) H3G in the rat and to define its potency relative to M3G. Groups of adult male Sprague-Dawley rats received icy injections (1 muL) of H3G (1 - 3 mug), M3G (2 - 7 mug) or vehicle via a stainless steel guide cannula that had been implanted stereotaxically seven days prior to drug administration. Behavioural excitation was monitored by scoring fifteen different behaviours (myoclonic jerks, chewing, wet-dog-shakes, rearing, tonic-clonic-convulsions, explosive motor behaviour, grooming, exploring, general activity, eating, staring, ataxia, righting reflex, body posture, touch evoked agitation) immediately prior to icy injection and at the following post-dosing times: 5, 15, 25, 35, 50, 65 and 80 min. H3G produced dose-dependent behavioural excitation in a manner analogous to that reported previously for M3G by our laboratory and reproduced herein. H3G was found to be approximately 2.5-fold more potent than M3G, such that the mean (+/- S.D.) ED50 values were 2.3 (+/- 0.1) mug and 6.1 (+/- 0.6) mug respectively. Thus, our data clearly imply that if H3G crosses the BBB with equivalent efficiency to M3G, then the myoclonus, allodynia and seizures observed in some patients dosed chronically with large systemic doses of HMOR, are almost certainly due to the accumulation of sufficient H3G in the central nervous system, to evoke behavioural excitation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Kindred spirits: Influences of siblings' perspectives on the child's development of a theory of mind
1. Parasitoids are predicted to spend longer in patches with more hosts, but previous work on Cotesia rubecula (Marshall) has not upheld this prediction, Tests of theoretical predictions may be affected by the definition of patch leaving behaviour, which is often ambiguous. 2. In this study whole plants were considered as patches and assumed that wasps move within patches by means of walking or flying. Within-patch and between-patch flights were distinguished based on flight distance. The quality of this classification was tested statistically by examination of log-survivor curves of flight times. 3. Wasps remained longer in patches with higher host densities, which is consistent with predictions of the marginal value theorem (Charnov 1976). tinder the assumption that each flight indicates a patch departure, there is no relationship between host density and leaving tendency. 4. Oviposition influences the patch leaving behaviour of wasps in a count down fashion (Driessen et al. 1995), as predicted by an optimal foraging model (Tenhumberg, Keller & Possingham 2001). 5. Wasps spend significantly longer in the first patch encountered following release, resulting in an increased rate of superparasitism.
The case is presented of a female infant with a distal deletion of 8p (8p23.1 --> pter) whose development was monitored over a 5-year period from 12 months of age. Although previous literature has suggested that 8p deletion is associated with mild to moderate intellectual disability, the child reported here has normal intelligence. Despite initial delays in gross motor and language skills, cognitive development (assessed with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development) and intellectual ability (measured on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale) were within average range. It is argued that the small number of previous case reports may have created a misleading impression of intellectual development in individuals with distal deletions of 8p.
There is increasing awareness of the importance of disruptive behaviour in people with dementia and the need for rating scales to accurately and reliably measure this behaviour. When rating scales are to be administered by nurses, scale characteristics must take into account the limitations of the nursing role and the nature of the environment in which nurses work. This paper reviews thirty-one rating scales that have been used to measure behaviour in dementia. From this analysis, five scales were identified as suitable for use by nurses when measuring disruptive behaviour in older people with dementia.