960 resultados para check-all-that-apply (CATA)


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The article presents abstracts of papers for a conference on research methods including "On the Folly of Rewarding A While Hoping for B: A Critical Assessment of Theory Development," "All That Jazz: A Methodological Story of Stories," and "An Accounting of Counting: Universalism, Particularism, and the Counting of Qualitative Data."


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This paper represents VoIP shaping analyses in devices that apply the three Quality of Service techniques – IntServ, DiffServ and RSVP. The results show queue management and packet stream shaping based on simulation of the three mostly demanded services – VoIP, LAN emulation and transaction exchange. Special attention is paid to the VoIP as the most demanding service for real time communication.


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This article begins by setting out the human rights provisions that apply to social media expression. It then provides insight into the part social media plays within our society by analysing the social media landscape and how it facilitates a ‘purer’ form of expression. The social media paradox is explored through the lens of current societal issues and concerns regarding the use of social media and how these have manifested into litigation. It concludes by analysing the tension that the application of an array of criminal legislation and jurisprudence has created with freedom of expression, and whether this can successfully mitigated by the Director of Public Prosecution’s Interim Guidelines.


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Motivation: Within bioinformatics, the textual alignment of amino acid sequences has long dominated the determination of similarity between proteins, with all that implies for shared structure, function, and evolutionary descent. Despite the relative success of modern-day sequence alignment algorithms, so-called alignment-free approaches offer a complementary means of determining and expressing similarity, with potential benefits in certain key applications, such as regression analysis of protein structure-function studies, where alignment-base similarity has performed poorly. Results: Here, we offer a fresh, statistical physics-based perspective focusing on the question of alignment-free comparison, in the process adapting results from “first passage probability distribution” to summarize statistics of ensemble averaged amino acid propensity values. In this paper, we introduce and elaborate this approach.


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The paper presents the current situation regarding open access, institutional repositories (IRs) and journals in Bulgaria. It focuses on e- publications and related research content available in digital format on the web. It includes development of IRs in Bulgaria and discusses their content, software and various access restrictions that apply to content. A survey is used to identify current state of open access for IR and e-journals not just those that are using OAI-PMH.


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Napjainkban a szervezetekre ható legmeghatározóbb folyamat a globalizáció és a piaci verseny élesebbé válása, aminek következtében a vállalatok egyre nehezebben javítják, illetve őrzik meg versenyképességüket, egyre nehezebb a talpon maradás. A kihívásokra adott válaszok vállalatonként különbözőek. A vállalat teljesítményét számos tényező befolyásolja, ezek lehetnek külső, a vállalkozás által nagyrészt befolyásolhatatlan tényezők, de lehetnek belső, a vállalkozás által jelentősen befolyásolható tényezők. A kihívásokra adott egyedi, szervezetenként eltérő válaszok a vállalatok eltérő stratégiáiban, szervezeti felépítéseiben és szervezeti kultúráiban – mint a vállalat által befolyásolható tényezőkben – fejeződnek ki. A szerző dolgozatában egy empirikus kutatás eredményeinek egy részét mutatja be, amely az említett tényezők és a vállalati teljesítmény összefüggéseit vizsgálja. A tanulmány a vállalati teljesítmény és a vállalati stratégia közti kapcsolatot elemzi, és kutatja, hogy melyek lehetnek azok a stratégiai jellemzők, amelyek elősegíthetik a vállalati teljesítmény növelését. _____ Organizational culture determines the fundamental values,presuppositions, interpretations and approaches that are typical of the organization. The great variety of definitions proves that organizational culture is the manifestation of all that makes the organization unique. The unique and organization-specific answers to challenges manifest in different company strategies, structural features and organizational cultures – factors susceptible to the company. In this paper, the author presents some of the results of an empirical research designed to examine the correspondences of company performance and the above factors. This study endeavors to examine the relationships between company performance and organizational culture, typifies the cultural characteristics that may contribute to the improvement of company performance.


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In south Florida, tropical hardwood forests (hammocks) occur in Everglades tree islands and as more extensive forests in coastal settings in the nearby Florida Keys. Keys hammocks have been less disturbed by humans, and many qualify as “old-growth,” while Everglades hammocks have received much heavier use. With improvement of tree island condition an important element in Everglades restoration efforts, we examined stand structure in 23 Keys hammocks and 69 Everglades tree islands. Based on Stand Density Index and tree diameter distributions, many Everglades hammocks were characterized by low stocking and under-representation in the smaller size classes. In contrast, most Keys forests had the dense canopies and open understories usually associated with old-growth hardwood hammocks. Subject to the same caveats that apply to off-site references elsewhere, structural information from mature Keys hammocks can be helpful in planning and implementing forest restoration in Everglades tree islands. In many of these islands, such restoration might involve supplementing tree stocking by planting native trees to produce more complete site utilization and a more open understory.


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In his discussion - Challenge To Managers: Changing Hotel Work from a Secondary Choice to Career Development - by Leonidas Chitiris, Lecturer in Management, Piraeus Graduate School of Industrial Studies, Athens, Greece, Chitiris marginally alludes at the outset: “Surveys and interviews with hotel employees in Greece with regard to why individuals work for hotels and to what extent their rationale to join the hotel industry affects hotel productivity revealed that the choice to work in hotels is a secondary preference and reflects the opportunity structure in the economy at any given time and the greater the number of those who work in hotels when there are no other employment opportunities, the less likely the chances for overall improved performance. Given the increase in the proportion of unskilled, unmotivated workers, the level of hotel productivity consequently decreases! The author interprets the findings in terms of the economic and employment conditions in the Greek hotel industry. To enhance the rationale of his thesis statement, Chitiris offers with citation: “Research on initial entry into the labor force has shown that new employees reflect idealized expectations and are frequently not very satisfied with their jobs and roles in the work settings.” Chitiris advances the thought even further by saying: “Research on job satisfaction, motivation, and production purports that management can initiate policies that develop job satisfaction and may improve productivity.” The author outlines components within the general category of the hotel industry to label and quantify exactly why there may be a lag between employee expectations and the delivery of a superior level of service. Please keep in mind that the information for this essay is underpinned by the hotel industry in Greece, exclusively. Demographic information is provided. One example of the many factors parsed in this hotel service discussion is the employee/guest relationship. “The quality of service in hotels is affected to a great extent by the number of guests a hotel employee has to serve,” Chitiris offers. Additionally, Chitiris’ characterization of the typical hotel employee in Greece is not flattering, but it is an informed and representative view of that lodging labor pool. The description in and of itself begs to explain at least some of why the hotel industry in Greece suffers a consequently diminished capacity of superior service. Ill equipped, under-educated, over-worked, and under-paid are how Chitiris describes most employees in the Hellenist hospitality field. Survey based studies, and formulaic indices are used to measure variables related to productivity; the results may be inconclusive industry wide, but are interesting nonetheless. Also, an appealing table gauges the reasons why hotel workers actually employ themselves in the lodging industry. Chirtiris finds that salary expectations do not rate all that high on the motivational chart and are only marginal when related to productivity. In closing, Chirtiris presents a 5-phase development plan hotels should look to in improving performance and productivity at their respective properties.


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Washashores was a comic novel exploring the secrets and relationships in a fictional Massachusetts seaside town. Rose Waters, who'd come to Nauset after a failed relationship, encountered two women with a tangled and duplicitous history, and a young autistic savant the women had helped to raise. The boy's uncle, Simon Beadle, once the town drunk, had run away from his past for seventeen years until an event occurred which initiated his journey home. Rose and Simon's paths converged, bringing about complications both whimsical and serious, with events reaching a crisis at the town's Tri-centennial celebration. Here, all that had been hidden was revealed through Rose and Simon's collaborative efforts, and the truth led to reconciliation and the promise of romance. Chapters alternated Rose and Simon's points of view, which permitted the reader to follow their misunderstandings and misreadings of the town and each other.


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In this paper we propose a class for introducing the probability teaching using the game discs which is based on the concept of geometric probability and which is supposed to determine the probability of a disc randomly thrown does not intercept the lines of a gridded surface. The problem was posed to a group of 3nd year of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte - Jo~ao C^amara. Therefore, the students were supposed to build a grid board in which the success percentage of the players had been previously de ned for them. Once the grid board was built, the students should check whether that theoretically predetermined percentage corresponded to reality obtained through experimentation. The results and attitude of the students in further classes suggested greater involvement of them with discipline, making the environment conducive for learning.


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In this paper we propose a class for introducing the probability teaching using the game discs which is based on the concept of geometric probability and which is supposed to determine the probability of a disc randomly thrown does not intercept the lines of a gridded surface. The problem was posed to a group of 3nd year of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte - Jo~ao C^amara. Therefore, the students were supposed to build a grid board in which the success percentage of the players had been previously de ned for them. Once the grid board was built, the students should check whether that theoretically predetermined percentage corresponded to reality obtained through experimentation. The results and attitude of the students in further classes suggested greater involvement of them with discipline, making the environment conducive for learning.


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A versão impressa está dividida em volume 1 e 2.


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Este estudo trata da comunicação face a face nas organizações sob diferentes abordagens teóricas. Considera a perspectiva da simultaneidade dos meios, já que as empresas utilizam diversos canais para dialogar com seus públicos de interesse. Leva em conta o fenômeno da midiatização, que reestrutura o modo como as pessoas se relacionam na sociedade contemporânea. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é sistematizar papeis potencialmente exercidos pela interação face a face e conhecer algumas circunstâncias que envolvem sua prática nas organizações. Por se tratar de uma tese teórica, a pesquisa bibliográfica se apresenta como um dos principais procedimentos metodológicos; análises de casos empíricos e um estudo de caso desenvolvido na Embrapa Pantanal constituem situações ilustrativas. Conclui-se que a comunicação face a face nas empresas ocorre de forma simultânea e combinada a outros canais de comunicação, porém, ela proporciona resultados práticos e filosóficos ainda pouco explorados. É rara a utilização estratégica de contatos presenciais como mecanismo para estabelecer relacionamentos, conhecer as reações alheias e ajustar a comunicação, aliar o discurso corporativo às práticas empresariais e avaliar o contexto onde se desenvolvem as interações, o que pode ser decisivo para a comunicação organizacional.


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The Laws is generally regarded as Plato’s attempt to engage with the practical realities of political life, as opposed to the more idealistic, or utopian, vision of the Republic. Yet modern scholars have often felt disquieted at the central role of religion in the Laws’ second-best city and regime. There are essentially the two dominant interpretations on offer today: either religion supports a repressive theocracy, which controls every aspect of the citizens’ lives to such an extent that even philosophy itself is discouraged, or religion is an example of the kind of noble lie, which the philosopher must deceive the citizens into believing—viz., that a god, not a man, is the author of the regime’s laws. I argue that neither of these interpretations do justice to the dialogue’s intricately dramatic structure, and therefore to Plato’s treatment of civil religion. What I propose is a third position in which Plato both takes seriously the social and political utility of religion, and views theology as a legitimate, and even necessary, subject of philosophical inquiry without going so far as to advocate theocracy as the second best form of regime.

I conclude that a proper focus on the dialogue form, combined with a careful historical analysis of Plato’s use of social and political institutions, reveals an innovative yet traditional form of civil religion, purified of the harmful influence of the poets, based on the authority of the oracle at Delphi, and grounded on a philosophical conception of god as the eternal source of order, wisdom, and all that is good. Through a union of traditional Delphic theology and Platonic natural theology, Plato gives the city of the Laws a common cult acceptable to philosopher and non-philosopher alike, and thus, not only bridges the gap between religion and philosophy, but also creates a sense of community, political identity, and social harmony—the prerequisites for political order and stability. The political theology of the Laws, therefore, provides a rational defense of the rule of law (νόμος) re-conceived as the application of divine Reason (νοῦς) to human affairs.


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Cette thèse a comme objectif de démontrer combien Alaric et ses Goths étaient Romains dans pratiquement toutes les catégories connues sur leur compte. Pour ce faire, l’auteur a puisé dans les sciences sociales et a emprunté le champ conceptuel de l’éminent sociologue Pierre Bourdieu. À l’aide du concept d’habitus, entre autres choses, l’auteur a tenté de faire valoir à quel point les actions d’Alaric s’apparentaient à celles des généraux romains de son époque. Naturellement, il a fallu étaler le raisonnement au long de plusieurs chapitres et sur de nombreux niveaux. C’est-à-dire qu’il a fallu d’abord définir les concepts populaires en ce moment pour « faire » l’histoire des barbares durant l’Antiquité tardive. Pensons ici à des termes tels que l’ethnicité et l’ethnogenèse. L’auteur s’est distancé de ces concepts qu’il croyait mal adaptés à la réalité des Goths et d’Alaric. C’est qu’il fallait comprendre ces hommes dans une structure romaine, au lieu de leur octroyer une histoire et des traditions barbares. Il a ensuite fallu montrer que la thèse explorait des avenues restées peu empruntées jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Il a été question de remonter jusqu’à Gibbon pour ensuite promouvoir le fait que quelques érudits avaient autrefois effleuré la question d’Alaric comme étant un homme beaucoup moins barbare que ce que la tradition véhiculait à son sujet, tel que Fustel de Coulanges, Amédée Thierry ou encore Marcel Brion. Il s’agissait donc de valider l’angle de recherche en prenant appui d’abord sur ces anciens luminaires de la discipline. Vint ensuite l’apport majeur de cette thèse, c’est-à-dire essentiellement les sections B, C et D. La section B a analysé la logistique durant la carrière d’Alaric. Cette section a permis avant tout de démontrer clairement qu’on n’a pas affaire à une troupe de brigands révoltés; le voyage de 401-402 en Italie prouve à lui seul ce fait. L’analyse approfondie de l’itinéraire d’Alaric durant ses nombreux voyages a démontré que cette armée n’aurait pas pu effectuer tous ces déplacements sans l’appui de la cour orientale. En l’occurrence, Alaric et son armée étaient véritablement des soldats romains à ce moment précis, et non pas simplement les fédérés barbares de la tradition. La section C s’est concentrée sur les Goths d’Alaric, où on peut trouver deux chapitres qui analysent deux sujets distincts : origine/migration et comparaison. C’est dans cette section que l’auteur tente de valider l’hypothèse que les Goths d’Alaric n’étaient pas vraiment Goths, d’abord, et qu’ils étaient plutôt Romains, ensuite. Le chapitre sur la migration n’a comme but que de faire tomber les nombreuses présomptions sur la tradition gothe que des érudits comme Wolfram et Heather s’efforcent de défendre encore aujourd’hui. L’auteur argumente pour voir les Goths d’Alaric comme un groupe formé à partir d’éléments romains; qu’ils eurent été d’une origine barbare quelconque dans les faits n’a aucun impact sur le résultat final : ces hommes avaient vécu dans l’Empire durant toute leur vie (Alaric inclus) et leurs habitus ne pouvaient pas être autre chose que romain. Le dernier chapitre de la section C a aussi démontré que le groupe d’Alaric était d’abord profondément différent des Goths de 376-382, puis d’autres groupes que l’on dit barbares au tournant du 5e siècle, comme l’étaient les Vandales et les Alamans par exemple. Ensemble, ces trois chapitres couvrent la totalité de ce que l’on connait du groupe d’Alaric et en offre une nouvelle interprétation à la lumière des dernières tendances sociologiques. La section D analyse quant à elle en profondeur Alaric et sa place dans l’Empire romain. L’auteur a avant tout lancé l’idée, en s’appuyant sur les sources, qu’Alaric n’était pas un Goth ni un roi. Il a ensuite analysé le rôle d’Alaric dans la structure du pouvoir de l’Empire et en est venu à la conclusion qu’il était l’un des plus importants personnages de l’Empire d’Orient entre 397 et 408, tout en étant soumis irrémédiablement à cette structure. Sa carrière militaire était des plus normale et s’inscrivait dans l’habitus militaire romain de l’époque. Il a d’ailleurs montré que, par ses actions, Alaric était tout aussi Romain qu’un Stilicon. À dire le vrai, mis à part Claudien, rien ne pourrait nous indiquer qu’Alaric était un barbare et qu’il essayait d’anéantir l’Empire. La mauvaise image d’Alaric n’est en effet redevable qu’à Claudien : aucun auteur contemporain n’en a dressé un portrait aussi sombre. En découle que les auteurs subséquents qui firent d’Alaric le roi des Goths et le ravageur de la Grèce avaient sans doute été fortement influencés eux aussi par les textes de Claudien.