995 resultados para cavity resonators


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We have experimentally demonstrated an active loading sensor system based on a fiber ring laser with singlepolarization output using an intra-cavity 45°-tilted fiber grating. When the laser cavity fiber is subjected to loading, the laser output is encoded with the loading information that can be measured and monitored by a standard power meter. The achieved loading sensitivity is 0.033/kg • m-1 and 0.042/kg • m-1 for two different interaction lengths. The experimental results clearly show that such a single-polarization fiber laser may be commercially developed into a low-cost, high-sensitivity loading sensor system.


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We consider an optical fiber with a nanoscale variation of the effective fiber radius that supports whispering gallery modes slowly propagating along the fiber, and reveal that the radius variation can be designed to support the reflectionless propagation of these modes. We show that reflectionless modulations can realize control of the transmission amplitude and temporal delay, while enabling close packing due to the absence of cross talk, in contrast to the conventional potentials.


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We review our recent progress on the realisation of pulse shaping in passively-mode-locked fibre lasers by inclusion of an amplitude and/or phase spectral filter into the laser cavity. We numerically show that depending on the amplitude transfer function of the in-cavity filter, various regimes of advanced waveform generation can be achieved, including ones featuring parabolic-, flat-top- and triangular-profiled pulses. An application of this approach using a flat-top spectral filter is shown to achieve the direct generation of high-quality sinc-shaped optical Nyquist pulses with a widely tunable bandwidth from the laser oscillator. We also present the operation of an ultrafast fibre laser in which conventional soliton, dispersion-managed soliton (stretched-pulse) and dissipative soliton mode-locking regimes can be selectively and reliably targeted by adaptively changing the dispersion profile and bandwidth programmed on an in-cavity programmable filter. The results demonstrate the strong potential of an in-cavity spectral pulse shaper for achieving a high degree of control over the dynamics and output of mode-locked fibre lasers.


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We report a linear response optical refractive index (RI) sensor, which is fabricated based on a micro-channel created within a Fabry Perot (F-P) cavity by chemical etching assisted by femtosecond laser inscription. The experimental results show the F-P resonance peak has a linear response with the RI of medium and the measuring sensitivity is proportion to the length of micro-channel. The sensor with 5 μm -long micro-channel exhibited an RI sensitivity of 1.15nm/RIU and this sensitivity increased to 9.08nm/RIU when widening the micro-channel to 35μm. Furthermore, such micro-channel FP sensors show a much broader RI sensing dynamic range (from 1.3 to 1.7) than other reported optical fiber sensors. © 2012 SPIE.


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We develop a theoretical framework for modeling of continuous wave Yb-doped fiber lasers with highly nonlinear cavity dynamics. The developed approach has shown good agreement between theoretical predictions and experimental results for particular scheme of Yb-doped laser with large spectral broadening during single round trip. The model is capable to accurately describe main features of the experimentally measured laser outputs such as power efficiency slope, power leakage through fibre Bragg gratings, spectral broadening and spectral shape of generated radiation. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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Ultrashort laser pulses from vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs) have been receiving much attention in the semiconductor laser community since the first demonstration of sub-ps-pulsed devices more than a decade ago. Originally relying on semiconductor saturable-absorber mirrors for pulse formation, mode-locked operation has not only become accessible by using a variety of saturable absorbers, but also by using a saturable-absorber-free technique referred to as self-mode-locking (SML). Here, we highlight achievements in the field of SML-VECSELs with quantum-well and quantum-dot gain chips, and study the influence of a few VECSEL parameters on the assumed nonlinear lensing behavior in the system. © (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.


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We study optical wave turbulence in Raman fibre lasers using particular examples of 13 km and 22 km long Fabry-Perot resonators. We demonstrate that the sign of the cavity dispersion has a critical impact on the spectral and temporal properties of generated radiation that are directly relevant to the fibre laser performance. For a normal dispersion, we observe in numerical modelling an intermediate state with an extremely narrow spectrum (condensate), which experiences instability and a sharp transition to a strongly fluctuating regime with a wider spectrum. The experimental results for the generated spectra demonstrate a good match with numerical simulations. © 2011 IEEE.


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The fabrication precision is one of the most critical challenges to the creation of practical photonic circuits composed of coupled high Q-factor microresonators. While very accurate transient tuning of microresonators based on local heating has been reported, the record precision of permanent resonance positioning achieved by post-processing is still within 1 and 5 GHz. Here we demonstrate two coupled bottle microresonators fabricated at the fiber surface with resonances that are matched with a better than 0.16 GHz precision. This corresponds to a better than 0.17 Å precision in the effective fiber radius variation. The achieved fabrication precision is only limited by the resolution of our optical spectrum analyzer and can be potentially improved by an order of magnitude.


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we demonstrate a polarization switchable, single/ multi-wavelength fiber ring laser based on an intra-cavity all fiber Lyot filter. The laser can operate at single-, multi-wavelength by adjusting polarization controller, and givessingle polarization output. © 2015 OSA.


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At the level of fundamental research, fibre lasers provide convenient and reproducible experimental settings for the study of a variety of nonlinear dynamical processes, while at the applied research level, pulses with different and optimised features – e.g., in terms of pulse duration, temporal and/or spectral intensity profile, energy, repetition rate and emission bandwidth – are sought with the general constraint of developing efficient cavity architectures. In this talk, we review our recent progress on the realisation of different regimes of pulse generation in passively mode-locked fibre lasers through control of the in-cavity propagation dynamics. We report on the possibility to achieve both parabolic self-similar and triangular pulse shaping in a mode-locked fibre laser via adjustment of the net normal dispersion and integrated gain of the cavity [1]. We also show that careful control of the gain/loss parameters of a net-normal dispersion laser cavity provides the means of achieving switching among Gaussian pulse, dissipative soliton and similariton pulse solutions in the cavity [2,3]. Furthermore, we report on our recent theoretical and experimental studies of pulse shaping by inclusion of an amplitude and phase spectral filter into the cavity of a laser. We numerically demonstrate that a mode-locked fibre laser can operate in dif- ferent pulse-generation regimes, including parabolic, flattop and triangular waveform generations, depending on the amplitude profile of the in-cavity spectral filter [4]. An application of technique using a flat-top spectral filter is demonstrated to achieve the direct generation of sinc-shaped optical Nyquist pulses of high quality and of a widely tuneable bandwidth from the laser [5]. We also report on a recently-developed versa- tile erbium-doped fibre laser, in which conventional soliton, dispersion-managed soli- ton (stretched-pulse) and dissipative soliton mode-locking regimes can be selectively and reliably targeted by programming different group-velocity dispersion profiles and bandwidths on an in-cavity programmable filter [6]. References: 1. S. Boscolo and S. K. Turitsyn, Phys. Rev. A 85, 043811 (2012). 2. J. Peng et al., Phys. Rev. A 86, 033808 (2012). 3. J. Peng, Opt. Express 24, 3046-3054 (2016). 4. S. Boscolo, C. Finot, H. Karakuzu, and P. Petropoulos, Opt. Lett. 39, 438-441 (2014). 5. S. Boscolo, C. Finot, and S. K. Turitsyn, IEEE Photon. J. 7, 7802008 (2015). 6. J. Peng and S. Boscolo, Sci. Rep. 6, 25995 (2016).


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At the level of fundamental research, fibre lasers provide convenient and reproducible experimental settings for the study of a variety of nonlinear dynamical processes, while at the applied research level, pulses with different and optimised features – e.g., in terms of pulse duration, temporal and/or spectral shape, energy, repetition rate and emission bandwidth – are sought with the general constraint of developing efficient cavity architectures. In this work, we review our recent progress on the realisation of pulse shaping in passively- mode-locked fibre lasers by inclusion of an amplitude and phase spectral filter into the laser cavity. We present a fibre laser design in which pulse shaping occurs through filtering of a spectrally nonlinearly broadened pulse in the cavity. This strategy of pulse shaping is illustrated through the numerical demonstration of the laser operation in different pulse-generation regimes, including parabolic, flattop and triangular waveform generations, depending on the amplitude profile of the in-cavity spectral filter [1]. As an application of this general approach, we show that the use of an in-cavity flat-top spectral filter makes it possible to directly generate sinc-shaped Nyquist pulses of high quality and of a widely tunable bandwidth from the laser [2]. We also report on a recently-developed versatile erbium-doped fibre laser, in which conventional soliton, dispersion-managed soliton (stretched-pulse) and dissipative soliton mode-locking regimes can be selectively and reliably targeted by programming different group-velocity dispersion profiles and bandwidths on an in-cavity programmable filter [3]. Further, we report on our recent results on the passive mode locking of a Raman fibre laser by a recently predicted new type of parametric instability – the dissipative Faraday instability [4], where spatially periodic zig-zag modulation of spectrally dependent losses can lead to pattern formation in the temporal domain. High-order harmonic mode locking is achieved in a very simple experimental configuration, with the laser cavity including an optical fibre and two chirped fibre Bragg gratings, and no additional mode-locking elements. The results not only open up new possibilities for the design of mode-locked lasers, but extend beyond fibre optics to other fields of physics and engineering. References [1] S. Boscolo, C. Finot, H. Karakuzu, P. Petropoulos, “Pulse shaping in mode-locked fiber laser by in-cavity spectral filter,” Opt. Lett., vol. 39, pp. 438–441, 2014. [2] S. Boscolo, C. Finot, S. K. Turitsyn, “Bandwidth programmable optical Nyquist pulse generation in passively mode-locked fiber laser,” IEEE Photon. J., vol. 7, 7802008(8), 2015. [3] J. Peng, S. Boscolo, “Filter-based dispersion-managed versatile ultrafast fibre laser,” Sci. Rep., 2016, In press. [4] A. M. Perego, N. Tarasov, D. V. Churkin, S. K. Turitsyn, K. Staliunas, “Pattern generation by dissipative parametric instability,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 116, 028701, 2016.


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We report on the record-high pulse energy of nearly 1.7 μJ obtained directly from a self-mode-locked all-fiber erbium laser with a linear-ring cavity owing its extreme elongation up to several kilometers. Specially selected telecommunication fibers, providing large normal net cavity dispersion in the vicinity of 1.55 μm, have been used for this purpose. Along with compensation for polarization instability in the longer linear arm of the cavity, such approach has ensured stable wavebreaking- free mode-locked lasing with an ultra-low pulse repetition rate of 35.1 kHz. © 2010 by Astro Ltd.


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We study theoretically and numerically the dynamics of a passive optical fiber ring cavity pumped by a highly incoherent wave: an incoherently injected fiber laser. The theoretical analysis reveals that the turbulent dynamics of the cavity is dominated by the Raman effect. The forced-dissipative nature of the fiber cavity is responsible for a large diversity of turbulent behaviors: Aside from nonequilibrium statistical stationary states, we report the formation of a periodic pattern of spectral incoherent solitons, or the formation of different types of spectral singularities, e.g., dispersive shock waves and incoherent spectral collapse behaviors. We derive a mean-field kinetic equation that describes in detail the different turbulent regimes of the cavity and whose structure is formally analogous to the weak Langmuir turbulence kinetic equation in the presence of forcing and damping. A quantitative agreement is obtained between the simulations of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with cavity boundary conditions and those of the mean-field kinetic equation and the corresponding singular integrodifferential reduction, without using adjustable parameters. We discuss the possible realization of a fiber cavity experimental setup in which the theoretical predictions can be observed and studied.


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Integrated on-chip optical platforms enable high performance in applications of high-speed all-optical or electro-optical switching, wide-range multi-wavelength on-chip lasing for communication, and lab-on-chip optical sensing. Integrated optical resonators with high quality factor are a fundamental component in these applications. Periodic photonic structures (photonic crystals) exhibit a photonic band gap, which can be used to manipulate photons in a way similar to the control of electrons in semiconductor circuits. This makes it possible to create structures with radically improved optical properties. Compared to silicon, polymers offer a potentially inexpensive material platform with ease of fabrication at low temperatures and a wide range of material properties when doped with nanocrystals and other molecules. In this research work, several polymer periodic photonic structures are proposed and investigated to improve optical confinement and optical sensing. We developed a fast numerical method for calculating the quality factor of a photonic crystal slab (PhCS) cavity. The calculation is implemented via a 2D-FDTD method followed by a post-process for cavity surface energy radiation loss. Computational time is saved and good accuracy is demonstrated compared to other published methods. Also, we proposed a novel concept of slot-PhCS which enhanced the energy density 20 times compared to traditional PhCS. It combines both advantages of the slot waveguide and photonic crystal to localize the high energy density in the low index material. This property could increase the interaction between light and material embedded with nanoparticles like quantum dots for active device development. We also demonstrated a wide range bandgap based on a one dimensional waveguide distributed Bragg reflector with high coupling to optical waveguides enabling it to be easily integrated with other optical components on the chip. A flexible polymer (SU8) grating waveguide is proposed as a force sensor. The proposed sensor can monitor nN range forces through its spectral shift. Finally, quantum dot - doped SU8 polymer structures are demonstrated by optimizing spin coating and UV exposure. Clear patterns with high emission spectra proved the compatibility of the fabrication process for applications in optical amplification and lasing.


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Neurilemmomas arising from Schwann cells, rarely found in oral cavity, are characterized by solitary occurrence, slow growth and smooth surface with variable clinical aspects, depending on the nerve origin. Most instances are typically asymptomatic. Microscopically, the histopathological characteristic consists of alternating regions of hypercellularity and hypocellularity such as Antoni A and Antoni B, respectively. The prognosis is favorable; complete surgical removal is the treatment of choice, no recurrence should be expected. The present report shows the case of neurilemmoma in bucal mucosa, in a 9-year-old child. Patient was referred to the Stomatology Clinic of School of Dentistry, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, with complaint of nodular mass, with approximately one year development. Patient was submitted to excisional biopsy, with histopathological exam showing diagnosis of neurilemmoma. After 1 year follow-up there has been no recurrence of lesion.