726 resultados para body image - women
PURPOSE:To evaluate variations in the body mass index in patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer, and to associate these changes with patient's age and adjuvant chemotherapy regimen.METHODS:We performed a retrospective cohort study in order to correlate any variation in the body mass index before and after adjuvant chemotherapy with patient's age and adjuvant chemotherapy regimen. Patients who received any form of prior hormone therapy, such as tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors, were excluded. We selected data for 196 patients with stage I to III breast cancer who were treated by radical or conservative surgery and received adjuvant chemotherapy at the Cancer Institute of the State of São Paulo, Brazil.RESULTS:Before adjuvant chemotherapy, 67.8% of patients were classified as overweight or obese according to their body mass indices. Around 66.3% (95% CI 59.7–73.0) of the patients exhibited an increase in the body mass index after adjuvant chemotherapy. The average age of all patients was 56.3±11.3 years. Participants whose body mass index increased were younger than those with no increase (54.7±11.1 versus 59.3±11.2 years; p=0.007). Patients were treated with the following adjuvant chemotherapy regimens: doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and paclitaxel (AC-T, 129 patients, 65.8%); 5-fluoracil, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide (36 patients, 18.4%); cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluoracil (16 patients, 8.2%); docetaxel and cyclophosphamide (7 patients, 3.6%); and other regimen (8 patients, 4.1%). The AC-T regimen showed a statistically significant association with increase in the body mass index (p<0.001 by ANOVA).CONCLUSIONS:Most patients with breast cancer showed an increase in the body mass index after adjuvant chemotherapy, especially after the AC-T chemotherapy regimen.
Short stature, a marker for undernutrition early in life, has been associated with obesity in Brazilian women, but not in men. We tested the hypothesis that weight gain during the reproductive years could explain this gender difference. A national two-stage household survey of mothers with one or more children under five years of age was conducted in Brazil in 1996. The subjects were women aged 20 to 45 years (N = 2297), with last delivery seven months or more prior to the interview. The regions of the country were divided into rural, North/Northeast (urban underdeveloped) and South/Southeast/Midwest (urban developed). The dependent variables were current body mass index (BMI) measured, BMI prior to childbearing (reported), and BMI change. Socioeconomic variables included mother's years of education and family purchasing power score. A secondary analysis was restricted to primiparous women. The prevalence of current overweight and overweight prior to childbearing (BMI > or = 25 kg/m²) was higher among shorter women (<1.50 m) compared to normal stature women only in the urban developed region (P < 0.05). After adjustment for socioeconomic variables, age, parity, BMI prior to childbearing, and age at first birth, current BMI was 2.39 units higher (P = 0.008) for short stature women living in the urban developed area compared with short stature women living in the urban underdeveloped area. For both multiparous and primiparous women, BMI gain compared to the value prior to childbearing was significantly higher among short stature women living in the urban developed region (P <= 0.04). These results provide clear evidence that short stature was associated with a higher BMI and with an increased risk of weight gain/retention with pregnancy in the developed areas of Brazil, but not in the underdeveloped ones.
This study examines adolescent student responses to a women's literature unit taught within a grade 12 Writer's Craft course. Current research (Gilligan, 1989, Pipher, 1994 & Slack, 1999) suggests that there is a great under-representation of female authors in the high school literature curriculum. The use of women's literature may draw attention to important literary figures who are historically overlooked within the curriculum. It gives voice to a marginalized group and presents students with alternative subjects and heroes. It encourages students to develop a critical perspective and reevaluate assumptions about institutions, ideologies, language and culture. It also allows me, as a teacher, to reflect on my own teaching practices and explore alternate feminist pedagogical principles and teaching styles encouraging multiplicity of voices, deconstruction of power relations, and alternative assessment tools within the classroom. As an educator, it is important for me to teach curriculum that is relevant and meaningful to students and help them become critical, self-reflective thinkers. It is also important for me to assist students in their exploration of self and encourage them to expand their awareness of historical, social and global issues. Sylvia Plath's (1963) The belljar is used as the primary text taught within this unit. In this novel, the bell jar is a central image that signifies entrapment and isolation. "To the person in the bell jar, blank and stopped as a dead body, the world itself is the bad dream"(p.l 54). As a metaphor, the bell jar resonates with young readers in a variety of ways.
Dans ce mémoire, nous étudions la représentation du corps dans Aveux non avenus de Claude Cahun. Évoquant dans un premier temps quelques grands axes de l’histoire de la réflexion sur le corps et de sa représentation en Occident depuis l’Antiquité, en fonction de leur fécondité pour l’analyse de l’oeuvre de Cahun, nous procédons dans un deuxième temps à une analyse de la représentation du corps dans les fragments de texte qui composent Aveux non avenus, en insistant d’une part sur le rapport ambivalent au corps qui y est exprimé et d’autre part sur la relation étroite qui lie le corps à la problématique identitaire, centrale dans tout l’oeuvre cahunien. Nous étudions ensuite la façon dont le corps est représenté, en nous intéressant à l’écriture particulière que déploie Cahun dans les Aveux ainsi qu’à la démarche intermédiale qu’elle met en place à travers la présence des photomontages au sein du texte. Nous souhaitons ainsi démontrer que la représentation du corps est indissociable d’une réflexion sur l’identité et que le caractère double de cette représentation à travers le texte et l’image complexifie cette réflexion sans lui enlever sa cohérence.
In the decade that has elapsed since the suggestion that exposure of the foetal/developing male to environmental oestrogens could be the cause of subsequent reproductive and developmental effects in men, there has been little definitive research to provide conclusions to the hypothesis. Issues of exposure and low potency of environmental oestrogens may have reduced concerns. However, the hypothesis that chemicals applied in body care cosmetics (including moisturizers, creams, sprays or lotions applied to axilla or chest or breast areas) may be affecting breast cancer incidence in women presents a different case scenario, not least in the consideration of the exposure issues. The specific cosmetic type is not relevant but the chemical ingredients in the formulations and the application to the skin is important. The most common group of body care cosmetic formulation excipients, namely p-hydroxybenzoic acid esters or parabens, have been shown recently to be oestrogenic in vitro and in vivo and now have been detected in human breast tumour tissue, indicating absorption (route and causal associations have yet to be confirmed). The hypothesis for a link between oestrogenic ingredients in underarm and body care cosmetics and breast cancer is forwarded and reviewed here in terms of. data on exposure to body care cosmetics and parabens, including dermal absorption; paraben oestrogenicity; the role of oestrogen in breast cancer; detection of parabens in breast tumours; recent epidemiology studies of underarm cosmetics use and breast cancer; the toxicology database; the current regulatory status of parabens and regulatory toxicology data uncertainties. Notwithstanding the major public health issue of the causes of the rising incidence of breast cancer in women, this call for further research may provide the first evidence that environmental factors may be adversely affecting human health by endocrine disruption, because exposure to oestrogenic chemicals through application of body care products (unlike diffuse environmental chemical exposures) should be amenable to evaluation, quantification and control. The exposure issues are clear and the exposed population is large, and these factors should provide the necessary impetus to investigate this potential issue of public health. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Background: Soy isoflavones show structural and functional similarities to estradiol. Available data indicate that estradiol and estradiol-like components may interact with gut "satiety hormones" such as peptide YY (PYY) and ghrelin, and thus influence body weight. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial with 34 healthy postmenopausal women (59 ± 6 years, BMI: 24.7 ± 2.8 kg/m2), isoflavone-enriched cereal bars (50 mg isoflavones/day; genistein to daidzein ratio 2:1) or non-isoflavone-enriched control bars were consumed for 8 weeks (wash-out period: 8-weeks). Seventeen of the subjects were classified as equol producers. Plasma concentrations of ghrelin and PYY, as well as energy intake and body weight were measured at baseline and after four and eight weeks of each intervention arm. Results: Body weight increased in both treatment periods (isoflavone: 0.40 ± 0.94 kg, P < 0.001; placebo: 0.66 ± 0.87 kg, P = 0.018), with no significant difference between treatments. No significant differences in energy intake were observed (P = 0.634). PYY significantly increased during isoflavone treatment (51 ± 2 pmol/L vs. 55 ± 2 pmol/L), but not during placebo (52 ± 3 pmol/L vs. 50 ± 2 pmol/L), (P = 0.010 for treatment differences, independent of equol production). Baseline plasma ghrelin was significantly lower in equol producers (110 ± 16 pmol/L) than in equol non-producers (162 ± 17 pmol/L; P = 0.025). Conclusion: Soy isoflavone supplementation for eight weeks did not significantly reduce energy intake or body weight, even though plasma PYY increased during isoflavone treatment. Ghrelin remained unaffected by isoflavone treatment. A larger and more rigorous appetite experiment might detect smaller differences in energy intake after isoflavone consumption. However, the results of the present study do not indicate that increased PYY has a major role in the regulation of body weight, at least in healthy postmenopausal women.
This article seeks to explore the absence of the body in the depiction of dying women in a selection of seventeenth-century diaries. It considers the cultural forces that made this absence inevitable, and the means by which the physical body was replaced in death by a spiritual presence. The elevation of a dying woman from physical carer to spiritual nurturer in the days before death ensured that gender codes were not broken. The centrality of the body of the dying woman, within a female circle of care and support, was paradoxically juxtaposed with an effacement of the body in descriptions of a good death. In death, a woman might achieve the stillness, silence and compliance so essential to perfect early modern womanhood, and retrospective diary entries can achieve this ideal by replacing the body with images that deflect from the essential physicality of the woman.
We aimed at evaluating the relationship of lean and fat mass to bone mass in osteoporotic postmenopausal women. We invited 65 women who were being treated at the Sao Paulo Hospital osteoporosis outpatients` clinic to participate. Body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) measurements were performed using Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry methodology (DXA). The mean age and weight were 69.7 +/- 6.4 years and 56.3 +/- 7.6 kg, respectively. Accordingly to the body mass index (BMI), 52.8% were of normal weight and 47.1% of the patients were overweight. Overweight women had significantly higher bone mass. Similarly, skeletal muscle index (SMI) showed a positive effect on BMD measurements and women with sarcopenia had significantly lower BMD measurements in total femur and femoral neck. In multiple regression analysis only lean mass and age, after adjustments to fat mass and BMI, were able to predict total body bone mineral content (BMC) (R(2) = 28%). Also lean mass adjusted to age and BMI were able to predict femoral neck BMD (R(2) = 14%). On the other hand, none of the components of the body composition (lean mass or fat mass) contributed significantly to explaining total femur BMD and neither body composition measurements were associated with spine BMD. These findings suggest that lean mass has a relevant role in BMC and BMD measurements. In addition, lower BMI and lean mass loss (sarcopenia) is associated to lower BMC and BMD of femoral neck and total femur and possible higher risk of osteoporotic fracture. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. to evaluate anthropometric indicators of body fat and their association with metabolic risk markers in postmenopausal women.Methods. A cross-sectional study with 80 Brazilian women (40-70 years) was carried out. Body mass index (BMI = weight/height(2)), waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) were obtained for anthropometric evaluation. Trunk fat mass (TFM) was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The following metabolic variables were evaluated: total cholesterol (TC), HDL, LDL, triglycerides (TG), as well as glycemia and insulin to determine insulin resistance (HOMA-IR).Results. Overweight and obesity were observed in 81% of the women. Values of WC >88 cm were observed in 68.5% of the women. on average, TC, LDL and TG levels were above normal levels in 60, 50 and 42.5% of the women, respectively; and HDL was normal in 82.5%. IR was observed in 37.5% of the women. Positive correlations were found between anthropometric indicators and TFM (P < 0.05). WC was most correlated with TFM (r = 0.92), followed by BMI (r = 0.88) and by WHR (r = 0.48; P < 0.05). All anthropometric indicators and TFM showed significant negative correlations with HDL and significant positive correlations with HOMA-IR (P < 0.05). Only WHR was significantly associated with dysglycemia (R(2) = 12%), hypertriglyceridemia (R(2) = 17%) and decreased HDL (R(2) = 27%). WC was significantly associated with HOMA-IR (R(2) = 34%).Conclusion. WC and WHR are anthropometric measures that showed strong correlation with TFM and with metabolic risk markers in postmenopausal women.
Objective. Pixel intensity values (PI) and fractal dimensions (FD) were compared in selected mandibular regions on digital panoramic images of normal, osteopenic, and osteoporotic perimenopausal and postmenopausal women to evaluate their relative efficacies in detecting osteoporotic-associated bone density changes.Study design. Standardized mandibular angle, body, and canine/premolar (C/PM) regions on 54 charge-coupied device (CCD) digital panoramic images of normal and potentially osteoporotic postmenopausal women were analyzed for PI and FD. Lumbar spine and femoral neck dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry QXA) on each patient served as the reference standard examination. Pearson correlation coefficients and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were performed.Results. There was significant correlation among PI measurements (P < 0.01), and no significant correlation between FD. C/PM had significantly lower PI than control C/PM (P = 0.049).Conclusions. Osteoporotic changes in mandibular C/PM cancellous bone were detected in our study population on CCD digital panoramic images by using a robust image analysis paradigm. Future automated application of such image analysis could enable widespread, cost effective screening for osteoporosis in dental settings.
Objective: To assess the effect of soy protein and progressive resistance training on body composition and lipids in postmenopausal women.Design: In a controlled trial, 46 postmenopausal women were randomized to one of four groups: 25 g of soy protein (SP, n = 10), 25 g of soy protein plus resistance exercise (SPE, n = 14), 25 g of maltodextrine (placebo) (PL, n = 11), or placebo plus resistance exercise (PLE, n = 11). Progressive resistance training was held three times a week for 16 weeks and included 8 exercises (3 series of 8-12 repetitions). At baseline and after 16 weeks, body mass index, waist circumference (WC), body fat, muscle mass and serum lipid levels were measured. To confirm isoflavone absorption, urinary concentrations were determined. The t-test of Student and ANOVA were used in the statistical analysis.Results: Subjects were classified as overweight and showed android fat distribution: Urinary isoflavone excretion indicated compliance to soy protein treatment. After 16 weeks of intervention, both SPE and PLE groups showed a significant increase of 1.3 kg in muscle mass and reduction in WC of -1.4 and -2.1 cm, respectively (p < 0.05). Significant decreases in the mean values of total cholesterol and LDL (-29.0 and -24.0 mg/dL, p < 0.001 and p < 0.006, respectively) were observed in the users of soy protein alone (SP).Conclusions: Soy protein supplementation did not influence the indicators of body composition. However, it exerted possible favorable effects on lipid profile in postmenopausal women. The increase in muscle mass and reduction in abdominal fat were correlated with resistance training. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
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