680 resultados para aspiration
Objective:Gene expression studies have revealed several molecular subtypes of breast carcinoma with distinct clinical and biological behaviours. DNA microarray studies correlated with immunohistochemical profiling of breast carcinomas using cytokeratin (CK) markers, Her2/neu, oestrogen receptor (ER), and basal myoepithelial cell markers have identified five breast tumour subtypes: (i) luminal A (ER+; Her2/neu-), (ii) luminal B (ER+; Her2/neu+), (iii) Her2 overexpression (ER-; Her2/neu+), (iv) basal-like (ER-; Her2/neu-, CK5/6 and 14+), and (v) negative for all markers. Luminal carcinomas express cytokeratins in a luminal pattern (CK8/18), and the basal-like type expresses CK5/6 and CK14 or basal epithelial cell markers. CK5/6, CK8/18, and smooth muscle actin (SMA) expression were assessed in cell blocks and compared with expression in surgical specimens.Methods:Sixty-two cases of breast carcinoma diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology with cell blocks and available surgical specimens were included. Cell blocks containing at least 10 high-power fields each with at least 10 tumour cells and surgical specimens were immunostained for CK5/6, CK8/18 and SMA.Results:Percentage sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy were, respectively, 77, 100, 100, 92 and 94 for CK5/6; 98, 66, 96, 80 and 95 for CK8/18; and 92, 96, 85, 98 and 95 for SMA.Conclusion:The identification of CK5/6, CK8/18 and SMA by immunohistochemistry in cell blocks can be a reliable method that yields results close to those obtained in surgical specimens, and can contribute to the classification of breast carcinomas with luminal and basal expression patterns, providing helpful information in the choice of treatment and in the evaluation of prognostic and predictive factors.
OBJETIVO: apresentar uma proposta para o controle de eficácia terapêutica em disfagia orofaríngea neurogênica. MÉTODOS: o protocolo foi proposto em concordância com a literatura atual e aplicado em um indivíduo pós-acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) isquêmico à direita, comprovado por tomografia computadorizada, com disfagia orofaríngea grave crônica, gênero masculino, 66 anos, apresentando aspiração laringotraqueal e em uso de sonda nasoentérica exclusiva pré-fonoterapia. Para controle da eficácia terapêutica do programa de reabilitação fonoaudiológica foi aplicado, pré e pós-fonoterapia, a classificação do grau de comprometimento da disfagia orofaríngea, Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS), a avaliação videofluoroscópica da deglutição com medida do tempo de trânsito faríngeo (TTF) da deglutição por meio de software e da percepção do indivíduo. RESULTADOS: na pré-fonoterapia verificou-se disfagia orofaríngea grave, FOIS nível 1, presença de aspiração laringotraqueal para mais de uma consistência e tempo de trânsito faríngeo de 13 segundos. Após fonoterapia verificou-se disfagia orofaríngea moderada, FOIS nível 5, ausência de aspiração laringotraqueal e TTF de 4 segundos. CONCLUSÃO: o protocolo proposto foi capaz de avaliar a eficácia da reabilitação na disfagia orofaríngea neurogênica neste indivíduo pós-acidente vascular encefálico, tanto para mensurar as mudanças ocorridas na fisiopatologia da deglutição quanto na ingestão oral e na percepção do indivíduo. Outros estudos com populações distintas são necessários, sendo que novas propostas devem ainda refletir a inclusão da condição nutricional e pulmonar do indivíduo no controle de eficácia em disfagia orofaríngea.
INTRODUÇÃO: O gene bcl-2 codifica uma proteína envolvida no processo de controle da apoptose. Inicialmente descrito em linfomas e posteriormente em tecidos epiteliais, sua expressão é freqüentemente encontrada em carcinomas de mama, associada a fatores de prognóstico favorável. Como a punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) tem sido utilizada como um método confiável na investigação de carcinomas de mama, acessamos a expressão de bcl-2 em material assim obtido e correlacionamos sua positividade com o grau histológico, avaliado em material cirúrgico correspondente, das respectivas pacientes, seguindo a classificação de SBR (Scarff, Bloom e Richardson). OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a expressão de bcl-2 em PAAF e correlacionar com grau histológico. METODOLOGIA: A positividade do bcl-2 foi analisada, por imunocitoquímica, em 118 casos consecutivos de PAAF e correlacionada com grau histológico em material cirúrgico correspondente, segundo classificação de SBR. RESULTADOS: A positividade para bcl-2 foi encontrada em 77 de 118 casos de PAAF (65,25%) e foi inversamente proporcional ao grau histológico (84,37%, p = 0,0022). CONCLUSÃO: A expressão de bcl-2 em PAAF correlaciona-se com fator de bom prognóstico. O índice de positividade encontrado, assim como a correlação inversa com grau histológico, está de acordo com dados publicados previamente. O fácil e rápido manejo do material obtido por PAAF permite a aplicação de técnicas complementares, de maneira confiável, como demonstra este estudo. A positividade do bcl-2 correlacionada com baixo grau histológico, assim como com outros fatores de bom prognóstico, pode, no futuro, proporcionar informação preditiva e prognóstica para pacientes candidatas a tratamento quimioterápico neo-adjuvante.
Objective. To describe the clinical and laboratory features of macrophage activation syndrome as a complication of juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).Methods. Cases of juvenile SLE-associated macrophage activation syndrome were provided by investigators belonging to 3 pediatric rheumatology networks or were found in the literature. Patients who had evidence of macrophage hemophagocytosis on bone marrow aspiration were considered to have definite macrophage activation syndrome, and those who did not have such evidence were considered to have probable macrophage activation syndrome. Clinical and laboratory findings in patients with macrophage activation syndrome were contrasted with those of 2 control groups composed of patients with active juvenile SLE without macrophage activation syndrome. The ability of each feature to discriminate macrophage activation syndrome from active disease was evaluated by calculating sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve.Results. The study included 38 patients (20 with definite macrophage activation syndrome and 18 with probable macrophage activation syndrome). Patients with definite and probable macrophage activation syndrome were comparable with regard to all clinical and laboratory features of the syndrome, except for a greater frequency of lymphadenopathy, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia in patients with definite macrophage activation syndrome. Overall, clinical features had better specificity than sensitivity, except for fever, which was highly sensitive but had low specificity. Among laboratory features, the best sensitivity and specificity was achieved using hyperferritinemia, followed by increased levels of lactate dehydrogenase, hypertriglyceridemia, and hypofibrinogenemia. Based on the results of statistical analysis, preliminary diagnostic guidelines for macrophage activation syndrome in juvenile SLE were developed.Conclusion. Our findings indicate that the occurrence of unexplained fever and cytopenia, when associated with hyperferritinemia, in a patient with juvenile SLE should raise the suspicion of macrophage activation syndrome. We propose preliminary guidelines for this syndrome in juvenile SLE to facilitate timely diagnosis and correct classification of patients.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Descreve-se um surto de abscesso mandibular em ovelhas da raça Bergamácia no município de Botucatu, estado de São Paulo. do rebanho de 120 animais, 35 apresentaram aumento de volume mandibular com a presença de nódulos únicos, de consistência pétrea, de diferentes tamanhos, fistulados ou não e sem indicativos de inflamação dos tecidos moles adjacentes. Os animais eram criados em pasto de Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia com água e sal mineral ad libitum e everminados, via oral, com pistolas dosificadoras. O material para diagnóstico microbiológico e antibiograma foi coletado de cinco animais acometidos, por punção e aspiração dos nódulos. Dos 35 animais acometidos, 19 foram submetidos ao exame radiográfico, um ao exame tomográfico e outro à biópsia óssea da região submandibular. O único ovino que morreu, encontrava-se em estado de caquexia provavelmente devido à localização do aumento de volume que afetou a implantação dos dentes molares daquela região impedindo a apreensão e mastigação adequadas levando a perda da condição corporal e morte. Ao exame necroscópico, observaram-se áreas de necrose caseosa na mandíbula direita de onde isolou-se Pseudomonas aeruginosa. O tratamento utilizado foi baseado na aplicação de iodeto de sódio a 10% por via intramuscular e antibioticoterapia segundo antibiograma com enrofloxacina por via intramuscular, porém com pouca eficácia. Diante do quadro clínico, dos dados de anamnese, da localização das lesões no tecido ósseo mandibular, do resultado do cultivo microbiológico, das alterações radiográficas e tomográficas foi feito o diagnóstico de abscesso mandibular causado por Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Os estudos das secreções traqueobrônquicas são amplamente utilizados nas pesquisas de doenças pulmonares nas diversas espécies animais, inclusive no homem. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram a viabilização da técnica de colheita de lavado traqueobrônquico na espécie ovina e o estudo da relação clínico-citológica do lavado de ovinos portadores de broncopneumonia e sadios. Foram utilizados 33 ovinos, 18 sadios e 15 portadores de enfermidade respiratória com sinais clínicos de envolvimento das vias aéreas, divididos nos respectivos grupos, GS e GD. Após o exame físico foi realizado o lavado traqueobrônquico por via nasotraqueal. A colheita do lavado foi feita com a inoculação e aspiração de solução fisiológica estéril. As amostras foram processadas citologicamente através de citocentrifugação e coradas pelos métodos Wright-Giemsa e Shorr. Tanto a contagem total de células epiteliais quanto o número de hemácias por mililitro foi maior no grupo de animais com broncopneumonia. Nos animais sadios notou-se predomínio de macrófagos, seguido por células epiteliais cilíndricas, neutrófilos e linfócitos. No grupo de animais doentes havia menor número de macrófagos, e predomínio da população de neutrófilos. Por ser de fácil realização, pouco dispendiosa e pela obtenção representativa de material, a técnica estudada mostrou-se eficaz na obtenção de fluidos traqueobrônquicos e, portanto um bom método de colheita de células para uso nas pesquisas de vias aéreas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Canine visceral leishmaniasis is an endemic infectious disease in some regions from São Paulo state and even though it is a systemic disease, in the dog, the main clinical sign is dermatological. Thirty dogs with positive results in serology (IFI) and parasitological exams (fine needle aspiration) for leishmaniasis from Aracatuba city were evaluated. They only showed dermatological signs and were divided in two groups, one with exfoliative (n=15) and other with ulcerative (n=15) lesions. There was significant statistical difference between CD3 and CD79a population in the same dermatological pattern, and with CD79a population between exfoliative and ulcerative patterns (p<0,05).
Background: Leishmaniasis is one of the most important vector-borne diseases of humans. This parasitic disease can be caused by many species of Leishmania. In humans, different species of the parasite are associated with different forms of the disease, cutaneous and visceral. Among domesticated animals, dogs are the most important species in the epidemiology of this disease. Leishmania chagasi, an important zoonosis, is well established as the agent of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil. The disease is endemic in north, northeast, midwest and southeast, and is transmitted to mammals by hematophagous insects such as the Lutzomyia longipalpis. In 2008, our research group has diagnosed a case of canine leishmaniasis in the municipality of Uruguaiana and subsequently there were several cases in the city and the neighbor municipality of Sao Borja. Most Brazilian states are endemic for leishmaniasis, with the exception of Rio Grande do Sul. In southern Brazil, the reports of humans and dogs infected by Leishmania spp. are the source of endemic area in the country. Therefore, the aim of this study is register the first clinical case of canine visceral leishmaniasis in the municipality of Santa Maria, RS.Case: In october 2010, a veterinary clinic of Santa Maria received a canine, female, Doberman, with two years of age. The animal had severe skin lesions on the head and limbs, pale mucous membranes, and enlarged lymph nodes. According to the owner, the animal showed progressive weight loss and anorexia for more than five days. During the clinical examination the blood was collected for hemogram and cytology of lymph nodes was performed by puncture aspiration with a fine needle. In the erythrogram, it was observed a decrease in the total number of erythrocytes (2.8 x 10(6)/mu L), hematocrit (21%), hemoglobin (6.8 g/dL) and platelets (98 x 10(3)/mu L). In the leucogram, any alteration was observed. The cytology of lymph nodes showed amastigotes forms, suggestive of the Leishmania spp. Based on this finding; we performed the blood collection for PCR, to confirm parasitism and to determine the species of Leishmania. At the molecular test was used PCR-specific for L. chagasi, and the result was positive.Discussion: This is the first autochthonous clinical case in the central region of the RS, non-endemic area for leishmaniasis. In serological studies of visceral leishmaniasis it was diagnosed in five asymptomatic dogs in the municipalities of Santa Maria, Julio de Castilhos and Itaara, however not confirmed by molecular analysis. In the municipalities of Cruz Alta and Uruguaiana cases of L. chagasi have been reported in dogs which previously resided in Leishmania sp. endemic areas. The municipality of Sao Borja had the first record of L. longipalpis in the RS during the leishmaniasis outbreak in 2008-2009. In the central region of the RS vector has not been found, but because in this first autochthonous case dog in Santa Maria believe that the parasite is present and/or doing other insect transmission of leishmaniasis. Clinical signs associated with hematologic and coagulation disorders observed in the canine are commonly described in symptomatic dogs in endemic regions. This case of autochthonous leishmaniasis reinforces the idea of the vector presence in Santa Maria, center of the RS. We believe that canine leishmaniasis is an emerging disease in the southern region of Brazil.
Buffalo ovaries were collected from a slaughterhouse (Frigol, Brazil) and transported to the laboratory in saline solution at 36 degrees C. The ovaries were dissected to realize the evaluations (weight, length, width and height of the ovary; corpus luteum and dominant follicle diameters). The Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were recovered by aspiration of 2-8 mm follicles. Selected COCs were matured in TCM 199 supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, sodium pyruvate, LH, FSH, estradiol and gentamicin. In vitro maturation was carried out at 38.5 degrees C for 22-24 h and 34-36 h. For the evaluation of the nuclear maturation the oocytes were placed in TCM 199 medium added with type v hialuronidase where the granulosa cells were extracted. The denuded oocytes were transferred to 10 mu l of Hoescht 33342 and the chromosomic configuration was evaluated. The oocytes were classified according to meiosis stage in: Germinal Vesicle, Germinal Vesicle Breakdown, Metaphase I, Metaphase II and Degenerated. The means of weight, length, width and height of the ovary were 3.83 g, 2.27 cm, 1.08 cm and 1.56 cm, respectively. The means of corpus luteum and dominant follicle diameters were 1.40 cm and 7.77 mm. The proportion of oocytes that reached metaphase II stage was: 36.68%.
The authors report a rare case of bilateral Leydig cell tumor in a noncryptorchid stallion, describing the gross. and microscopic findings. An 8-year-old Appaloosa stallion was examined for a unilateral enlargement of the testis associated with discomfort during palpation and signs of colic. General health conditions were good. Fine-needle aspiration cytology of the testis provided the diagnosis of bilateral Leydig cell tumor. Bilateral orchiectomy was performed and the testes were submitted to histopathologic examination that confirmed the diagnosis of Leydig cell tumor.
In some mares with lesions of the reproductive tract, embryo collection and survival rates are low or collection of embryos is not feasible. For these mares, oocyte transfer has been proposed as a method to induce pregnancies. In this report, a method for oocyte transfer in mares and results of oocyte transfer performed over 2 breeding seasons, using mares with long histories of subfertility and various reproductive lesions, are described.Human chorionic gonadotropin or an implant containing a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog was used to initiate follicular and oocyte maturation. Oocytes were collected by means of transvaginal ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration. Following follicular aspiration, cumulus oocyte complexes were evaluated for cumulus expansion and signs of atresia; immature oocytes were cultured in vitro to allow maturation. The recipient's ovary and uterine tube (oviduct) were exposed through a flank laparotomy with the horse standing, and the oocyte was slowly deposited within the oviduct. Oocyte transfer was attempted in 38 mares between 9 and 30 years old during 2 successive breeding seasons. All mares had a history of reproductive failure while in breeding and embryo transfer programs. Twenty pregnancies were induced. Fourteen of the pregnant mares delivered live foals. Results suggest that oocyte transfer can be a successful method for inducing pregnancy in subfertile mares in a commercial setting..
Equine pituitary extract (EPE) has been reported to induce heightened follicular development in mares, but the response is inconsistent and lower than results obtained in ruminants undergoing standard superovulatory protocols. Three separate experiments were conducted to improve the ovarian response to EPE by evaluating: (1) effect of increasing the frequency or dose of EPE treatment; (2) use of a potent gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) prior to EPE stimulation (3) administration of EPE twice daily in successively decreasing doses. In the first experiment. 50 mares were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups. Mares received (1) 25 mg EPE once daily; (2) 50 mg EPE once daily (3) 12.5 mg EPE twice daily; or (4) 25 mg EPE twice daily. All mares began EPE treatment 5 days after detection of ovulation and received a single dose of cloprostenol sodium 7 days postovulation. EPE was discontinued once half of a cohort of follicles reached a diameter of greater than or equal to35 mm and hCG was administered. Mares receiving 50 mg of EPE once daily developed a greater number (P = 0.008) of preovulatory follicles than the remaining groups of EPE-treated mares, and more (P = 0.06) ovulations were detected for mares receiving 25 mg EPE twice daily compared to those receiving either 25 mg EPE once daily and 12.5 mg EPE twice daily. Embryo recovery per mare was greater (P = 0.05) in the mares that received 12.5 mg EPE twice daily than those that received 25 mg EPE once daily. In Experiment 2, 20 randomly selected mares received either 25 mg EPE twice daily beginning 5 days after a spontaneous ovulation. or two doses of a GnRH-a agonist upon detection of a follicle greater than or equal to35 mm and 25 mg EPE twice daily beginning 5 days after ovulation. Twenty-four hours after administration of hCG, oocytes were recovered by transvaginal aspiration from all follicles greater than or equal to35 mm. No differences were observed between groups in the numbers of preovulatory follicles generated (P = 0.54) and oocytes recovered (P = 0.40) per mare. In Experiment 3, 18 mares were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups. Then, 6-11 days after ovulation, mares were administered a dose of PGF(2gamma) and concomitantly began twice-daily treatments with EPE given in successively declining doses, or a dose of PGF(2alpha), but no EPE treatment. Mares administered EPE developed a higher (P = 0.0004) number of follicles :35 mm, experienced more (P = 0.02) ovulations, and yielded a greater (P = 0.0006) number of embryos than untreated mares. In summary, doubling the dose of EPE generated a greater ovarian response, while increasing the frequency of treatment, but not necessarily the dose. improved embryo collection. Additionally, pretreatment with a GnRH-a prior to ovarian stimulation did not enhance the response to EPE or oocyte recovery rates. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a taxa de maturação nuclear in vitro de oócitos provenientes de gatas doméstica púbere e pré-púbere. Foram utilizadas 15 fêmeas felinas, 10 púberes e 5 pré-púberes; sendo os oócitos obtidos por aspiração quantificados e classificados. Os oócitos classificados como excelentes e regulares foram reunidos em grupos de 10, em meio de cultura, recobertos em óleo mineral em Placas de Petri siliconizadas e descartáveis. Após permanência em estufa, a 38°C e 5% de CO2 por 48 horas, os oócitos foram submetidos a duas lavagens com solução de hialuronidase a 0,4%, fixados em metanol/acido acético e corados com orceína acética. A avaliação da configuração cromossômica de oócitos maturados in vitro resultou em 44,68% das células em metáfase II no grupo das fêmeas púberes e 25,32% no grupo das doadoras pré-púberes, indicando que a puberdade influencia a capacidade dos oócitos se desenvolverem in vitro.