971 resultados para amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP)


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TRFLP (terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism) was used to assess whether management practices that improved disease suppression and/or yield in a 4-year ginger field trial were related to changes in soil microbial community structure. Bacterial and fungal community profiles were defined by presence and abundance of terminal restriction fragments (TRFs), where each TRF represents one or more species. Results indicated inclusion of an organic amendment and minimum tillage increased the relative diversity of dominant fungal populations in a system dependant way. Inclusion of an organic amendment increased bacterial species richness in the pasture treatment. Redundancy analysis showed shifts in microbial community structure associated with different management practices and treatments grouped according to TRF abundance in relation to yield and disease incidence. ANOVA also indicated the abundance of certain TRFs was significantly affected by farming system management practices, and a number of these TRFs were also correlated with yield or disease suppression. Further analyses are required to determine whether identified TRFs can be used as general or soil-type specific bio-indicators of productivity (increased and decreased) and Pythium myriotylum suppressiveness.


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Bacteria play an important role in many ecological systems. The molecular characterization of bacteria using either cultivation-dependent or cultivation-independent methods reveals the large scale of bacterial diversity in natural communities, and the vastness of subpopulations within a species or genus. Understanding how bacterial diversity varies across different environments and also within populations should provide insights into many important questions of bacterial evolution and population dynamics. This thesis presents novel statistical methods for analyzing bacterial diversity using widely employed molecular fingerprinting techniques. The first objective of this thesis was to develop Bayesian clustering models to identify bacterial population structures. Bacterial isolates were identified using multilous sequence typing (MLST), and Bayesian clustering models were used to explore the evolutionary relationships among isolates. Our method involves the inference of genetic population structures via an unsupervised clustering framework where the dependence between loci is represented using graphical models. The population dynamics that generate such a population stratification were investigated using a stochastic model, in which homologous recombination between subpopulations can be quantified within a gene flow network. The second part of the thesis focuses on cluster analysis of community compositional data produced by two different cultivation-independent analyses: terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis, and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis. The cluster analysis aims to group bacterial communities that are similar in composition, which is an important step for understanding the overall influences of environmental and ecological perturbations on bacterial diversity. A common feature of T-RFLP and FAME data is zero-inflation, which indicates that the observation of a zero value is much more frequent than would be expected, for example, from a Poisson distribution in the discrete case, or a Gaussian distribution in the continuous case. We provided two strategies for modeling zero-inflation in the clustering framework, which were validated by both synthetic and empirical complex data sets. We show in the thesis that our model that takes into account dependencies between loci in MLST data can produce better clustering results than those methods which assume independent loci. Furthermore, computer algorithms that are efficient in analyzing large scale data were adopted for meeting the increasing computational need. Our method that detects homologous recombination in subpopulations may provide a theoretical criterion for defining bacterial species. The clustering of bacterial community data include T-RFLP and FAME provides an initial effort for discovering the evolutionary dynamics that structure and maintain bacterial diversity in the natural environment.


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Metanogeenit ovat hapettomissa oloissa eläviä arkkien pääryhmään kuuluvia mikrobeja, joiden ainutlaatuisen aineenvaihdunnan seurauksena syntyy metaania. Ilmakehässä metaani on voimakas kasvihuonekaasu. Yksi suurimmista luonnon metaanilähteistä ovat kosteikot. Pohjoisten soiden metaanipäästöt vaihtelevat voimakkaasti eri soiden välillä ja yhden suon sisälläkin, riippuen muun muassa vuodenajasta, suotyypistä ja kasvillisuudesta. Väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin metaanipäästöjen vaihtelun mikrobiologista taustaa. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suotyypin, vuodenajan, tuhkalannoituksen ja turvesyvyyden vaikutusta metanogeeniyhteisöihin sekä metaanintuottoon kolmella suomalaisella suolla. Lisäksi tutkittiin ei-metanogeenisia arkkeja ja bakteereita, koska ne muodostavat metaanin tuoton lähtöaineet osana hapetonta hajotusta. Mikrobiyhteisöt analysoitiin DNA- ja RNA-lähtöisillä, polymeraasiketjureaktioon (PCR) perustuvilla menetelmillä. Merkkigeeneinä käytettiin metaanin tuottoon liittyvää mcrA-geeniä sekä arkkien ja bakteerien ribosomaalista 16S RNA-geeniä. Metanogeeniyhteisöt ja metaanintuotto erosivat huomattavasti happaman ja vähäravinteisen rahkasuon sekä ravinteikkaampien sarasoiden välillä. Rahkasuolta löytyi lähes yksinomaan Methanomicrobiales-lahkon metanogeeneja, jotka tuottavat metaania vedystä ja hiilidioksidista. Sarasoiden metanogeeniyhteisöt olivat monimuotoisempia, ja niillä esiintyi myös asetaattia käyttäviä metanogeeneja. Vuodenaika vaikutti merkittävästi metaanintuottoon. Talvella havaittiin odottamattoman suuri metaanintuottopotentiaali sekä viitteitä aktiivisista metanogeeneista. Arkkiyhteisön koostumus sen sijaan vaihteli vain vähän. Tuhkalannoitus, jonka tarkoituksena on edistää puiden kasvua ojitetuilla soilla, ei merkittävästi vaikuttanut metaanintuottoon tai -tuottajiin. Ojitetun suon yhteisöt kuitenkin muuttuivat turvesyvyyden mukaan. Vertailtaessa erilaisia PCR-menetelmiä todettiin, että kolmella mcrA-geeniin kohdistuvalla alukeparilla havaittiin pääosin samat ojitetun suon metanogeenit, mutta lajien runsaussuhteet riippuvat käytetyistä alukkeista. Soilla havaitut bakteerit kuuluivat pääjaksoihin Deltaproteobacteria, Acidobacteria ja Verrucomicrobia. Lisäksi löydettiin Crenarchaeota-pääjakson ryhmiin 1.1c ja 1.3 kuuluvia ei-metanogeenisia arkkeja. Tulokset ryhmien esiintymisestä hapettomassa turpeessa antavat lähtökohdan selvittää niiden mahdollisia vuorovaikutuksia metanogeenien kanssa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että metanogeeniyhteisön koostumus heijastaa metaanintuottoon vaikuttavia kemiallisia tai kasvillisuuden vaihteluita kuten suotyyppiä. Soiden metanogeenien ja niiden fysiologian parempi tuntemus voi auttaa ennustamaan ympäristömuutosten vaikutusta soiden metaanipäästöihin.


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Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-gamma 2 (PPARG2) is a nuclear hormone receptor of ligand-dependent ranscription factor involved in adipogenesis and a molecular target of the insulin sensitizers thiazolidinediones. We addressed the question of whether the 3 variants (-1279G/A, Pro12Ala, and His478His) in the PPARG2 gene are associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and its related traits in a South Indian population. The study subjects (1000 type 2 diabetes mellitus and 1000 normal glucose-tolerant subjects) were chosen randomly from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study, an ongoing population-based study in southern India. The variants were screened by single-stranded conformational variant, direct sequencing, and restriction fragment length polymorphism. Linkage disequilibrium was estimated from the estimates of haplotypic frequencies. The -1279G/A, Pro12Ala, and His478His variants of the PPARG2 gene were not associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, the 2-loci analyses showed that, in the presence of Pro/Pro genotype of the Pro12Ala variant, the -1279G/A promoter variant showed increased susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus (odds ratio, 2.092; 95% confidence interval, 1.22-3.59; P = .008), whereas in the presence of 12Ala allele, the -1279G/A showed a protective effect against type 2 diabetes mellitus (odds ratio, 0.270; 95% confidence interval, 0.15-0.49; P < .0001). The 3-loci haplotype analysis showed that the A-Ala-T (-1279G/A-Pro12Ala-His478His) haplotype was associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (P < .0001). Although our data indicate that the PPARG2 gene variants, independently, have no association with type 2 diabetes mellitus, the 2-loci genotype analysis involving -1279G/A and Pro12Ala variants and the 3-loci haplotype analysis have shown a significant association with type 2 diabetes mellitus in this South Indian population. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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[EN] Background: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism of PCR products (PCR-RFLP) are extensively used molecular biology techniques. An exercise for the design and simulation of PCR and PCR-RFLP experiments will be a useful educational tool. Findings: An online PCR and PCR-RFLP exercise has been create that requires users to find the target genes,compare them, design primers, search for restriction endonucleases, and finally to simulate the experiment. Each user of the service is randomly assigned a gene from Escherichia coli; to complete the exercise, users must design an experiment capable of distinguishing among E. coli strains. By applying the experimental procedure to all completely sequenced E. coli, a basic understanding of strain comparison and clustering can also be acquired. Comparison of results obtained in different experiments is also very instructive. Conclusions: The exercise is freely available at http://insilico.ehu.es/edu.


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Background: The aim of this study is to examine the influence of the catechol-O-methyltranferase (COMT) gene (polymorphism Val158 Met) as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment of amnesic type (MCI), and its synergistic effect with the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE). A total of 223 MCI patients, 345 AD and 253 healthy controls were analyzed. Clinical criteria and neuropsychological tests were used to establish diagnostic groups. The DNA Bank of the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) (Spain) determined COMT Val158 Met and APOE genotypes using real time polymerase chain reaction (rtPCR) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLPs), respectively. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to determine the risk of AD and MCI. Results: Neither COMT alleles nor genotypes were independent risk factors for AD or MCI. The high activity genotypes (GG and AG) showed a synergistic effect with APOE epsilon 4 allele, increasing the risk of AD (OR = 5.96, 95% CI 2.74-12.94, p < 0.001 and OR = 6.71, 95% CI 3.36-13.41, p < 0.001 respectivily). In AD patients this effect was greater in women. In MCI patients such as synergistic effect was only found between AG and APOE epsilon 4 allele (OR = 3.21 95% CI 1.56-6.63, p = 0.02) and was greater in men (OR = 5.88 95% CI 1.69-20.42, p < 0.01). Conclusion: COMT (Val158 Met) polymorphism is not an independent risk factor for AD or MCI, but shows a synergistic effect with APOE epsilon 4 allele that proves greater in women with AD.


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Os INDELs são polimorfismos de comprimento, gerados a partir de inserções e/ou deleções de um ou mais nucleotídeos. Os marcadores INDELs, que estão amplamente distribuídos pelo genoma e se caracterizam pela alta estabilidade devido à baixa taxa mutacional (10-9), podem ser analisados a partir da amplificação por PCR (Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase). A facilidade de análise e a possibilidade de construção de sistemas multiplex capazes de gerar amplicons curtos (menores que 100 pb) tornam os INDELs uma importante ferramenta para identificação humana por DNA. Para avaliar a eficiência e validar a metodologia que emprega os polimorfismos de inserção/deleção na identificação humana, utilizamos o sistema Indel-plex ID, capaz de amplificar simultaneamente 38 loci INDELs bialélicos de cromossomos autossomos. Diferentes amostras biológicas (cabelo, saliva, sangue, sêmen e urina) foram genotipadas apresentando reprodutibilidade entre todas as tipagens. A concentração mínima de DNA necessária para amplificação dos 38 loci INDELs foi de 0,5 ng. Artefatos do tipo split peaks foram observados em algumas amostras. Os produtos da PCR foram purificados em resina Sephadex proporcionando melhores condições de análise, redução de artefatos e aumento na intensidade média de fluorescência dos alelos amplificados. A eficiência do sistema Indel-plex ID na amplificação de DNA degradado foi verificada durante as análises das amostras de DNA extraídas de restos mortais (ossos e dentes). Comparativamente ao sistema Identifiler, o Indel-plex ID, se mostrou mais eficiente em termos de número de loci genotipados e qualidade de amplificação. Nas investigações de vínculos genéticos realizadas com o sistema Indel-plex ID foi possível corroborar resultados anteriores obtidos pela análise de marcadores STR. Nas análises com amostras in vivo foram obtidos valores máximos de Probabilidades de Paternidade de 99,99998%. Para casos envolvendo supostos pais falecidos, o sistema Indel-plex ID reforçou resultados obtidos com o sistema Identifiler e Minifiler. A Probabilidade de Paternidade de 99,953%, obtida com o sistema Indel-plex ID, conjugada com a Probabilidade de Paternidade de 99,957%, obtida como o sistema Minifiler, possibilitou um índice final de 99,99998%. Os resultados evidenciaram que os loci INDELs do sistema Indel-plex ID são altamente informativos, constituindo uma ferramenta importante em estudos de identificação humana e de relações de parentesco


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A tuberculose multirresistente (MR) a drogas é uma séria ameaça à saúde pública devido à maiores complexidade, custo e efeitos colaterais do tratamento. Poucos estudos descreveram a epidemiologia molecular de isolados de Mycobacterium tuberculosis MR no Brasil. Neste trabalho foi investigada a diversidade genética e mutações associadas à resistência a drogas de 99 isolados MR e 7 não MR coletados em um período de 8 anos e provenientes de 12 estados brasileiros. Esta investigação foi feita através da análise do polimorfismo de fragmentos de restrição do elemento de inserção IS6110 (IS6110-RFLP), spoligotyping e sequenciamento de regiões dos genes rpoB e katG que conferem resistência aos antibióticos rifampicina e isoniazida, respectivamente. Mutações nos genes katG e rpoB foram encontradas em 90,9% e 93% dos isolados MR analisados, respectivamente. Para o gene rpoB, 91,9% das mutações estavam contidas na região RRDR de 81-pb. Um total de 51 (51.5%), 23 (23.3%) e 11 (11.1%) isolados MR apresentaram mutações nos códons 531, 526 e 516, respectivamente. Com relação ao gene katG, foram encontradas mutações em 93% dos isolados MR analisados, sendo que 7 apresentaram mutações apenas na primeira região analisada (katG1). O codon 315 da segunda região analisada do gene katG (katG2) apresentou mutações em 82.8% dos isolados MR, sendo a maioria Ser315Thr. A região katG1 apresentou mutações em 30.3% dos isolados MR sendo a maioria deleção do códon 4. Pelo spoligotyping foi possível determinar que os isolados MR deste estudo pertencem a 5 diferentes famílias (com suas subfamílias) de M. tuberculosis circulantes no Brasil, onde as mais frequentemente encontradas foram: LAM (46%), T (17%) e H (12%). Nós observamos que uma das famílias, a EAI5, carrega mutações no códon 463 do gene katG, o que não ocorre para as demais. Além disso, entre nossos isolados foi identificada um isolado pertencente à cepa Beijing (extremamente virulenta), mas este fato não é alarmante já que se tratou de apenas um caso. Através de nossos dados foram descritos novos alelos mutados para os genes rpoB e katG. Com exceção da família X2, foi identificada uma região inicial do gene katG com alta frequência de mutações nos isolados MR. A análise por IS6110-RFLP revelou que 25 isolados formaram 11 grupos genotípicos enquanto 74 mostraram um padrão único de bandas. Esta alta taxa de polimorfismo indica aquisição independente de resistência entre nossos isolados. Para a família H, foi identificada uma inversão na freqüência de ocorrência de mutações no gene rpoB, sendo o códon 516 o mais mutado, seguido pelo 526 e 531. Os resultados deste estudo fornecem informações úteis para um melhor entendimento do espectro de mutações dos isolados MR de pacientes no Brasil. Nossos resultados também se tornam úteis no desenvolvimento de testes diagnósticos de tuberculose MR e para auxiliar no rastreamento da transmissão global desta doença.


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mtDNA genotypes of six domestic horses (three adult short horses whose heights are under 1 m and three common domestic horses) from a small region of 15 km(2) in Malipo county of Yunnan province of China were investigated by the technique of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) with restriction endonucleases which recognize 6-bp sequences. An average of fragments for an individual was obtained. Unlike other domestic animals, this population of horses exhibits high mtDNA genetic diversity. Each of the six horses has a specific mtDNA genotype showing a pattern of multiple maternal origins, as suggested by fossil and literature records. We think the population of horses is an amazing seed-resource pool of horses and hence deserves to be paid more attention from the view of conservation genetics. However it is also remarkable that we did not find any typical mtDNA genetic markers which would discriminate between short horses and common domestic horses.


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Ten restriction endonucleases were used to investigate the mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (mtDNA RFLP) of 11 native cattle breeds and one cultivated cattle breed in South China. Twenty-three restriction morphs were detected, which can be sorted into five haplotypes, A phylogenetic tree of the haplotypes was constructed by using the 'upgma' method. Our study showed that haplotype I and II are identical to the zebu (Bos indicus) and taurine (Bos taurus) haplotypes, respectively. Zebu and taurine were the two major origins of cattle populations in South China, and the zebu probably had more influence on the native cattle population than taurine did. Haplotype III is identical to haplotype I of yak (Bos grunniens), which was only detected in the Diqing cattle breed. Haplotype IV was detected for the first time. This haplotype, found only in Dehong cattle, might be from an independent domestication event, probably from another Bos indicus population. Divergence of haplotypes I and IV occurred about 268,000-535 000 years ago, much earlier than the 10,000-year history of cattle husbandry. Our results also suggest a secondary introgression of mtDNA from yak to Diqing cattle.


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A polymerase chain reaction-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) approach is used to examine Sarcocystis cruzi-like taxa from the atypical intermediate host, water buffalo, in Yunnan, People's Republic of China. The loci examined lie with


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Classical cultivation and molecular methods based on the ammonia monooxygenase gene (amoA) were used to study the abundance and diversity of beta-proteobacterial ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in lake sediments. The eutrophic and oligotrophic basins of a Chinese shallow lake (Lake Donghu), in terms of ammonium (NH4+) concentrations, were sampled. The AOB number was significantly lower in the oligotrophic basin, but significantly higher in the eutrophic basin. In addition, using restriction fragment length polymorphism targeting the amoA, ten restriction patterns including six unique ones were found in the eutrophic basin, while five patterns were observed in the oligotrophic basin with only one unique restriction group. Phylogenetic analysis for AOB revealed that Nitrosomonas oligotropha- and Nitrosomonas ureae-related AOB and Nitrosospira-affiliated AOB were ubiquitous; the former dominated in the eutrophic basin (87.2%), while the latter dominated in the oligotrophic basin (65.5%). Furthermore, Nitrosomonas communis-related AOB was only detected in the eutrophic basin, at a small proportion (3.2%). These results indicate significant selection and adaptation of sediment AOB in lakes with differing trophic status. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The bacterial diversity of activated sludge from submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) was investigated. A 16S rDNA clone library was generated, and 150 clones were screened using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Of the screened clones, almost full-length 16S rDNA sequences of 64 clones were sequenced. Phylogenetic tree was constructed with a database containing clone sequences from this study and bacterial rDNA sequences from NCB1 for identification purposes. The 90.6% of the clones were affiliated with the two phyla Bacteroidetes (50%) and Proteobacteria (40%), and beta-, -gamma-, and delta-Proteobacteria accounted for 7.8%, 28.1%, and 4.7%, respectively. Minor portions were affiliated with the Actinobacteria and Firmicutes (both 3.1%). Only 6 out of 64 16S rDNA sequences exhibited similarities of more than 97% to classified bacterial species, which indicated that a substantial fraction of the clone sequences were derived from unknown taxa. Rarefaction analysis of operational taxonomic units (orrUs) clusters demonstrated that 150 clones screened were still insufficient to describe the whole bacterial diversity. Measurement of water quality parameter demonstrated that performance of the SMBR maintained high level, and the SMBR system remained stable during this study.


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Three Rana grylio virus (RGV) isolates and lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV-C) were molecularly characterized by antigenicity comparison, Western blot detection of viral polypeptides, restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of viral genomes, and MCP sequence analysis. Significant antigenicity differences existed among the three RGV isolates and LCDV-C. Western blot detection indicated that the viral polypeptides of three RGV isolates could be recognized by the anti-RGV9807 serum, whereas no bands were observed in the LCDV-C, and significant differences exist among the band patterns of three RGV isolates. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was performed by digesting genomic DNA of the four iridovirus isolates with restriction endonucleases HindIII, KpnI, XbaI and BamHI. On the whole, obvious discrepancies existed between LCDV-C and RGV isolates, and some significant band pattern differences were also revealed between RGV9808 and RGV9506 (or RGV9807) in the profiles of restriction endonucleases Xbal, Kpn I and BamHI. PCR amplification and sequence analysis of MCP gene sequence further revealed their phylogenetic relationship among the three RGV isolates, LCDV-C and other iridoviruses. RGV9506, RGV9807 and RGV9808 are clustered together with other ranaviruses, such as FV3, BIV, TFV and ENHV, although the RGV9808 is more close to EHNV than to other ranaviruses. Additionally, LCDV-C is clustered with LCDV-1, the type species of genus Lymphocystisvirus. The current study provides clear evidence that significant genetic difference exists among the three RGV isolates. Therefore, further work on comparative genomic studies will contribute significantly to understanding of their taxonomic position and pathological mechanism. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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自养硝化过程在自然界氮素循环和污水处理系统脱氮过程中起着关键作用。因此,了解有机碳对硝化的影响和硝化菌与异养菌之间的竞争对微生物生态学和污水处理系统设计都很重要。目前对氨氧化到硝酸盐氮过程的研究文献很多,但对亚硝酸盐氧化过程在异养菌的存在下如何受到有机碳影响的研究甚少。本文从生理生化指标、基因组学、蛋白组学三方面考察了在实验室条件下有机碳(乙酸钠)对硝化细菌和异养菌组成的混合菌群的硝化性能、菌群结构及代谢功能的变化的影响。 全文分为两大部分: 第一部分为乙酸钠对游离态硝化混合菌群的硝化性能和菌群结构的短期影响。混合菌株先在自养条件下进行连续培养,两个月后硝化速率达到20 mg N/(L·d);而后离心收集菌体进行批式实验。在批式反应器中,初始亚硝氮均为126mg N/ L,乙酸钠-C 与亚硝酸盐-N 的比分别为0,0.44,0.88,4.41,8.82。结果表明:在低C/N 比(0.44 和0.88)时,亚硝酸盐去除速率比C/N=0 下高,细菌呈现一次生长;而在高C/N 比(4.41 和8.82)时,出现连续的硝化反硝化,亚硝酸盐去除率仍比对照下高,细菌呈现二次生长。不同C/N 比下微生物群落明显不同,优势菌群从自养和寡营养细菌体系(包括亚硝酸盐氧化菌,拟杆菌门,α-变形菌纲,浮霉菌门和绿色非硫细菌下的一些菌株)过渡到异养和反硝化菌体系 (γ-变形菌纲的菌株尤其是反硝化菌Pseudomonas stutzeri 和P. nitroreducens 占主导)。 第二部分为乙酸钠对硝化混合菌群生物膜的硝化性能和菌群结构的长期影响。接种富集的硝化混合菌群于装有组合式填料的三角瓶中,于摇床中自养培养;两个月后填料上形成生物膜的硝化速率达到20 mg N/ (L·d);而后进行长期实验,每12 小时更换混合营养培养基(亚硝氮约200 mg N/ L,C/N 比同上)。结果显示:相较于C/N 比=0 时的亚硝酸盐氧化反应来说,低C/N 比出现了部分的反硝化,而高C/N 比则是几乎完全的反硝化。与对照比,C/N=0.44 时亚硝酸盐氧化速率并未受乙酸钠的影响,反而上升了,但C/N=0.88 时亚硝酸盐氧化速率有所下降。菌群结构分析表明自养对照与混合营养下微生物群落的不同;PCR-DGGE未检测出混合营养下硝化杆菌的存在,而显示异养菌尤其是反硝化菌的大量存 在。荧光定量PCR 结果表明随C/N 比上升,硝化杆菌数量从2.42 × 104 下降到1.34× 103 16S rRNA gene copies/ ng DNA,反硝化菌由0 增加至2.51 × 104 nosZgene copies/ ng DNA。SDS-PAGE 的结果表明不同C/N 比下的蛋白组较为复杂且呈现一定的差异性。 有机碳对亚硝氮氧化及微生物群落的影响很复杂,本文分别讨论了对游离态和生物膜固定态两种状态的混合菌群相应的短期和长期影响研究。研究发现,有机碳并非一定带来硝化的负影响,如果控制在适当的C/N 比范围,有机碳是有利于亚硝氮氧化的。这些发现阐明了有机碳和硝化反硝化的关系,填补了硝化微生物生态学上的空白,对污水处理系统中减少异养菌的影响并提高氮去除率有一定理论指导意义。 Nitrification plays a key role in the biological removal of nitrogen in both nature and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). So, understanding of the effect of organic carbon on nitrification and the competition between nitrifying bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria is important for both microbial ecology and WWTP design and operation. Despite the fact that the nitrification process of ammonia to nitrate has been extensively investigated, it is not known how the process of nitrite oxidization is affected by organic carbon when heterotrophic bacteria are present. By measuring different physiological and biochemical parameters, as well as using genomic DNA and proteome analysis, we investigated the influence of organic (acetate) on nitrite oxidizing performance, community structure and metabolic function of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria under laboratory conditions. The dissertation involves two parts: Part one deals with the effect of organic matter on functional performance and bacterial community shift of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria under suspended state. The bacteria were prepared in a continuous-flow stirred reactor under autotrophic condition; after two months, the nitrification rate of the culture reached about 20 mg N/ (L·d); then the bacteria were harvested for the next batch experiments. The initial concentrations of nitrite were 126 ± 6 mg N/ L in all flasks, and sodium acetate (C) to nitrite (N) ratios were 0, 0.44, 0.88, 4.41, and 8.82, respectively. The results showed that at low C/N ratios (0.44 or 0.88), the nitrite removal rate was higher than that obtained under autotrophic condition and the bacteria had single growth phase, while at high C/N ratios (4.41 or 8.82), continuous aerobic nitrification and denitrification occurred besides higher nitrite removal rates, and the bacteria had double growth phases. The community structure of total bacteria strikingly varied with the different C/N ratios; the dominant populations shifted from autotrophic and oligotrophic bacteria (NOB, and some strains of Bacteroidetes, Alphaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and green nonsulfur bacteria) to heterotrophic and denitrifying bacteria (strains of Gammaproteobacteria, especially Pseudomonas stutzeri and P. nitroreducens). Part two describes the influence of acetate on nitrite oxidizing performance, community structure and metabolic function of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria in biofilms. Bacterial enrichments was transferred into flasks with polypropylene carriers and cultured under agitated and autotrophic condition. After two month, the biofilms grown on the carriers had a nitrification rate of about 20 mg N/ (L·h); then the biofilms were refreshed with mixotrophic medium (nitrite were 200 mg N/ L in all flasks, and C/N ratios was the same as above) every 12 h. the results show: normal nitrite oxidization reactions were performed when C/N = 0, but nitrite oxidization and partial denitrification occurred with low C/N ratios (0.44 or 0.88). At high C/N ratios (4.41 or 8.82), we mainly observed denitrification. In contrast to C/N = 0, the nitrite oxidization rate was unaffected when C/N = 0.44, but decreased with C/N = 0.88. The structure of bacterial communities varied significantly between autotrophic and mixotrophic conditions. Nitrobacter was hard to detect by PCR-DGGE while heterotrophs and especially denitrifiers were in the majority under mixotrophic conditions. Real-time PCR indicated that the Nitrobacter population decreased from 2.42 × 104 to 1.34 × 103 16S rRNA gene copies/ ng DNA, while the quantity of denitrifiers obviously increased from 0 to 2.51×104 nosZ gene copies/ ng DNA with an increasing C/N ratio. SDS-PAGE indicated the complexity of and a certain difference between the proteome of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria at different C/N ratios. We conclude that the influence of organic matter on nitrite oxidation and the community structure of NOB and heterotrophic bacteria is complex. In this dissertation, we focused on how sodium acetate influenced the system both under suspended state and in biofilms. We observed that acetate did not necessarily have a negative impact on nitrification. Instead, an appropriate amount of acetate benefited both nitrite oxidization and denitrification. These findings provide a greater understanding about the relationship between organics and nitrification; they fill the gaps in the field of microbial ecology of nitrifying bacteria; they also provide insight into how to minimize the negative impact of heterotrophic bacteria and maximize the benefit of nitrogen removal in biological treatment systems.