935 resultados para additional absorption


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This thesis concerns with the main aspects of medical trace molecules detection by means of intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy (ICLAS), namely with the equirements for highly sensitive, highly selective, low price, and compact size sensor. A novel two modes semiconductor laser sensor is demonstrated. Its operation principle is based on the competition between these two modes. The sensor sensitivity is improved when the sample is placed inside the two modes laser cavity, and the competition between the two modes exists. The effects of the mode competition in ICLAS are discussed theoretically and experimentally. The sensor selectivity is enhanced using external cavity diode laser (ECDL) configuration, where the tuning range only depends on the external cavity configuration. In order to considerably reduce the sensor cost, relative intensity noise (RIN) is chosen for monitoring the intensity ratio of the two modes. RIN is found to be an excellent indicator for the two modes intensity ratio variations which strongly supports the sensor methodology. On the other hand, it has been found that, wavelength tuning has no effect on the RIN spectrum which is very beneficial for the proposed detection principle. In order to use the sensor for medical applications, the absorption line of an anesthetic sample, propofol, is measured. Propofol has been dissolved in various solvents. RIN has been chosen to monitor the sensor response. From the measured spectra, the sensor sensitivity enhancement factor is found to be of the order of 10^(3) times of the conventional laser spectroscopy.


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In this thesis, a dual mode tunable gas sensor based on intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy (ICLAS) principle is investigated, both, numerically and experimentally. In order to minimize the cost and size of the gas sensor, relative intensity noise (RIN) is implemented as a detection parameter. Investigation is performed to determine the effect of injection current, operating temperature, mode spacing, and cavity length on RIN. It has been found that it is best to operate the gas sensor at smaller mode spacing and near the threshold current or at larger mode spacing and far above the threshold current for the use of RIN as the readout parameter.


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IntraCavity Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (ICLAS) is a high-resolution, high sensitivity spectroscopic method capable of measuring line positions, linewidths, lineshapes, and absolute line intensities with a sensitivity that far exceeds that of a traditional multiple pass absorption cell or Fourier Transform spectrometer. From the fundamental knowledge obtained through these measurements, information about the underlying spectroscopy, dynamics, and kinetics of the species interrogated can be derived. The construction of an ICLA Spectrometer will be detailed, and the measurements utilizing ICLAS will be discussed, as well as the theory of operation and modifications of the experimental apparatus. Results include: i) Line intensities and collision-broadening coefficients of the A band of oxygen and previously unobserved, high J, rotational transitions of the A band, hot-band transitions, and transitions of isotopically substituted species. ii) High-resolution (0.013 cm-1) spectra of the second overtone of the OH stretch of trans-nitrous acid recorded between 10,230 and 10,350 cm-1. The spectra were analyzed to yield a complete set of rotational parameters and an absolute band intensity, and two groups of anharmonic perturbations were observed and analyzed. These findings are discussed in the context of the contribution of overtone-mediated processes to OH radical production in the lower atmosphere.


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by Karl Uno Ingard.


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This video is for students with specific learning differences that mean that they are entitled to use a computer to type written examinations rather than writing them longhand. It show them how to use the special AER workstations that provide a cut-down version of Microsoft Word and absolutely no access to the Internet.


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PowerPoint Slides relating to theory and use of SPSS. Used in Research Skills for Biomedical Science


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The University's thesis template comes with 6 main chapter sections. If you wish to add more you'll need to perform a few steps, this video shows you how. For best viewing Download the video.


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This is currently a test file


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In addition to handing in the portfolio your are requested to submit one further piece of evidence of your engagement with the course. You can choose from a selection of activities, all of which are relevant to the broader objectives of the module. This document provides a summary list of those activities and links to the more detailed resources. You can find a quick link to all those resources at http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/12372/


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Objetivo: Describir los niveles de vitamina D y calcular prevalencia de déficit de vitamina D en mujeres postmenopáusicas mayores de 50 años que asisten a consulta de medicina general en una muestra en de la ciudad de Bogotá durante el periodo 2013-2014. Pacientes y métodos: Realizamos un estudio descriptivo para estimar el déficit de VD en mujeres postmenopáusicas entre 50 y 80 años en la ciudad de Bogotá y la prevalencia de hipovitaminosis D. Durante el periodo octubre 2013 a octubre 2014 se analizaron 320 muestras, se identificaron las características socio-demográficas, patológicas y la exposición a radiación ultravioleta de cada participante. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables, se estableció su asociación con el déficit de vitamina D su aporte estadístico con al mismo. Resultados :El promedio de edad en la muestra fue de 61 años y el promedio de edad en la que reportaron la ultima menstruación fue a los 43 años. Con respecto a las características socio-demográficas 50% de las mujeres pertenecieron a los estratos 3 y 4, únicamente 11% de los pacientes realizaron una carrera universitaria y 73% de la mujeres fueron amas de casa. Con respecto a los niveles de vitamina D, 81% de los pacientes presentaron niveles anormales y el promedio de 25(OH)D en la población estudio fue de 19,81ng/ml. Conclusión: La prevalencia de déficit de vitamina D en mujeres bogotanas postmenopáusicas es significativo. Se requiere incrementar la exposición solar o dar suplencia con vitamina D para disminuir el riesgo de fracturas.


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Esta dividido en tres secciones: Biología, Química y Física y su contenido completa con material adicional al de otra publicación del mismo título. Cumple con los requisitos exigidos para la obtención del título profesional OCR para mayores de dieciséis años. Cada una de estas secciones se ha ordenado por ítem ó capítulos, con distintos tipos de pruebas de autoevaluación para los alumnos.


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Escrito por Edexcel, da una cobertura completa de las especificaciones 360 Ciencia y proporciona un apoyo a profesores, técnicos y docentes no especializados. El recurso esa estructurado en doce temas: Cada uno tiene una introducción de una página y diez secciones a doble página. Al final de cada tema hay un conjunto de pruebas que ayudan a practicar para los exámenes y un glosario de palabras clave. Acompaña a la publicación un CD-ROM con recursos interactivos.